This specification specifies requirements for design of process plant layout in petrochemical engineering.
This specification is applicable to design of construction, expansion and renovation of process plant layout in petrochemical engineering.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this specification, constitute provisions of this specification. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this specification are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 16297 Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants
GB 50058 Electrical Installations Design Code for Explosive Atmospheres and Fire Hazard
GB 50160 Fire Prevention Code of Petrochemical Enterprise Design
SH/T 3055 Design Specification for Pipe Supports in Petrochemical Engineering
SH/T 3146 Design Specification for Noise Control in Petrochemical Industry
3 General Requirements
3.0.1 The plant layout shall meet the following requirements:
a) Process flow;
b) Safe production;
c) Environmental protection;
d) General layout in the factory;
e) Operation, maintenance, overhaul, construction and fire fighting;
f) Reasonable land use and energy consumption reduction.
3.0.2 Plant layout shall be determined according to the plant position in the general plan of the factory and the relative positions of plant, tank field, system pipe rack and road related to the plant and shall be coordinated with the layout of adjacent plants.
3.0.3 The layout of equipment, buildings and structures in the plant shall meet the following principles:
a) Relative position of equipment and building shall be determined according to perennial frequency wind direction;
b) The equipments restricted by process characteristics or natural conditions may be arranged in buildings.
c) Relation of relative elevation and absolute elevation of the plant over the ground shall be determined according to vertical layout of the plant;
d) The equipments of large load and vibrated equipment shall be arranged reasonably based on the geologic condition;
e) The equipments, buildings and structures should be arranged at one same ground level; when limited by topography, the control room, cabinet room, distribution substation and power substation, laboratory and office shall be arranged at higher ground level; and the process equipment and plant tanks should be arranged at lower ground level.
3.0.4 Equipments shall be arranged in the principle of proper concentration of the process flow order and the same kind of equipments; the equipments should be arranged at both sides of the pipe rack according to the flow order; the equipment for treating corrosive, toxic and sticky materials should be arranged in a centralized manner in accordance with the physical property.
3.0.5 Fire separation of plan layout of equipment and building shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50160.
3.0.6 Layout of electrically-driven equipments and electrical equipments shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard GB 50058.
3.0.7 Equipments with noise should be arranged far away from the densely-populated locations and the noise control shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard SH/T.
3.0.8 Equipments, buildings and structures shall be arranged by zone in accordance with production feature and fire hazard category. The relevant equipments with process requirements may be arranged closely to prevent coking and blocking, control the temperature drop and pressure drop and avoid side reaction, etc.
3.0.9 The roof condenser, bottom reboiler may be directly connected to or placed close to the fractionating tower; the liquid separation tank, buffer tank and intercooler of may be directly connected or placed close to the compressor; moreover, other equipments closely related to the main equipment may be directly connected to or placed close to the main equipment.
3.0.10 Equipments generating harmful gas, dust, effluvial material and radioactive substances should be placed far away from the densely-populated area and shall meet the requirements for environmental protection.
3.0.11 The equipments should be placed in the open air or in the semi-open air and reduce the range of explosion danger zones. The range of explosion danger zones shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard GB 50058.
3.0.12 The spacing between the equipments shall not only comply with requirements for fire protection and explosion protection but shall meet the following requirements:
a) Site and passage required by operation, overhaul, handling and hoisting;
b) Layout of ladders and platforms;
c) Layout of equipment foundation, underground-embedded pipeline, pipe ditch, cable trench and drainage well;
d) Installation of pipeline and instrument.
3.0.13 If the plant is required to be constructed by phase or reserved for development land, the position of the reservation area shall be determined according to the requirements for the general layout of the factory, production nature and the equipment feature.
3.0.14 The layout of equipment in vertical surface shall meet the following requirements:
a) Equipment not required to be elevated by the process flow should be grounded;
b) Tower and vessel pumped by pumps and such equipments as vacuum, gravity flow and solid discharging shall be placed at an appropriate high-rise position in accordance with the requirements of process flow;
c) Equipments may be placed on the structure due to the restricted area of the plant or economic rationality.
3.0.15 The equipment foundation elevation and position and elevation of underground solution vessel shall be determined in combination with vertical layout and pipeline layout of the plant.
3.0.16 The foundation of underground portion shall be determined in such a way not to exceed boundary line of the plant during the determination of position of equipments and buildings and structures.
3.0.17 Overhaul site for equipments at tower area and multilayer structure shall be paved.
3.0.18 During the operation or overhaul, the areas possible to be polluted by the combustible liquid, corrosive medium or the toxic materials shall be set up with cofferdam; the equipment area for treating the corrosive medium shall be paved with anti-corrosion ground. The setting of the cofferdam shall meet the following requirements:
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 General Requirements 4 Layout of Pipe Rack 4.1 Type and Position of Pipe Rack 4.2 Requirements for Layout of Pipe Rack 5 Layout of Common Equipments 5.1 Layout of Tower and Vertical Vessel 5.2 Layout of Reactor 5.3 Layout of Tubular Heat Exchangers 5.4 Layout of Reboiler 5.5 Layout of Air Cooler 5.6 Layout of Heater 5.7 Layout of Horizontal Vessel 5.8 Layout of Plant Tank (Group) 5.9 Layout of Pump 5.10 Layout of Compressor 6 Layout of Buildings and Structures 6.1 Layout of Building 6.2 Layout of Structure 6.3 Layout of Platform and Ladder 7 Layout of Passage 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Arrangement of Passage Explanation of Wording