This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization—Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document replaces GB/T 4942.1-2006 Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code)—Classification. In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made compared with GB/T 4942.1-2006:
a) the specified standard of dust protection for machine enclosure in Clause "Scope" is added (see Clause 1 hereof);
b) the definitions of closed machine and open machine are added (see 3.1 and 3.2 hereof);
c) the requirements for drain hole of machine in Clause 5 are modified (see 5.4 hereof; 4.4 of Edition 2006);
d) the protection degree of IPX9 machine protected against high-temperature and high-pressure water jet is added (see 6.2 hereof);
e) the test and acceptance conditions for the first characteristic numeral test (dust test) are modified (see Clause 9 hereof; Clause 8 of Edition 2006);
f) the test and acceptance conditions for the second characteristic numeral test IPX9 are added (see 10.1 hereof);
g) the geometry of fan jet nozzle in Figure 7 is added (see 10.1 hereof)
This document is identical to IEC 60034-5: 2020 Rotating electrical machines—Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code)—Classification
The Chinese documents consistent and corresponding with the normative international document in this document are as follows:
The following editorial changes have been made in this document:
——in order to be consistent with China's technical standard system, the standard name is changed to Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code)—Classification;
——the normative references IEC 60079 (all parts) in Clause 2 is added;
——for easy understanding, the notes in 10.2.3a) are added;
——The Clause “Bibliography” is added.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Electric Rotating Machinery of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 26).
The previous editions of this document and documents replaced by this document are as follows:
This standard was first issued in 1985 with the serial number of GB/T 4942.1-1985 and first revised in 2001 and second revised in 2006;
——This is the third revision.
Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code)—Classification
1 Scope
This document applies to the classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machines. It defines the requirements for protective enclosures that are in all other respects suitable for their intended use and which, from the point of view of materials and workmanship, ensure that the properties dealt with in this document are maintained under normal conditions of use.
This document does not specify degrees of protection against mechanical damage of the machine, or conditions such as moisture (produced for example by condensation), corrosive dust and vapour, fungus or vermin.
This document is also applicable to explosion proof machines, but it does not specify the types of protection for use in a potentially explosive (dust, gas) environment. Those are defined in the IEC 60079 series of standards.
In certain applications (such as agricultural or domestic appliances), more extensive precautions against accidental or deliberate contact may be specified.
This document gives definitions for standard degrees of protection provided by enclosures applicable to rotating electrical machines as regards the:
a) protection of persons against contacts with or approach to live parts and against contact with moving parts (other than smooth rotating shafts and the like) inside the enclosure and protection of the machine against ingress of solid foreign objects;
b) protection of machines against the harmful effects due to ingress of water;
c) protection of machines against the harmful effects due to ingress of dust.
It gives designations for these protective degrees and tests to be performed to check that the machines meet the requirements of this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
IEC Electropedia: available at
ISO Online browsing platform: available at
closed machine
machine where no medium from the surrounding medium, for the purpose of cooling, passes through the machine
[Source: GB/T 2900.25-2008, 411-44-17]
open machine
machine with an open cooling circuit in which the coolant is drawn directly from the surrounding medium passing through the machine and then returning directly to the surrounding medium
[Source: GB/T 2900.25-2008, 411-44-16]
4 Designation
4.1 General
The designation used for the degree of protection consists of the letters IP followed by two characteristic numerals signifying conformity with the conditions indicated in the Tables 2 and 3 of Clauses 5 and 6 respectively.
4.2 Single characteristic numeral
When it is required to indicate a degree of protection by only one characteristic numeral, the omitted numeral shall be replaced by the letter X, for example IPX5 or IP2X.
4.3 Supplementary letters
4.3.1 Additional information may be indicated by a supplementary letter following the second characteristic numeral. If more than one letter is used, the alphabetic sequence shall apply.
4.3.2 In special applications (such as machines with open circuit cooling for ship deck installation with air inlet and outlet openings closed during standstill), numerals may be followed by a letter indicating whether the protection against harmful effects due to ingress of water was verified or tested for the machine not running (letter S) or the machine running (letter M). In this case, the degree of protection in either state of the machine shall be indicated, for example IP55S/IP20M.
The absence of the letters S and M shall imply that the intended degree of protection will be provided under all normal conditions of use.
4.3.3 For air-cooled open machines suitable for specific weather conditions and provided with additional protective features or processes (as specified in Clause 11), the letter W may be used.
4.4 Example of designation
5 Degrees of protection–First characteristic numeral
5.1 Indication of degree of protection
The first characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection provided by the enclosure to persons and to the parts of the machine inside the enclosure.
