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This standard is formulated in order to control the emission of air pollutants for catering industry in Beijing, improve the living environment and the quality of the atmospheric environment, and guide and promote the technological progress of pollution control in the catering industry, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and Beijing Municipal Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations. 为控制北京市餐饮业大气污染物排放,改善居住环境和大气环境质量,引导和促进餐饮业污染治理技术进步,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》和《北京市大气污染防治条例》,制定本标准。 Compared with the national standard GB18483-2001 Emission of cooking fume (Trial), this standard specifies more information about the emission limits of particulate matter and non-methane hydrocarbons, and makes a more stringent limits of cooking fume emissions. 本标准与国家标准《饮食业油烟排放标准(试行)》(GB18483-2001)相比,增加了颗粒物、非甲 烷总烃两项污染物排放限值,加严了油烟排放限值。 Beijing Provincial Standard 北京市地方标准 DB 11/ 1488-2018 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Catering Industry 餐饮业大气污染物排放标准 1 Scope 范围 This standard specifies the emission control requirements, monitoring requirements and implementation and supervision of standards for air pollutants in catering industry. 本标准规定了餐饮业大气污染物的排放控制要求、监测要求和标准的实施与监督等内容。 This standard is applicable to the control of air pollutant emission in the cooking process of Beijing catering service organizations, and also to the control of air pollutant emission in food manufacturing enterprises that produce cooking fume emissions. 本标准适用于北京市餐饮服务单位烹饪过程的大气污染物排放控制,也适用于产生油烟排放的食品制造企业的大气污染物排放控制。 This standard is not applicable to the control of air pollutants emission from household cooking. 本标准不适用于居民家庭烹饪大气污染物的排放控制。 2 Normative References 规范性引用文件 The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 16157 Determination of Particulates and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source 固定污染源排气中颗粒物和气态污染物采样方法 GB 18483-2001 Emission of Cooking Fume (Trial) 饮食业油烟排放标准(试行) HJ 38 Stationary Source Emission—Determination of Total Hydrocarbons, Methane and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons—Gas chromatography 固定污染源废气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定 气相色谱法 HJ 732 Emission from Stationary Sources—Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds—Bags Method 固定污染源废气 挥发性有机物的采样气袋法 DB11/T 1367 Stationary Source Emission—Determination of Methane/Total Hydrocarbons/Non-methane Hydrocarbons—Portable Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector Method 固定污染源废气 甲烷/总烃/非甲烷总烃的测定 便携式氢火焰离子化检测器法 DB11/T 1485 Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter Emitted from Catering Industry—Manual Gravimetric Method 餐饮业 颗粒物的测定 手工称重法 3 Terms and Definitions 术语和定义 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 catering industry 餐饮业 an industry that uses catering facilities for on-site cooking (including modulation and processing) of food to provide catering services for social life in a certain place 在一定场所,利用餐饮设施对食物进行现场烹饪(包括调制加工),为社会生活提供饮食服务的行业。 3.2 catering service organization 餐饮服务单位 enterprises, institutions and other operators providing catering services for social life, including: (1) independently operated catering service institutions; (2) operating catering departments in guesthouses, hotels, holiday villages and other places; (3) a canteen set up in government organs, public institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units and enterprises for internal staff, students, etc. to have a centralized dining; (4) the collective dining processing service institutions such as the central kitchen 为社会生活提供饮食服务的企业事业单位和其他经营者,主要类型包括:(一)独立经营的餐饮服务机构;(二)宾馆、酒店、度假村等场所内经营性餐饮部门;(三)设于机关、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、企业等供应内部职工、学生等集中就餐的单位食堂;(四)中央厨房等集体用餐加工服务机构。 