1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to realizing safety and reliability, reasonable function, economy, energy conservation and environmental protection as well as advanced technology of metro design.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of new steel wheel rail metro with the maximum running speed not exceeding 100km/h and driven by common motor.
1.0.3 The metro shall be arranged in main passenger transport channels with large passenger capacity in the city.
1.0.4 Metro design shall meet the comprehensive urban planning, urban rail transit network planning and short-term construction planning approved by governmental authorities, and shall be coordinated with comprehensive urban traffic planning.
1.0.5 The metro design, where relevant with line functional orientation, service level, system transport capacity, line route and starting and ending point, vehicle base site selection, resource sharing and etc., shall be determined according to the long-term network planning, and shall conform to the documents approved by governmental authorities.
1.0.6 For metro design, its relationship with other lines shall be handled according to long-term network planning, and connection conditions for subsequent project shall be reserved. The connection between metro lines and between metro and other traffic system shall realize transfer safety and convenience.
1.0.7 For metro design, scientific & technological innovation shall be advocated, and the resource saving and intensified construction principle shall be implemented.
1.0.8 The designed lifetime of metro projects shall be classified into initial term, short term and long term. Initial term may be determined as the 3rd year after the completion and opening to traffic; short term shall be determined as the 10th year after the completion and opening to traffic; long term shall be determined as the 25th year after the completion and opening to traffic.
1.0.9 The construction sequence and design length of each metro line shall be determined according to city morphology, scale, passenger flow distribution status, development demand and technical and economic reasonability principle, and shall be approved by chief drafting authority.
1.0.10 The vehicle base, parking lot, connecting line, operation control center and main substation shall be uniformly arranged according to network planning and construction sequence.
1.0.11 The construction scale, equipment capability of metro project and land areas of vehicle base and parking lot shall be determined according to the predicted long-term or passenger flow volume or that in passenger flow control period, train trafficability and resource sharing principle. The project which may be constructed by stages or equipment which may be arranged by stages should be subsequently constructed and arranged by stages.
1.0.12 For the main structure work of metro or other structural work greatly impacting the metro operation safety due to structural damage or general overhaul, its designed lifetime shall not be less than 100 years.
1.0.13 1435mm standard rail space shall be adopted for metro line, and right-traveling double-track line shall be adopted for main line.
1.0.14 Metro line shall be fully-enclosed and under high-density operation. The long-term maximum capacity in system design shall meet the requirements that the traveling density is not less than 30 pairs/h.
1.0.15 Upon determining the transport capacity of metro system, the standing passenger standard in effective unoccupied floor area in compartment should be calculated as 5~6 passengers/m2.
1.0.16 The metro vehicle base may be arranged for a line or for several lines according to specific conditions. Where the length of a line exceeds 20km, parking lot may be arranged in proper position according to operation requirements.
1.0.17 Upon designing shallowly-embedded, elevated and ground metro line, measures reducing noise, vibration and impact on ecological environment shall be taken.
1.0.18 Where conditions permit in areas beyond urban center, elevated or ground line should be adopted for metro; the type and size of elevated and ground building structure shall be coordinated with urban landscape and surrounding environment.
1.0.19 Measures resistant to fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm, ice and snow, lightning stroke and etc. shall be taken for metro design.
1.0.20 Safety protection facilities shall be arranged for metro. In addition to those specified in this code, the design of safety protection facilities shall also be reasonably equipped with interface, monitoring system, hazardous article treatment facilities and relevant room, etc.
1.0.21 Barrier-free traveling and using facilities shall be arranged for metro.
1.0.22 As for the underground metro tunnel passing through water areas like river and lake, where the underwater tunnel is damaged and water may jeopardize the safety of other sections on both ends, such ends shall be equipped with flood gate or other anti-flood measures shall be taken.
1.0.23 Mature products meeting the functional requirements and equipped with technical and economic reasonability shall be adopted for metro electromechanical equipment and vehicle; such equipment and vehicle shall also be standardized, serialized, based on domestic production as well as conducive to travel management, passenger transport organization and equipment maintenance.
1.0.24 Measures reducing construction cost and conducive to operation cost saving shall be taken for metro design provided that the safety, reliability and use function of metro are not affected.
