is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards.
This standard replaces GB/T 11835-2007 Rock wool, Slag wool and its products for thermal insulation in whole.
In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 11835-2007.
——The scope of this standard is revised, and the inapplicable scope of this standard is added (see chapter 1 or chapter 1 in the version of 2007);
——The terminology of rock wool lamella, slag wool lamella, faced rock wool mat and faced slag wool mat are removed, faced rock wool product, faced slag wool product, stitched mat and the linear shrinkage at specified temperature are added (see 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3, and 3.1, 3.2 in the version of 2007);
——The classification of product is modified (see 4.2, and 4.2 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements on acidity coefficient and linear shrinkage at specified temperature of rock wool and slag wool product are added (see 5.2.1);
——The requirements on average fiber diameter and shot content(diameter greater than 0.25 mm) for rock wool and its product is modified (see 5.2.2, and 5.1 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements on density and thermal conductivity of cotton are deleted, the requirements on acidity coefficient and linear shrinkage at specified temperature of cotton are added (see 5.2.3, and 5.2 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements on appearance quality of faced board and faced pipe are added (see,, and 5.3.1, 5.6.1 in the version of 2007);
——The format of table is modified (see Table 2 to Table 8, and Table 2 to Table 4 and Table 6 to Table 10 in the version of 2007);
——The length, width and thickness of board, mat and stitched mat are deleted (see Table 2 and Table 4, and Table 2 and table 6 in the version of 2007);
——The size tolerance of the board is modified (see Table 2, and Table 2 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements on minimum density, density tolerance, thermal conductivity and reaction to fire classification are modified (see Table 3, Table 5 and Table 8, and Table 3, Table 7 and Table 10 in the version of 2007);
——The stiffness requirement of board is added (see table 2);
——The requirements of lamella mat products are deleted (5.4 in the version of 2007);
——The open line distance of stitched mat is modified, " distance of open line" is changed to "maxi- mum distance of open line" (see Table 6, and Table 8 in the version of 2007);
——The length of pipe is deleted, the range of thickness and diameter of pipe are modified(see Table 7 or Table 9 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements of quality hygroscopic and water absorption are modified(see 5.3.1, and 5.7.2 in the version of 2007);
——The assessment requirements of maximum use temperature are modified (see 5.3.2, and 5.7.3 in the version of 2007);
——The requirements of products covered with austenitic stainless steels are modified (see and in the version of 2007);
——The representation of the test method is expressed as a provision (see 6.2 to 6.18, and 6.2 in the version of 2007);
——"sewn blanket stitch quality test" in Annex D is moved to the main text (see 6.13, and Annex D in the version of 2007);
——"test items, sampling plans, and determination rules" in Annex F is move to the main text (see 7.1 and 7.3, and Annex F in the version of 2007);
——The scope of Annex B(B.1) is deleted, the test procedure is modified (see Annex B. and Annex B in the version of 2007);
——The scope of Annex C(C.1) is deleted, the sample (C.3), the test procedure(C.4) and the test results(C.5) are modified (see Annex C, and Annex C in the version of 2007);
——"linear shrinkage at specified temperature test" of Annex E is added (see Annex E).
This standard was proposed by the China Building Materials Federation.
This standard was prepared by SAC/TC 191 China Technical Committee for Thermal Insulation Materials Standardization.
The previous editions of GB/T 11835 are as follows.
Rock wool, slag wool and its products for thermal insulation
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terminology and definitions, classification and sign, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of rock wool, slag wool and its products for thermal insulation.
This standard is applicable to rock wool, slag wool and its products used on equipment and pipe line.
This standard is not applicable to rock wool slag wool products use in building envelope, building components and floor.
