is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is formulated with a view to implementing the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, protecting environment, guaranteeing human health and standardizing determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons in stationary source emission.
This standard specifies the gas chromatography to determine the total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons in stationary source emission.
This standard is a revision of HJ/T 38-1999 Stationary source emission - Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography.
This standard was issued in 1999 as first edition, the original drafting organization of this part was the Environmental Engineering Research of East China University of Science and Technology. As the first revision, the main contents have been revised as follows:
—— the determination indicators are extended, the total hydrocarbon and methane are added, and the standard name is modified correspondingly;
——the application scope is modified to be only applicable to the determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane total hydrocarbons in the organized stationary source emission, and the determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane total hydrocarbons in the air of unorganized emission monitoring points is shown in HJ 604 Ambient air - Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons - Direct injection - Gas chromatography.
——the definition of nonmethane hydrocarbons is modified and the definition of total hydrocarbons is added;
——the standard gas is changed from the mixture of methane and propane to methane;
——the capillary chromatographic column is added in chromatographic column for analysis;
——the sample acquisition and handling are improved and the bag materials are modified;
——the quality guarantee and quality control requirements are added;
——the single point calibration and annexes are deleted.
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original standard HJ/T 38-1999 Stationary source emission - Determination of nonmethane hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography is abolished.
This standard is formulated under organization of the Department of Science, Technology and Standards and Department of Environment Monitoring of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on December 29, 2017.
This standard is implemented from April 1, 2018.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection is in charge of the interpretation of this standard.
Stationary source emission - Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
1 Application scope
This standard specifies the gas chromatography to determine the total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons in stationary source emission.
This standard is applicable to the determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane total hydrocarbons in the organized stationary source emission.
When the injection volume is 1.0 ml, the detection limit of total hydrocarbon and methane by this method is 0.06 mg/m3 (in terms of methane), and the lower limit of determination is 0.24 mg/m3 (in terms of methane); the detection limit of nonmethane hydrocarbons is 0.07 mg/m3 (in terms of carbon) and the lower limit of determination is 0.28 mg/m3 (in terms of carbon).
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 16157 Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
HJ 732 Emission from stationary sources - Sample of volatile organic compounds - Bags method
HJ/T 397 Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
total hydrocarbons (THC)
the sum of gaseous organic compounds that respond to the flame ionization detector of gas chromatographs under the determination conditions specified in this standard.
nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC)
the sum of other gaseous organic compounds after the removal of methane from the total hydrocarbons under the determination conditions specified in this standard (the results are in terms of carbon, unless otherwise stated).
4 Method and principle
The gas sample is directly injected into a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector to determine the total hydrocarbon and methane contents on the total hydrocarbon column and the methane column, respectively, and the difference is the content of nonmethane hydrocarbons. At the same time, the sample is replaced by hydrocarbon-free air to determine the response of oxygen on the total hydrocarbon column, so as to deduct the interference of oxygen in the sample on the determination of total hydrocarbons.
5 Reagents and materials
Unless otherwise stated, the analytical chemical reagent and distilled water that meet the national standard are used for analysis.
5.1 Hydrocarbon-free air: total hydrocarbon content (including oxygen peak) ≤ 0.40 mg/m3 (in terms of methane); or determined on a methane column, without other peaks except for oxygen peak.
5.2 Methane standard gas: 16.0 μmol/mol, 800 μmol/mol, and the equilibrium gas is nitrogen. It is also possible to customize a suitable standard gas from a qualified manufacturer according to actual work needs.
5.3 Nitrogen: with purity ≥ 99.999%.
5.4 Hydrogen: with purity ≥ 99.99%.
5.5 Air: purified with a purifying pipe.
5.6 Standard dilution gas: high purity nitrogen or hydrocarbon removal nitrogen, with purity ≥99.999%, tested according to the sample determination (Sub-clause 8.3) steps; the determination results of total hydrocarbons shall be lower than the detection limit of standard method.
6 Instruments and apparatus
6.1 Sampling container: syringe of glass materials, with a volume of no less than 100 ml, cleaned and dried for use; bag material meets the relevant requirements of HJ 732, with a volume of no less than 1 L, and it is cleaned with hydrocarbon removal air (Sub-clause 5.1) at least 3 times before use.
6.2 Sampling device: the requirements of the bag sampling device meet the relevant provisions of HJ 732, as shown in Figure 1; the requirements of the glass syringe sampling device meet the relevant provisions of GB/T 16157, as shown in Figure 2.
Foreword i 1 Application scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Method and principle 5 Reagents and materials 6 Instruments and apparatus 7 Sample 8 Analysis steps 9 Result calculation and expression 10 Precision and accuracy 11 Quality assurance and control 12 Precautions
中华人民共和国国家环境保护标准 HJ 38-2017 代替HJ/T 38―1999 固定污染源废气总烃、甲烷和非甲烷 总烃的测定气相色谱法 Stationary source emission―Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons―Gas chromatography