3.3 particulate matter 颗粒物 the liquid and solid particulate matters formed and discharged through physical or chemical changes of oils and various organic substances and the particulate matters produced by the combustion of cooking fuels in the process of food cooking for the catering service organization. 餐饮服务单位在食物烹饪过程中,油脂、各类有机物质经过物理或化学变化形成并排放的液态和固态颗粒物以及烹饪燃料燃烧产生的颗粒物。 3.4 non-methane hydrocarbons 非甲烷总烃(NMHC) the sum of organic compounds other than methane that respond to the flame ionization detector of hydrogen under the conditions specified by the selected detection method (in carbon), referred to as “NMHC”. 在选用检测方法规定的条件下,对氢火焰离子化检测器有响应的除甲烷外的有机化合物的总和(以碳计)。简称“NMHC”。 3.5 removal efficiency of pollutants 污染物去除效率 the ratio of the mass of the removed pollutant to the mass of the pollutant before purification after treatment by the purification facility, is calculated as a percentage. 经净化设施处理后,被去除的污染物质量与净化前的污染物质量之比值,以百分率计。 3.6 standard condition 标准状态 condition where the temperature is 273 K and the pressure is 101 325 Pa. The emission concentration of air pollutant specified in this standard refers to the concentration in dry flue gas under standard condition. 温度为273K,压力为101 325Pa时的状态,简称“标态”。本标准规定的大气污染物排放浓度均指 标准状态下干烟气中的浓度。 4 Pollutants Emission Control Requirements 污染物排放控制要求 4.1 Emission limit 排放限值 4.1.1 From the execution date of this standard, the maximum allowable emission concentration of cooking fume and particulate matter emitted by the catering service organization shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. 自本标准实施之日起,餐饮服务单位排放的油烟、颗粒物的最高允许排放浓度,应符合表1的规定。 4.1.2 From January 1, 2020, the maximum allowable emission concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons and cooking fume and particulate matter discharged by catering service organization shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. 自2020年1月1日起,餐饮服务单位排放的非甲烷总烃以及油烟、颗粒物的最高允许排放浓度,应符合表1的规定。 Table 1 Maximum Allowable Emission Concentration of Air Pollutants in mg/m3 表1 大气污染物最高允许排放浓度 单位:mg/m3 S.N. 序号 Pollutant 污染物项目 Maximum allowable emission concentration 1 最高允许排放浓度 1 1 Fume 油烟 1.0 2 Particulate matter 颗粒物 5.0 3 Non-methane hydrocarbons 非甲烷总烃 10.0 Note 1: The maximum allowable emission concentration refers to the concentration that the average concentration within any one hour shall not exceed. 注 1:最高允许排放浓度指任何 1 小时浓度均值不得超过的浓度。 4.2 Operating requirements 运行操作要求 4.2.1 The air pollutants produced by the catering service organization shall be emitted through the gas-collecting hood after being treated by the purification equipment. 餐饮服务单位烹饪操作产生的大气污染物应通过集气罩收集经净化设备处理后达标排放。 4.2.2 The projection perimeter of the gas-collecting hood shall be no less than the cooking area. 集气罩的投影周边应不小于烹饪作业区。 4.2.3 The catering service organization that purifies the fumes without any purification equipment shall be treated the same as it discharges beyond the standard. 未经任何净化设备净化排放油烟的餐饮服务单位视同超标排放。 4.2.4 The purification equipment of the catering service organization shall be linked with the exhaust fan, and its rated treatment air volume shall not be less than the designed exhaust air volume (number of stoves × reference air volume, and the reference air volume of a single stove shall be 2000 m3/h). The purification equipment shall be equipped with a system or equipment with operational status monitoring, alarm, recording and inquiring functions. 餐饮服务单位的净化设备应与排风机联动,其额定处理风量不应小于设计排放风量(灶头数×基准风量,单个灶头的基准风量以2000m3/h计)。净化设备应配置具有运行状态监控、报警、记录和 查询功能的系统或装置。 