is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
YB/T 4001 Steel bar grating and matching parts is consisted of the following three parts:
— Part 1: Steel bar gratings
— Part 2: Grating platform ball-type guardrails
— Part 3: Grating stair treads
This is Part 1 of YB/T 4001.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces YB/T 4001.1-2007 Steel bar grating and matching parts, and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to YB/T 4001.1-2007:
— adjustment of the chapter structure that Clause 6 Order content and Clause 8 Calculation of weight and area of steel bar grating are merged into Chapter 10 Order contract, weight, area and delivery settlement (see Clause 10; Clause 6 and Clause 8 of Edition 2007);
— amendment of the technical requirements of raw materials for steel bar grating that "bearing bar may be made of Q235-A or B steel of GB/T 700" is changed to "bearing bar is made of carbon structural steels and high strength low alloy structural steels, and meets the requirements of GB/T 700, GB/T 1591 and GB/T 702; adopts austenitic stainless steel and duplex stainless steel materials, and meets the requirements of GB/T 4237 and GB/T 3280" (see 7.1; 9.1 of Edition 2007);
— subdivision of the band of steel bar grating that includes trim band and load-carrying band (see 7.2; 9.1.3 of Edition 2007);
— addition of inspection requirements and sampling rules (see Clause 9);
— deletion of Annex A Stair treads that is merged into Part 3 of this standard: Grating stair treads (Annex A of Edition 2007);
— deletion of Annex B Canal cover of steel bar grating (Annex B of Edition 2007);
— adjustment of Annex C Test for Load and deflection that is changed to Annex A and modification of static load test of steel bar grating which is used as the specified inspection item of steel bar grating (see Annex A; Annex C of Edition 2007);
— addition of Annex B Installation and fixing of steel bar grating (see Annex B);
— amalgamation of Annex C Calculation of safe load and deflection of steel bar gratings from Annex D Calculation of imposed load and deflection of steel bar grating and Annex E Calculation of safe load and deflection (see Annex C; Annex D and Annex E of Edition 2007).
This part was proposed by China Iron and Steel Association.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Iron and Steel of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 183).
The previous editions of this part are as follows:
— YB 4001-1991, YB/T 4001-1998 and YB/T 4001.1-2007.
Steel bar grating and matching parts
Part 1: Steel bar gratings
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, product structure, model and labeling, allowable deviation in dimension, technical requirements, design for use, test methods and inspection rules, order content, weight, area and delivery settlement, packaging, marking and quality certificate of steel bar grating.
This part is applicable to steel bar grating (hereinafter referred to as “steel bar grating") for working platforms, floors, walkways, stair threads and trench covers in industries of petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, light industry, shipbuilding, energy and municipal administration. Other types of steel bar grating and metal grating may also comply with the related requirements of this part.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated reference, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 709 Hot-rolled steel bars — Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances and sheet
GB/T 1591 High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 3280 Cold rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 4237 Hot rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 13912 Metallic coatings - Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test methods
GB 50009 Load code for the design of building structures
GB 50017
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
steel bar grating
plate steel member with open through hole fixed by orthogonal combination of bearing bar and cross bar according to certain length which may be divided into pressure welding steel grid and pressure locking steel grid according to different manufacture methods
bearing bar
flat steel bearing load in steel bar grating
cross bar
twisted square steel, round steel or flat steel fixed on bearing bar
clear opening
maximum inscribed circle diameter of open through hole of steel bar grating
bearing bar centers
distance between centers of two adjacent bearing bar
cross bar centers
distance between centers of two adjacent cross bar
pressure resistance weld
