is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean, Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 3 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas -
Part 3: Tourism
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, translation methods and requirements, writing requirements and the like for the use of English in tourism service area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of names of tourist areas and scenic spots, public places and institutions as well as tourism service information.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following term and definition apply.
tourist areas and scenic spots
the independent management area with functions such as visiting and touring, resting and relaxation, recreation and fitness, which is equipped with corresponding tourism service facilities to provide corresponding tourism service and has uniform business management organization and specific territorial scope
Note: Tourist areas and scenic spots include scenic area, resort area, natural reserve, temple and mosque, theme park, forest park, geopark, amusement park, zoo, botanical garden as well as various tourist areas and scenic spots regarding agriculture, business & economy, science & education, military, sports, culture & art and the like; while, cultural venue and museum and exhibition shall are not included.
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Names of tourist areas and scenic spots
4.1.1 Name of places such as mountain, river and lake shall be written with Chinese phonetic alphabet. In case that English shall be used for explanation in foreign service, "山" is generally translated as Mountain or Hill; Mount can also be used if it has been conventionally used.
4.1.2 There are different translations for "寺" and "庙" according to different situations: "Temple" shall be used for Buddhist Temple, Town's God Temple and the Imperial Ancestral Temple; "Mosque" shall be used for Mosque.
4.1.3 For Taoism, "宫", "观" may be translated into Daoist Temple. For certain specific temple, Daoist may be omitted, e.g. "Yongle Temple" and "Xuanmiao Temple".
4.1.4 There are different translations for "塔" according to different situations: "佛塔" is translated as Pagoda; "舍利塔" as Stupa or Dagoba; Tower shall be used for other "塔", e.g. "广播电视塔" is translated as Radio and TV Tower.
4.1.5 "亭" (pavilion), "台" (terrace), "楼" (attic), "阁" (tower), "榭" (shed), "阙" (watchtower) and the like are written, together with their proper name, with Chinese phonetic alphabet. As required in foreign service, the translation may be followed by English explanation.
4.1.6 Names of other tourist areas and scenic spots shall be translated and written according to 5.1 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex A.
4.2 Tourism service information
Tourism service information shall be translated and written according to 5.2 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex B.
4.3 Words and expressions selection and spelling method
The selection and spelling of English words and expressions shall meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
4.4 Grammar and format
4.4.1 Where being used in the mark indicating location, countable noun shall be in plural form generally, e.g. "Student Tickets", "Sightseeing Buses" and "Oil Paintings"; it shall be in single form when being used in the mark indicating real object, e.g. "Student Ticket", "Sightseeing Bus" and "Oil Painting".
4.4.2 The name referring to the whole touring facilities in general shall be in plural form, e.g. "Cable Car" and "Ski Lift".
4.4.3 Other single and plural usages as well as English person, tense and abbreviation shall meet the requirements of 5.4 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
5 Writing Requirements
English capitalization, punctuation, font, blank space, line advance and the like shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
5 Writing Requirements
Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Tourist Areas and Scenic Spots
Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Tourism Service Information
ICS 01.080.10
A 22
GB/T 30240.3—2017
Guidelines for the use of English in public service areas—
Part 3:Tourism
2017-05-22发布 2017-12-01实施
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》与公共服务领域日文、韩文、俄文等译写规范共同构成关于公共服务领域外文译写规范的系列国家标准。
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》分为以下部分:
本部分为GB/T 30240的第3部分。
本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。
1 范围
GB/T 30240的本部分规定了旅游服务领域英文翻译和书写的相关术语和定义、翻译方法和要求、书写要求等。
GB/T 30240.1—2013 公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则
旅游景区景点tourist areas and scenic spots
4.1 旅游景区景点名称
4.1.1 山、河、湖等地名应当使用汉语拼音拼写。对外服务中需要用英文予以解释的,“山”一般用Mountain或Hill解释;已经习惯使用Mount的可沿用。
4.1.3道教的宫、观译作Daoist Temple。在特指某一宫、观时,Daoist也可以省略,如:永乐宫Yongle Temple,玄妙观Xuanmiao Temple。
4.1.4塔应区分不同的情况,采用不同的译法:佛塔译作Pagoda;舍利塔译作Stupa或Dagoba;其他的塔译作Tower,如广播电视塔译作Radio and TV Tower。
4.1.6其他旅游景区景点名称的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.1的各项要求。具体参见附录A。
旅游服务信息的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.2的各项要求。具体译法参见附录B。
英文词语选用和拼写方法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.3的要求。
4.4.1 可数名词用在指示处所的标志里一般用复数形式,如:学生票购票窗口Student Tickets、观光车乘坐点Sightseeing Buses、油画柜台Oil Paintings;用在指示实物的标志里一般用单数形式,如:学生票Student Ticket、观光车Sightseeing Bus、油画Oil Painting。
4.4.2泛指整个游览设施的名称不用复数,如:缆车Cable Car、滑雪场缆车Ski Lift。
4.4.3 其他单复数用法,以及英文人称、时态和缩写形式应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.4的相关要求。
5 书写要求
英文大小写、标点符号、字体、空格、换行等的用法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中第6章的要求。
附 录A
A.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用。
表A.1 旅游景区景点名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 景观 Landscape或Scenery
2 海滩 Beach
3 江;河 River
4 溪 Creek或Stream
5 潭;池 Pond(日月潭、天池等已习惯使用Lake的可沿用)
6 湖;泊 Lake
7 瀑布 Falls或Waterfall
8 冰川 Glacier
9 森林;林地 Forest或Woods
10 湿地 Wetland
11 沼泽 Marsh或Moor
12 峡谷 Gorge或Canyon
13 山谷 Valley
14 山洞 Cave
15 溶洞 Karst Cave或Limestone Cave
16 山 Mountain或Hill[峨眉山等已习惯使用Mount的可沿用]
17 峰 Peak或Mountain Peak
序号 中文 英文
