is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean and Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts:
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 2 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas -
Part 2: Transportation
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, methods and requirements of English translation and writing, writing requirements and the like in transportation service area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of road traffic information and public transportation information.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 917 Mark Rules of Highway Route and Number of National Trunk Highway
GB 5768.2-2009 Road Traffic Signs and Markings - Part 2: Road Traffic Signs
GB 17733 Geographical Names - Signs
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
road traffic information
traffic information provided for drivers of motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle as well as pedestrians and arranged on highway, urban road or the place that is within the jurisdiction of a certain organization and open to public use
public transportation information
service information provided for the passengers and people who pick up or see off guest by the transportation department open to the public and providing passenger service
Note: Transportation system providing passenger service includes air passenger transport, railway passenger transport, steamer passenger transport, rail transit passenger transport, bus passenger transport and taxi passenger transport.
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Road traffic information
4.1.1 Names of road traffic facilities on place name and traffic signs shall be translated and written according to the requirements of 3.7.1 in GB 5768.2-2009 and provisions given in GB 17733. In case that English shall be used to explain function, nature and the like of road facilities in foreign service, "高速公路" is translated as Expressway, "公路" as Highway, "道路" as Road, "高架道路" as Elevated Road and "环路" as Ring Road.
4.1.2 "国道", "省道" and "县道" are translated as National Highway, Provincial Highway and County Highway respectively in English; however, when used for indicating specific road, they shall meet the requirements given in GB/T 917 and expressed as "G + Arabic number", "S + Arabic number" and "X + Arabic number" respectively, e.g. "312国道" shall be indicated as "G312".
4.1.3 Predicating warning as well as description and prompt information shall be indicated with Ahead, e.g. "School Ahead".
4.1.4 "禁止停车" (stopping is not allowed) shall be translated differently according to different conditions, including "禁止长时停车" (the vehicle may stop temporarily so as to allow the passengers get on/off or load/unload the goods) is translated as No Parking, and "禁止临时停车、停留" as No Stopping.
4.1.5 See Annex A for specific translation method of other road traffic information.
4.2 Public transportation information
4.2.1 When name of airport, train station or steamer wharf (port) is used as place name, it shall meet the requirements of 4.1.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. In case that English shall be used for explanation in foreign service, "飞机场" is translated as Airport, "火车站" as Railway Station, "大型港口" as Port, "客运码头、轮渡站" as Ferry Terminal or Pier, "货运码头" as Wharf and "装卸码头" as Loading/Unloading Dock.
4.2.2 "航站楼" in airport is translated as Terminal. For many terminals in the same airport, they are translated and written in "Terminal + Arabic number", e.g. "1号航站楼" is translated as Terminal 1 (T1 for short).
4.2.3 Airplane flight number, train number and steamer shift shall be translated and written according to professional standard or convention. "轨道交通线路" is translated as Line and specific line shall be translated and written in "Line +Arabic number". "公共汽车线路" is translated as "Bus Route"; for specific one, "Route" may be omitted and it is expressed in Arabic number directly, e.g. "公交63路" is translated as Bus 63.
4.2.4 When names of rail transit and bus stop are used as place name, they shall meet the requirements of 4.1.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. In case that English shall be used for explanation in foreign service, "轨道交通站点" is translated as "Station", "公共汽车始发站和终点站" as "Terminal" or "Station", and "公共汽车沿途站点" as "Stop".
4.2.5 See GB/T 30240.1 for toilet translation method; generally, "厕所" in airplane or train is translated as "Lavatory".
4.2.6 See Annex B for specific translation method for other public transportation information.
4.3 Words and expressions selection and spelling method
The selection and spelling of English words and expressions shall meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013, e.g. "行李" may be translated as Baggage or Luggage which shall keep consistent at the same place.
4.4 Grammar and format
4.4.1 Plural nouns instead of single ones shall be adopted for the mark indicating boarding or parking location with vehicle name, e.g. "Buses", "Taxis", "Coaches" and "Trucks".
4.4.2 Ticket for vehicle, vessel and air shall be in single or plural form according to specific occasions and plural shall be adopted for the mark for ticket window, e.g. "Airline Tickets".
