is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean, Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 4 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas -
Part 4: Culture and Entertainment
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, translation methods and requirements, writing requirements and the like for the use of English in culture and entertainment area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of names of cultural and recreational venues and institutions as well as cultural and recreational service information.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
cultural venue
public-benefit area, open to the public, with functions such as culture and art collection, show, communication and education
Note: Cultural venues include museum, art gallery, art museum, exhibition hall, memorial hall, science and technology museum, library, archive, research institute of culture and history, former site, former residence and other relevant cultural institutions.
recreational venue
business premises for providing customers with recreation and resting service
Note: Recreational venues include movie theater, dance hall, club, Internet bar, etc.
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Names of cultural venue, recreational venue and related institutions
4.1.1 Museum shall be used for 博物馆 (museum), 科技馆 (science and technology museum) and 纪念馆 (memorial museum). "文史馆" shall be translated as Research Institute of Culture and History.
4.1.2 Venues with display and exhibition functions such as "展览馆", "陈列馆" and "展览中心" are translated as Exhibition Center or Exhibition Hall.
4.1.3 Both "美术馆" and "艺术馆" are translated as Art Gallery or Art Museum. "画廊" is translated as Gallery directly.
4.1.4 "电影院", "电影厅", "影都", "放映公司" and "影剧院" which primarily shows the film are translated as Cinema."影城" is generally translated as Cinema; while under specific condition, e.g. the scale is large or there is cinema of same name and it is required to distinguish them, "影城" may be translated as Cinema City or Cineplex.
4.1.5 Places such as "剧场", "剧院", "舞台", "戏院" and "戏苑" are translated as Theater.
4.1.6 "社区文化(活动)中心" is translated as Community Cultural Center. Palace may continue to be used for the name of Cultural Palace.
4.1.7 Names of other cultural venues and recreational venues shall be translated and written according to 5.1 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex A.
4.2 Cultural and recreational service information
4.2.1 "文物" is generally translated as Cultural Relic and may also be Antique if it specifically refers to antique.
4.2.2 The grade of cultural relic may be written in "ordinal number + Grade" or "Grade + cardinal number", e.g. "一级文物" may be translated as First Grade Cultural Relic or Grade One Cultural Relic.
4.2.3 "电影放映厅" is translated as Theater or Screen; different treater or screen is written in "Theater + Arabic number" or "Screen + Arabic number", e.g. "1号放映厅" is translated as Theater 1 or Screen 1.
4.2.4 The floor of places such as "剧场", "剧院", "舞台", "戏院" and "戏苑" is generally written in "ordinal number + Floor", e.g. "First Floor". For places such as music hall and opera house, Stalls (main hall), Mezzanine (balcony), Balcony (box like a balcony) and Box (box separated from each other) may continue to be used.
4.2.5 "排" is translated as "Row" and "座" is translated as Seat, e.g. "3排5座" is translated as Row 5, Seat 3.
4.2.6 Other cultural and recreational service information shall be translated and written according to 5.2 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex B.
4.3 Words and expressions selection and spelling method
The selection and spelling of English words and expressions shall meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013., e.g. "中心" may be translated as Center or Centre; "剧场", "剧院", "舞台", "戏院", "戏苑" and the like may be translated as Theater or Theatre which shall keep consistent at the same place.
4.4 Grammar and format
4.4.1 Where being used in the mark indicating location, countable noun shall be in plural form generally, e.g. "Rush Tickets"; it shall be in single form when being used in the mark indicating real object, e.g. "Rush Ticket".
4.4.2 English person, tense, single and plural form and abbreviation shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.4 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
5 Writing Requirements
English capitalization, punctuation, font, blank space, line advance and the like shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
5 Writing Requirements
Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Cultural and Recreational Venues
Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Cultural and Recreational Service Information
ICS 01.080.10
A 22
GB/T 30240.4—2017
Guidelines for the use of English in public service areas—
Part 4:Culture and entertainment
2017—05—22发布 2017—12—01实施
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》与公共服务领域日文、韩文、俄文等译写规范共同构成关于公共服务领域外文译写规范的系列国家标准。
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》分为以下部分:
本部分为GB/T 30240的第4部分。
本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。
1 范围
GB/T 30240的本部分规定了文化娱乐服务领域英文翻译和书写的相关术语和定义、翻译方法和要求、书写要求等。
GB/T 30240.1—2013 公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则
文化场馆 cultural venue
娱乐场所 recreational venue
4.1 文化场馆、娱乐场所和相关机构名称
4.1.1博物馆、科技馆、纪念馆等均译作Museum。文史馆应译作Research Institute of Culture and History。
4.1.2展览馆、陈列馆、展览中心等具有展示、陈列功能的场馆可译作Exhibition Center或Exhibition Hall。
4.1.3美术馆、艺术馆均译作Art Gallery或Art Museum。画廊直接译作Gallery。
4.1.4 电影院、电影厅、影都、放映公司及以放电影为主的影剧院均译作Cinema。“影城”一般也译作Cinema,特殊情况如规模特别大、或者有同名的电影院需要区分的可译作Cinema City或Cineplex。
4.1.6社区文化(活动)中心译作Community Cultural Center。文化宫的“宫”可以沿用Palace。
4.1.7其他文化场馆和娱乐场所名称的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.1的各项要求。具体参见附录A。
4.2.1 文物一般译作Cultural Relic,专指古董时也可译作Antique。
4.2.2文物的级别可采用“序数词+Grade”的方法译写,也可采用“Grade+基数词”的方法译写,如一级文物可译作First Grade Cultural Relic,也可译作Grade One Cultural Relic。
4.2.3 电影放映厅译作Theater或Screen,不同的放映厅用“Theater+阿拉伯数字”或“Screen+阿拉伯数字”的方式进行译写,如1号放映厅译作Theater 1或Screen 1。
4.2.4剧场、剧院、舞台、戏院、戏苑等的楼层一般采用“序数词+Floor”的方法译写,如:一层First Floor。音乐厅、歌剧院等已经习惯使用Stalls(正厅)、Mezzanine(楼厅)、Balcony(像阳台一样的包厢)、Box(一间间隔开的包厢)的,可沿用。
4.2.5座位的排译作Row,座译作Seat,如3排5座译作Row 5,Seat 3。
4.2.6其他文化娱乐服务信息的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.2的各项要求。具体参见附录B。
英文词语选用和拼写方法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.3的要求,如中心可在Center或Centre中任选一种译法,剧场、剧院、舞台、戏院、戏苑等可在Theater或Theatre中任选一种译法,但在同一场所内应保持统一。
4.4.1 可数名词用在指示处所的标志里一般用复数形式,如:当场票购票窗口Rush Tickets;用在指示实物的标志里一般用单数形式,如:当场票Rush Ticket。
4.4.2英文人称、时态、单复数用法和缩写形式应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.4的相关要求。
5 书写要求
英文大小写、标点符号、字体、空格、换行等的用法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中第6章的要求。
附 录A
A.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) 中心译作Center或Centre,剧场、剧院、舞台、戏院、戏苑等译作Theater或Theatre,本附录在相关条目的译文中均省略了后一种译法。
A.2 文化场馆和娱乐场所名称
表A.1 文化场馆和娱乐场所名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 博物馆 Museum
2 历史博物馆 History Museum或Museum of History
3 自然博物馆 Natural History Museum或Museum of Natural History
4 民族博物馆 Ethnography Museum或Museum of Ethnography
5 民俗博物馆 Folk Museum或Folklore Museum
6 文史馆;文史研究馆 Research Institute of Culture and History
7 展览馆;展示馆 Exhibition Center或Exhibition Hall
8 陈列馆 Exhibition Gallery或Exhibition Hall
9 展览中心 Exhibition Center
10 会展中心 Convention and Exhibition Center
11 城市规划展示馆 Urban Planning Exhibition Center或Urban Planning Exhibition Hall
12 科技馆 Science and Technology Museum或Museum of Science and Technology
13 体验馆 Exploration Hall或Discovery Hall
序号 中文 英文
14 体验中心 Exploration Center或Discovery Center[Center均可译作Zone]
15 美术馆;艺术馆 Art Gallery或Art Museum
16 中国画馆 Gallery of Chinese Paintings
17 西洋画馆 Gallery of Western Paintings
18 画廊 Gallery
19 图书馆 Library
20 数字图书馆 Digital Library
21 少年儿童图书馆 Children’s Library
22 剧院;剧场 Theater
23 大剧院 Grand Theater
24 电影院 Cinema或Movie Theater
25 歌剧院 Opera House
26 影城 Cineplex或Cinema或Movie Theater
27 特效影视剧场 Simulation Theater
28 音乐厅 Concert Hall
29 大舞台 Grand Stage
30 歌舞剧场 Opera Theater或Opera House
31 演出社 Performing Arts Troupe
32 文化馆 Cultural Center
33 社区文化馆 Community Cultural Center
34 活动中心 Activity Center
35 青少年活动中心 Youth Activity Center
36 老年活动中心 Senior Citizens Activity Center
37 少年宫 Children’s Palace
38 艺术培训中心 Arts Education Center
39 网吧 Internet Café或Internet Bar
40 电子游戏厅;电子游艺厅 Video Game Center
41 休闲会馆;会所;俱乐部 Recreation Club或Club
42 歌厅 KTV或Karaoke Bar
43 舞厅;歌舞厅 Ballroom或Dance Hall
44 KTV包房 KTV Room
附 录B
B.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
b) “//”表示书写时应当换行的断行处,需要同行书写时“//”应改为句点“.”;
c) “ ”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
e)解释说明中指出某个词“可以省略”的,省略该词的译文只能用于设置在该设施上的标志中,如:借书处Circulation Desk,在设置于该处所的标志中可以省略Desk,译作Circulation;
f) 展馆的“馆”译作Gallery或Hall,商店译作Store或Shop,本附录在相关条目的译文中省略了后一种译法。
表B.1 文博、会展场馆服务信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 巡回展览 Itinerant Exhibition或Roving Exhibition
2 主题展览 Theme Exhibition
3 综合性展览 General Exhibition或Comprehensive Exhibition
4 展板 Display Board或Display Panel
5 展柜 Showcase
6 展架 Display Rack或Display Shelf
7 展厅 Exhibition Hall
8 展场;展区 Exhibition Area或Display Area
9 体验区 Exploration Area或Discovery Area[Area均可译作Zone]
10 观赏区 Viewing Area
11 表演区 Performance Area
12 触摸区 Hands-on Area或Touch Area
序号 中文 英文
13 视听区 Audio-Visual Area
14 视听室 Audio-Visual Room
15 休闲区 Leisure Area
16 展馆 Exhibition Gallery或Exhibition Hall
17 青铜器馆 Bronze Gallery或Bronzes[用于Gallery可以省略的场合]
18 瓷器馆 Porcelain Gallery或Porcelains[用于Gallery可以省略的场合]
19 玉器馆 Jade Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
20 漆器馆 Lacquer Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
21 书画馆;字画馆 Calligraphy and Paintings Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
22 现代书画馆 Modern Calligraphy and Paintings Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
23 油画馆 Oil Paintings Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
24 古代珍宝馆 Historical Treasures Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
25 古代钱币馆 Ancient Coins Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
26 古代家具馆 Ancient Furniture Gallery[Gallery可以省略]
27 展室;陈列室 Exhibition或Display Room
28 标本室 Specimen Room或Specimens[用于Room可以省略的场合]
29 展品 Exhibits
30 文物 Cultural Relic
31 馆藏[指文物) Museum Collection
32 民间收藏[指文物] Private Collection
33 复制品;仿制品 Duplicate或Replica
34 模型 Model[注意根据展出的模型数量选择使用单复数]
35 艺术品 Artwork
36 工艺美术品 Arts and Crafts
37 手工艺品 Handicrafts
38 丝织品 Silk Fabrics或Silks
39 场馆简介 Introduction
40 场馆示意图;导览图 Map and Guide
41 导览册 Guides
42 导览机;语音导览 Audio Guide或Multimedia Guide
43 讲解服务 Guide Service
44 团队入口 Group Entrance
序号 中文 英文
45 团体接待 Group Reception
46 纪念品商店 Souvenir Store或Gift Store;Souvenirs或Gifts[都用于Store可以省略的场合]
47 馆内布展,暂停开放 Temporarily Closed for Remodeling
48 请爱护文物 Please Show Respect for Cultural Relics
49 请勿触摸展品 Please Do Not Touch或Hands Off
50 请继续参观;参观由此向前;由此参观 Please Proceed This Way
51 请上楼继续参观 Exhibition Continues Upstairs
52 原路返回 Return by the Way You Came或Return the Same Way You Came
53 文物鉴定[多为古董] Antique Authentication或Antique Appraisals
54 展品不外售 Not for Sale
55 动手项目;动手操作 Hands-on Activities
表B.2 图书馆服务信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 借书处 Circulation
2 办证处C指借书证] Card Service
3 视障人士书刊借阅处 Circulation for Readers With Visual Impairment
4 听障人士书刊借阅处 Circulation for Readers With Hearing Impairment
5 还书处 Book Drop或Book Return
6 逾期交费 Overdue Payment
7 阅览部;阅览处;阅览室 Reading Room
8 儿童阅览室 Children’s Reading Room
9 电子阅览室 Digital Reading Room
10 期刊阅览室 Periodicals Reading Room
11 综合阅览室 General Reading Room
12 视障人士阅览区 Reading Area for People With Visual Impairment
序号 中文 英文
13 档案室 Archives Room
14 典藏文献书库 Closed Stacks
15 音乐文献室 Musical Documents Collection
16 多媒体视听室 Multimedia Audio-Visual Room或Multimedia Room
17 请出示读者证 Please Show Your Library Card
18 请爱护书籍 Please Handle Books With Care
19 阅览室内请保持安静 Please Keep Quiet
Z0 阅后请放回原处 Please Reshelve Books Where You Found Them
21 阅后请放入书车,不要放回原处。 Please do not reshelve books. Return them to the book trolley.
