is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean and Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts:
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 5 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas -
Part 5: Sports
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, translation methods and requirements, writing requirements and the like for the use of English in sports area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of names of stadium/indoor stadium as well as public service information in sports area.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
indoor stadium
indoor place for sports competition, exercise or fitness
stadium; sports field
outdoor place for sports competition, exercise or fitness
sports complex; sports center
comprehensive sports place composed of several sports fields with different functions such as competition, exercise, fitness, leisure and entertainment
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Name of stadium/indoor stadium
4.1.1 Generally, "体育馆" is translated as "Indoor Stadium" or "Gymnasium".
4.1.2 Different translation methods shall be adopted for stadium/indoor stadium according to different conditions: the whole sports field including the auditorium is translated as Stadium; the site with relatively large area which may be used for competition and training for football, rugby, hockey, and track and field events is translated as Field; and the site with relatively small area which is only used for competition and training for basketball and tennis is translated as Court.
4.1.3 Different translation methods shall be adopted for sports complex/sports center according to scales: large one is translated as Sports Complex; small and medium one as Sports Center; and the one in community may be translated as Community Sports Center or Community Sports Ground.
4.1.4 Different translation methods shall be adopted for water sports stadium according to different conditions. Large indoor swimming stadium which may be used for competition and training for swimming, diving, water polo and the like is translated as Natatorium; common swimming pool is translated as Swimming Pool or Indoor Swimming Pool.
4.1.5 Names of other stadiums/indoor stadiums shall be translated and written according to 5.1 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex A.
4.2 Sports service information
4.2.1 Different translation methods shall be adopted for the entrance door of stadium/indoor stadium according to different conditions: the one named with digit is translated and written in "Gate + Arabic number", e.g. "一号门" is translated as Gate 1; the one named with locality noun is translated and written in "locality noun + Gate", e.g. "东门" is translated as East Gate.
4.2.2 Different translation methods shall be adopted for seat in stadium/indoor stadium according to different conditions: the one named with digit is translated and written in "Zone + Arabic number" or " Section + Arabic number", e.g. "一区" is translated as Zone 1 or Section 1; the one named with locality noun is translated and written in "locality noun +Section", e.g. "东区" is translated as East Section.
4.2.3 Sports service information shall be translated and written according to 5.2 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex B.
4.3 Name of sports event and competition
4.3.1 Name of sports event shall be translated and written according to the requirements of international sports organizations.
4.3.2 Different translation methods shall be adopted for the name of sports competition according to different conditions: comprehensive sports meet including multiple competition events is translated as Games or Sports Games; single-sport competition, invitational tournament and championship are translated as Tournament or Championship; comprehensive sports meet including multiple competition events held by certain organization is translated as Sports Meet.
