is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean, Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 7 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 7: Health and Medicine
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, translation methods and requirements, writing requirements and the like for the use of English in health care and medical area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of name of health care and medical institution, medical service information as well as special medical name.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following term and definition apply.
health care and medical institution
the organization or institution with functions regarding medical treatment, prevention, healthcare, medical education and scientific research
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Name of health care and medical institution
4.1.1 "医院" is translated as Hospital; those such as "诊所", "防治所", "卫生室" and "医务室" are translated as "Clinic"; "疗养院" is generally translated as Sanatorium or Convalescent Hospital; "护理医院" is generally translated as Nursing Home or Nursing Hospital.
4.1.2 The branch of hospital is translated as Branch Hospital and connected with the subject general hospital with of; or it may be written in "name of the general hospital, proper name + Branch", e.g. Huashan Hospital, Baoshan Branch.
4.1.3 The affiliation shall be translated for university affiliated hospital, "附属" is translated as Affiliated or may be omitted by putting the university name after the name of hospital and separating them with ",". For example Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated with (or to) Fudan University or Zhongshan Hospital (The Affiliated Hospital of Fudan University), or simply Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University.
4.1.4 "医保定点医疗机构" is translated as Medical Insurance Designated Hospital or Medical Insurance Designated Clinic; "医保定点药房" is translated as Medical Insurance Designated Pharmacy.
4.1.5 Names of other medical institutions shall be translated and written according to 5.1 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex A.
4.2 Medical service information
4.2.1 "中医" is translated as Traditional Chinese Medicine or abbreviated to TCM.
4.2.2 The generic term of "门诊部" is Outpatient Department and that of "急诊部" is Emergency Department; branch department of outpatient department and emergency department is generally referred to as Department. The generic term of "住院部" is Inpatient Department or Inpatient Ward; branch ward of inpatient department is generally referred to as Ward or Department. For example "门急诊部的血液科" may be translated as Hematology Department and "住院部的血液科" may be translated as Hematology Ward or Hematology Department.
4.2.3 Plural form may be adopted in translating and writing outpatient department, emergency department and inpatient department of large scale, e.g. Outpatient Departments.
4.2.4 Department in the name of outpatient department, emergency department and branch department may be omitted when the mark is used for indicating location and shall be reserved when the mark is used for indicating direction, e.g. "血液科" may be simply translated as Hematology when it is arranged at the door of consulting room of hematology department and shall be completed translated as Hematology Department when it is set at waiting area for indicating the direction of consulting room of hematology department.
4.2.5 Outpatient services of different categories and set in allusion to special disease or special requirement are translated as Clinic which cannot be omitted. For example, Fever Clinic and Expert Clinic, in which the Clinic shall not be omitted.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
5 Writing Requirements
Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Health Care and Medical Institutions
Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Service Information Regarding Health and Medicine
Annex C (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Specific Medical Names
ICS 01.080.10
A 22
GB/T 30240.7—2017
Guidelines for the use of English in public service areas—
Part 7:Health and medicine
2017-05-22发布 2017-12-01实施
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》与公共服务领域日文、韩文、俄文等译写规范共同构成关于公共服务领域外文译写规范的系列国家标准。
GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》分为以下部分:
本部分为GB/T 30240的第7部分。
本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。
1 范围
GB/T 30240的本部分规定了医疗卫生领域英文翻译和书写的相关术语和定义、翻译方法和要求、书写要求等。
GB/T 30240.1—2013 公共服务领域英文译写规范 第1部分:通则
医疗卫生机构health care and medical institution
4.1 医疗卫生机构名称
4.1.1 医院译作Hospital;诊所、防治所、卫生室、医务室等译作Clinic;疗养院一般译作Sanatorium,也可译作Convalescent Hospital;护理医院一般译作Nursing Home,也可译作Nursing Hospital。
4.1.2医院的分院译作Branch Hospital,用of连接所隶属的总院名称;也可采用“总院名称,专名+Branch”的译写方法,如:华山医院宝山分院Huashan Hospital,Baoshan Branch。
4.1.3大学附属医院需要译出隶属关系时,“附属”译作Affiliated;也可省去不译,将大学名称置于医院名称之后,中间用“,”隔开。如复旦大学附属中山医院,可以译作Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated with(或to)Fudan University或Zhongshan Hospital(The Affiliated Hospital of Fudan University),也可简译作Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University。
4.1.4 医保定点医疗机构译作Medical Insurance Designated Hospital或Medical Insurance Designated Clinic;医保定点药房译作Medical Insurance Designated Pharmacy。
4.1.5其他医疗机构名称的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.1的各项要求。具体译法参见附录A。
4.2.1 中医译作Traditional Chinese Medicine,可以缩写为TCM。
4.2.2 门诊部总称译作Outpatient Department;急诊部总称译作Emergency Department;门、急诊部的分科诊室一般译作Department。住院部总称译作Inpatient Department或Inpatient Ward;住院部的分科病房一般译作Ward,也可译作Department。如:门急诊部的血液科可译作Hematology Depart-ment,住院部的血液科可译作Hematology Ward或Hematology Department。
4.2.3译写较大规模的门急诊部和住院部时可采用复数,如:门诊部Outpatient Departments。
4.2.4 门、急诊部及其分科诊室名称中的Department在标志用于指示处所时可以省略,但在标志用于指示方位时应当译出,如血液科:在设置于血液科诊室门口的标志中可以简单译作Hematology,但在设置于候诊区域指示血液科诊室所处方位的标志中则应完整译作Hematology Department。
4.2.5 针对特殊疾病或特殊需求而设立的不同类别的门诊译作Clinic,且不能省略。如:发热门诊Fever Clinic、专家门诊Expert Clinic,其中的Clinic不能省略。
4.2.6其他医疗服务信息的译写应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.2的各项要求。具体译法参见附录B。
英文词语选用和拼写方法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.3的要求。
英文人称、时态、单复数用法和缩写形式应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中5.4的相关要求。
5 书写要求
英文大小写、标点符号、字体、空格、换行等的用法应符合GB/T 30240.1—2013中第6章的要求。
附 录A
A.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
b)“ ”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
c) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用。
A.2 医疗卫生机构
表A.1 医疗卫生机构名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 医院 Hospital
2 附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of____或Hospital Affiliated With____[With也可译作to]
3 中心医院 Central Hospital
4 专科医院 Specialized Hospital
