Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters—Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters (Including motor protector)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters—Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters (including motor protector)
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 14048 specifies:
a) the characteristics of the equipment.
b) the conditions applicable to the equipment with reference to:
1) its operation and behavior;
2) its dielectric properties;
3) its degree of protection;
4) its construction including safety measures against electric shock, fire hazard and mechanical hazard.
c) the tests intended for confirming that these conditions have been met, and the methods to be adopted for these tests.
d) the information to be given with the product or in the manufacturer's literature.
This part also specifies the assessment procedure for electromechanical overload protection used in safety applications such as protecting a motor located in explosive atmosphere from the outside atmosphere (See Annex L).
This part is applicable to:
——electromechanical contactors and starters including motor protective switching device (MPSD);
——actuators of contactor relays;
——contacts dedicated exclusively to the coil circuit of this contactor or this contactor relay;
The above-mentioned electrical appliances are connected to distribution circuits, motors circuits and other load circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 000V AC1) or 1 500V DC.
This part does not apply to:
——starters for DC motors;
Note 1: The requirements for DC motor starters are under consideration for the next maintenance cycle.
——auxiliary contacts of contactors and contacts of contactor relays. These are dealt with in GB/T 14048.5-2017.
——starter used downstream to frequency drive;
Note 2: Additional requirements for starter used downstream to frequency drive are under consideration for the next maintenance cycle.
——short-circuit protective device integrated within starters other than MPSDs. This is covered by GB/T 14048.2-2020 and GB/T 14048.3;
——the use of the product with additional measure within explosive atmospheres. These are given in GB/T 3836 series;
——embedded software design rules;
——cyber security aspects. These are covered by IEC 62443 series.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 156 Standard voltages (GB/T 156-2017, IEC 60038: 2009, MOD)
GB/T 2423.2-2008 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat (IEC 60068-2-2: 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.22-2012 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test N: Change of temperature (IEC 60068-2-14: 2009, IDT)
GB/T 2828.1-2012 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (ISO 2859-1: 1999, IDT)
GB/T 2893.2 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels (GB/T 2893.2-2008, ISO 3864-2: 2004, MOD)
GB/T 3836.15-2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Electrical installations design, selection and erection (IEC 60079-14: 2007, MOD)
GB/T 3956-2008 Conductors of insulated cables (IEC 60228: 2004, IDT)
GB/T 10194 Varistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification for surge suppression varistors (GB/T 10194-1997, IEC 61051-2: 1991, IDT)
GB/T 14048.1-2012 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules (IEC 60947-1: 2011, MOD)
GB/T 14048.2-2020 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers (IEC 60947-2: 2019, IDT)
GB/T 14048.3-2017 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units (IEC 60947-3: 2015, IDT)
GB/T 14048.5-2017 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching element - Electromechanical control circuit devices (IEC 60947-5-1: 2016, MOD)
GB/T 14536.1 Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General requirements (GB/T 14536.1-2008, IEC 60730-1: 2003, IDT)
GB/T 16895.1-2008 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions (IEC 60364-1: 2005, IDT)
GB/T 16895.32 Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations - Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems (GB/T 16895.32-2008, IEC 60364-7-712: 2002, IDT)
GB/T 17045-2008 Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment (IEC 61140: 2001, IDT);
GB 21518 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for AC contactors
GB/T 21711.1-2008 Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 61810-1: 2003, IDT)
GB/T 32891.1 Rotating electrical machines—Efficiency classes (IE code) - Part 1: Line operated AC motors (GB/T 32891.1-2016, IEC 60034-30-1: 2014, IDT)
IEC 60715: 2017 Dimensions of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of switchgear, controlgear and accessories
IEC 60947-1: 2007/A2: 2014 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules
IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity standard for industrial environments
IEC 61439 (all parts) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
CISPR11: 2015 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
CISPR 11: 2015/A1: 2016 Amendment 1, 2010
3 Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 General requirements
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions of GB/T 14048.1-2012, and IEC 60947-1: 2007/A2: 2014 as well as the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
——IEC: http://www.electropedia.org/;
——ISO: http://www.iso.org/obp.
3.2 Terms and definitions concerning contactors
(mechanical) contactor
mechanical switching device having only one position of rest, operated otherwise than by hand, capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions including operating overload conditions
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Note 1: Mechanical contactors may be designated according to the method by which the force for closing the main contacts is provided.
Note 2: The term “operated otherwise than by hand” means that the device is intended to be controlled and kept in working position from one or more external supplies.
Note 3: In French, a contactor the main contacts of which are closed in the position of rest is usually called a “rupteur”. The word “rupteur” has no equivalent in the English language.
Note 4: A contactor is usually intended to operate frequently.
electromagnetic contactor
contactor in which the force for closing the normally open main contacts or opening the normally closed main contacts is provided by an electromagnet
Note: The electromagnet may be electronically controlled.
pneumatic contactor
contactor in which the force for closing the normally open main contacts or opening the normally closed main contacts is provided by a device using compressed air, without the use of electrical means
electro-pneumatic contactor
contactor in which the force for closing the normally open main contacts or opening the normally closed main contacts is provided by a device using compressed air under the control of electrically operated valves
latched contactor
contactor, the moving elements of which are prevented by means of a latching arrangement from returning to the position of rest when the operating means are de-energized
Note 1: The latching, and the release of the latching, may be mechanical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, etc.
Note 2: Because of the latching, the latched contactor actually acquires a second position of rest and, according to the definition of a contactor, it is not, strictly speaking, a contactor. However, since the latched contactor in both its utilization and its design is more closely related to contactors in general than to any other classification of switching device, it is considered proper to require that it complies with the specifications for contactors wherever they are appropriate.
Foreword i Introduction vii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 4 Classification 5 Characteristics of contactors and starters 6 Product information 7 Normal service, mounting and transport conditions 8 Constructional and performance requirements 9 Test Annex A (Normative) Marking and identification of terminals of contactors and associated overload relays Annex B (Normative) Special tests Annex C (Informative) Typical characteristics of starters Annex D (Normative) Items subject to agreement between manufacturer and user Annex E Void Annex F (Normative) Requirements for auxiliary contact linked with power contact (mirror contact) Annex G (Informative) Rated operational currents and rated operational powers of switching devices for electrical motors Annex H (Nominative) Extended functions to electronic overload relays Annex I (Informative) AC-1 contactors for use with semiconductor controlled motor load Annex J Void Annex K (Nominative) Procedure to determine data for electromechanical contactors used in functional safety applications Annex L (Normative) Assessment procedure for electromechanical overload protection used in safety applications and especially in explosive atmospheres Annex M (Normative) DC contactors for use in photovoltaic (PV) applications Annex N (Normative) Additional requirements and tests for equipment with protective separation Annex O (Informative) Load monitoring Annex P (Normative) Short-circuit breaking tests of MPSD Annex Q (Normative) Co-ordination under short-circuit conditions between a MPSD and another short-circuit protective device associated in the same circuit Bibliography