4.2.5 Catering service organization shall select purification equipment with corresponding removal efficiency according to their scale and main pollutants, so as to ensure the emission up to the standard. See Appendix A for the division of catering service organizations, and see Appendix B for the selection of pollutant removal efficiency for purification equipment. 餐饮服务单位应根据其规模、主要污染物等情况,选择相应去除效率的净化设备,以确保达标排放。餐饮服务单位的规模划分参见附录A,净化设备的污染物去除效率选择参见附录B。 4.2.6 The purification equipment of the catering service organization shall be regularly maintained to ensure normal operation, and there is no obvious oil stain at the outlet and the periphery of the exhaust pipe. In principle, the purification equipment shall be cleaned, maintained or replaced at least once a month, and the instructions for use of purification equipment shall be carried out in accordance with their requirements as otherwise specified. 餐饮服务单位的净化设备应定期维护保养、保证正常运行,排气筒出口及周边无明显油污。原则上,净化设备至少每月清洗、维护或更换滤料1次,净化设备使用说明另有规定的按其要求执行。 When the purification equipment is installed or replaced, a mark shall be affixed to the visible location of the equipment, showing the name, contact information and date of the unit providing the installation or replacement service. The catering service organization shall record the daily operation, cleaning and maintenance or replacement of the filter material, and the record book shall be kept for at least one year for future reference. 净化设备安装或更换时,应在设备易见位置粘贴标志,显示提供安装或更换服务的单位名称、联系信息和日期。餐饮服务单位应记录日常运行、清洗维护或更换滤料等情况,记录簿应至少保留一年备查。 5 Monitoring Requirements 监测要求 5.1 Sampling location 采样位置 The catering service organization shall set up a permanent test hole, sampling platform and sewage outlet mark at the exhaust gas outlet. The position of the sampling test hole shall be preferentially selected in the straight pipe section. The flue elbow and the sharply changing part of the section shall be avoided. The inner diameter of the test hole shall be not less than 80 mm. The sampling position shall be set at not less than 3 times the diameter in the downstream direction of the elbow and the reducer, and not less than 1.5 times the diameter in the upstream direction of the above-mentioned components. For the rectangular flue, the equivalent diameter D=2AB/(A+B), where A and B are side lengths. 餐饮服务单位应在废气排放口设置永久性测试孔、采样平台以及排污口标志。采样测试孔位置应优先选择在平直管段,应避开烟道弯头和断面急剧变化部位,测试孔内径应不小于80mm。采样位置应设置在距弯头、变径管下游方向不小于3倍直径,和距上述部件上游方向不小于1.5倍直径处,对矩形烟道,其当量直径D=2AB/(A+B),其中A、B为边长。 5.2 Sampling point 采样点 When the cross-sectional area of the exhaust pipe is less than 0.5m2, only one point is measured, and the median value is taken; if the cross-section area exceeds the above, the relevant provisions of GB/T 16157 shall be followed. 当排气管截面积小于0.5m2时,只测一个点,取动压中位值处;超过上述截面积时,则按GB/T 16157有关规定执行。 5.3 Sampling requirements 采样要求 5.3.1 During monitoring the emission of air pollutants from catering service organizations, the sampling period shall be arranged during operation or cooking. 对餐饮服务单位大气污染物的排放情况进行监测时,应将采样时段安排在经营时段或烹饪作业时段进行。 5.3.2 When collecting non-methane hydrocarbon samples by air bag method, 1 to 3 samples shall be collected continuously, each sample shall be collected for not less than 20 min, and the gas production shall be no less than 10 liters; sample collection, transportation and storage shall be performed in accordance with HJ 732. After the sample gas is delivered to the laboratory, the analysis operation shall be performed in accordance with HJ 38. 当采用气袋法采集非甲烷总烃样品时,应连续采集1至3个样品,每个样品采集时间宜不少于20 分钟,采气量应不小于10升;样品采集、运输和保存按照 HJ 732 的规定执行。样品气体送达实验 室后,分析操作按 HJ 38 规定执行。 