4.4.3 Other single and plural usages as well as English person, tense and abbreviation shall meet the requirements of 5.4 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
5 Writing Requirements
Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Road Traffic Information
Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Public Transportation Information
1 范围
GB/T 30240的本部分规定了交通服务领域英文翻译和书写的相关术语和定义、译写方法和要求、书写要求等。
GB/T 917公路路线标识规则和国道编号
GB 5768.2—2009道路交通标志和标线 第2部分:道路交通标志
GB 17733地名 标志
GB/T 30240.1—2013公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则
道路交通信息road traffic information
公共交通信息public transportation information
4.1.1 地名、交通标志中的道路交通设施名称的译写应符合GB 5768.2—2009中3.7.1的要求,以及GB 17733的规定。对外服务中需要用英文对道路设施的功能、性质等予以解释的,高速公路译作Ex-pressway,公路译作Highway,道路译作Road,高架道路译作Elevated Road,环路译作Ring Road。
4.1.2国道、省道、县道用英文解释时分别译作National Highway、Provincial Highway、County High-way;但在指示具体道路时按照GB/T 917的规定执行,分别用“G+阿拉伯数字编号”“S+阿拉伯数字编号”“X+阿拉伯数字编号”的方式标示,如312国道标示为G312。
4.1.3预告性的警示警告、说明提示信息应用Ahead标明,如:前方学校School Ahead。
4.1.4禁止停车应区分不同的情况采用不同的译法:禁止长时停车(但可以临时停靠以让乘客上下车或装卸货物)译作No Parking,禁止临时停车、停留译作No Stopping。
4.2.1 飞机场、火车站、轮船码头(港口)名称用作地名时,应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中4.1.3的相关要求。对外服务中需要用英文予以解释的,飞机场译作Airport,火车站译作Railway Station,大型港口译作Port,客运码头、轮渡站译作Ferry Terminal或Pier,货运码头译作Wharf,装卸码头译作Loading/Unloading Dock。
4.2.2飞机场内的航站楼译作Terminal。同一机场内有多座航站楼的,用“Terminal+阿拉伯数字”的方式译写,如:1号航站楼译作Terminal 1(简作T1)。
4.2.3飞机航班号、列车车次、轮船班次的译写,根据行业标准或惯例执行。轨道交通线路译作Line,具体线路用“Line+阿拉伯数字”的方式译写。公共汽车线路译作Bus Route,指称具体公交线路时Route可以省略,直接用阿拉伯数字表示,如:公交63路译作Bus 63。
4.2.4轨道交通和公共汽车站点名称用作地名时,应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中4.1.3的相关要求,对外服务中需要用英文予以解释的,轨道交通站点译作Station,公共汽车始发站和终点站译作Terminal或Station,公共汽车沿途站点译作Stop。
4.2.5厕所的译法参见GB/T 30240.1;设在飞机或列车上的厕所一般译作Lavatory。
英文词语选用和拼写方法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.3的要求,如行李可在Baggage或Luggage中任选一种译法,但在同一场所内应保持统一。
4.4.1 用交通工具名称指示乘车点或停车点方位的标志应用复数不用单数,如:Buses、Taxis、Coaches、Trucks。
4.4.2 车、船、机票应根据具体场合使用单复数形式,指示售票窗口的标志应用复数,如民航售票用Airline Tickets。
4.4.3其他单复数用法,以及英文人称、时态和缩写形式应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.4的要求。
5 书写要求
英文大小写、标点符号、字体、空格、换行等的用法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中第6章的要求。
附 录 A
A.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “____”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
e)解释说明中指出某个词“可以省略”的,省略该词的译文只能用于设置在该设施上的标志中,如“应急车道”应译作Emergency Lane,在设置于该车道上的标志中可以省略Lane,译作Emer-gency。
表A.1 功能设施信息英文译法示例
S.N. Chinese English
1 公路 Highway
2 高速公路 Expressway
3 干线公路 Trunk Highway
4 国道 National Highway
5 省道 Provincial Highway
6 县道 County Highway
7 城市道路 Urban Road
8 地面道路 Ground-Level Road
9 高架道路 Elevated Road or Elevated Highway
10 支路 Access Road
11 辅路 Side Road
12 绕城公路;环路 Beltway or Ring Road
13 主干路 Arterial Road
14 次干路 Sub-Arterial Road
15 收费公路 Tollway or Toll Road
16 桥梁 Bridge
17 高架桥 Overpass[指城市中的高架桥];Viaduct[指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥]
18 立交桥[车行] Highway Interchange or Flyover
19 安全岛;交通岛 Refuge Island or Pedestrian Refuge
20 环岛;环形交叉路口 Roundabout
21 交通信号灯 Traffic Lights
22 标线 Marking
23 人行横道线 Pedestrian Crossing
24 车辆上下客区 Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Area[Area可以省略]
25 车辆下客区 Passenger Drop-off Area[Area可以省略]
26 卡车停靠点 Truck Parking Only or Trucks Only
27 路侧停车点 Roadside Parking
28 公共停车场 Public Parking
29 内部停车场 Private Parking[私人用];Staff Parking[员工用]
30 全日停车场[昼夜服务] 24-Hour Parking
31 免费停车场 Free Parking
32 收费停车场 Pay Parking
33 残疾人专用停车位 Parking for People With Disabilities
34 出租车专用停车位 Taxi Parking Only or Taxis Only
35 非机动车专用停车位 Non-Motor Vehicle Parking Only or Non-Motor Vehicles Only
36 大客车停车位 Bus Parking Only or Buses Only
37 停车港湾 Parking Bay
38 专属停车位 Reserved Parking
39 临时停车 Temporary Parking
40 计时停车 Hourly Parking or Metered Parking
41 停车场收费处 Parking Booth
42 收费站 Toll Station or Toll Gate
43 电子收费 Electronic Toll Collection or ETC
S.N. Chinese English
(GB 5768.2中的警告标志语)
1 交叉路口 Crossroads or Intersection
2 急弯路 Sharp Bend or Sharp Curve
3 反向弯路 Reverse Curve
4 连续弯路 Winding Road Ahead or Curves Ahead
5 陡坡 Steep Descent Ahead
6 连续下坡 Long Descent
7 窄路 Narrow Road