5 儿童医院 Children’s Hospital
6 中医医院 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital或TCM Hospital
7 护理医院 Nursing Home或Nursing Hospital
8 康复医院 Rehabilitation Hospital
9 疗养院 Sanatorium或Convalescent Home或Convalescent Hospital
10 胸科医院 Chest Hospital
11 肺科医院 Lung Hospital
12 妇产科医院;妇婴保健院 Women’s Hospital或Maternity Hospital
13 肝胆外科医院 Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital
14 精神卫生医院 Mental Health Hospital或Psychiatric Hospital
15 脑科医院 Brain Hospital
序号 中文 英文
16 口腔医院 Stomatological Hospital或Oral Hospital
17 眼耳鼻喉科医院 Eye and ENT Hospital
18 眼科医院 Eye Hospital
19 耳鼻喉科医院 ENT Hospital
20 皮肤病医院 Dermatology Hospital
21 性病医院 STD Hospital
22 肛肠医院 Proctology Hospital
23 肿瘤医院 Tumor Hospital或Oncology Hospital
24 传染病防治院 Infectious Diseases Hospital
25 口腔病防治院 Oral Clinic
26 牙病防治院[所] Dental Clinic
27 眼病防治院[所] Eye Clinic
28 社区卫生服务中心 Community Healthcare Center
29 社区卫生服务中心医疗服务站 Community Healthcare Clinic
30 社区诊所 Community Clinic
31 卫生室、医务室 Clinic或Medical Room
32 公共卫生临床中心 Public Health Clinical Center
33 疾病预防控制中心 Disease Control and Prevention Center
34 医疗急救中心 Medical Emergency Center
35 血液中心 Blood Center
36 临床检验中心 Clinical Laboratory Center
37 医保定点医疗机构 Medical Insurance Designated Hospital或 Medical
Insurance Designated Clinic
38 医学科学技术情报研究所 Institute of Medical Science and Technology Information
39 健康教育所 Health Education Center
40 生物制品研究所 Research Institute of Biological Products
41 肿瘤研究所 Oncology Institute
42 气功研究所 Qigong Research Institute
43 针灸经络研究所 Acupuncture and Meridian Research Institute
44 免疫学研究所 Immunology Institute
序号 中文 英文
45 心血管研究所 Cardiovascular Medicine Institute
46 放射医学研究所 Radiation Medicine Institute
47 高血压研究所 Hypertension Research Institute
48 伤骨科研究所 Orthopaedic Traumatology Institute
49 内分泌研究所 Endocrinology Institute
50 医保办 Medical Insurance office
51 血液管理办公室 Blood Management Office
52 卫生监督所 Public Health Inspection Office
53 红十字会 Red Cross Society
附 录 B
B.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “ ”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
e)解释说明中指出某个词“可以省略”的,省略该词的译文只能用于设置在该设施上的标志中,如:门诊部Outpatient Department,在设置于门诊部门口的标志中可以省略Department,译作Outpatients;
f) 商店、小卖部等译作Store或Shop,电梯译作Elevator或Lift,本附录在相关条目的译文中均省略了后一种译法。
表B.1 功能设施信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 门诊部 Outpatient Department或Outpatients[用于Department可以省略的场合]
2 门诊楼 Outpatient Building或Outpatients[用于Building可以省略的场合]
3 急诊部 Emergency Department[Department可以省略]
4 急诊室 Emergency Clinic[Clinic可以省略]
5 急诊楼 Emergency Building[Building可以省略]
6 住院部 Inpatient Department
7 病房;病区 Inpatient Ward
8 病房楼 Inpatient Building
9 医技楼 Medical Technology Building[Building可以省略]
10 检查室 Examination Room
序号 中文 英文
11 化验室 Laboratory或Lab
12 治疗室 Treatment Room
13 观察室 Observation Room
14 候诊观察室 Waiting and Observation Room[Room可以省略]
15 抢救室 Emergency Room或Resuscitation Room[Room均可以省略]
16 现场抢救区 On-Site Emergency Care
17 注射室 Injection Room
18 输液室 Infusion Room
19 注射输液室 Injection and Infusion Room
20 配液室 Infusion Preparation Room
21 手术室 Operating Room或Operating Theater
22 麻醉室 Anesthesia Room
23 苏醒室;恢复室 Recovery Room
24 换药室 Dressing Room
25 清创室 Wound Care Room或Debridement Room[Room均可以省略]
26 产房 Delivery Room
27 重症监护室 Intensive Care Unit或ICU
28 心脏重症监护室 Cardiac Care Unit或CCU
29 冠心病重症监护室 Coronary Care Unit或CCU
30 儿童重症监护室 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit或Pediatric ICU