4.3.3 See Annex C for specific translation method for names of sports event and competition.
4.4 Words and expressions selection and spelling method
The selection and spelling of English words and expressions shall meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
4.5 Grammar and format
4.5.1 Where being used in the mark indicating location, countable noun shall be in plural form generally, e.g. "Rush Tickets"; it shall be in single form when being used in the mark indicating real object, e.g. "Rush Ticket".
4.5.2 Other single and plural usages as well as English person, tense and abbreviation shall meet the requirements of 5.4 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
5 Writing Requirements
English capitalization, punctuation, font, blank space, line advance and the like shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
5 Writing Requirements
Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Stadium/Indoor Stadium
Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Sports Service Information
Annex C (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Sports Event and Competition
ICS 01.080.10
A 22
GB/T 30240.5—2017
Guidelines for the use of English in public service areas—
Part 5:Sports
2017-05-22发布 2017-12-01实施
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》与公共服务领域日文、韩文、俄文等译写规范共同构成关于公共服务领域外文译写规范的系列国家标准。
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》分为以下部分:
本部分为GB/T 30240的第5部分。
本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。
1 范围
GB/T 30240的本部分规定了体育领域英文翻译和书写的相关术语和定义、翻译方法和要求、书写要求等。
GB/T 30240.1—2013公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则
体育馆indoor stadium
体育场 stadium;sports field
体育中心sports complex;sports center
4.1.1体育馆一般译作Indoor Stadium或Gymnasium。
4.1.3体育中心应区分其不同的规模采用不同的译法:大型体育中心译作Sports Complex;中小型体育中心译作Sports Center;社区体育活动场所可译作Community Sports Center或Community Sports Ground。
4.1.4水上运动场馆应区分不同的情况采用不同的译法。可用于游泳、跳水、水球等项目比赛训练的大型室内游泳场馆译作Natatorium;一般的游泳池译作Swimming Pool或Indoor Swimming Pool。
4.1.5其他体育场馆名称的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.1的各项要求。具体参见附录A。
4.2.1 体育场馆的人场门应区分不同的情况采用不同的译法:以数字命名的入场门用“Gate+阿拉伯数字”的方式译写,如一号门译作Gate 1;以方位词命名的入场门用“方位词+Gate”的方式译写,如东门译作East Gate。
4.2.2体育场馆的座位分区应区分不同的情况采用不同的译法:以数字命名的分区用“Zone+阿拉伯数字”或“Section+阿拉伯数字”的方式译写,如一区译作Zone 1或Section 1;以方位词命名的分区用“方位词+Section”的方式译写,如东区译作East Section。
4.2.3体育服务信息的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.2的各项要求。具体译法参见附录B。
4.3.1 体育运动项目名称的译写应符合国际体育组织的相关规定。
4.3.2体育比赛名称应区分不同的情况采用不同的译写方法:包含多个项目比赛的综合性运动会译作Games或Sports Games;单项运动比赛、邀请赛和锦标赛等译作Tournament或Championship;一个单位内部举行的多项目综合性运动会译作Sports Meet。
英文词语选用和拼写方法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.3的要求。
4.5.1可数名词用在指示处所的标志里一般用复数形式,如:当场票购票窗口Rush Tickets;用在指示实物的标志里一般用单数形式,如:当场票Rush Ticket。
4.5.2其他英文人称、时态、单复数用法和缩写形式应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.4的相关要求。
5 书写要求
英文大小写、标点符号、字体、空格、换行等的用法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中第6章的要求。
附 录A
A.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
b)“ ”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
c) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用。
表A.1 体育场馆名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 体育场 Stadium
2 足球场 Football Field或Soccer Field
3 篮球场 Basketball Court
4 排球场 Volleyball Court
5 沙滩排球场 Beach Volleyball Court
6 网球场 Tennis Court
7 手球场 Handball Court
8 门球场 Gateball Court或Croquet Court[Court均可译作Field]
9 棒球场 Baseball Field
10 垒球场 Softball Field
11 曲棍球场 Hockey Field
12 地掷球场 Bocce Court
13 高尔夫球场 Golf Course
14 田径场 Track-anel-Field Ground
15 射箭场 Archery Range
16 旱冰场;轮滑场 Roller Skating Rink
17 攀岩场 Climbing Gym或Climbing Wall