8 窄桥 Narrow Bridge
9 双向交通 Two-Way Traffic
10 注意行人 Watch for Pedestrians
11 注意儿童 Watch for Children
12 注意牲畜 Watch for Livestock
13 注意野生动物 Watch for Wild Animals
14 注意信号灯 Traffic Lights Ahead
15 注意落石 DANGER//Falling Rocks
16 注意横风 Beware of Crosswind
17 易滑 CAUTION//Slippery Surface
18 傍山险路 Steep Mountain Road
19 堤坝路 Embankment Road
20 村庄 Village
21 隧道 Tunnel
22 渡口 Ferry
23 驼峰桥 Camel-Back Bridge or Hump-Back Bridge
24 路面不平 Rough Road Ahead
25 路面高突 Bumpy Road Ahead
26 路面低洼 Low-Lying Road Ahead
27 过水路面 Low Water Crossing or Low Level Crossing
28 有人看守铁道路口 Guarded Railway Crossing
29 无人看守铁道路口 Unguarded Railway Crossing
30 叉形符号 [使用图形标志]
31 斜杠符号 [使用图形标志]
32 注意非机动车 Watch for Non-Motor Vehicles
33 注意残疾人 Yield to People With Disabilities
34 事故易发路段 CAUTION//Accident Black Spot
35 慢行 Slow Down
36 注意障碍物 Watch out for Obstacles or CAUTION//Obstacles Ahead
37 注意危险 Drive With Caution
38 施工;道路作业 Road Work
39 建议速度 Suggested Speed
40 隧道开车灯 Turn on Headlights Before Entering Tunnel
41 注意潮汐车道 Reversible Lane Ahead[车道有多条时应使用复数Lanes]
42 注意保持车距 Keep Distance
43 注意分离式道路 Split Road Ahead
44 注意合流 Roads Merge or Lanes Merge
45 避险车道 Truck Escape Ramp
46 注意路面结冰 CAUTION//Icy Road
47 注意雨雪天气 Drive Carefully in Rain or Snow
48 注意雾天 Drive Carefully in Foggy Weather
49 注意不利气象条件 Drive Carefully in Adverse Weather Conditions
50 注意前方车辆排队 Queues Likely
51 地面交通 Ground Transportation
52 公路货运 Road Freight
53 步行道 Walkway
54 人行道 Sidewalk or Pedestrians
55 让车道 Yield Lane
56 超车道 Overtaking Lane or Passing Lane
57 应急车道 Emergency Lane
58 大型车道 Heavy Vehicle Lane or Heavy Vehicles[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
59 小型车道 Light Vehicle Lane or Light Vehicles[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
60 车道封闭 Lane Closed
61 此道临时封闭 Temporarily Closed
62 人行道封闭 Sidewalk Closed
63 道路封闭;此路封闭 Road Closed
64 明槽路段;深槽路段 Underpass
65 多雾路段 Foggy Area
66 软基路段 Weak Subgrade or Soft Roadbed
67 软路肩 Soft Shoulder
68 减速带;减速路面;减速丘 Speed Bumps or Speed Humps
69 道路变窄;车道变窄 Road Narrows
70 右侧变窄 Road Narrows on Right
71 左侧变窄 Road Narrows on Left
72 两侧变窄 Road Narrows on Both Sides
73 前方右侧绕行 Detour Ahead Right or Detour Right
74 前方左侧绕行 Detour Ahead Left or Detour Left
75 前方左右绕行 Detour Ahead Left or Right
76 前方弯道 Curve Ahead
77 前方左急转弯 Sharp Left Turn Ahead
78 前方右急转弯 Sharp Right Turn Ahead
79 弯道建议速度: 千米/小时 Suggested Speed on Curves: km/h
80 向右急转弯路 Sharp Curve to Right
81 向左急转弯路 Sharp Curve to Left
82 前方 米进入无路灯路段 No Road Lights m Ahead
83 无路灯路段全长 米 No Road Lights Next m
84 前方路面不平 Rough Road Ahead
85 前方桥低 Low Bridge Ahead
86 前方施工 Road Work Ahead
87 前方拥堵 Congestion Ahead
88 公共汽车优先 Bus Priority
89 铁路道口 Railway Crossing
90 注意动物 Watch for Animals or Yield to Animals
91 注意火车 Beware of Trains
92 注意前方人行横道 Pedestrian Crossing Ahead
93 小心滑坡 Landslide Hazard Area
94 小心雪天路滑 Road May Be Icy
表A.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例
S.N. Chinese English
(GB 5768.2中的禁令标志语)
1 停车让行 STOP
2 减速让行 YIELD
3 会车让行 Give Way to Oncoming Vehicles
4 禁止通行 Do Not Enter or No Entry
5 禁止驶入 Do Not Enter or No Entry
6 禁止机动车驶入 No Motor Vehicles
7 禁止载货汽车驶入 NO Trucks
8 禁止电动三轮车驶入 No Electric Tricycles
9 禁止大型客车驶入 No Large Buses
10 禁止小型客车驶入 No Minibuses
11 禁止挂车、半挂车驶入 No Trailers or Semi-Trailers
12 禁止拖拉机驶入 NO Tractors
13 禁止三轮汽车、低速货车驶入 No Triears or Low-Speed Motor Vehicles
14 禁止摩托车驶入 No Motorcycles
15 禁止某两种车驶入 No Entry for and
16 禁止非机动车驶入 Motor Vehicles Only or No Entry for Non-Motor Vehicles
17 禁止畜力车驶入 No Animal-Drawn Carts
18 禁止人力客运三轮车进入 No Passenger Tricycles
19 禁止人力货运三轮车进入 No Handcarts or Freight Tricycles
20 禁止人力车进入 No Handcarts or Tricycles
21 禁止行人进入 NO Pedestrians
22 禁止向左转弯 No Left Turn
23 禁止向右转弯 No Right Turn
24 禁止直行 No Straight Thru
25 禁止向左向右转弯 No Left or Right Turn or No Turns
26 禁止直行和向左转弯 No Straight Thru or Left Turn
27 禁止直行和向右转弯 No Straight Thru or Right Turn
28 禁止掉头 NO U-Turn
29 禁止超车 No Overtaking
30 解除禁止超车 END//No-Overtaking or End of No-Overtaking Zone
31 禁止停车 No Stopping or No Stopping at Any Time
32 禁止长时停车 No Parking
33 禁止鸣喇叭 No Honking or Do Not Honk
34 限制宽度: 米 Maximum Width: m
35 限制高度: 米 Maximum Clearance: m
36 限制质量: 吨 Weight Limit: t
37 限制轴重: 吨 Axle Weight Limit: t