18 山脉 Mountains或Mountain Range
19 雪山 Snow Mountain
20 温泉 Hot Spring
21 风景名胜;风景名胜区;旅游景区 Tourist Attraction[泛指多处景点时应用复数,译作Tourist Attrac-tions]
22 景区 Scenic Area
23 景点 Scenic Spot
24 自然保护区 Natural Reserve或Nature Reserve
25 水利风景区 Water Conservancy Scenic Area
26 国家级景区 National Tourist Attraction
27 国家森林公园 National Forest Park
28 园;圃;苑 Garden
29 公园;综合公园 Park
30 城市公园 City Park或Urban Park
31 民俗园 Folklore Park
32 民族风情园 Ethnic Culture Park
33 地质公园 Geopark
34 湿地公园 Wetland Park
35 雕塑公园 Sculpture Park
36 主题公园 Theme Park
37 森林公园 Forest Park
38 生态公园 Ecopark
39 植物园 Botanical Garden
40 盆景园 Miniature Landscape Garden或Potted Landscape Garden
41 宫[皇宫];行宫 Palace
42 殿;堂 Hall
43 教堂 Church或Cathedral
44 廊[长廊] Corridor
45 陵;墓 Tomb或Mausoleum
46 陵园;墓园 Cemetery
47 庙;寺(佛教] Temple
48 宫;观[道教] Daoist Temple
序号 中文 英文
49 清真寺 Mosque
50 庵 Nunnery
51 祠[纪念性] Memorial Temple
52 宗祠 Ancestral Temple或Clan Temple
53 牌坊;牌楼 Memorial Gate或Memorial Archway
54 楼;塔楼;阁 Tower
55 塔 Pagoda[佛塔];Stupa或Dagoba[舍利塔]
56 世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage[泛指]或World Cultural Heritage Site[特指一处遗产]
57 中国优秀旅游城市 Top Tourist City of China
58 爱国主义教育基地 Patriotism Education Base
59 名胜古迹 Scenic Spots and Historical Sites[泛指多处景点]
60 国家级文物保护单位 National Cultural Heritage Site
61 省级文物保护单位 Provincial Cultural Heritage Site
62 市级文物保护单位 Municipal Cultural Heritage Site
63 区级文物保护单位 District Cuhural Heritage Site
64 古建筑 Ancient Building或Heritage Building[列入保护项目]
65 院;大院 Courtyard或Compound
66 古城 Ancient City或Heritage City[已列入保护项目]
67 古镇 Ancient Town或Old Town或Heritage Town[已列入保护项目]
68 旧址 Site
69 会址 Site of ____ Conference[“____”中填入具体会议名称]
70 故里 Hometown
71 故居 Former Residence
72 古桥 Ancient Bridge
73 古塔 Ancient Pagoda
74 古迹 Historical Site
75 遗址 Ruins
76 古墓 Ancient Tomb
77 石窟 Grottoes
78 石刻 Stone Inscription[文字];Stone Carving[非文字]
79 碑记 Tablet Inscription
80 历史名园 Historical Garden
序号 中文 英文
81 纪念馆;纪念堂 Memorial Hall
82 公墓 Cemetery
83 烈士陵园 Martyrs Cemetery
84 遗址公园 Heritage Park
85 一级文物 First Grade Cultural Relic或Grade One Cultural Relic
86 二级文物 Second Grade Cultural Relic或Grade Two Cultural Relic
87 三级文物 Third Grade Cultural Relic或Grade Three Cultural Relic
88 不可移动文物 Immovable Cultural Heritage
89 度假村 Resort
90 旅游度假区 Resort Area
91 动物园 Zoo或Zoological Park
92 野生动物园 Wildlife Park
93 海洋公园 Marine Park或Ocean Park
94 水上乐园 Water Park
95 水族馆;海洋馆 Aquarium
96 体育公园 Sports Park
97 游乐园 Amusement Park
98 儿童公园 Children’s Park
99 儿童游乐场;儿童乐园 Children’s Playground
100 农家乐 Agritainment
101 民族特色街 Ethnic Culture Street
102 步行街 Pedestrian Street或Pedestrian Zone
103 工业旅游示范点 Industrial Tourism Demonstration Site
104 农业旅游示范点 Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site
附 录 B
B.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “____”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
d) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用;
e)解释说明中指出某个词“可以省略”的,省略该词的译文只能用于设置在该设施上的标志中,如:游客通道Visitors Passage,在设置于该通道上的标志中可以省略Passage,译作Visitors;
f) 商店译作Store或Shop,本附录在相关条目的译文中省略了后一种译法,但在特定场合中英语国家习惯使用Shop的除外。