序号 中文 英文
18 卡丁车场 Karting Track
19 山地自行车赛场 Mountain Bike Racing Field
20 体育馆 Indoor Stadium或Gymnasium或Sports Hall
21 篮球馆 Basketball Gym
22 排球馆 Volleyball Gym
23 羽毛球馆 Badminton Gym
24 手球馆 Handball Gym
25 乒乓球馆 Table Tennis Gym
26 台球馆;桌球馆 Billiard Hall
27 体操馆 Gymnasium
28 游泳馆 Natatorium或Indoor Swimming Pool
29 射击馆 Shooting Range
30 自行车馆 Velodrome或Cycling Center
31 保龄球馆 Bowling Alley
32 举重馆 Weightlifting Gym
33 武术馆 Wushu Gym
34 拳击馆 Boxing Gym
35 柔道馆 Judo Gym
36 摔跤馆 Wrestling Gym
37 瑜伽馆 Yoga Gym
38 训练馆 Training Gym
39 体育中心 Sports Complex或Sports Center
40 健身中心 Fitness Center或Health Club
41 网球中心 Tennis Center
42 体育交流中心 Sports Exchange Center
43 健身培训中心 Fitness Training Center
44 体育公园 Sports Park
45 体育俱乐部 Sports Club
46 训练基地 Training Center
47 棋院 Chess Institute
48 棋牌俱乐部 Board Games Club
附 录B
B.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
b) “//”表示书写时应当换行的断行处,需要同行书写时“//”应改为句点“.”。
c) “___”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
d) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用;
如:观众入口Spectator Entrance,在设置于该入口处的标志中可以省略Entrance,译作Spec-tators。
表B.1 功能设施信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 观众入口 Spectator Entrance或Spectators[用于Entrance可以省略的场合]
2 双号入口 Even Numbers Entrance[Entrance可以省略]
3 单号入口 Odd Numbers Entrance[Entrance可以省略]
4 团体入口 Group Entrance[Entrance可以省略]
5 观众通道 Spectators Passage或Spectators[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
6 无障碍通道 Wheelchair Accessible Passage[Passage可以省略]
7 散场通道 Exit
8 运动员专用通道 Athletes Passage或Athletes Only[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
9 贵宾通道 VIP Passage[Passage可以省略]
10 观众席 Spectator Seats
11 观众席区 Spectator Area
12 看台 Spectators Stand
13 露天看台 Bleachers
序号 中文 英文
14 发言讲台 Rostrum
15 贵宾席 VIP Seats
16 贵宾间 VIP Box
17 无障碍观众席区 Wheelchair Accessible Area
18 通道,过道[座位区之间] Aisle
19 比赛场馆 Competition Venues
20 竞赛区 Competition Arena
21 替补席 Substitutes Bench
22 裁判台 Referee Stand
23 裁判区 Referee Area
24 官员区 Officials Area
25 工作人员区 Staff Area
26 电视评论席 TV Commentary Box
27 文字记者席 Press Box
28 摄影记者区 Photo Zone
29 场馆工作区 Back of House Area
30 运营区 Venue Operation Area
31 贵宾休息室 VIP Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
32 运动员休息室 Athletes Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
33 主队休息室 Host Team Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
34 客队休息室 Guest Team Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
35 竞赛办公室 Competition Office
36 技术代表室 Technical Delegates Office
37 裁判员室 Referee Room或Umpire Room[用于板球、棒球裁判室]
38 仲裁办公室 Arbitration Office
39 兴奋剂检查室 Doping Control Station
40 体能测评室 Physical Fitness Test Room
41 打印复印室 Printing and Copying
42 广播室;广播站 Broadcasting Room[规模较大]或Broadcast Room[规模较小]
43 新闻媒体区 Media Area
序号 中文 英文
44 新闻中心 Press Center
45 新闻发布厅 News Conference Hall或Press Conference Hall
46 新闻办公室 Press Office或Media Office
47 记者休息室 Media Lounge
48 混合区[媒体自由采访区域] Mixed Zone
49 (功能保障区)
50 器材室 Equipment Room
51 储藏室 Storeroom
52 风机房 Ventilator Room
53 计时控制室 Timing Control Room
54 灯光控制室 Light Control Room
55 观众服务区 Spectator Service Area
56 场馆示意图[内部] Venue Map
57 场馆区示意图 Schematic Diagram of Venues
58 吸烟区 Smoking Area
59 医务室 Medical Room或Clinic
60 失物招领 Lost and Found
61 广播寻人寻物 Paging Service
62 更衣室 Locker Room
63 男更衣室 Men's Locker Room
64 女更衣室 Women’s Locker Room
65 淋浴室;浴室 Showers
66 男淋浴室 Men’s Showers
67 女淋浴室 Women’S Showers
序号 中文 英文
1 小心磕碰;当心碰撞 Beware of Collisions
2 注意水深 CAUTION//Deep Water
表B.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 禁止进入比赛场地区 Competition Area//Entry Prohibited
2 禁止攀爬、翻越围栏 No Climbing Over Railings
3 禁坐栏杆 Do Not Sit on Handrail或No Sitting on Handrail[Handrail也可译作Railing]
4 请勿外带食品 No Outside Food Allowed
5 禁带宠物 No Pets Allowed
6 严禁有皮肤病或其他传染性疾病者使用游泳池 People suffering from skin diseases or other infectious diseases are not allowed to swim in the pool.