38 限制速度: 千米/小时 Speed Limit: km/h
39 解除限制速度: 千米/小时 End// km/h Speed Limit
40 停车检查 Stop for Inspection
41 禁止运输危险物品车辆驶入 Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Materials Prohibited
42 海关[指中国海关] China Customs
43 区域限制速度: 千米/小时 km/h//Speed Zone
44 区域限制速度解除: 千米/小时 END// km/h//Speed Zone or End of km/h Speed Limit
45 区域禁止长时停车 No Parking in This Area
46 区域禁止长时停车解除 End//No Parking Zone or End of No Parking Zone
47 区域禁止停车 No Stopping in This Area
48 区域禁止停车解除 END//No Stopping Zone or End of No Stopping Zone
49 禁止货车及小型客车直行 No Straight Thru for Trucks or Minibuses
50 禁止小型客车右转 No Right Turn for Minibuses
51 禁止载货货车及拖拉机左转弯 No Left Turn for Trucks or Tractors
52 禁止载货货车和拖拉机向左向右转弯 No Left or Right Turn for Trucks or Tractors or No Turns for Trucks or Tractors
53 禁止载货货车左转 No Left Turn for Trucks
54 禁止外来车辆驶入 Staff Vehicles Only
55 禁止二轮摩托车驶入 No Motorcycles
56 禁止农用车驶入 No Farm Vehicles
57 禁止汽车拖、挂车驶入 No Trailers
58 禁止三轮机动车驶人 No Motor Tricycles
59 禁止超越;禁止越线 Stay in Lane
60 禁止酒后开车 Do Not Drink and Drive or Driving After Drinking Is Prohibited by Law
61 禁止疲劳驾驶 Do Not Drive Tired
62 禁止超高 Do Not Exceed Height Limit
63 禁止超载 Do Not Overload or Do Not Exceed Weight Limit
64 禁止超速 No Speeding or Do Not Exceed Speed Limit
65 禁止开车使用手机 Do Not Use Cellphone While Driving
66 禁止骑自行车上坡 Do Not Cycle Uphill
67 禁止骑自行车下坡 Do Not Cycle Downhill
68 未经允许货车禁止通行 No Trucks Unless Authorized
69 禁止通道两侧停车 No Parking on Either Side
70 请勿将头手伸出窗外 Keep Head and Hands Inside
71 请勿向窗外扔东西 Do Not Throw Anything Out of Window
S.N. Chinese English
(GB 5768.2中的指示标志语)
1 直行 Go Straight
2 向左转弯 Turn Left
3 向右转弯 Turn Right
4 直行和向左转弯 Straight or Left Turn
5 直行和向右转弯 Straight or Right Turn
6 向左和向右转弯 Turn Left or Right
7 靠右侧道路行驶 Keep Right
8 靠左侧道路行驶 Keep Left
9 立体交叉直行和左转弯行驶 Overpass Ahead//Straight or Left Turn
10 立体交叉直行和右转弯行驶 Overpass Ahead//Straight or Right Turn
11 环岛行驶 Roundabout
12 单行路[向左或向右] One Way[需要标示单行路“向左”或“向右”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号]
13 单行路[直行] One Way[需要标示单行路“直行”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号]
14 步行 Walk
15 鸣喇叭 Honk
16 最低限速: 千米/小时 Minimum Speed: km/h
17 路口优先通行 Priority at Intersection
18 会车先行 Priority Over Oncoming Vehicles
19 人行横道 Pedestrian Crossing
20 右转车道 Right-Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
21 左转车道 Left-Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
22 直行车道 Straight Lane(Lane可以省略]
23 直行和右转合用车道 Straight and Right Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
24 直行和左转合用车道 Straight and Left Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
25 掉头车道 U-Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
26 掉头和左转合用车道 Left or U-Turn Lane[Lane可以省略]
27 分向行驶车道 Road Divides Ahead
28 公交路线专用车道 Bus Lane or Buses Only[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
29 机动车行驶 Motor Vehicles Only
30 机动车车道 Motor Vehicle Lane or Motor Vehicles[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
31 非机动车行驶 Non-Motor Vehicles Only
32 非机动车车道 Non-Motor Vehicle Lane or Non-Motor Vehicles[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
33 快速公交系统专用车道 Bus Rapid Transit Lane or BRT Lane or BRT Only[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
34 多乘员车辆专用车道 High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane or Carpools Only[用于Lane可以省略的场合]
35 停车位 Parking Space
36 允许掉头 U-Turn
37 保持车距 Keep Distance or Keep a Safe Distance
38 谨防追尾 WARNING//Rear End Collision
39 平稳驾驶,注意安全 Drive Safely
40 小心驾驶 Drive With Caution
41 车辆慢行 SLOW
42 雨雪天气请慢行 Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow
43 前方弯路慢行 Bend Ahead//Slow Down or SLOW//Bend Ahead
44 前方学校,减速慢行 Sehool Ahead//Slow Down
45 前方有事故,减速行驶 Accident Ahead//Slow Down
46 长下坡慢行 Long Descent//Slow Down
47 转弯慢行 Turn Ahead//Slow Down
48 陡坡减速;陡坡慢行 Steep Descent//Slow Down
49 干路先行 Yield to Main Road Traffic
50 车辆绕行 Detour
51 施工请绕行 Construction Ahead//Detour
52 请按车道行驶;分道行驶 Stay in Lane
53 大型车靠右 Large Vehicles Keep Right
54 避让行人 Yield to Pedestrians
55 请停车人位 Park in Bays Only
56 行人绕行 Pedestrians Detour
57 人行过街,请走天桥 Please Use the Footbridge
58 请下车推行[指自行车] Please Walk Your Bicycle
59 停车接受检查 Stop for Inspection