31 新生儿重症监护室 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit或NICU
32 胎儿监护室 Fetus Monitoring Room[Room可以省略]
33 高压氧室;高压氧舱 Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
34 预检处 Inquiries
35 挂号处 Registration
36 收费处 Cashier或Payment
37 挂号、收费处 Registration and Payment
38 自助挂号;自助挂号机 Self-Service Registration Machine[Machine可以省略]
39 住院手续办理处;住院登记处 Admission
40 出院手续办理处 Discharge
41 出入院办理处 Admission and Discharge
42 处方处 Prescription
序号 中文 英文
43 划价处;药品划价 Prescription Pricing
44 取药处;收方、发药处 Dispensary
45 药房;西药房;中西药房 Pharmacy
46 中药房 TCM Pharmacy
47 中草药房 TCM Pharmacy(Herbal Medicine)
48 中成药及西药房 Pharmacy(incl. Prepared Chinese Medicine)
49 医保定点药店 Medical Insurance Designated Pharmacy
50 用药咨询处 Medication Consultation
51 门诊煎药处 Outpatient Herbal Medicine Decoction Service
52 叫号台 Calling Desk
53 候诊区 Waiting Area
54 就诊区 Outpatient Area
55 诊室 Consulting Room
56 第____诊室 Consulting Room ____
57 男诊室 Men’s Consulting Room
58 女诊室 Women’s Consulting Room
59 乙肝病毒携带者诊室 HBV Carriers Consulting Room
60 登记处 Registry
61 预约处 Appointments
62 自助预约机 Self-Service Appointment Machine[Machine可以省略]
63 检查、化验等候区 Lab Test Waiting Area
64 取报告处 Lab Report Collection
65 取检查、化验结果处 Lab Test Reports
66 标本登记处 Specimen Registration
67 标本接收处 Specimen Collection
68 放标本处 Specimens
69 抽血处 Blood Sampling
70 静脉采血处 Venous Blood Sampling
71 普通取血处 Routine Blood Sampling
72 隔离取血室 Isolated Blood Sampling Room
73 拍片室;摄片室 Radiography Room
74 暗室 Darkroom
序号 中文 英文
75 冲片室 Film Developing Room
76 读片室;阅片室 Film Reading Room
77 护士站 Nurses Station
78 医生办公室 Doctor’s Office
79 配餐室 Meal Preparation Room[Room可以省略]
80 营养室 Nutrition Room
81 宣教室 Health Education Room[Room可以省略]
82 盥洗区 Wash Area
83 院内小卖部 Store
84 亲友等候区 Visitors Waiting Area
85 会客区 Reception Area
86 血液中心 Blood Center
87 血库 Blood Bank
88 血液采集区 Blood Collection Area
89 献血前等候区 Donors Waiting Lounge
90 献血前检测区 Donors Blood Test Area
91 献血咨询登记处 Donation Counseling and Registration
92 献血后休息区 Donors Rest Lounge
93 医用电梯 Medical Service Elevator或Medical Use Only[用于
94 手术室专用电梯 Operating Room Elevator或Operating Room Only[用于 Elevator可以省略的场合]
95 医疗急救电话l20 First Aid//Call 120
96 救护车 Ambulance
97 隔离区 Isolation Area或Quarantine Area
98 清洁区 Sterile Area或Cleanroom
99 半污染区 Buffer Area
100 污染区 Contaminated Area
101 污物间 Soiled Articles Disposal Room[Room可以省略]
102 生活垃圾(存放处)[指非医用垃圾] Non-Medieal Waste
序号 中文 英文
103 医用垃圾(存放处)[指医用废弃物等] Medical Waste
104 消毒产品检验受理处 Sterile Items Test Registration
105 急诊办公室 Emergency Department Office
106 门诊办公室 Outpatient Department Office
107 门诊接待室 Reception Room[Room可以省略]
108 医护部 Medical and Nursing Department
109 护理部 Nursing Department
110 投诉电话;投诉热线 Complaints Hotline
111 投诉与建议箱 Complaints and Suggestions
112 医疗纠纷处理办公室 Complaints Office
113 预防保健科 Preventive Medicine Department
114 院感科 Hospital-Acquired Infection Control Department
115 太平问;停尸房 Mortuary或Morgue
116 亲友告别室 Visitation Room
表B.2 警示警告信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 当心射线 CAUTION//Radiation
2 锐器!请注意 CAUTION//Sharp Objects
3 易燃物品 Flammable Materials
4 剧毒物品 Toxic Materials
5 生物危险,请勿入内 DANGER//Biohazard//No Admittance
表B.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 患者止步 Staff Only
2 请勿谈论病人隐私 Please Respect the Privacy of Our Patients
3 男宾止步 Women Only
序号 中文 英文
1 请在诊室外候诊 Please Wait Outside the Consulting Room
2 医疗急救通道 Emergency Access
3 进入实验区,请穿好工作服 Lab Area//Lab Coats Required
4 血液告急 Urgent! Blood Donors Needed Now!
