is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 156-2007 Standard Voltage and the following changes have been made with respect to GB/T 156-2007:
——The nominal voltage of HVDC transmission system is added, forming a DC transmission voltage grade sequence of ±160, (±200), ±320, (±400), ±500, (±660), ±800 and ±1,100 kV (see Table 6);
——1.2V and 1.5V of DC part in the former standard are deleted, 400V preferred value is added, and 440V is changed to supplementary value; the note - "Because the voltage of the primary and secondary cells is below 2.4V, and the choice of the type of cell to be used in various applications will be based on properties other than the voltage, these values are not included in the table." is added (see Table 7);
——Rated voltage value of generator is deleted (see 4.8).
This standard has been redrafted and modified in relation to IEC 60038:2009 IEC Standard Voltages.
Compared with IEC 60038:2009, this standard has some changes in structure. Because 3.4~3.8 of Chapter 2 are deleted, the clause number after Chapter 2 is reduced by 1 compared with IEC 60038:2009.
Technical differences and their causes between this standard and IEC 60038:2009 are as follows:
——According to China's practical situation, in the Chapter – “Scope”, the nominal voltage is changed from "above 100V" to "above 220V"; the DC voltage is changed from "below 750V" to "below 1,500V"; "applicable to HVDC transmission system" is added; Note 1 describing the reason of international standard value is deleted; new Note 1 is added for the convenience of standard use; this standard only retains 50Hz voltage series (see Chapter 1);
——Considering special standard for permissible deviation of supply voltage (GB/T 12325) and the technical requirements are stricter, the normative reference IEC 60364-5-52 in IEC 60038:2009 is deleted;
——The terms like "supply terminal", "supply voltage", "supply voltage range", "utilization voltage" and "utilization voltage range" are deleted, and the term of "rated voltage (for equipment)" is added (see 2.4);
——230/400V and 400/690V specified in IEC Standard Voltages are modified to 220/380V and 380/660V; in addition, 1,140V used in some application fields is added (see Table 1);
——The last paragraph and note in 4.1 of IEC 60038:2009 are deleted (see 3.1);
——For nominal voltage of related traction systems, 3,000V is deleted for the DC part, and only 25,000V is reserved for AC part (see Table 2);
——For standard voltage of AC three-phase systems and related equipment, most voltage grades are reserved (see Tables 3, 4 and 5), and the nominal voltage of AC three-phase systems above 220kV is added (see Table 5);
——The nominal voltage of HVDC transmission system is added (see 3.6);
——The voltage is changed from "below DC 750V" to "below DC 1,500 V" (see 3.7);
——Supplementary value 42V is added for rated voltage of AC equipment, preferred value 400V is added for rated voltage of DC equipment, and preferred value 440V in IEC 60038 is changed to supplementary value (see Table 7).
The following editorial changes present in this standard:
——Annex A of IEC 60038:2009 is deleted.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Voltages, Current Ratings and Frequencies of Standardization of China (SAC/TC 1).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——GB 156-1980, GB 156-1993, GB 156-2003 and GB/T 156-2007.
Standard Voltages
1 Scope
This standard specifies standard voltage values which are intended to serve:
——As preferred values for the nominal voltage of electrical supply systems, and;
——As reference values for equipment and system design.
This standard is applicable to:
——AC transmission, distribution and utilization systems and equipment for use in such systems with standard frequency 50Hz having a nominal voltage above 220V;
——AC and DC traction systems;
——Equipment with rated voltage below 120V and standard frequency 50Hz (not limited absolutely), and equipment with DC voltage below 1,500V. Such equipment covers batteries (from primary or secondary cells), other power supply devices (AC/DC), electrical equipment (including industrial and communication), and appliances.
——HVDC transmission system.
This standard is not applicable to voltages representing or transmitting signals or measured values.
This standard is not applicable to voltages of internal elements, components and parts used within electrical devices.
Note 1: AC voltage in this standard is the root mean square value and DC voltage is ripple-free DC voltage value.
Note 2: Test voltage, test condition and acceptance standard shall be specified in system and product standards.
2 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
nominal system voltage
given value used for marking or identifying system voltage
highest voltage for which the equipment is specified regarding:
a) The insulation;
b) Other characteristics which may be linked to this highest voltage in the relevant equipment recommendations.
Note: Equipment may only be used on systems having a highest system voltage less than or equal to its highest voltage for equipment.
3 Standard Voltages
3.1 AC systems having a nominal voltage between 220V and 1,000V inclusive and related equipment
The nominal voltage of an AC system in the range from 220V to 1,000V shall be selected from the values given in Table 1. In Table 1, the lower values in the same group of data are the voltages between phases and the higher values are voltages between lines. When only one value is indicated, it refers to the voltage between lines of three-phase three-wire systems.
Table 1 Standard Voltages of AC Systems Having A Nominal Voltage between
200V and 1,000V Inclusive and Related Equipment
In: V
Three-phase four-wire or three-phase three-wire systems
1,000 (1,140a)
a The value of 1,140V is only used in the system of some application fields.
3.2 AC and DC traction systems
The standard voltages of AC or DC traction systems shall be selected from the values given in Table 2.
Table 2 Standard Voltages of AC and DC Traction Systems
In: V
Traction system Lowest voltage of a system Nominal system voltage Highest voltage of a system
DC systems (400)a
1,000 (600)a
1,500 (720)a
AC single-phase systems 19,000 25,000 27,500
Note 1: See GB/T 1402-2010 for other requirements of the voltage of rail transit traction power supply system.
Note 2: See related professional standards for the voltages of other AC and DC traction systems.
a The values indicated shall be considered as non-preferred values. It is recommended that these values should not be used for new systems to be constructed in future.
3.3 AC three-phase systems having a nominal voltage above 1kV and not exceeding 35kV and related equipment
The standard voltages of AC three-phase systems having a nominal voltage above 1kV and not exceeding 35kV shall be selected from the values given in Table 3.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Terms and Definitions 3 Standard Voltages Bibliography