S.N. Chinese English
(GB 5768.2中的指路标志语)
1 十字交叉路口 [使用图形标志]
2 丁字交叉路口 [使用图形标志]
3 错车道 Passing Bay
4 人行天桥 Footbridge or Pedestrian Overpass
5 人行地下通道 Pedestrian Underpass
6 残疾人专用设施 Accessible Facilities
7 应急避难设施[或场所] Emergency Shelter
8 休息区 Rest Area
9 绕行 Detour
10 此路不通 No Through Road or Dead End
11 车道数变少 Fewer Lanes Ahead
12 车道数增加 More Lanes Ahead
13 交通监控设备 Traffic Surveillance
14 两侧通行 Pass on Either Side
15 右侧通行 Keep Right
16 左侧通行 Keep Left
17 入口预告 Entrance Ahead
18 下一出口预告 Next Exit
19 道路交通信息 Traffic Information
20 停车领卡 Stop for Toll Card
21 车距确认 Check Your Following Distance
22 特殊天气建议速度 Suggested Speed Under Special Weather
23 紧急电话 Emergency Call
24 救援电话 First Aid Call
25 计重收费 Toll-by-Weight
26 加油站 Petrol Station
27 加气站 Natural Gas Station
28 紧急停车带 Emergency Stop Area
29 服务区预告 Service Area Ahead
30 爬坡车道 Climbing Lane
31 爬坡车道结束 End of Climbing Lane
32 超限检测站 Weigh Station
(GB 5768.2中的辅助标志语)
33 除公共汽车外(其他车辆不得进入或停靠] Buses Only
34 机动车 Motor Vehicles
35 货车 Trucks
36 货车、拖拉机 Tractors
37 私人专属 Private
38 向前200米 200 Meters Ahead
39 学校 Sehool
40 事故 Accident
41 塌方 Landslide
42 教练车行驶路线 Learner Driver Training Route
43 驾驶考试路线 Driving Test Route
44 校车停靠站点 School Bus Stop
45 硬路肩 Hard Shoulder
46 免费通行 Toll Free
47 汽车修理 Garage or Auto Repair or Automobile Maintenance
48 汽车租赁 Car Rental
49 洗车 Car Wash or Auto Wash
50 驾培学校 Driving School
51 市区[指示市区方向] To City or To Downtown
52 往地铁站[指示地铁站方向] To Metro or To Subway
附 录 B
B.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “____”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
d) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用;
e)解释说明中指出某个词“可以省略”的,省略该词的译文只能用于设置在该设施上的标志中,如:出发大厅Departure Lounge,在设置于出发大厅门口的标志中可以省略Lounge,译作De-parture;
f) 行李译作Baggage或Luggage,地铁译作Metro或Subway,轻轨译作Metro或Light Rail,本附录在相关条目的译文中均省略了后一种译法。
表B.1 航空客运服务信息英文译法示例
S.N. Chinese English
1 机场 Airport
2 国际机场 International Airport
3 航站楼 Terminal
4 第 航站楼 Terminal
5 出发大厅 Departure Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
6 到达大厅 Arrivals Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
7 换乘、中转大厅 Transfer Lounge or Transit Lounge[Lounge均可以省略]
8 航站楼出发层平面图 Departure Level Map
9 航站楼到达层平面图 Arrival Level Map
10 航班信息 Flight Information
11 航班号 Flight No.
12 出发航班信息 Departure Flight Information(可以简作Departure Flights or Departure Information or Departures)
13 到达航班信息 Arrival Flight Information[可以简作Arrival Flights or Arrival Infor-mation or Arrivals)
14 起飞时间 Departure Time
15 到达时间 Arrival Time
16 直达航班 Direct Flight
17 经停航班 Stopover Flight
18 国际、港澳台航班 International and Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan Flights
19 民航售票 Airline Tickets or Ticketing
20 电子机票 Electronic Tickets or e-Tickets
21 值机区域;办理登机区 Check-in Area[Area可以省略]
22 值机柜台;办票柜台;办理乘机手续柜台 Check-in Counters[Counters可以省略]
23 自助值机;乘机手续自助办理机 Self Check-in
24 办理乘机手续;办票 Check-in
25 办理国际登机手续 International Check-in
26 办理国内登机手续 Domestic Check-in
27 起飞前40分钟停止办理乘机手续 Check-in Closes 40 Minutes Before Departure
28 候机区域 Waiting Area
29 头等舱候机室 First Class Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
30 公务舱候机室 Business Class Lounge[Lounge可以省略]
31 登机 Boarding
32 登机信息 Boarding Information
33 停止登机 Boarding Closed
34 停止办票 Check-in Closed
35 柜台关闭 Counter Closed
36 登机口 Gate
37 号登机口 Gate
38 登机桥 Boarding Bridge
39 请出示登机牌和身份证件 Please Show Your Boarding Pass and ID
40 请留意您乘坐航班的登机时间,以免误机 Please Pay Attention to Your Boarding Time
41 优先登机 Priority Boarding
42 经济舱 Economy Class
43 公务舱;商务舱 Business Class
44 头等舱 First Class
45 头等舱/商务舱服务 First/Business Class Service
46 应急门 Escape Door or Emergency Door
47 救生衣 Life Vest or Life Jacket
48 氧气罩 Oxygen Mask
49 空中交通服务办公室 Air Travel Service Office or Air Travel Services[用于Office可以省略的场合]
50 转机;换乘 Transfer or Flight Connections
51 经停 Transit
52 国际转机 International Transfer
53 国内转机 Domestic Transfer
54 中转联程 Connecting Flights
55 转机旅客 Transfer Passengers
56 过站旅客;过境旅客 Transit Passengers
57 自动步行道 Automatic Walkway or Moving Walkway
58 机舱服务员专用通道 Crew Passage or Crew Only[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
59 国内航班通道 Domestic Flight Passage or Domestic Flights[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
60 国际航班通道 International Flight Passage or International Flights[用于Passage可 以省略的场合]
61 贵宾通道 VIP Passage[Passage可以省略]
62 机场巴士 Airport Bus or Shuttle Bus
63 停机坪摆渡车 Airside Transfer Bus or Apron Bus
64 航空货运 Air Freight
S.N Chinese English
1 火车站 Railway Station
2 客运站 Passenger Station
3 货运站 Freight Station
4 候车楼;候车厅 Passenger Terminal or Waiting Hall or Waiting Lounge
5 软席候车室 Soft-Seat Passenger Waiting Lounge or Soft-Seat Passengers[用于Waiting Lounge可以省略的场合]
6 专用候车室 Designated Waiting Room
7 到达出口 Exit for Arrivals
8 城际列车 Inter-City Rail Service
9 动车组 D-Series High-Speed Train
10 高速动车;高铁 G-Series High-Speed Train
11 直达特快列车 Non-Stop Express Train
12 特快列车 Express Train
13 快速列车 Fast Train
14 临时旅客列车 Extra Passenger Train
15 旅游列车 Tourist Train
16 普快列车 Fast Passenger Train
17 普客列车 Regular Passenger Train
18 货运列车 Freight Train
19 铁路货运 Rail Freight
20 硬卧车厢 Hard Sleeper or Hard Berth
21 硬座车厢 Hard Seat
22 软卧车厢 Soft Sleeper or Soft Berth
23 软座车厢 Soft Seat
24 餐车 Dining Car
25 邮政车 Mail Car
26 商务座 Business Class
27 一等座 First Class
28 二等座 Second Class
29 普通席 Economy Class
30 乘务员室 Crew Office or Crew Only[用于Office可以省略的场合]
31 乘务员席位 Crew Seat or Crew Only[用于Seat可以省略的场合]
32 紧急制动 Emergency Braking
33 火车售票 Railway Tickets or Train Tickets
34 预售10日内全国各线车票 10-Day Advance Booking for All Destinations
35 磁卡票 Magnetic Card Tickets
36 软纸票 Soft Paper Tickets
37 硬纸票 Hard Paper Tickets
S.N. Chinese English
1 港口 Port
2 码头 Pier
3 客运码头 Passenger Dock or Passenger Pier
4 货运码头 Wharf
5 装卸码头 Loading/Unloading Dock
6 观光船码头 Sightseeing Cruise Dock
7 轮渡 Ferry
8 车客渡[包括火车] Car Ferry
9 水路货运 Water Freight
10 候船室 Waiting Room
11 轮船售票 Boat Tickets
12 渡船 Ferry Boat
表B.4 轨道交通客运信息英文译法示例
S.N. Chinese English
1 地铁 Metro or Subway
2 轻轨 Metro or Light Rail
3 磁浮列车 Maglev
4 地铁[或轻轨]__号线 Metro Line
5 地铁[或轻轨]车站 Metro Station or Station
6 地铁[或轻轨]换乘站 Transfer Station or Interchange Station
7 地铁[或轻轨]终点站 Terminus or Terminal
8 地铁[或轻轨]换乘查询 Metro Transfer Information
9 地铁[或轻轨]智能导向综合信息系统 Metro Service Information Query System
10 换乘 号线 Transfer to Line
11 东西线 East-West Line
12 南北线 North-South Line
13 请在安全线内候车,车门未完全打开或关闭,不得触摸车门。 Please stand behind the yellow line. Do not touch the door before it is fully opened or closed.
14 请勿阻止车门关闭 Keep Clear of Closing Doors
15 禁止跳下站台 Do Not Jump off the Platform
16 从早上6: 00到晚上6: 30,每10分钟一班 6: 00 am—6: 30 pm//Departing Every 10 Minutes
17 末班车进站前3分钟停售该末班车车票 Ticket Sales Stop 3 Minutes Before Last Train Arrives
18 请选择起始站[售票机上使用] Select Departure Station
19 请选择线路[售票机上使用] Select Line
20 请选择张数[售票机上使用] Select Number of Tickets
21 请选择终点站[售票机上使用] Select Your Destination
S.N. Chinese English
1 公共汽车 BUS
2 电车;无轨电车 Trolleybus
3 有轨电车 Tramcar
4 公交站点 Bus Stop
5 公交枢纽站 Public Transport Hub
6 公交中心站 Central Bus Station
7 公共汽车路线图 BUS Route
8 公交换乘 Bus Transfer
9 公交换乘信息 Bus Transfer Information
10 公交信息 Public Transport Information
11 班车服务 Shuttle Bus Service or Commuter Bus Service
12 班车乘车地点 Shuttle Bus Pick-up Point or Commuter Bus Pick-up Point
13 持IC卡乘客,请上车刷卡 Swipe Your Transport Card Here or Swipe Your IC Card
14 公交卡售卡点;市政交通一卡通售卡点 Transport Pass Vendor or Transport Card Vendor
15 紧急手柄[指拉手] Emergency Handle
16 注意安全,抓好扶手 Please Hold Handrail
17 请在前门下车 Please Get off From Front Door
18 请从后门下车 Please Get off From Rear Door
19 月票无效[刷卡机上使用] Monthly Pass Invalid
20 月票有效[刷卡机上使用] Monthly Pass Valid
21 长途汽车 Coach
22 长途汽车站 Coach Station or Coach Terminal
23 直达车 Non-Stop Bus[公共汽车];Non-Stop Coach[长途汽车]
24 货运卡车 Truck
25 门对门送货车 Door-to-Door Delivery
表B.6 出租车客运信息英文译法示例
S.N. Chinese English
1 出租车 Taxi
2 出租车扬招点;出租车停靠站 Taxi Stand or Taxi
3 出租车换乘 Taxi Transfer
4 出租车起步价;起步费 Flag-Down Fare or Base Fare
5 出租车调度站 Taxi Dispatching Station
6 出租车投诉电话 Taxi Service Complaints Hotline
7 出租车预约电话 Taxi Booking
8 上客点 Passenger Pick-up
9 出租车发票 Taxi Receipt
S.N. Chinese English
1 母婴休息室 Baby Care Lounge
2 旅客等候区 Passenger Waiting Area
3 旅客出口 Passenger Exit
4 休息处 Rest Area or Lounge
5 休息大厅;等候大厅 Waiting Hall
6 员工休息室 Staff Room
7 站台;月台 Platform
8 站长室[指值班站长] Station Master Office[Office可以省略]
9 驻站民警室 Police Office[Office可以省略]
10 厕所[飞机 or 列车上] Lavatory
11 号屏蔽门 Safety Door No.
