GB 4943.1:2022 Audio / video, information and communication technology equipment -Part 1 : Safety requirements English
1 Scope
This document include requirements for the safety of electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information and communication technology, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This document does not include requirements for performance or functional characteristics of equipment.
Note 1: Examples of equipment within the scope of this document are given in Annex A.
Note 2: A rated voltage of 600 V is considered to include equipment rated 400/690 V.
This document is also applicable to:
- components and subassemblies intended for incorporation in this equipment. Such components and subassemblies do not need to comply with every requirement of this document, provided that the complete equipment, incorporating such components and subassemblies, does comply;
- external power supply units intended to supply other equipment within the scope of this document;
- accessories intended to be used with equipment within the scope of this document;
- large equipment installed in restricted access areas. For equipment having large machinery aspects, additional requirements may apply; and
- equipment to be used in tropical regions.
This document also includes requirements for audio/video, information and communication technology equipment intended to be installed in an outdoor location. The requirements for outdoor equipment also apply, where relevant, to outdoor enclosures suitable for direct installation in the field and supplied for housing audio/video, information and communication, technology equipment to be installed in an outdoor location. See Annex Y for specific construction requirements.
Each installation may have particular requirements. In addition, requirements for protection of the outdoor equipment against the effects of direct lightning strikes are not covered by this document.
Note 3: For information on this subject, see GB/T 21714.1.
This document assumes a maximum altitude of 5000 m unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
Additional requirements for equipment having the capability to supply DC power over commonly used communication cables, such as USB or Ethernet (PoE), are given in IEC 62368-3. IEC 62368-3 does not apply to:
– equipment supplying power using proprietary connectors; or
– equipment using a proprietary protocol for power selection.
This document specifies safeguards for ordinary persons, instructed persons, and skilled persons. Additional requirements may apply for equipment that is clearly designed or intended for use by children or specifically attractive to children.
Note 4: In Australia, the work conducted by an instructed person or a skilled person may require formal licensing from regulatory authorities.
Note 5: In Germany, in many cases a person may only be regarded as an instructed person or a skilled person if certain legal requirements are fulfilled.
This document does not apply to:
– equipment with non-self-contained hazardous moving parts, such as robotic equipment; and
Note 6: For standards related to robotic equipment in an industrial environment, see GB/ T 5226.1, GB 5226.3, GB 11291.1 and GB 11291.2.
– personal care robots, including mobile servant robots, physical assistant robots, and person carrier robots; and
Note 7: For requirements related to personal care robots, see GB/T 36530.
– power supply systems that are not an integral part of the equipment, such as motor- generator sets, battery backup systems and distribution transformers.
This document does not address:
– manufacturing processes except for routine tests;
– injurious effects of gases released by thermal decomposition or combustion;
– disposal processes;
– effects of transport (other than as specified in this document);
– effects of storage of materials, components, or the equipment itself;
– the likelihood of injury from particulate radiation such as alpha particles and beta particles;
– the likelihood of thermal injury due to radiated or convected thermal energy;
– the likelihood of injury due to flammable liquids;
– the use of the equipment in oxygen-enriched or explosive atmospheres;
– exposure to chemicals other than as specified in Clause 7;
– electrostatic discharge events;
– exposure to electromagnetic fields;
– environmental aspects; or
– requirements for functional safety, except for those related to work cells.
Note 8: For specific functional and software safety requirements of electronic safety-related systems (for example, protective electronic circuits), see GB/T20438.1.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 261 Determination of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method
(GBT 261-2021, ISO 2719 :2016, MOD)
GB/T 528 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tensile stress-strain properties (GB/T 528-2009, ISO 37 : 2005, IDT)
GB/T 1002 Single phase plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Types basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 1003 Three phases plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Types, basic parameters and dimensions
Note: The consistency between GB/T 1040 (all parts) and ISO 527 (all parts) is as follows:
GB/T 1043.1 Plastics - Determination of charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non - instrumented impact test (GB/T 1043.1-2008, ISO 179-1 :2000, IDT)
GB/T 1094.14 Power transformer - Part 14: Liquid-immersed power transformer using high-temperature insulation materials (GB/T 1094.14-2022, IEC 60076-14 : 2013, MOD)
GB/T 1408.1 Insulating materials - Test methods for electric strength - Part 1: Test at power frequencies (GB/T 1408.1-2016, IEC 60243-1 : 2013, IDT)
GB/T 1633 Plastics - Thermoplastic materials - Determination of Vicat sofening temperature (VST) (GB/T 1633 - 2000, ISO 306 : 1994, IDT)
GB/T 1843 Plastics - Determination of izod impact strength (GB/T 1843-2008, ISO 180 :2000, IDT)
GB/T 2099.1 Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1:General requirements (GB T 2099.1 - 2021, IEC 60884-1 :2013, MOD)
GB/T 2423.3 Environmental testing - Part 2: Testing method - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state (GB T 2423.3 - 2016, IEC 60068-2-78 : 2012, IDT)
GB/T 2423.10 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Tests methods - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) (GBT 2423.10-2019, IEC 60068-2-6 : 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.17 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Ka: Salt mist (GB/T 2423.17-2008, IEC 60068-2-11 : 1981, IDT)
GB 2536 Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear (GB 2536-2011, IEC 60296 : 2003, MOD)
Terms Subclause
HB75 class material
HBF class foamed material
HF-1 class foamed material
HF-2 class foamed material
V-0 class material
V-1 class material
V-2 class material
VTM-0 class material
VTM-1 class material
VTM-2 class material
3.3.1 Circuit terms
external circuit
electrical circuit that is external to the equipment and is not mains
Note: An external circuit is classified as ES1, ES2 or ES3, and PS1, PS2, or PS3.