表B.1 功能设施信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 旅游大巴停车场 Tour Bus Parking或Tour Buses(用于Parking可以省略的场合]
2 游客停车场 Visitor Parking或Visitors[用于Parking可以省略的场合]
3 主人口 Main Entrance
4 团体人口 Group Entrance[Entrance可以省略]
5 临时入口 Temporary Entrance
6 临时出口 Temporary Exit
7 参观通道;游客通道 Visitors Passage[Passage可以省略]
8 贵宾通道 VIP Passage[Passage可以省略]
9 员工通道 Staff Passage或Staff Only[用于Passage可以省略的场合]
10 上楼楼梯 Stairway Up[Stairway可以省略]
11 下楼楼梯 Stairway Down[Stairway可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
12 无障碍坡道 Wheelchair Accessible Ramp[Ramp可以省略]
13 无障碍通道 Wheelchair Accessible Passage[Passage可以省略]
14 紧急呼叫点 Emergency Call
15 登山避险处 Mountain Refuge
16 观光廊 Sightseeing Corridor
17 观光线路 Sightseeing Route
18 观景台 Observation Deck或Observation Platform或Viewing Platform
19 售票口;售票处;票务处 Ticket Office或Tickets
20 团体售票口 Group Tickets Office或Groups[用于Office可以省略的场合]
21 无障碍售票口 Wheelchair Ticketing或Wheelchair Accessible[用于Ticketing可以省略的场合]
22 票务服务 Ticket Service
23 票价 Ticket Rates[Ticket可以省略]或Fares
24 门票;普通票 Tickets
25 优惠票 Concession Ticket
26 成人票 Adult Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
27 学生票 Student Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
28 老人票 Senior Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
29 儿童票 Child Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
30 团体票 Group Tickets[Tickets可以省略]
31 半票;半价 Half Rate Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
32 月票 Monthly Pass
33 年票 Annual Pass
34 赠票 Complimentary Ticket[Ticket可以省略]
35 套票;联票 Ticket Package
36 免票 Free Admission
37 旅游投诉 Complaints
38 收费项目 Pay Items[用于价目牌标题,后列多个收费项目及其价格];Non-Complimentary[指本项目收费,不免费]
39 免费项目 Free Items[用于公示牌标题,后列多个免费项目];Complimentary[指本项目免费]
40 凭票入场 Admission by Ticket或Ticket Holders Only
41 电子检票口 e-Ticket Check-in或e-Ticket Entrance
序号 中文 英文
42 检票口 Check-in或Entrance
43 团体检票口 Group Check-in或Group Entrance
44 团体接待 Group Reception
45 票已售出,概不退换 No Refunds or Exchanges
46 当日使用,逾期作废 Valid on Day of Issue Only[指购票当日有效];Valid for the Date Displayed on the Ticket[指票面上印刷的日期当日有效]
47 副券自行撕下作废 Invalid Without Stub
48 凭有效证件 Valid ID Required
49 残疾人证 Disability Certificate
50 全日制学生证 Fulltime Student ID
51 老年证 Senior Citizen ID
52 票已售完 Sold Out
53 游客服务中心;游客中心 Visitor Center或Tourist Center
54 咨询服务中心 Information Center[Center可省略]
55 游客报警电话: Police:____[“____”填入电话号码]
56 游客投诉电话: Complaints:____[“____”填入电话号码]
57 游客须知 Rules and Regulations[该译文适用于各类“须知”]
58 货币兑换 Currency Exchange
59 服装出租 Costumes Rental
60 景点管理处 Administration office
61 广播室;广播站 Broadcasting Room[规模较大]或Broadcast Room[规模较小]
62 广播寻人寻物 Paging Service
63 轮椅租借 Wheelchair Rental
64 手杖租借 Walking Stick Rental
65 雨伞租借 Umbrella Rental
66 婴儿车租用 Stroller Rental
67 照相服务 Photo Service
68 残疾人服务 Service for People With Disabilities
69 免费饮水 Free Drinking Water
70 救生圈 Life Buoy或Life Ring
71 导游讲解;导游服务 Tour Guide Service
72 游览指南 Tour Information
73 游览图 Tourist Map
序号 中文 英文
74 您所在的位置[用于导向指示图] You Are Here
75 导览册 Guides
76 导览机 Audio Guide
77 旅游行程表 Itinerary
78 景区简介;解说牌 Introduction
79 布告栏;公告栏 Bulletin Board或Notice Board
80 留言板 Message Board
81 旅游观光车 Sightseeing Bus或Sightseeing Car
