This part of GB/T 3917 describes a single-tear method to determine fabric tear force, known as the trouser test, using a test specimen cut to form trouser-shaped legs. The tear force measured is the force required to propagate a previously started single tear to a specified length when the force is applied parallel to the cut and the fabric tears in the direction of applied force.
This part is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques, e.g. to some nonwovens.
This part is not applicable to knitted fabrics and woven elastic fabrics. It is not suitable for highly anisotropic fabrics or loose fabrics where tear transfer from one direction to another direction of the fabric during the tear test is likely to occur.
The method only allows the use of constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing machines.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Principle
5 Sampling
6 Apparatus
7 Atmosphere for Conditioning and Testing
8 Preparation of Test Specimens
9 Procedure
10 Calculation and Expression of Results
11 Test Report
Appendix A (informative) Suggested Procedure for Sampling
Appendix B (informative) Example of Pattern for Cutting out Test Specimens From the Laboratory Sample
Appendix C (informative) Sample Calculation of Tear Force
Appendix D (normative) Wide-width Trouser Test Specimens