is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This specification was revised by the drafting group according to the requirements of Plan for the development and revision of the fourth batch of professional standards in 2014 (GONGXINTINGKE [2014] No.236) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, through extensive investigation, careful summarization of practical experience, reference to relevant international and foreign advanced standards and extensive solicitation of opinions.
This specification consists of 9 clauses and 2 appendixes.
This specification covers the following main technical content: basic requirements, pipe rack loads and seismic actions, calculation of pipe racks, pipe rack design and construction, and pipe sleeper design.
This specification is a revision of SH/T 3055-2007 Specification for design of pipe supports in petrochemical industry, and the following main technical contents have been revised with respect to this specification:
——The original specification has been comprehensively revised and supplemented according to the relevant national norms promulgated and implemented in recent years;
——The relevant requirements for wind load calculation have been modified;
——The calculation of horizontal thrust has been improved;
——The requirements for seismic design have been improved;
——The original specification has been comprehensively revised and supplemented according to the feedback from relevant units during the implementation of the current national specification and the original specification.
China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC) is in charge of the administration of this standard, Technical Center Station for Architectural Design of China Petrochemical Corporation is responsible for the routine management, and SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation is responsible for the explanation of the specific technical contents. In case of any opinion and suggestion in the process of implementing this standard, please send it to the routine management organization and the chief development organization for the reference of future revision.
This specification was firstly issued in 1993, and this is the second revision.
Specification for design of pipe racks in petrochemical industry
1 Scope
This specification specifies the basic requirements for structure design of pipe racks in petrochemical industry, and requirements for loads and seismic actions, calculation of pipe racks, pipe rack construction and pipe sleeper design.
This specification is applicable to the design of pipe racks and pipe sleepers in petrochemical and coal chemical engineering.
It is not applicable to the design of pipe racks with pipeline themselves as stressed structures and of other large cross-over pipe racks across the rivers.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this specification. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendment) applies.
GB 50007 Code for design of building foundation
GB 50009 Load code for the design of building structures
GB 50010 Code for design of concrete structures
GB 50011 Code for seismic design of buildings
GB 50017 Code for design of steel structures
GB 50046 Code for anticorrosion design of industrial constructions
GB 50160 Fire prevention code of petrochemical enterprise design
GB 51006 Load code for design of buildings and special structures in petrochemical industry
SH 3137 Technical specification of fire protection for steel structures in petrochemical industry
SH 3147 Specification for seismic design of special structures in petrochemical industry
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this specification, the following terms and definitions apply.
pipe rack
generic term of various structures supporting overhead pipelines or cable trays
pipe sleeper
pier structure supporting pipelines or cable trays
sliding pipe rack
pipe rack connected with pipeline support in a sliding or rolling way, with relative displacement allowed between the pipeline and the pipe rack
rigid sliding pipe rack
single-post sliding pipe rack (column) whose horizontal displacement at a changed temperature cannot meet the temperature distortion requirement of the pipeline due to its large longitudinal anti-lateral stiffness, so relative displacement is allowed between the pipeline and the pipe rack
flexible sliding pipe rack
single-post sliding pipe rack (column) whose horizontal displacement at a changed temperature can meet the temperature distortion requirement of the pipeline due to its small longitudinal anti-lateral stiffness, so no relative displacement is generated between the pipeline and the pipe rack
fixed pipe rack, anchor pipe rack
pipe rack connected with pipeline support in a fixed way, with relative displacement not allowed between the pipeline and the pipe rack
4 Main symbols
For the purposes of this specification, the following symbols apply.
4.1 Symbols of action and action effect
Fgk——the standard value for the pipeline axial horizontal thrust borne by the pipe rack (hereinafter referred to as the "axial horizontal thrust");
Fuk——the standard value for the equivalent horizontal thrust of the pipe rack converted along the pipeline axial displacement (hereinafter referred to as the "equivalent horizontal thrust");
——the standard value for the pipeline horizontal thrust generated by the friction between the pipeline and the pipe rack;
Ftk——the standard value for the elastic force of the pipeline compensator;
Gk——the standard value for the load on the pipeline in normal operation;
fa——the characteristic value for the foundation bearing capacity after correction;
pk——the standard value for the average pressure on the foundation bottom;
pkmax——the standard value for the maximum pressure on the edge of the foundation bottom;
w0——the reference wind pressure;
δ——the rack top displacement generated by the unit force acting on the rack top.
4.2 Geometric parameters
d——the outside diameter of the pipeline (including insulation layer);
ld——the half length of the pipeline between adjacent pipe racks in front and back.
4.3 Calculation coefficients
kj——the tie up coefficient;
n——the number of pipelines;
n0——the number of the fixed pipelines;
qvk——the standard value for the vertical evenly distributed load on the pipeline;
∆——the swelling capacity of the main heat pipeline;
μz——the altitude variation coefficient of the wind pressure;
μj——the coefficient of the static friction between steels;
μs——the shape coefficient of the wind load.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Main symbols 5 Basic requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Materials and other requirements 6 Pipe rack loads and seismic actions 6.1 Vertical loads 6.2 Horizontal thrust of pipeline 6.3 Wind loads 6.4 Seismic actions 6.5 Vibration loads 6.6 Combinations of load 7 Calculation of pipe racks 7.1 Single-post pipe racks 7.2 Longitudinal-beam pipe rack 7.3 Cross-over pipe racks 7.4 Special pipe racks 7.5 Pipe racks foundations 8 Construction measures 9 Pipe sleepers Appendix A (Informative) Calculation on basic natural vibration period of structure of single-post pipe rack Appendix B (Informative) Calculation diagrams for single-post pipe rack Explanation of wording in this specification Addition: Explanation of provisions