5 血液告急,请伸出您的手臂! Donate blood,help save lives!
序号 中文 英文
1 专家门诊 Expert Clinic
2 特需门诊 Special Need Clinic
3 特约门诊 Special Appointment Clinic
4 预约门诊 Advance Appointment Clinic
5 隔离门诊 Isolation Clinic
6 中医门诊 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic或TCM Clinic
7 护理门诊 Nursing Clinic
8 专科门诊 Specialist Clinic
9 发热门诊 Fever Clinic
10 腹泻门诊 Diarrhea Clinic
11 营养门诊 Nutrition Clinic
序号 中文 英文
12 镇痛门诊 Aches and Pains Clinic
13 肥胖症门诊 Obesity Clinic
14 职业病咨询门诊 Occupational Health Consulting Clinic
15 门诊须知 Outpatient Guide
16 急诊须知 Emergency Patient Guide
17 病员须知 Patient Guide
18 住院须知 Admission Guide
19 取报告须知 Lab Report Collection Guide
20 患者入口 Patients Entrance
21 探视入口 Visitors Entrance
22 探视时间 Visiting Hours
23 探视须知 Visitors’ Guide
24 心理咨询 Psychological Counseling
25 免疫预防接种 Vaccination and Immunization
26 更年期保健 Menopause Health Care
27 危机干预 Crisis Intervention
28 医学美容 Medical Cosmetology Department或Medical Cosmetology
29 营养咨询 Nutrition Counseling
30 献血体检 Blood Donor Health Cheek
31 健康体检;常规体检 Health Checkup或Physical Examination
32 口腔修复 Prosthodontics
33 口腔预防 Preventive Dentistry
34 口腔正畸 Orthodontics Clinic
35 口腔种植 Oral Implantology
36 人工牙齿种植 Dental Implantology
37 远程会诊 Telemedicine
38 生物安全 Bio-Safety
39 无偿献血 Voluntary Blood Donation
附 录C
C.1 说明
a) “[ ]”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“( )”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;
c) “ ”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;
d) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用;
表C.1 医疗分科名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 病理科 Pathology Department[Department可以省略]
2 产科 Obstetrics Department[Department可以省略]
3 超声科 Ultrasonography Lab[Lab可以省略]
4 传染科 Infectious Diseases Department
5 儿科 Pediatrics Department[Department可以省略]
6 儿内科 Pediatric Internal Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
7 儿外科 Pediatric Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
8 耳鼻(咽)喉科 Otolaryngology Department或Ear,Nose and Throat Department或E.N.T. Department[Department均可以省略]
9 放射介入科 Radioactive Intervention Department[Department可以省略]
10 放射科 Radiology Department[Department可以省略]
11 风湿科 Rheumatology Department[Department可以省略]
12 风湿免疫科 Rheumatology and Immunology Department[Department可以省略]
13 妇科 Gynecology Department[Department可以省略]
14 妇女保健科 Women’s Health Care Department[Department可以省略]
15 腹腔镜外科 Laparoscope Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
16 肝胆科 Hepatology Department[Department可以省略]
17 肝胆外科 Hepatologieal Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
18 肝炎科 Hepatitis Department
19 舡肠科 Proctology Department
20 痔科 Hemorrhoid Department
21 高血压科 Hypertension Department
22 骨科;骨伤科 Orthopedics Department[Department可以省略]
23 核医学科 Nuclear Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
24 呼吸内科 Respiratory Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
25 检验科 Clinical Lab
26 介入科 Intervention Department
27 戒毒科 Drug Rehabilitation Department[Department可以省略]或Drug Rehab De-partment[Department可以省略]
28 精神科 Psychiatry Department