AC or DC power distribution system (external to the equipment) that supplies operating power to the equipment and is PS3
Note: Mains include public or private utilities and, unless otherwise specified in this document, equivalent sources such as motor-driven generators and uninterruptible power supplies.
3.3.2 Enclosure terms
electrical enclosure
enclosure intended as a safeguard against electrically-caused injury
enclosure intended as a safeguard against the spread of fire from within the enclosure to outside the enclosure
mechanical enclosure
enclosure intended as a safeguard against mechanically-caused pain and injury
outdoor enclosure
enclosure intended to provide protection from specific conditions in an outdoor location
Note 1: An outdoor enclosure can also perform the functions of another enclosure, for example: a fire enclosure; an electrical enclosure; a mechanical enclosure.
Note 2: A separate cabinet or housing into which the equipment is placed can provide the function of an outdoor enclosure.
3.3.3 Equipment terms
direct plug-in equipment
equipment in which the mains plug forms an integral part of the equipment enclosure
fixed equipment
equipment that is specified in the installation instructions to only be secured in place by a means defined by the manufacturer
Note 1: Equipment that has a screw hole or other means to secure the equipment by an ordinary person, such as for securement to a table or for earthquake protection, is not considered to be fixed equipment.
Note 2: Typically, fixed equipment will be wall, ceiling or floor mounted.
hand-held equipment
movable equipment, or a part of any kind of equipment, that is intended to be held in the hand during normal use
movable equipment
equipment that is either:
- 18 kg or less in mass and is not fixed equipment; or
– provided with wheels, casters, or other means to facilitate movement by an ordinary person as required to perform its intended use
outdoor equipment
equipment that is installed or exposed in an outdoor location, specified by the manufacturer to comply wholly or in part under specific conditions
Note: Transportable equipment, for example, a laptop or notebook computer, or a telephone, is not outdoor equipment unless specified by the manufacturer for continuous use in an outdoor location.
permanently connected equipment
equipment that can only be electrically connected to or disconnected from the mains by the use of a tool
pluggable equipment type A
equipment that is intended for connection to the mains via a non-industrial plug and socket- outlet or via a non-industrial appliance coupler, or both
Examples are plugs and socket-outlets covered by GB/T 1002, GBT 1003 and GBT 17465.1.
pluggable equipment type B
equipment that is intended for connection to the mains via an industrial plug and socket-outlet or via an industrial appliance coupler, or both
Examples are plugs and socket-outlets covered by GB/T 11918.1.
professional equipment
equipment for use in trades, professions or industries and which is not intended for sale to the general public
[SOURCE: GB/T 4365 - 2003, 161-05-05]
stationary equipment
equipment that is either:
- fixed equipment that is specified in the installation instructions to only be secured in place by a means defined by the manufacturer, or
- permanently connected equipment that can only be electrically connected to or disconnected from the mains by the use of a tool, or
- equipment that, due to its physical characteristics, is normally not moved
Note: Stationary equipment is neither movable equipment nor transportable equipment.
transportable equipment
equipment that is intended to be routinely carried
Note: Examples include notebook computers, CD players and portable accessories, including their external power supplies.
wireless power transmitter
equipment that uses electromagnetic fields to transfer electrical power for charging battery operated hand-held devices
3.3.4 Flammability terms
combustible material
material that is capable of being ignited or burned
Note: All thermoplastic materials are considered capable of being ignited or burned regardless of the material flammability class.
material flammability class
recognition of the burning behaviour of materials and their ability to extinguish if ignited
Note: Materials are classified when tested in accordance with GB/T 5169.16, GB/T 5169.17, GB/T 8332 or ISO 9773.
5VA class material
material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified 5VA according to GB/T 5169.17
5VB class material
material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified 5VB according to GB/T 5169.17
HB40 class material
material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified HB40 according to GB/T 5169.16
HB75 class material
material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified HB75 according to GB/T 5169.16
HBF class foamed material
material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified HBF according to GB/T 8332
HF-1 class foamed material
foamed material tested in the thinnest significant thickness used and classified HF-1 according to GB/T 8332