82 旅游观光车车站 Sightseeing Bus Stop[沿途小站];Sightseeing Bus Station[大站,起点或终点站]
83 旅游观光车发车时间 Departure Time for Sightseeing Buses
84 缆车;索道缆车;空中缆车 Cable Car或Telpher
85 缆车[滑雪场专用] Ski Lift
86 乘缆车入口 Cable Car Entrance
87 观光索道 Sightseeing Cableway
88 观光小火车 Sightseeing Train
89 过山车 Roller Coaster
90 卡丁车 Go-Kart或Go-Karting
91 游船 Rowboat[划桨]或Rowing Boat[划桨];Pedal Boat[脚踏];Electric Boat[电动]
92 游船码头 Pier
93 摩托艇 Motorboat
94 观光船 Sightseeing Boat或Sightseeing Ship
95 租船处 Boat Rental
96 退押金处 Deposit Refunding
97 水果采摘区 Fruit-Picking Area
98 抚摸区[可抚摸动物] Petting Area
99 触摸区[可触摸体验] Hands-on Area
100 垂钓区 Angling Area
101 观赏区 Viewing Area
102 休闲区 Leisure Area
103 狩猎区 Hunting Area
序号 中文 英文
104 表演区 Performance Area
105 拓展区 Outdoor Exercise Area
106 住宿区 Lodging Area
107 无烟景区 Non-Smoking Area
108 海滨浴场 Bathing Beach
109 露营地 Camping Area
110 儿童浅水活动区 Wading Pool
111 生态小道;游步道 Eco-Trail
序号 中文 英文
1 当心绊倒 Mind Your’Step
2 当心电缆 CAUTION//Cable Here
3 当心火车 Beware of Trains
4 当心夹手 Pinch Point Hazard//Keep Hands Clear或Pinch Point Hazard//Watch Your Hands
5 当心碰头 Mind Your Head
6 当心动物伤人 CAUTION//Animals May Attack
7 当心高空坠物 CAUTION//Falling Objects
8 当心划船区域 CAUTION//Boating Area
9 当心机械伤人 DANGER//Machinery May Cause Injuries
10 当心触电 DANGER//High Voltage
11 当心落水 DANGER//Deep Water
1Z 小心滑倒 CAUTION//Slippery Surface或CAUTION//Wet Floor
13 前方弯路慢行 Bend Ahead//Slow Down或SLOW//Bend Ahead
表B.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 请勿触摸 Do Not Touch或No Touching
2 请勿随意移动隔离墩 Do Not Move Any Barrier
3 请勿将头手伸出窗外 Keep Head and Hands Inside
4 请勿坐在护栏上 Do Not Sit on Guardrail或No Sitting on Guardrail
5 请勿惊吓、戏弄动物 Do Not Disturb Animals
6 请勿留弃食品或食品包装 Do Not Leave Behind Food or Food Wrappings
7 请勿拍打玻璃 Do Not Tap on Glass
8 请勿使用扩音器 No Loudspeakers
9 请勿喂食;请勿投食 Do Not Feed Animals或No Feeding
10 请勿戏水 No Wading
11 请勿携带宠物 No Pets Allowed
12 请勿踩踏 Do Not Step或No Stepping
13 请勿进行球类活动 No Ball Games Allowed
14 请勿在殿内燃香 Do Not Burn Incense Inside
15 请勿嬉戏打闹 Do Not Disturb Other Visitors
16 请勿摇晃船只 Do Not Rock Boat
17 请勿乱扔垃圾 Do Not Litter或No Littering
18 禁止采摘 Do Not Pick Flowers or Fruits
19 禁止攀爬 No Climbing
20 禁止摆卖 No Vending Allowed
21 禁止垂钓 No Angling
22 禁止放风筝 Do Not Fly Kites
23 禁止机动车通行 No Motor Vehicles
24 禁止跨越护栏 Do Not Climb Over Fence或No Climbing Over Fence
25 禁止进入 No Admittance
26 禁坐栏杆 Do Not Sit on Handrail或No Sitting on Handrail[Handrail也可译作Railing]
27 禁止滑冰 No Skating
28 禁止倚靠 No Leaning
29 禁止露营 No Camping
30 禁止带火种;禁止放置易燃物 No Flammable Objects
31 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 No Fireworks或Fireworks Prohibited
32 禁止饮用 Not for Drinking
33 禁止开窗 Keep Windows Closed
序号 中文 英文
34 禁止无照经营 Licensed Vendors Only
35 禁止下水 Stay Out of Water
36 禁止旅游车辆入内 Authorized Vehicles Only
37 风力较大,勿燃香,请敬香 WINDY//No Incense Burning
38 食品饮料谢绝入内 No Food or Beverages Inside
39 谢绝参观 Not Open to Visitors
40 雷雨天禁止拨打手机 Do Not Use Cellphone During Thunderstorm
41 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、醉酒者请勿乘坐。 Visitors with hypertension,heart condition,motion sickness or exces-sive drinking are advised not to ride.