Foreword Introduction 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 5 Monitoring Requirements 6 Standard Implementation and Supervision Appendix A (Informative) Division of Scale for Catering Service Organization Appendix B (Informative) Selection of Removal Efficiency of Pollutants for Purification Equipment This standard is formulated in order to control the emission of air pollutants for catering industry in Beijing, improve the living environment and the quality of the atmospheric environment, and guide and promote the technological progress of pollution control in the catering industry, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and Beijing Municipal Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations. 为控制北京市餐饮业大气污染物排放,改善居住环境和大气环境质量,引导和促进餐饮业污染治理技术进步,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》和《北京市大气污染防治条例》,制定本标准。 Compared with the national standard GB18483-2001 Emission of cooking fume (Trial), this standard specifies more information about the emission limits of particulate matter and non-methane hydrocarbons, and makes a more stringent limits of cooking fume emissions. 本标准与国家标准《饮食业油烟排放标准(试行)》(GB18483-2001)相比,增加了颗粒物、非甲 烷总烃两项污染物排放限值,加严了油烟排放限值。 Beijing Provincial Standard 北京市地方标准 DB 11/ 1488-2018 Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Catering Industry 餐饮业大气污染物排放标准 1 Scope 范围 This standard specifies the emission control requirements, monitoring requirements and implementation and supervision of standards for air pollutants in catering industry. 本标准规定了餐饮业大气污染物的排放控制要求、监测要求和标准的实施与监督等内容。 This standard is applicable to the control of air pollutant emission in the cooking process of Beijing catering service organizations, and also to the control of air pollutant emission in food manufacturing enterprises that produce cooking fume emissions. 本标准适用于北京市餐饮服务单位烹饪过程的大气污染物排放控制,也适用于产生油烟排放的食品制造企业的大气污染物排放控制。 This standard is not applicable to the control of air pollutants emission from household cooking. 本标准不适用于居民家庭烹饪大气污染物的排放控制。 2 Normative References 规范性引用文件 The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 16157 Determination of Particulates and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source 固定污染源排气中颗粒物和气态污染物采样方法 GB 18483-2001 Emission of Cooking Fume (Trial) 饮食业油烟排放标准(试行) HJ 38 Stationary Source Emission—Determination of Total Hydrocarbons, Methane and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons—Gas chromatography 固定污染源废气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃的测定 气相色谱法 HJ 732 Emission from Stationary Sources—Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds—Bags Method 固定污染源废气 挥发性有机物的采样气袋法 DB11/T 1367 Stationary Source Emission—Determination of Methane/Total Hydrocarbons/Non-methane Hydrocarbons—Portable Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector Method 固定污染源废气 甲烷/总烃/非甲烷总烃的测定 便携式氢火焰离子化检测器法 DB11/T 1485 Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter Emitted from Catering Industry—Manual Gravimetric Method 餐饮业 颗粒物的测定 手工称重法 3 Terms and Definitions 术语和定义 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 catering industry 餐饮业 an industry that uses catering facilities for on-site cooking (including modulation and processing) of food to provide catering services for social life in a certain place 在一定场所,利用餐饮设施对食物进行现场烹饪(包括调制加工),为社会生活提供饮食服务的行业。 3.2 catering service organization 餐饮服务单位 enterprises, institutions and other operators providing catering services for social life, including: (1) independently operated catering service institutions; (2) operating catering departments in guesthouses, hotels, holiday villages and other places; (3) a canteen set up in government organs, public institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units and enterprises for internal staff, students, etc. to have a centralized dining; (4) the collective dining processing service institutions such as the central kitchen 为社会生活提供饮食服务的企业事业单位和其他经营者,主要类型包括:(一)独立经营的餐饮服务机构;(二)宾馆、酒店、度假村等场所内经营性餐饮部门;(三)设于机关、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、企业等供应内部职工、学生等集中就餐的单位食堂;(四)中央厨房等集体用餐加工服务机构。 