29 康复科 Rehabilitation Department[Department可以省略]或Rehabilitation Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
30 康复医学科 Rehabilitation Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
31 口腔科 Stomatology Department[Department可以省略]
32 口腔外科 Oral Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
33 老年病科 Geriatric Department或Geriatrics[用于Department可以省略的场合]
34 麻醉科 Anesthesiology Department[Department可以省略]
35 泌尿科 Urology Department[Department可以省略]
36 免疫科 Immunology Department[Department可以省略]
37 男科;男性科 Andrology Department[Department可以省略]
38 内分泌科 Endocrinology Department[Department可以省略]
39 内科 Internal Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
40 皮肤科 Dermatology Department[Department可以省略]
41 普通内科;通用内科 General Internal Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
42 普通外科 General Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
43 器官移植科 Organ Transplantation Department[Department可以省略]
44 伤科 Traumatology Department[Department可以省略]
45 烧伤科 Burns Department
46 神经内科 Neurology Department[Department可以省略]
47 神经外科 Neurosurgery Department[Department可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
48 肾内科 Nephrology Department[Department可以省略]
49 生殖健康科 Reproductive Health Care Department[Department可以省略]
50 生殖科 Reproductive Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
51 手外科 Hand Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
52 输血科 Blood Transfusion Department[Department可以省略]
53 体检中心 Physical Examination Center
54 外科 Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
55 微创外科 Minimally Invasive Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
56 消化内科 Gastroenterology Department[Department可以省略]或Gastrology Depart-ment[Department可以省略]
57 心理科 Psychology Department[Department可以省略]
58 心理咨询科 Psychological Counseling Department[Department可以省略]
59 心外科 Cardiac Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
60 心胸外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
61 心血管内科 Cardiovascular Medicine Department[Department可以省略]
62 心脏介入科 Cardiovascular Intervention Department[Department可以省略]
63 心脏科 Cardiology Department[Department可以省略]
64 新生儿外科 Neonatal Surgery Department[Department可以省略)
65 新生儿医疗中心 Neonatal Medical Center
66 性病科 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Department或STD Department
67 胸外科 Thoracic Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
68 血管介入科 Vascular Intervention Department[Department可以省略]
69 血管外科 Vascular Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
70 血液科 Hematology Department[Department可以省略]
71 牙科 Dental Department或Dentistry
72 眼科 Ophthalmology Department[Department可以省略]
73 医学心理科 Medical Psychology Department[Department可以省略]
74 针灸科 Acupuncture Department[Department可以省略]
75 整形外科 Plastic Surgery Department[Department可以省略]
76 正颌正畸科 Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics Department[Department可以省略]
77 中医科 Traditional Chinese Medicine Department[Department可以省略]或TCM Department[Department可以省略]
78 中医儿科 TCM Pediatrics Department[Department可以省略]