method of welding named pressure resistance welding, or pressure welding, which utilizes the resistance heat generated by the current passing through the contact surface of the joint and its adjacent areas where the pressure is applied through the electrode after the workpiece is assembled
flat steel, angle steel, C-type steel, cross bar or other materials used as end bar for fixing at the ends, sides or the edges of other openings and notches of bearing bar of steel bar grating
trim band
band of steel bar grating for changing appearance, not bearing and transmitting the load of bearing bar
load-carrying band
band of steel bar grating that located at the special part of the platform where the bearing bar has no support and requires the end bar to bear and transfer the load of bearing bar
toe plate
protective baffle fixed around a platform or in a steel bar grating with the edge of the opening or notch higher than that of the bearing bar
maximum size of steel bar grating parallel to the direction of bearing bar
maximum size of steel bar grating perpendicular to the direction of bearing bar
thickness of steel bar grating which equals to the width of bearing bar
clearance of steel bar grating supporting frame parallel to the direction of bearing bar
grating design value of load
load value of steel bar grating obtained by calculation based on the design value of bending strength of steel
design value of concentrated load at mid-span
design value of concentrated load acting on the middle line of steel bar grating span
design value of uniform load at full-span
design value of uniformly distributed load acting on the plane area of steel bar grating
allow of maximum deflection under load
maximum allowable deflection in mid-span of steel bar grating under external load
4 Product structure
4.1 Pressure welding steel bar grating
Steel bar grating fixed by pressure resistance weld at each intersection of bearing bar and cross bar are called pressure welding steel bar grating. Twisted square steel or round steel is usually used as the cross bar of pressure welding steel bar grating. As shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Pressure welding steel bar grating
1 — bearing bar
2 — cross bar
4.2 Pressure locking steel bar grating
At each intersection of the bearing bar and the cross bar, the cross bar is pressed into the bearing bar with pre-grooved by pressure through the assembling method of interference fit, or deformed and fixed by bulging, forging and pressing and other methods. And the steel bar grating fixed by this way is called pressure locking steel bar grating which is shown in Figure 2.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Product structure 5 Model and labeling 6 Allowable deviation in dimension 7 Technical requirements 8 Design for use 9 Test methods and inspection rules 10 Order contents, weight, area and delivery settlement Annex A (Normative) Static load inspection of steel bar grating Annex B (Informative) Installation and fixation of steel bar grating Annex C (Informative) Calculation of applied load and deflection of steel bar grating
钢格栅板及配套件 第1部分:钢格栅板 1 范围 本部分规定了钢格栅板的术语和定义、产品构造、型号和标记、尺寸允许偏差、技术要求、使用设计、试验方法和检验规则、订货内容、重量、面积和交付结算、包装、标志及质量证明书。 本部分适用于石油、化工、冶金、轻工、造船、能源和市政等行业的工作平台、地板、走道、楼梯踏板和沟盖板等用钢格栅板(以下简称“钢格板”)。对于其他类型的钢格板和金属格栅板,也可参考本部分的有关规定执行。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 700 碳素结构钢 GB/T 702 热轧钢棒尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 GB/T 709 热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 GB/T 1591 低合金高强度结构钢 GB/T 3280 不锈钢冷轧钢板和钢带 GB/T 4237 不锈钢热轧钢板和钢带 GB/T 13912 金属覆盖层 钢铁制件热浸镀锌层技术要求及试验方法 GB 50009 建筑结构荷载规范 GB 50017 钢结构设计标准 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 钢格板 steel bar grating 由承载扁钢与横杆按照一定的间距正交组合加以固定而成为开敞通孔的板式钢构件。根据制作方法不同,分为压焊钢格板和压锁钢格板。 3.2 承载扁钢 bearing bar 钢格板中承受荷载的扁钢。 3.3 横杆 cross bar 固定于承载扁钢上的扭绞方钢、圆钢或扁钢等。 3.4 净空间隙 clear opening 钢格板开敞通孔的最大内切圆直径。 3.5 承载扁钢中心间距 bearing bar centers 相邻的两条承载扁钢中心到中心之间的距离。 3.6 横杆中心间距 cross bar centers 相邻的两条横杆中心到中心之间的距离。 3.7 压力电阻焊 pressure resistance weld 工件组合后通过电极施加压力,利用电流通过接头的接触面及邻近区域产生的电阻热进行焊接的方法称为压力电阻焊,简称压焊。 3.8 包边 band 在钢格板承载扁钢的端头、侧面或其他开口、切口的边缘上用扁钢、角钢、C型钢、横杆或其他材料作为包边板进行固定。 3.9 装饰包边 trim band 用于改变外观,不承受和传递承载扁钢的荷载的钢格板包边。 3.10 承载包边 load-carrying band 在平台的特殊部位,承载扁钢端头没有支承,需要依靠包边板承受和传递承载扁钢的荷载的钢格板包边。 3.11 踢脚板 toe plate 固定于平台四周或钢格板切口、开孔的边缘高于承载扁钢并具有防护作用的挡板。 3.12 钢格板长度 length 平行于承载扁钢方向的钢格板最大尺寸。 3.13 钢格板宽度 width 垂直于承载扁钢方向的钢格板最大尺寸。 3.14 钢格板厚度 depth 钢格板厚度等于承载扁钢的宽度。 3.15 钢格板跨距 span 平行于承载扁钢方向的钢格板支承架构的净空距离。 3.16 钢格板的荷载设计值 grating design value of load 以钢材的抗弯强度设计值通过计算获得的钢格板荷载值。 3.17 钢格板跨中集中荷载设计值 design value of concentrated load at mid-span 作用于钢格板跨距中线上的集中荷载设计值。 3.18 钢格板满跨均布荷载设计值 design value of uniform load at full-span 作用于钢格板平面面积上的均匀分布荷载设计值。 3.19 钢格板负载下的最大挠度容许值 allow of maximum deflection under load 钢格板在外加荷载作用下的跨中最大挠度容许值。 4 产品构造 4.1 压焊钢格板 在承载扁钢和横杆的每个交点处,通过压力电阻焊固定的钢格板,称为压焊钢格板。压焊钢格板的横杆通常采用扭绞方钢或圆钢。如图1所示。