序号 中文 英文
1 请等车[船等]停稳后再下 Please Do Not Get off Until the Ride Comes to a Complete Stop
2 请爱护洞内景观 Please Show Respect for Sights Inside the Cave
3 请爱护古树 Please Show Respect for the Heritage Tree(tree应根据实际情况选用单复数]
4 请爱护景区设施 Please Show Respect for Public Facilities
5 请爱护文物 Please Show Respect for Cultural Relics
6 请扶稳坐好 Please Be Seated
7 请沿此路上山 This Way Up the Hill
8 滑雪者在此下车 Skiers Disembark Here
9 必须穿救生衣 Life Vest Required
10 儿童须由成人陪同 Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult
11 步行游客请在此下车 Hikers Disembark Here
12 贵重物品请自行妥善保管 Keep Your Valuables with You
13 原路返回 Return by the Way You Came或Return the Same Way You Came
14 沿此路返回 This Way Back
15 返回验印 Visitors Re-Entry Sticker Check
16 打开安全杆 Lift Safety Bar
17 宠物便后请打扫干净 Please Clean Up After Your Pet
序号 中文 英文
18 防洪通道,请勿占用 Flood Control Channel//Keep Clear
19 请尊重少数民族习惯 Please Respect Ethnic Customs
20 有佛事活动,请绕行 Service in Progress//Please Take Another Route
21 别让您的烟头留下火患 Dispose of Cigarette Butts Properly
序号 中文 英文
1 滑道戏水 Water Sliding
2 野营;露营 Camping
3 民族歌舞 Folk Dancing
4 温泉浴 Hot Spring Bathing
5 滑冰 Skating
6 滑雪 Skiing
7 垂钓 Angling
8 登山 Mountain Climbing
9 攀岩 Rock Climbing
10 徒步旅行 Hiking
11 郊游野游;远足 Outing或Excursion
12 森林浴 Forest Bathing
13 帆板冲浪 Windsurfing
14 滑草 Grass Skiing
15 滑沙 Sand Skiing
16 冲浪 Surfing
17 滑水 Water Skiing或Water Ski
18 划船 Rowing或Boating
19 探险 Expedition
20 泥沙浴 Mud and Sand Bathing
21 碰碰车 Bumper Car
22 骑马 Horseback Riding或Horse Riding
序号 中文 英文
23 潜水 Scuba Diving
24 浮潜 Snorkeling
25 漂流 Drifting
26 水上运动 Aquatic Sports或Water Sports
27 射击 Shooting
28 日光浴 Sunbathing
29 滑雪区;滑雪场 Ski Resort
30 滑雪坡道 Ski Slope
31 免税商店 Duty-Free Store
32 礼品店 Gift Store
33 纪念品店 Souvenir Store
34 字画店 Calligraphy and Paintings Store
35 棉麻制品 Cotton and Linen
36 青铜器 Bronze Ware
37 手工艺品 Handicrafts
38 陶器 Pottery
39 油画 Oil Paintings
40 泥塑 Clay Figurines
41 瓷器 Porcelain
42 剪纸 Paper Cuttings
43 景泰蓝 Cloisonne
44 皮影 Shadow Puppets
45 漆器 Lacquerware
46 丝毯 Silk Carpet
47 拓片 Rubbings
48 唐三彩 Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics
49 玉器 Jade Ware
50 古旧图书 Antique Books
51 金属制品 Metalware
52 旅游纪念品 Souvenirs
53 手稿 Manuscripts
54 书画 Calligraphy and Paintings
55 艺术品 Artwork
序号 中文 英文
56 丝织品 Silk Fabrics或Silks
57 中国画 Chinese Paintings
58 复制品;仿制品 Duplicate或Replica
59 模型 Models[作为商品类名时使用复数]
60 开放时间 Opening Hours
61 营业时间 Business Hours或Opening Hours
62 闭馆时间;闭园时间 Closing Time
63 表演时间 Show Time
64 淡季 Low Season或Slack Season
65 旺季 High Season或Peak Season
66 内部施工,暂停开放 Under Construction//Temporarily Closed
67 此处施工带来不便请谅解 Under Construction//Sorry for the Inconvenience