This standard specifies the specifications of onboard hydrogen system of fuel cell electric vehicles.
This standard is applicable to fuel cell electric vehicles with compressed gaseous hydrogen as fuel and nominal working pressure of the on-board hydrogen system not exceeding 70MPa under the environment temperature of 15℃.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 7258 Safety Specifications for Power-driven Vehicles Operating on Roads
GB/T 24548 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles - Safety Requirements
GB/T 26779 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles - Refuelling Receptacle
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terminologies and definitions as well as those defined in GB/T 24548 apply.
Hydrogen system
Devices relevant to hydrogen filling, storage, transport, supply and control from hydrogen filling point to fuel cell entrance, see Appendix A.
Main shut off valve
A kind of valve used for shutting off the hydrogen supply from container to the downstream of such valve.
Container check valve
A kind of container main valves used for preventing hydrogen from flowing back to filling point from container.
Pressure regulator
Valve controlling the hydrogen system pressure within the range of design value.
Pressure relief valve
Valve controlling the pressure in the pipeline at downstream of pressure reducing valve within normal range by releasing air when such pressure abnormally rises.
4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Onboard hydrogen system shall meet the requirements of GB/T 24549, onboard hydrogen system and its device shall be so installed as to operate safely and reliably under normal application condition.
4.1.2 Hydrogen system shall be manufactured according to the product drawing and other technical documents approved in accordance with established procedures and shall meet those specified in this standard. The hydrogen system shall be so designed that the quantity of high pressure pipeline connection point is minimized so as to ensure convenient construction, good sealing condition and convenient inspection and maintenance of pipeline connection point by design.
4.1.3 Materials contacting hydrogen in hydrogen system shall be compatible with hydrogen, and the influence of hydrogen embrittlement on the design service life of such materials shall be taken into full consideration.
4.1.4 Container unit arrangement shall ensure that the load distribution of vehicle at no load and full load conditions meets those specified in GB 7258.
4.1.5 Parts, elements and materials in hydrogen system, including container, pressure regulator, main shut off valve, pressure relief valve, pressure relief device, sealing element and pipeline, shall be acceptable products meeting those specified in relevant standard.
4.1.6 Main shut off valve, container check valve and pressure relief device (PRD) shall be integrated and installed at terminal of container. Operation of main shut off valve shall be of electric mode; the main shut off valve shall be at the place where the driver may operate it easily; in case of interruption of power supply, the main shut off valve shall be in auto-off mode.
4.1.7 There shall be overflow protective device or other measures shall be taken; when device used for detecting pressure in container or pipeline detects pressure abnormally reducing or flow abnormally increasing, hydrogen supply from container shall be able to be automatically stopped; if overflow protection valve is adopted, it shall be installed on main shut off valve or close to main shut off valve.
4.1.8 Manual shut off valve or other device shall be installed on the inlet line of each container, so that each container may be solely separated when filling and discharging hydrogen or in maintenance.
4.2 Hydrogen storage vessel and pipeline
4.2.1 Vehicle shall not be refilled with hydrogen by replacing container.
4.2.2 The installation position and direction of pipelines in the hydrogen system shall keep away (at least 200mm) from heat source and places where it's possible for electrical appliances and storage battery to generate arc. Especially, the pipeline joint shall not locate in confined space. The place of high pressure pipeline and parts where static electricity may be generated shall be grounded reliably or shall be taken with other measures controlling hydrogen leakage and concentration so that it is free from security problem even at the place generating static electricity.
4.2.3 Generally, hydrogen storage vessel and pipeline shall not be installed at such places with poor ventilation as passenger compartment, luggage compartment, etc.; if it is inevitable, vent line shall be designed or other measures shall be taken to timely release the hydrogen possibly leaked.
4.2.4 Hydrogen storage vessel and pipeline shall be firmly installed; there shall be protective gasket for buffering between fastening belt and container to avoid displacement and damage during driving. When container is full filled with hydrogen according to nominal working pressure, the parts fixed on the container shall be able to withstand the impact caused by vehicle acceleration or brake without looseness. The position possibly damaged shall be covered for protection. Container fastening bolt shall possess looseness-preventing device, and the tightening torque shall meet the design requirements. After the container is installed and fastened, 8g of impact force shall be able to be withstand in up, down, front, rear, left and right directions to ensure the container and fixing base are not damaged, and the relative displacement shall not exceed 13mm.
4.2.5 Metal parts supporting and fixing pipeline shall not directly contact the pipeline, except the condition that the supporting and fixing part is directly welded or connected with solder to pipeline.
4.2.6 Rigid pipeline shall be arranged reasonably and orderly, without collision or friction with adjacent parts; pipeline protective gasket shall be able to resist earthquake and eliminate the influence of expansion and contraction; when the pipeline bends, the appropriate curvature radius of center line shall be selected according to the bending deformation of the pipeline and meet the requirements of safe use; as for pipeline with both ends fixed, there shall be appropriate bend between its two ends, and the spacing of bearing points shall not be greater than 1m.
4.2.7 The installation positions of container and accessories shall be at least 100mm away from the vehicle edge, otherwise, protective measures shall be taken.
4.2.8 There shall be appropriate thermal insulation protection for containers or pipelines possibly influenced by such heat sources as exhaust pipe and silencer; harm to container possibly caused by service environments shall be taken into full consideration, and protective device shall be installed for container unit; container directly exposed to sunlight shall possess necessary coverings or canopy.
4.2.9 In case of vehicle collision, main shut off valve shall immediately (automatically) shut off the fuel supply to pipeline according to the designed collision class.
GB/T 26990-2011《燃料电池电动汽车车载氢系统 技术条件》 国家标准第1号修改单
一、 将第1章范围中的“本标准适用于使用压缩氢作为燃料,在环境温度15℃时,工作压力不超过35MPa的燃料电池电动汽车This standard is applicable to fuel cell electric vehicles with compressed hydrogen as fuel and working pressure not exceeding 35MPa under the environment temperature of 15℃.”修改为“本标准适用于使用压缩气态氢作为燃料,在环境温度15℃时,车 载氢系统标称工作压力不超过70MPa的燃料电池电动汽车”。 二、将4.2.6中的“管路保护垫应能抗震和消除热胀冷缩影响,管路弯曲时,其中心线曲率半径应不小于管路外直径的5倍pipeline protective gasket shall be able to resist earthquake and eliminate the influence of expansion and contraction; when the pipeline bends, the curvature radius of center line shall not be less than 5 times of the external diameter of the pipeline”修改为“管路保护垫应能抗震和消除热胀冷缩影响。管路弯曲时,应根据管路弯曲变形等选用适当的中心线曲率半径,并满足安全使用要求”。