12 IC卡查询业务 IC Card Inquiry Service
13 方向引导 Direction Guide
14 急救站;医疗急救室 First Aid Station[Station可以省略]
15 今日运营已结束 Closed
16 设施服务时间 Service Hours
17 执勤岗 Duty Post
18 冲水 Flush
19 售票处 Ticket Office or Tickets
20 办票;票务 Ticket Services or Ticketing
21 售全线票;通售所有站点车票 Tickets for All Stations
22 暂停售票;临时关闭 Temporarily Closed
23 购票须知 Ticketing Information
24 往返票 Return Ticket or Two Way Ticket
25 票价 Ticket Rates[Ticket可以省略] or Fares
26 儿童票适用身高: __米—__米 Height Limits for Children’s Tickets: __ - __m
27 进站检票;检票口 Ticket Check
28 检票通道 Ticket Check Passage
29 办理临时身份证明 Temporary-ID Service
30 请保留车票待检 Please Retain Your Ticket for Inspection
31 请到售票处换硬币 Coin Change at Ticket Office
32 请您保管好小磁票, 出站验票收回 Please Keep Your Magnetic Ticket to Exit
33 出站检查;出站验票 Exit Ticket Check
34 自动检票 Automatic Check-in
35 请到售票处处理 Please Go to the Ticket Office for Help
36 取票, 找零 Take Your Ticket and Change
37 选择票价 Select Fare
38 半价 Hall Fare
39 充值机 Add-Value Machine
40 公共交通卡充值 Add Value//Public Transportation Card Only
41 插入公共交通卡 Insert Your Public Transportation Card
42 投入硬币、纸币 or 插入公共交通卡 Insert Coins, Banknotes or Public Transportation Card
43 交通卡余额 Card Balance
44 交通卡原额 Previous Card Balance
45 请为您的交通卡充值 Please Add Value to Your Card
46 选择充值交易 Select Add-Value
47 请投入现金, 然后按下确认按钮 Please Insert Cash and Press ___ Button[“ __ ”应视不同情况填入不同的按钮名称, 如OK键 or Enter键]
48 硬币兑换处 Coin Change
49 此票不能使用 This Ticket Is Invalid
50 可接收纸币面额: Banknotes Acceptable:
51 信用卡支付 Credit Cards Accepted
52 安全检查;安全检查通道;请接受安全检查 Security Check
53 请您由此进入依次候检 Please Line Up Here
54 请在黄线外等候 Please Wait Behind the Yellow Line
55 证照检查 ID Check
56 边防检查;边检 Immigration Inspection
57 边检咨询 Immigration Information
58 出境登记卡 Departure Cards
59 入境登记卡 Arrival Cards
60 动植物检疫 Animal and Plant Quarantine
61 红色通道[有申报物品] Red Channel//Goods to Declare
62 绿色通道[元申报物品] Green Channel//Nothing to Declare
63 团队通道 Groups Passage[Passage可以省略]
64 外国人通道 International Visitors Passage[Passage可以省略]
65 外交礼遇通道 Diplomats Passage or Diplomatic Visa Holders Passage[Passage均可以省略]
66 中国人通道 Chinese Citizens Passage[Passage可以省略]
67 中国边检 China Immigration Inspection
68 中国边检检疫 China Inspection and Quarantine
69 口岸限定区域 Restricted Area
70 凭证通行 Permits Required
71 边检民警 为您服务 Immigration Officers at Your Service
72 稽查管理 Inspection Management
73 行李托运 Baggage Check-in
74 行李安检 Baggage Security Check
75 行李提取 Baggage Claim
76 行李寄存 Baggage Deposit
77 行李寄存须知 Notice of Baggage Deposit
78 行李查询 Baggage Inquiry
79 超大行李 Oversize Baggage
80 超重行李 Overweight Baggage
81 超规行李 Excess Baggage
82 超规行李登记 Oversize and Overweight Baggage Check-in
83 大件行李 Large Baggage
84 手提行李规格 Size and Weight Limits for Carry-on Baggage
85 免费行李重量 Baggage Allowance
86 液态物品 Liquids
87 行李专用, 请勿载人[行李手推车用] For Baggage Only//No Riding
88 请您别遗忘放在手推车上的物品 Please Do Not Leave Any of Your Baggage on Trolley
89 请您向下按手柄, 松开刹车后推行 Press Down Handle to Move the Trolley
90 提取行李, 请注意安全 Please Be Careful When Retrieving Baggage
91 勿放潮湿处[指货物、行李的摆放] Store in Dry Place
92 切勿倒置[指货物、行李的摆放] This Side Up
93 切勿挤压[指货物、行李的摆放] Fragile
94 切勿倾倒[指货物、行李的摆放] Keep Upright
95 自动寄包柜 Self-Service Locker
96 安全设备, 请勿擅动 Safety Equipment//Authorized Use Only
97 按下按钮报警 Press for Help in Emergency
98 车内发生紧急情况时, 请按按钮报警 Press Button in Case of Emergency
99 按下红色按钮, 绿灯亮时对准话筒报警 To Call Police, Press Red Button and Speak into the Microphone When Green Light Is On
100 报警请拨打110 Call 110 in Case of Emergency or Emergency Call 110
101 火警请拨打119 Call 119 in Case of Fire
102 急救请拨打120 Call 120 in Case of Medical Emergency
103 求助按钮 Press for Help
104 出口请慢行 Slow Down at Exit
105 当心夹手 Pinch Point Hazard//Keep Hands Clear or Pinch Point Hazard// Watch Your Hands
106 火警时按下, 严禁非法使用 Press Button in Case of Fire//Penalty for Improper Use
107 仅作火警安全出口 Fire Exit Only
108 禁止存储危险货物 Dangerous Freight Prohibited
109 禁止倚靠车门 Stand Clear of the Door
110 禁止携带剧毒物品及有害液体 Poisonous Materials and Harmful Liquids Prohibited or No Poisonous Materials or Harmful Liquids
111 禁止携带托运放射性及磁性物品 Radioactive and Magnetic Materials Prohibited or No Radioactive or Magnetic Materials
112 禁止携带托运易燃及易爆物品 Flammable and Explosive Materials Prohibited or No Flammables or Explosives
113 禁止携带武器及仿真武器 Weapons and Simulated Weapons Prohibited or No Weapons or Sim-ulated Weapons or No Weapons or Imitation Weapons
114 通道禁止停留 Do Not Block Access or Do Not Block Passage
115 限紧急时使用 For Emergency Use Only
116 列车门蜂鸣声响, 请勿上下列车。 Do not get on or off the train when the door-bell buzzes.