3.3 particulate matter 颗粒物 the liquid and solid particulate matters formed and discharged through physical or chemical changes of oils and various organic substances and the particulate matters produced by the combustion of cooking fuels in the process of food cooking for the catering service organization. 餐饮服务单位在食物烹饪过程中,油脂、各类有机物质经过物理或化学变化形成并排放的液态和固态颗粒物以及烹饪燃料燃烧产生的颗粒物。 3.4 non-methane hydrocarbons 非甲烷总烃(NMHC) the sum of organic compounds other than methane that respond to the flame ionization detector of hydrogen under the conditions specified by the selected detection method (in carbon), referred to as “NMHC”. 在选用检测方法规定的条件下,对氢火焰离子化检测器有响应的除甲烷外的有机化合物的总和(以碳计)。简称“NMHC”。 3.5 removal efficiency of pollutants 污染物去除效率 the ratio of the mass of the removed pollutant to the mass of the pollutant before purification after treatment by the purification facility, is calculated as a percentage. 经净化设施处理后,被去除的污染物质量与净化前的污染物质量之比值,以百分率计。 3.6 standard condition 标准状态 condition where the temperature is 273 K and the pressure is 101 325 Pa. The emission concentration of air pollutant specified in this standard refers to the concentration in dry flue gas under standard condition. 温度为273K,压力为101 325Pa时的状态,简称“标态”。本标准规定的大气污染物排放浓度均指 标准状态下干烟气中的浓度。 4 Pollutants Emission Control Requirements 污染物排放控制要求 4.1 Emission limit 排放限值 4.1.1 From the execution date of this standard, the maximum allowable emission concentration of cooking fume and particulate matter emitted by the catering service organization shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. 自本标准实施之日起,餐饮服务单位排放的油烟、颗粒物的最高允许排放浓度,应符合表1的规定。 4.1.2 From January 1, 2020, the maximum allowable emission concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons and cooking fume and particulate matter discharged by catering service organization shall comply with the requirements of Table 1. 自2020年1月1日起,餐饮服务单位排放的非甲烷总烃以及油烟、颗粒物的最高允许排放浓度,应符合表1的规定。 Table 1 Maximum Allowable Emission Concentration of Air Pollutants in mg/m3 表1 大气污染物最高允许排放浓度 单位:mg/m3 S.N. 序号 Pollutant 污染物项目 Maximum allowable emission concentration 1 最高允许排放浓度 1 1 Fume 油烟 1.0 2 Particulate matter 颗粒物 5.0 3 Non-methane hydrocarbons 非甲烷总烃 10.0 Note 1: The maximum allowable emission concentration refers to the concentration that the average concentration within any one hour shall not exceed. 注 1:最高允许排放浓度指任何 1 小时浓度均值不得超过的浓度。 4.2 Operating requirements 运行操作要求 4.2.1 The air pollutants produced by the catering service organization shall be emitted through the gas-collecting hood after being treated by the purification equipment. 餐饮服务单位烹饪操作产生的大气污染物应通过集气罩收集经净化设备处理后达标排放。 4.2.2 The projection perimeter of the gas-collecting hood shall be no less than the cooking area. 集气罩的投影周边应不小于烹饪作业区。 4.2.3 The catering service organization that purifies the fumes without any purification equipment shall be treated the same as it discharges beyond the standard. 未经任何净化设备净化排放油烟的餐饮服务单位视同超标排放。 4.2.4 The purification equipment of the catering service organization shall be linked with the exhaust fan, and its rated treatment air volume shall not be less than the designed exhaust air volume (number of stoves × reference air volume, and the reference air volume of a single stove shall be 2000 m3/h). The purification equipment shall be equipped with a system or equipment with operational status monitoring, alarm, recording and inquiring functions. 餐饮服务单位的净化设备应与排风机联动,其额定处理风量不应小于设计排放风量(灶头数×基准风量,单个灶头的基准风量以2000m3/h计)。净化设备应配置具有运行状态监控、报警、记录和 查询功能的系统或装置。 