2 Normative reference documents
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the reference document(including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2059 Strip of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 3880.1 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 1: Technical conditions of delivery
GB/T 4132 Definitions of terms relating to thermal insulating materials
GB/T 5480 Test methods for mineral wool and its products
GB 8624-2012 Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products
GB/T 10294 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties-guarded hot board apparatus
GB/T 10295 Thermal Insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties-heat flow meter apparatus
GB/T 10299 Test method for hydrophobic nature of thermal insulation
GB/T 17393 Specification for thermal insulation for use in contact with austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 17430 Estimating the maximum service temperature of thermal insulation
YB/T 5059 Cold-rolled low carbon steel strips
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 4132 and GB/T 5480 and the following apply.
faced rock wool product, faced slag wool product
a product composed by facing materials, adhesive and rock wool or slag wool board, mat, pipe, etc.
stitched mat
a mat product stitched with line or mesh mat.
linear shrinkage at specified temperature
size shrinkage rate of the sample after holding the sample at the specified temperature for a specified period of time
heat shrinkage temperature under load
under specified heating conditions and constant load, the temperature at which the specimen shrinks by 10%
pipe section eccentricity
the eccentric degree of the inner and outer circle of pipe cross section, expressed as a ratio of the thickness range to the nominal thickness
organic matter content
under specified condition, the ratio of the mass of organic matter removed from the dried product to the original mass, expressed as percentage
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Classification
Products are classified into cotton, board, mat, stitched mat and pipe by form.
Products are classified into rock wool and slag wool by category.
4.2 Marking
A sign for the product consists of three parts; product name, standard number and product technical characteristic.
The product technical characteristics includes.
a) Density, in kg/m3
b) Dimension, length x width x thickness, in mm;
c) Others, indicate in a parenthesis after the dimension, such as manufacture, facing and etc.
Example 1:
A slag wool board with density of 120 kg/m3, length of 1200 mm, width of 600 mm and thickness of 80 mm shall be illustrated as:
Slag wool board GB/T 11835 120-1200 x 600 x 80.
Example 2:
A rock wool mat with the facing materials of aluminum foil, density of 80 kg/m3, length of 10000 mm , width of 1200 mm, thickness of 50 mm shall be illustrated as:
Rock wool mat GB/T 11835 80-10000 x 1200 x 50 (aluminum foil).
5 Requirements
5.1 General rules
Except for appearance and reaction to fire classification, the following requirements apply to the substrate material only.
5.2 General requirements
5.2.1 The acidity coefficient and the linear shrinkage at specified temperature of the products shall be in accordance with those listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Requirements of the acidity coefficient and the linear shrinkage at specified temperature of rock wool and slag wool products
Properties Rock wool products Slag wool products
Acidity coefficient Mk Mk≥1.6 1.1≤Mk≤1.5
Linear shrinkage at specified temperature
% ≤4.0 (650 °C ) ≤4.0 (450 °C)
5.2.2 Average fiber diameter and shot content
The average fiber diameter of cotton and its products shall not exceed 6.0 μm, and the shot content (particle diameter greater than 0.25 mm) shall not exceed 7.0%.
5.2.3 Cotton
The physical properties of cotton shall meet the requirements of 5.2.2 and the heat shrinkage temperature under load shall be higher than 650 °C.
5.2.4 Board The appearance of board shall have a flat surface. It shall not have scars, stains or damage which may affect applications. The adhesion between base and facing of faced board shall be flat and firm. Size tolerances of board shall be in accordance with those listed in Table 2.
Table 2 Size tolerances of board
Properties Tolerances
Length tolerance
mm +10
Width tolerance
mm +5
Thickness tolerance
mm +3
-3 The physical properties of board shall be in accordance with those listed in Table 1, Table 3 and 5.2.2.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification and marking 5 Requirements 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Marks 9 Packing, Transport and Storage Annex A (informative) Reference equation of thermal conductivity at different temperatures Annex B (normative) Test method of linear shrinkage at specified temperature Annex C (normative) Test method of appearance and pipe section eccentricity Annex D (normative) Test method of organic matter content Annex E (normative) Test method of heat shrinkage temperature under load Annex F (normative) Test method of corrosiveness of mineral wool and its products to metals