22 只可携带无色无糖饮料进阅览室 No Beverages Allowed Except Plain Water
23 读者服务处 Reader Services
24 目录咨询 Catalog Information
25 图书查询[自助] Book Search
26 图书查询服务[人工服务] Book Search Services
27 公共检索 Catalog Search
28 文献检索服务 Document Retrieval Service或Document Search Service
29 书名目录 Title Catalog或Catalog by Title
30 著者目录 Author Catalog或Catalog by Author
31 分类目录 Subject Catalog或Catalog by Subject
32 图书借阅排行榜 Most Borrowed Books List
33 畅销书 Bestsellers
34 推荐图书 Recommended Books[Books可以省略]
35 新书推荐 New Arrivals或Newly Shelved Books[Books可以省略]
36 新刊推荐 New Periodicals
37 图书预定 Book Reservation
——文学类 Literature
38 小说 Fiction
39 传记纪实 Biography and Non-Fiction
40 诗歌 Poetry
41 散文 Prose
42 古典文学 Classical Literature
43 古籍 Ancient Books或Ancient Texts
序号 中文 英文
——艺术类 Arts
44 美术 Fine Arts
45 音乐 Music
46 戏剧 Theater and Drama
47 民间工艺 Folk Handicrafts
48 舞蹈 Dance
49 影视 Films and Television
50 摄影 Photography
51 书法 Calligraphy
52 设计 Design
——学术类 Academies
53 政治 Politics
54 经济 Economics
55 文化 Culture
56 法学 Law
57 语言文字 Linguistics and Philology
58 国际关系 International Relations
59 心理学 Psychology
60 社会学 Sociology
61 人类学 Anthropology
62 哲学 Philosophy
63 宗教 Religion
64 新闻 Journalism
65 体育 Sports
——商务类 Business Administration
66 管理 Administration and Management
67 金融证券 Finance and Securities
68 保险 Insurance
69 财会 Accounting
70 贸易 Trade
71 营销 Marketing
72 广告 Advertising
73 投资理财 Investment and Finance
序号 中文 英文
——科学类 Science
74 环境 Environment
75 生物 Biology
76 数学 Mathematics
77 物理 Physics
78 化学 Chemistry
79 医学 Medicine
80 动物 Zoology
81 植物 Botany
82 天文 Astronomy
83 地理 Geography
84 考古 Archaeology
85 军事 Military Science
86 基础科学 Basic Sciences
——实用类;生活类 Crafts,Hobbies and Home
87 休闲娱乐 Leisure and Entertainment
88 家居 House and Home
89 服饰美容 Fashion and Beauty
90 旅游 Travel
91 保健 Health and Fitness
92 生活百科 Home Life
——教育类 Education
93 幼儿教育 Preschool Education
94 小学教育 Primary Education
95 中学教育 Secondary Education
96 高等教育 Higher Education
97 成人教育;继续教育 Adult Education或Continuing Education
98 职业教育 Vocational Education
99 留学 Studying Abroad
100 外语 Foreign Languages
101 科普读物 Popular Science
102 教材及辅导资料 Textbooks and Supplementary Materials
——工程类 Engineering
103 电机 Electrical Machinery
序号 中文 英文
104 电子 Electronic Engineering
105 力学 Dynamics或Mechanics
106 水利 Hydraulic Engineering
107 航空航天 Aerospace
108 建筑 Architecture
109 交通运输 Transportation
110 材料 Materials
111 机械 Mechanical Engineering
112 工业 Industrial Engineering
113 仪器仪表 Instruments and Apparatus
114 能源与环境 Energy and Environment
——电脑类 Computer
115 基础 Basics
116 软件 Software
117 硬件 Hardware
118 网络通信 Network Communications
——工具书类 Reference
119 字典;词典;辞典 Dictionaries
——综合类 General
120 百科 Encyclopedia
121 统计 Statistics
122 年鉴 Yearbooks
123 名录;名人录 Directories或Who’s Who
124 索引 Indexes
125 旧书 Used Books或Second-Hand Books
126 手稿 Manuscripts
127 录像资料 Video-Recordings
128 音像资料 Audio-Video Recordings
129 儿童读物 Children’s Books
130 有声读物 Audio Books
序号 中文 英文
1 售票处 Box Office或Tickets
2 会员售票处 Membership Tickets
3 会员自动售票机 Ticket Vending Machine(Members Only)
4 会员卡充值处 Add Value to Membership Card Here
5 会员须知 Notice to Members或Membership Notice或Membership Guide