7 禁止跳水 No Diving
8 ____米以下儿童谢绝入内 No Admittance for Children Under ____ m
9 请不要随意移动隔离墩 Do Not Move Isolation Piers
10 请勿使用闪光灯 No Flash或No Flash Photography
序号 中文 英文
1 女子通道,男宾止步 Women Only
2 进入场馆请先存包 Please Deposit Your Bag Before Entering
3 凭票入场 Admission by Ticket或Ticket Holders Only
4 请提前____分钟进场 Please Enter ____ Minutes Ahead of Schedule
5 入室请刷卡 Swipe Your Card to Enter
6 散场时请从指定出口离场 Please Leave by Designated Exit
7 请将通讯工具设置为静音 Please Mute Your Cellphone或Please Silence Your Cellphone
8 请保管好您的贵重物品 Please Keep Your Valuables With You或Please Do Not Leave Your Valuables Unattended
9 请爱护体育器材 Please Take Good Care of Sports Facilities
序号 中文 英文
1 开馆时间 Opening Time
2 开放时间 Opening Hours
3 闭馆时间 Closing Time
4 免费开放 Free Admission
5 门票价格 Rates
6 当场票 Rush Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
7 团体票 Group Tickets[Tickets可以省略]
8 当日使用,逾期作废 Valid on Day of Issue Only[指购票当日有效];Valid for the Date Displayed on the Ticket[指票面上印刷的日期当日有效]
9 票已售出,概不退换 No Refunds or Exchanges
10 票已售完 Sold Out
11 ____米以下儿童免票 Free Admission for Children Under ____ m
12 收费标准 Rates
13 ____元/半小时 ____Yuan/Half-Hour或____Yuan/30 Minutes
14 ____元/小时 ____ Yuan/Hour
15 会员须知 Notice to Members或Membership Notice或Membership Guide
16 深水区 Deep End
17 浅水区 Shallow End
18 中场休息 Halftime
19 供应食品饮料 Food and Beverages
20 不外售 Not for Sale
附 录C
C.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
b) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应区分不同情况选择使用。
序号 中文 英文
1 游泳 Swimming
2 跳水 Diving
3 花样游泳 Synchronized Swimming
4 水球 Water Polo
5 公开水域游泳 Open Water Swimming
6 潜水 Underwater Diving
7 潜泳 Underwater Swimming
8 蹼泳 Finswimming
9 滑水 Water Skiing或Water Ski
10 射箭 Archery
11 田径 Athletics
12 羽毛球 Badminton
13 皮划艇 Canoe and Kayak
14 激流回旋 Canoe and Kayak Slalom
15 静水[皮划艇] Canoe and Kayak Flatwater
16 棒球 Baseball
17 篮球 Basketball
18 拳击 Boxing
19 自行车运动 Cycling
序号 中文 英文
20 场地自行车 Track Cycling
21 公路自行车 Road Cycling
22 山地自行车 Mountain Cycling
23 BMX小轮车 BMX Racing
24 击剑 Fencing
25 足球 Football或Soccer
26 五人制足球 Futsal或Five-a-Side Football
27 手球 Handball
28 马术 Equestrian
29 曲棍球 Hockey
30 柔道 Judo
31 现代五项 Modern Pentathlon
32 铁人三项 Triathlon
33 冬季两项 Biathlon
34 体操 Gymnastics
35 艺术体操 Rhythmic Gymnastics
36 蹦床 Trampoline
37 赛艇 Rowing[人力]或Speed Boat[机动]
38 帆船 Sailing或Yacht Racing
39 射击 Shooting
40 排球 Volleyball
41 沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball
42 垒球 Softball
43 乒乓球 Table Tennis或Ping Pong
44 跆拳道 Taekwondo
45 网球 Tennis
46 举重 Weightlifting
47 摔跤 Wrestling
48 中国式摔跤 Shuaijiao或Chinese Wrestling
49 冰壶 Curling
50 冰球 Ice Hockey
51 滑冰 Skating
52 花样滑冰 Figure Skating
53 短道速滑 Short Track Speed Skating
序号 中文 英文
54 速度滑冰 Speed Skating
55 滑雪 Skiing
56 高山滑雪 Alpine Skiing
57 越野滑雪 Cross Country Skiing
58 自由式滑雪 Freestyle Skiing
59 跳台滑雪 Ski Jumping
60 单板滑雪 Snowboarding
61 摩托艇 Motorboat
62 救生 Life Saving
63 健美操 Aerobics
64 街舞 Street Dance
65 技巧 Sports Acrobatics
66 高尔夫球 Golf
67 保龄球 Bowling
68 掷球 Boules
69 台球 Billiards
70 藤球 Sepaktakraw
71 壁球 Squash
72 橄榄球[英式] Rugby
73 软式网球 Soft Tennis
74 热气球 Hot Air Balloon
75 热气飞艇 Thermal Airship或Hot Air Airship
76 氦气球 Helium Balloon