4.2.5 Catering service organization shall select purification equipment with corresponding removal efficiency according to their scale and main pollutants, so as to ensure the emission up to the standard. See Appendix A for the division of catering service organizations, and see Appendix B for the selection of pollutant removal efficiency for purification equipment. 餐饮服务单位应根据其规模、主要污染物等情况,选择相应去除效率的净化设备,以确保达标排放。餐饮服务单位的规模划分参见附录A,净化设备的污染物去除效率选择参见附录B。 4.2.6 The purification equipment of the catering service organization shall be regularly maintained to ensure normal operation, and there is no obvious oil stain at the outlet and the periphery of the exhaust pipe. In principle, the purification equipment shall be cleaned, maintained or replaced at least once a month, and the instructions for use of purification equipment shall be carried out in accordance with their requirements as otherwise specified. 餐饮服务单位的净化设备应定期维护保养、保证正常运行,排气筒出口及周边无明显油污。原则上,净化设备至少每月清洗、维护或更换滤料1次,净化设备使用说明另有规定的按其要求执行。 When the purification equipment is installed or replaced, a mark shall be affixed to the visible location of the equipment, showing the name, contact information and date of the unit providing the installation or replacement service. The catering service organization shall record the daily operation, cleaning and maintenance or replacement of the filter material, and the record book shall be kept for at least one year for future reference. 净化设备安装或更换时,应在设备易见位置粘贴标志,显示提供安装或更换服务的单位名称、联系信息和日期。餐饮服务单位应记录日常运行、清洗维护或更换滤料等情况,记录簿应至少保留一年备查。 5 Monitoring Requirements 监测要求 5.1 Sampling location 采样位置 The catering service organization shall set up a permanent test hole, sampling platform and sewage outlet mark at the exhaust gas outlet. The position of the sampling test hole shall be preferentially selected in the straight pipe section. The flue elbow and the sharply changing part of the section shall be avoided. The inner diameter of the test hole shall be not less than 80 mm. The sampling position shall be set at not less than 3 times the diameter in the downstream direction of the elbow and the reducer, and not less than 1.5 times the diameter in the upstream direction of the above-mentioned components. For the rectangular flue, the equivalent diameter D=2AB/(A+B), where A and B are side lengths. 餐饮服务单位应在废气排放口设置永久性测试孔、采样平台以及排污口标志。采样测试孔位置应优先选择在平直管段,应避开烟道弯头和断面急剧变化部位,测试孔内径应不小于80mm。采样位置应设置在距弯头、变径管下游方向不小于3倍直径,和距上述部件上游方向不小于1.5倍直径处,对矩形烟道,其当量直径D=2AB/(A+B),其中A、B为边长。 5.2 Sampling point 采样点 When the cross-sectional area of the exhaust pipe is less than 0.5m2, only one point is measured, and the median value is taken; if the cross-section area exceeds the above, the relevant provisions of GB/T 16157 shall be followed. 当排气管截面积小于0.5m2时,只测一个点,取动压中位值处;超过上述截面积时,则按GB/T 16157有关规定执行。 5.3 Sampling requirements 采样要求 5.3.1 During monitoring the emission of air pollutants from catering service organizations, the sampling period shall be arranged during operation or cooking. 对餐饮服务单位大气污染物的排放情况进行监测时,应将采样时段安排在经营时段或烹饪作业时段进行。 5.3.2 When collecting non-methane hydrocarbon samples by air bag method, 1 to 3 samples shall be collected continuously, each sample shall be collected for not less than 20 min, and the gas production shall be no less than 10 liters; sample collection, transportation and storage shall be performed in accordance with HJ 732. After the sample gas is delivered to the laboratory, the analysis operation shall be performed in accordance with HJ 38. 当采用气袋法采集非甲烷总烃样品时,应连续采集1至3个样品,每个样品采集时间宜不少于20 分钟,采气量应不小于10升;样品采集、运输和保存按照 HJ 732 的规定执行。样品气体送达实验 室后,分析操作按 HJ 38 规定执行。 |
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DB11/ 1488-2018, DB11/T 1488-2018, DB11T 1488-2018, DB11/1488-2018, DB11/ 1488, DB11/1488, DB11/T1488-2018, DB11/T 1488, DB11/T1488, DB11T1488-2018, DB11T 1488, DB11T1488 |