6 团体票 Group Tickets[Tickets可以省略]
7 优惠票 Concession Ticket
8 当场票 Rush Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
9 影票售出谢绝退换 No Refunds or Exchanges
10 ____米以下儿童免票 Free Admission for Children Under ____ m
11 即将上映 Coming Soon或Upcoming Movies
12 正在上映 Now Showing或Now Playing
13 上午场 Morning Shows
14 下午场 Afternoon Shows或Matinee
15 夜场 Late-Night Shows
16 通宵场 All-Night Shows
17 进口片;原版引进 Imported
18 反转片 Reversal Film
19 影片排行榜 Ranking
20 院线 Cinema Chain
21 上线(影片) Playing In Theaters
22 下线(影片) No Longer Showing
23 观众人场门 Entrance
24 观众通道 Audience Passage[Passage可以省略]
25 演员专用通道 Performers Passage或Performers Only[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
26 贵宾通道 VIP Passage[Passage可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
27 非演职人员请勿入内;观众止步 Performers and Staff Only
28 电影放映厅 Theater或Screen
29 单号;单号区 Odd或Odd Numbers或Odd Numbered Seats
30 双号;双号区 Even或Even Numbers或Even Numbered Seats
31 前区 Front Section
32 中区 Central Section
33 无障碍座位 Accessible Seats或Accessible Seating
34 观众席 Auditorium
35 贵宾席 VIP Seats
36 贵宾区 VIP Section
37 贵宾间 VIP Box
38 排 Row
39 座 Seat
40 灯光控制室 Lighting Control Room
41 音响控制室 Sound Control Room
42 视频转播室 Video Control Room
43 化妆间 Dressing Room
44 排练厅 Rehearsal Room
45 演播厅 Studio
46 休息区 Waiting Room或Lounge;Green Room[专指演员休息室]
47 请提前10分钟进场 Please Arrive 10 Minutes Prior to the Show或Please Arrive 10 Minutes Before the Show Begins
48 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众请待幕间安静时,入场就近入座。 Please arrive on time and take your assigned seat. If you are late,please take the nearest seat during the intermission.
49 散场时请从指定出口离场 Please Leave by Designated Exit
50 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌 Please Do Not Applaud Between Movements
51 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。 Performance in progress. Please keep quiet and remain seated.
序号 中文 英文
52 影院内禁止携带宠物 No Pets Allowed in Theater
53 影院内严禁摄影、录音及录像 No Photography or Recording Is Allowed
54 影片放映期间请关闭您的手机 Please Switch off Your Cellphone During the Show
序号 中文 英文
1 吧台 Bar Counter
2 上网区 Cyber Zone
3 上网登记处 Registration
4 上网前请出示有效证件 Photo ID Required
5 禁止未成年人进入 Adults Only
6 禁止黄、赌、毒 Pornography,Gambling and Drugs Prohibited
7 禁止浏览黄色网站 Do Not Visit Pornographic Websites
8 禁止吸食毒品 No Drugs
9 请勿长时间上网 Do Not Stay Online for Too Long
10 ____元/半小时 ____Yuan/Half-Hour或____Yuan/30 Minutes
11 ____元/小时 ____Yuan/Hour
序号 中文 英文
1 衣帽寄存;衣帽寄存处 cloakroom
2 身份证登记 Photo ID Required
3 失物招领 Lost and Found
4 婴儿车服务 Baby Carriages或Baby Carriage Rental
5 雨具租用 Umbrella Rental
序号 中文 英文
6 卖品部 Shop
7 禁止出入 No Passage或No Entry//No Exit
8 非请莫入 No Entry Unless Authorized
9 请排队等候入场 Please Line Up to Proceed或Please Wait in Line
10 进入场馆请先存包 Please Deposit Your Bag Before Entering
11 请保持场内清洁 Please Keep This Area Clean
12 请关闭通讯设备 Please Turn Off Your Cellphone
13 请将通讯工具设置为静音 Please Mute Your Cellphone或Please Silence Your Cellphone
14 开放时间 Opening Hours
15 闭馆时间 Closing Time
16 敬告 Notice
17 暂停开放 Temporarily Closed
18 免费开放 Free Admission
19 收费项目;有偿服务项目 Billable Items或Pay Items
20 代办邮寄;邮购服务 Mailing Service