77 氦气飞艇 Helium Airship
78 混合式气球 Hybrid Balloon
79 运动飞机 Sport Aircraft
80 超轻型飞机 Ultralight Aircraft
81 轻型飞机 Light Aircraft
82 特技飞机 Aerobatic Aircraft
83 旋翼类飞机 Rotorcraft或Rotary-Wing Aircraft
84 模拟飞机 Model Aircraft
85 跳伞 Parachuting
86 特技跳伞 Freefall Style Parachuting[Parachuting可以省略]
87 定点跳伞 Building,Antenna,Span and Earth Jumping或BASE Jumping
序号 中文 英文
88 造型跳伞 Formation Parachuting[Parachuting可以省略]
89 踩伞 Canopy Formation Parachuting[Parachuting可以省略]
90 低空伞 Low Altitude Parachuting
91 牵引伞 Parascending
92 花样跳伞 Artistic Events
93 滑翔 Gliding
94 滑翔机 Glider
95 悬挂滑翔 Hang Gliding
96 滑翔伞 Paraglider或Parachute Glider
97 动力滑翔伞 Powered Paraglider或Paramotor
98 航空模型 Aero Model
99 航空模型自由飞 Free Flight Aeromodelling
100 航空模型线纵飞 Control Line Aeromodelling
101 无线电遥控[航空模型] Radio-Controlled Aeromodelling
102 仿真[航空模型] Scale Aeromodelling
103 电动[航空模型] Electric Aeromodelling
104 航天模型 Space Model
105 车辆模型 Vehicle Model
106 非遥控车 Non-Remote Controlled Vehicle
107 电动公路车 Electric On-Road Vehicle
108 电动越野车 Electric Off-Road Vehicle
109 内燃机公路车 On-Road Vehicles with Internal Combustion Engines
110 内燃机越野车 Off-Road Vehicles with Internal Combustion Engines
111 火车模型 Model Railway或Train Model
112 航海模型 Marine Model
113 仿真模型 Simulation Model
114 仿真航行 Simulation Sailing
115 帆船 Sailboat
116 耐久[帆船运动] Endurance
117 动力艇 Motor Boat
118 建筑场景 Architecture Model
119 定向 Orienteering
120 徒步定向 Foot Orienteering
121 滑雪定向 Ski Orienteering
序号 中文 英文
122 轮椅定向 Trail Orienteering
123 山地车定向 Mountain Bike orienteering
124 GPS定向 GPS Orienteering
125 业余无线电 Amateur Radio
126 业余无线电台 Amateur Radio Station
127 无线电测向 Radio Direction Finding
128 无线电通信 Radio Communication
129 围棋 Weiqi
130 五子棋 Five-in-a-Row或Renju或Gobang
131 国际象棋 Chess
132 中国象棋 Xiangqi或Chinese Chess
133 桥牌 Bridge
134 武术 Wushu
135 套路 Taolu或Routine
136 散打 Sanda
137 健身气功 Health Qigong
138 登山 Mountaineering
139 攀岩 Rock Climbing
140 攀冰 Ice Climbing
141 山地户外运动 Mountain Sports
142 汽车 Automobile
143 摩托车 Motorbike
144 轮滑 Roller Skating或Roller Blading[直排轮滑]
145 毽球 Shuttlecock
146 门球 Gateball或Croquet
147 舞龙舞狮 Dragon and Lion Dance
148 赛龙舟 Dragon Boat Race
149 钓鱼 Angling Tournament
150 风筝 Kite
151 信鸽 Pigeon Race
152 体育舞蹈 Dancesport
153 健美 Bodybuilding
154 拔河 Tug of War
155 飞镖 Darts
156 电子竞技 E-Sports或Electronic Sports
表C.2 体育比赛名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 世界杯 World Cup
2 锦标赛 Championships或Tournament
3 越野锦标赛;拉力锦标赛 Rally Championships
4 公开赛 Open Championships
5 大师赛 Masters Tournament
6 国际集结赛 World Rally Championships
7 青年锦标赛 Junior/Youth Championships
8 冠军杯赛 Champions Cup
9 大师杯 Masters Cup
10 联赛 League
11 职业联赛 Professional League
12 甲级联赛 League One
, 13 超级联赛 Super League
14 排位赛 Qualifying Tournament或Qualifier
15 常规赛 Regular Season
16 超级大奖赛 Super Grand Prix
17 巡回赛 Tour
18 巡回赛总决赛 Tour Finals
19 年终总决赛 Annual Finals
20 精英赛 Classic Match
21 邀请赛 Invitational Tournament
22 拉力赛 Rally Racing或Rallying
23 耐力赛 Endurance Racing
24 拳王争霸赛 Boxing Championship
25 挑战赛;擂台赛 Challenge
26 对抗赛 Dual Meet
27 小组赛 Group Stage
28 1/8决赛;八强赛 1/8 Finals或Eighth Finals
29 1/4决赛;四强赛 1/4 Finals或Quarter Finals
30 半决赛 Semifinals或Semi-Finals
31 决赛 Final