is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard replaces the part of food paraffin in Food Grade Paraffin Wax (GB 7189-2010).
The following changes have been made with respect to GB 7189-2010:
——this standard is renamed as "National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Paraffin".
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Paraffin
1 Scope
This standard is applicable to the food additive - paraffin, which use oily wax as raw material and are obtained through hydrofining or clay refining after sweating or solvent deoiling.
2 Molecular Formula and Relative Molecular Mass
2.1 Molecular formula
2.2 Relative molecular mass
254 ~ 450 (in accordance with international relative atomic mass in 2007)
3 Technical Requirements
3.1 Physical and chemical indexes
The physical and chemical indexes shall be in accordance with those specified in Table1.
Put about 10g sample into a 100mL ~ 250mL conical flask, add into 50mL anhydrous straight-run gasoline with initial boiling point not lower than 70℃, shake it, and heat it in a 70℃ water bath until the paraffin melts. After being in 70℃ water bath for 15min, the solution shall be free from any visible turbidity, sediment or water. Slight opalescene is allowed, in this case, the test is passed
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Molecular Formula and Relative Molecular Mass 3 Technical Requirements Annex A Determination of Mechanical Impurity and Water