79 中医妇科 TCM Gynecology Department[Department可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
80 中医骨病治疗科 TCM Orthopedics Department[Department可以省略]
81 中医理疗科 TCM Physiotherapy Department[Department可以省略]
82 肿瘤科 Oncology Department[Department可以省略]
83 综合治疗科 Integrated Therapy Department[Department可以省略]
序号 中文 英文
1 体温测量 Temperature Taking
2 量血压 Blood Pressure Measurement
3 动态血压检查 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring[可以缩写为ABPM]
4 功能检查 Function Test
5 白带检查 Leucorrhea Examination
6 肺功能检查 Pulmonary Function Test
7 眼科验光 Optometry
8 免疫检查 Immunoassay
9 智力测量 Intelligence Assessment
10 心理测验 Psychological Test
11 妊高症监测 Gestational Hypertension Monitoring
12 常规化验 Routine Test
13 儿保化验 Child Care Test
14 尿液化验 Urine Test
15 粪便化验 Excrement Test
16 妇科化验 Gynecological Test
17 宫颈冷冻 Cervical Cryotherapy
18 白带化验 Leucorrhea Test
19 血气分析 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
序号 中文 英文
20 B超 B-Mode Ultrasound
21 阴超 Transvaginal Ultrasound
22 彩超 Color Ultrasound
23 腹部B超 Abdominal Ultrasound Scan
24 心脏超声波 Cardiac Ultrasound Scan或Echocardiography
25 X光摄片 X-Ray Radiography
26 断层扫描[CT] CT Scan
27 断层扫描[发射单光子计算机] ECT或Emission Computed Tomography
28 透视 Fluoroscopy或X-Ray
29 核磁共振 MRI或Magnetic Resonance Imaging
30 口腔放射 Oral Radiology
31 牙片 Dental Film
32 数字牙片 Digital Dental Film
33 乳腺摄片 Galactophore Radiography
34 心电图 ECG
35 动态心电图 DCG或Dynamic Electrocardiogram或Holter Monitor
36 脑、肌电图 Electroencephalography and Electromyography或EEG and EMG
37 胃肠电图 Electrogastrogram或EGG
38 内窥镜检查 Endoscopy
39 胃镜检查 Gastroscopy
40 肠镜检查 Enteroscopy
41 支气管镜检查 Bronchoscopy
42 胃十二指肠镜检查 Gastroduodenoscopy
43 艾滋病初筛实验 HIV Screening或HIV/AIDS Screening
44 骨密度检测 Bone Mineral Density Test
45 听力测试 Audiometry
46 红外线扫描 Infrared Ray
47 快速检测 Rapid Test
表C.3 医疗措施名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 理疗 Physical Therapy或Physiotherapy
2 放疗 Radiation Oncology或Radiotherapy
3 弱视治疗 Amblyopia Treatment
4 中医科按摩 TCM Massage Therapy
5 推拿 Tuina或Manipulation
6 针灸 Acupuncture
7 预防接种 Prophylactic Vaccination
8 新生儿水疗抚触 Neonatal Hydrotherapy and Massage
9 心导管术 Cardiac Catheterization
10 心理治疗 Psychotherapy
11 骨髓移植 Bone Marrow Transplantation
12 透析 Dialysis
13 血透 Hemodialysis
14 钴60治疗;同位素治疗 Cobalt-60 Treatment或Isotope Treatment
15 助听器验配 Hearing Aid Fitting
16 高压氧治疗 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
17 功能训练 Functional Training
表C.4 医学保障设施名称英文译法示例
序号 中文 英文
1 病案室;病史室 Medical Records Room[Room可以省略]
2 疫苗室 Vaccination Room[Room可以省略]
3 药械科 Drug and Equipment Department[Department可以省略]
4 操作室 Procedure Room
5 放射防护 Radiation Protection
6 放射物品 Radioactive Materials
序号 中文 英文
7 供应保障组 Supply Team
8 供应室 Storage and Supply Room
9 供应保障区 Storage and Supply Area
10 实验区 Laboratory Area
11 实验室 Laboratory或Lab
12 生化实验室 Biochemistry Lab
13 病毒实验室 Virus Analysis Lab
14 毒理实验室 Toxicology Lab
15 免疫实验室 Immunoassay Lab
16 放射免疫实验室 Radioimmunoassay Lab或RIA Lab
17 分子生物学实验室 Molecular Biology Lab
18 微量元素实验室 Trace Element Lab
19 微生物实验室 Microbiology Lab
20 细胞化验室 Cell Lab
21 细菌培养室 Bacterial Culture Lab
22 细菌室 Bacteriology Lab
23 血液实验室 Blood Analysis Lab