Table 2 gives, in the third column, brief details of objects which will be “excluded” from the enclosure for each of the degrees of protection represented by the first characteristic numeral.
The term “excluded” implies that a part of the body, a tool or a wire held by a person, either will not enter the machine or, if it enters, that adequate clearance will be maintained between it and the live parts or dangerous moving parts (smooth rotating shafts and the like are not considered dangerous).
The third column of Table 2 also indicates the minimum size of solid foreign objects which will be excluded.
5.2 Compliance to indicated degree of protection
Compliance of an enclosure with an indicated degree of protection implies that the enclosure will also comply with all lower degrees of protection in Table 2. In consequence, the tests establishing these lower degrees of protection are not required, except in case of doubt.
5.3 External fans
The blades and spokes of fans external to the enclosure shall be protected against contact by means of guards complying with Table 1.
Table 1 Test requirements for guards
Protection of machine Test
IP1X 50 mm sphere test
IP2X to IP6X Finger test
For the test, the rotor shall be slowly rotated, for example by hand when possible.
Smooth rotating shafts and similar parts are not considered dangerous.
5.4 Drain holes
If the machine is provided with drain holes, the following shall apply:
——drain holes intended normally to be open on site shall be kept open during test;
——drain holes are considered as open as long as no breather(s) or plug(s), etc., are mounted in a drain pipe;
——if machines with protection IP3X or IP4X are intended to be run with open drain holes, the drain holes may comply with protection IP2X;
——if machines with protection IP5X are intended to be run with open drain holes, the drain holes shall comply with protection IP4X.
Table 2 Degrees of protection indicated by the first characteristic numeral
First characteristic numeral Degree of protection Test conditions
Brief description a Definition
0 Non-protected machine No special protection No test
1b Machine protected against solid objects greater than 50 mm Accidental or inadvertent contact with or approach to live and moving parts inside the enclosure by a large surface of the human body, such as a hand (but no protection against deliberate access)
Ingress of solid objects exceeding 50 mm in diameter See Table 4
2b Machine protected against solid objects greater than 12 mm Contact with or approach to live or moving parts inside the enclosure by fingers or similar objects not exceeding 80 mm in length
Ingress of solid objects exceeding 12 mm in diameter
3b Machine protected against solid objects greater than 2.5 mm Contact with or approach to live or moving parts inside the enclosure by tools or wires exceeding 2.5 mm in diameter
Ingress of solid objects exceeding 2.5 mm in diameter
4b Machine protected against solid objects greater than 1 mm Contact with or approach to live or moving parts inside the enclosure by wires or strips of thickness greater than 1 mm
Ingress of solid objects exceeding 1 mm in diameter See Table 4
5c Dust-protected machine Contact with or approach to live or moving parts inside the enclosure
Ingress of dust is not totally prevented but dust does not enter in sufficient quantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of the machine See Table 4
6 Dust-tight machines Ingress of dust totally prevented
a The brief description given in the second column of this table cannot be used to specify the type of protection.
b Machines assigned a first characteristic numeral 1, 2, 3 or 4 will exclude both regularly or irregularly shaped solid objects, provided that three normally perpendicular dimensions of the object exceed the appropriate figure in the “Definition” column.
c The degree of protection against dust defined by this document is a general one. When the nature of the dust (dimensions of particles, their nature, for instance fibrous particles) is specified, test conditions can be determined by agreement between manufacturer and user.
6 Degrees of protection–Second characteristic numeral
6.1 Indication of the degree of protection
The second characteristic numeral indicates the degree of protection provided by the enclosure with respect to harmful effects due to ingress of water.
Table 3 gives, in the third column, details of the type of protection provided by the enclosure for each of the degrees of protection represented by the second characteristic numeral.
An air-cooled open machine is weather-protected when its design reduces the ingress of rain, snow and airborne particles, under specified conditions, to an amount consistent with correct operation.
This degree of protection is designated by the letter W placed after the second characteristic numeral.
6.2 Compliance with lower degrees of protection
For second characteristic numerals up to and including 6, compliance of an enclosure with an indicated degree of protection implies that the enclosure will also comply with all lower degrees of protection in Table 3.
In consequence, the tests establishing these lower degrees of protection are not required, except in case of doubt.
For IPX7, IPX8 and IPX9, it shall not be assumed that compliance of the enclosure implies that the enclosure will also comply with all lower degrees of protection in Table 3.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Designation 5 Degrees of protection–First characteristic numeral 6 Degrees of protection–Second characteristic numeral 7 Marking 8 General test requirements 9 Tests for first characteristic numeral 10 Tests for second characteristic numeral 11 Tests and requirements for open weather-protected machines Bibliography