117 列车门关闭, 请立刻退到安全线以内。 Stay behind the yellow line when the door is closing.
118 门灯闪烁时禁止上下车。 Do not get on or off the train when the door-light is flashing.
119 请不要堵住人口 Keep Clear of Entrance
120 请勿将行李手推车推入自动扶梯 No Baggage Cart Allowed on Escalator
121 请勿将身体伸出扶梯外 Do Not Lean over Handrail
122 请勿开窗 Please Do Not Open Window
123 请勿坐卧停留 No Loitering
124 请注意看管好您的小孩 Please Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended
125 老幼乘梯需家人陪同 Seniors and Children Must Be Accompanied
126 请自觉遵守乘车秩序 Please Observe Passenger Rules
127 请勿打扰司机;请勿与司机闲谈 Do Not Distract the Driver
128 下车请勿忘物品 Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind
129 先下后上 Yield to Alighting Passengers
130 小心脚下间隙落差;注意站台缝隙 Mind the Gap
131 严禁携带危险品 Dangerous Articles Prohibited
132 严禁携带易燃易爆物品上车 Flammable and Explosive Substances Strictly Prohibited
133 严禁烟火 Smoking or Open Flames Prohibited
134 为了您和他人的乘车安全, 请不要携带 易燃、易爆、易碎和笨重物品乘车。 For your safety and the safety of others, please do not carry on board any flammable, explosive, fragile or heavy articles.
135 紧握扶手 Please Hold Handrail
136 请系好安全带 Fasten Seat Belt
137 注意安全, 请勿入内 DANGER//Do Not Enter
138 请勿躺卧 No Lying Down
139 逆时针方向扳动手柄90度 Turn the Handle 90 Degrees Counterclockwise
140 小心碰头 Mind Your Head
141 小心碰撞 Beware of Collision
142 交通枢纽周边示意图 Map of Surrounding Area
143 站示意图 Map of __ Station
144 站层图 Station Floor Map
145 站区图 Station Map
146 国际出发 International Departures
147 国际、港澳台出发 International and Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan Departures
148 国际、港澳台到达 International and Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan Arrivals
149 国际到达 International Arrivals
150 国内出发 Domestic Departures
151 国内到达 Domestic Arrivals
152 始发站 Departure Station
153 终点;终点站 Destination or Terminus
154 枢纽站 Junction Station
155 目的地车站 Terminal Station
156 前方到站;下一站 Next Station[轨道交通站点];Next Stop[公交车站点]
157 首/末班车时间 Time for First/Last Train of This Line
158 首班车 First Train[火车];First Bus[公共汽车]
159 末班车 Last Train[火车];Last Bus(公共汽车]
160 交通信息查询机 Inquiry Machine
161 请使用其他通道 Please Use Another Passage
162 旅客通道, 请勿滞留 Please Keep Passage Clear or Busy Passage//Keep Clear
163 请选择要查询的线路 Please Select Line
164 夜间滞留旅客请在此休息 Rest Area for Overnight Passengers
165 会合大厅 Waiting Lounge or Waiting Hall
166 送客止步 Passengers Only
167 团队集合点 Group Gathering Point
168 货物查询 Freight Inquiry
169 货物检查 Freight Check
170 货物交运 Freight Check-in
171 货物提取 Freight Collection
172 乘客服务中心 Passenger Service Center
173 服务监督电话 Service and Complaints Hotline or Passenger Complaints Hotline
174 旅客投诉接待 Passenger Complaints
175 投诉台 Complaints
176 旅客留言 Passengers’ Messages
177 广播服务 Broadcast Service
178 轮椅租用 Wheelchair Rental
179 失物招领 Lost and Found
180 提供手杖 Walking Sticks Available
181 提供轮椅 Wheelchairs Available
182 乘客专用 For Passengers Only
183 老弱病残孕优先 Priority Seating or Courtesy Seating
184 请寻求工作人员帮助 Please Ask Our Staff for Assistance
185 现在是高峰时段, 如需服务请稍候 Busy Hours. Please Wait a Moment
186 照相服务 Photo Service
187 吸烟室 Smoking Room
188 如需人工服务, 请至 号窗口 Please Go to Window No. for Staff Assistance
189 待消毒 To Be Sterilized
190 消毒中 Sterilizing
191 已消毒 Sterilized
192 无人陪伴儿童 Unaccompanied Children
193 旅客须知 Notice to Passengers
194 电子监控区域 This Area Is Under Electronic Surveillance
195 请维护好车厢的清洁卫生, 谢谢合作 Thank You for Helping Us Keep This Bus Clean[公共汽车];Thank You for Helping Us Keep This Car Clean[火车]
196 已驶过车站 Stations Passed
197 站间转乘 Transfer Between Stations