1.0.25 Metro design shall not only meet the requirements stipulated in this code, but also comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
Contents Foreword I 1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Operating Organization 3.1 General Requirements 3.2 Operation Scale 3.3 Operation Mode 3.4 Operation Sidings 3.5 Operation Management 4 Vehicles 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Vehicle Type and Train Formation 4.3 Vehicle Body 4.4 Bogie 4.5 Electrical System 4.6 Braking System 4.7 Safety and Emergency Facilities 5 Gauge 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Basic Parameters 5.3 Structure Gauge 5.4 Layout Principles of Equipment and Pipeline in Track Zone 6 Line 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Line Plane 6.3 Vertical Section of Line 6.4 Layout of the Sidings 7 Track 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Basic Technical Requirements 7.3 Track Parts 7.4 Track bed Structure 7.5 Seamless Track 7.6 Vibration Damping Track Structure 7.7 Safety Equipment and Ancillary Equipment of Track 8 Subgrade 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Subgrade Surface and Subgrade Bed 8.3 Embankment 8.4 Cutting 8.5 Retaining Structures of Subgrade 8.6 Subgrade Drainage and Protection 9 Station Building 9.1 General Requirements 9.2 General Layout of the Station 9.3 Station Plane 9.4 Station Environmental Design 9.5 Station Entrance/Exit 9.6 Ventilation Shaft and Cooling Tower 9.7 Stair, Escalator, Elevator and Platform Edge Door 9.8 Station Barrier-free Facilities 9.9 Transfer Station 9.10 Economize Energy of Building 10 Elevated Structure 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Limiting Value of Structure Stiffness 10.3 Load 10.4 Structural Design 10.5 Construction Requirements 10.6 Elevated Structure in Station 11 Underground Structure 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Load 11.3 Work Material 11.4 Determination of the Construction Method 11.5 Structural Type and Lining 11.6 Structural Design 11.7 Structural Requirements 11.8 Seismic Design of Underground Structure 11.9 Safety Risk Manage for Underground Structure 12 Work Waterproof 12.1 General Requirements 12.2 Concrete Structure Self-waterproofing 12.3 Waterproofing Layer 12.4 Waterproof of Elevated Structure 12.5 Waterproof for Tunnel with Cut and Cover Method 12.6 Waterproof for Tunnel with Mining Method 12.7 Detail Structural Position Waterproof 12.8 Waterproof for Tunnel with Shield Method 12.9 Waterproof for Tunnel with Immersed Method 13 Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Heating 13.1 General Requirements 13.2 Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Heating of the Underground Section 13.3 Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Heating of Elevated and Ground Sections Others 14 Water Supply and Drainage 14.1 General Requirements 14.2 Water Supply 14.3 Drainage 14.4 Water Supply and Drainage of Vehicle Base 14.5 Water Supply and Drainage Equipments Control 15 Power Supply 15.1 General Requirements 15.2 Substation 15.3 Traction Network 15.4 Cable 15.5 Power and Lighting 15.6 Power Supervision and Control 15.7 Stray Current Protection and Grounding 16 Communication 16.1 General Requirement 16.2 Transmission System 16.3 Wireless Communication System 16.4 Public Service Telephone System 16.5 Dedicated Telephone System 16.6 Image Monitoring System 16.7 Broadcasting System 16.8 Clock System 16.9 Office Automation System 16.10 Power System and Grounding 16.11 Centralized Alarm System 16.12 Metro Public Mobile Communication System 16.13 Metro Police Communication System 16.14 Technical Requirements for Communication Room 17 Signal 17.1 General Requirement 17.2 System Requirements 17.3 Automatic Train Supervision System 17.4 Automatic Train Protection System 17.5 Automatic Train Operation System 17.6 Vehicle Base Signal System 17.7 Other 18 Automatic Fare Collection System 18.1 General Requirements 18.2 System Structure 18.3 System Function 18.4 Ticket Type and Ticket Management Mode 18.5 Choose Form, Setting and Layout Principles of Facilities 18.6 Power Supply and Grounding 18.7 System Interface 19 Automatic Fire Alarm System 19.1 General Requirements 19.2 System Composition and Function 19.3 Fire Linkage Control 19.4 Fire Detector and Alarm Device Establishment 19.5 Fire Protection Control Room 19.6 Power Supply, Lightning Protection and Grounding 19.7 Cabling 20 Integrated Supervisory and Control System 20.1 General Requirements 20.2 Principle of System Setting 20.3 Basic Functions of System 20.4 Basic Requirements for Hardware 20.5 Basic Requirements for Software 20.6 System Performance Index 20.7 Others 21 Building Automatic System 21.1 General Requirements 21.2 Principle of System Setting 21.3 Basic Functions of the System 21.4 Hardware Equipment Configuration 21.5 Basic Requirements for Software 21.6 Network Structure and Function of System 21.7 Cabling and Grounding 22 Passenger Information System 22.1 General Requirement 22.2 System Function 22.3 System Structure and Hardware Configuration 22.4 System Interface 22.5 Power Supply and Grounding 22.6 Cabling 23 Access Control 23.1 General Requirement 23.2 Safety Class and Supervision and Control Target 23.3 System Structure 23.4 System Function 23.5 Equipment Installation Requirements 23.6 System Interface 24 Operation Control Center 24.1 General Requirements 24.2 Process Design 24.3 Architecture and Decoration 24.4 Cabling 24.5 Power Supply, Lightning Protection and Grounding 24.6 Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Heating 24.7 Lighting and Emergency Lighting 24.8 Fire Protection and Security 25 Equipment in Station for the Passengers 25.1 Escalator and Autowalk 25.2 Elevator 25.3 Platform Lift for Straight Stairway 26 Platform Edge Door 26.1 General Requirements 26.2 Main Technical Indexes 26.3 Layout and Structure 26.4 Operation and Control 26.5 Power Supply and Grounding 27 Vehicle Base 27.1 General Requirements 27.2 Function, Scale and General Layout of Depot and Parking Lot 27.3 Facilities for Running and Service of Train 27.4 Overhaul Facilities of Vehicles 27.5 Depot Equipment Maintenance and Power Facilities 27.6 Comprehensive Maintenance Center 27.7 Main Storehouse 27.8 Training Center 27.9 Rescue Facilities 27.10 Station Yard Design 28 Disaster Prevention 28.1 General Requirements 28.2 Building Fire Protection 28.3 Water Supply for Fire Protection and Extinguishment 28.4 Smoke Prevention, Smoke Exhaust and Emergency Ventilation 28.5 Disaster Communications 28.6 Power Supply for Disaster Prevention and Evacuation Indicatory Sign 28.7 Other Disaster Prevention and Warning 29 Environmental Protection 29.1 General Requirements 29.2 Planning Environmental Protection 29.3 Engineering Environmental Protection 29.4 Environmental Protection Measure Appendix A Gauge for Type A Vehicles Appendix B Gauge for Type B1 Vehicles Appendix C Gauge for Type B2 Vehicles Appendix D Calculation Methods of Vehicle Gauge and Equipment Gauge for Curve Section Appendix E Widening Calculation of Rectangular Tunnel Structure Gauge for Transition Curve Section Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards