1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to assuring personal and property safety as well as power supply reliability, to achieving technical advancement and economic rationality, and to making easy installation and maintenance.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to design of newly-built, extended and rebuilt 20kV and below substations.
1.0.3 Design of 20kV and below substations shall, in accordance with factors such as requirements of engineering characteristic, load property, capacity for power consumption, substation location environment, power supply condition, electricity conservation, installation, operation and maintenance, reasonably select equipment and determine design scheme, and consider developmental possibility as well.
1.0.4 Design of 20kV and below substation shall meet not only the requirements of this code but also the current relevant national and professional standards.
2 Selection of Substation Location
2.0.1 Location of substation shall be determined through comprehensive analysis of technical and economic factors etc. in accordance with the following requirements:
1 Should be close to load center;
2 Should be close to power supply side;
3 Shall be convenient for wire incoming and outgoing;
4 Shall be convenient for equipment transportation;
5 Shall not be arranged in areas with violent vibration or high temperature;
6 Should not be arranged in areas with much dust or corrosive materials; when unavoidable, it should not be arranged at leeside of prevailing wind direction and pollution sources or should be taken with effective protection measures;
7 Should not be arranged underneath areas such as toilet, bath room, kitchen or other locations frequently with accumulated water, nor should be arranged at locations adjacent to aforesaid areas; when unavoidable, water-proof treatment shall be carried out for adjacent partitions to avoid leakage and moisture condensation;
8 When adjacent to buildings with explosion or fire hazard, location of substation shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current national standard "Electrical Installations Design Code for Explosive Atmospheres and Fire Hazard" (GB 50058);
9 Shall not be arranged at areas with low topography or areas which may accumulate water;
10 Should not be arranged at places above or below equipment room which has high requirements for anti-electromagnetic interference or at adjacent places; when necessary, anti-electromagnetic interference measures shall be taken.
2.0.2 Substation in workshop of oil immersed transformer shall not be arranged in buildings with the fire resistance grade of 3 and 4; when it is arranged in a building with the fire resistance grade of 2, the building shall be taken with local fire control measures.
2.0.3 Substation of oil immersed transformer should not be arranged in annexes of multi-story buildings or high-rise buildings; when unavoidable due to restrictions, it shall be arranged at the position near the external wall at first floor of building, and shall not be arranged at positions above, below, near places with crowded people or at both sides of evacuation exit. Substation of oil immersed transformer shall not be arranged in high-rise main buildings.
2.0.4 When switchgear station and substation for non-oil-filled electrical equipment at underground floor of a multi-story or high-rise building, the following requirements shall be met:
1 When there are several underground floors, it shall not be arranged at the bottommost floor; where there is only one underground floor, measures for lifting the ground and for preventing from rainwater and accumulated fire-fighting water shall be taken.
2 Shall arrange equipment transport access.
3 Shall add mechanical ventilation equipment, dehumidifying equipment or air conditioning equipment according to the requirements of working environment.
2.0.5 For high-rise or super high-rise building, switchgear station or substation may be arranged at the refuge floor, equipment floor and roof, but measures for vertical equipment handling and cable lying shall be taken.
2.0.6 Outdoor or semi-outdoor substation shall not be arranged at the following places:
1 Places with corrosive gas;
2 Places besides a building whose creasing is combustible or difficult-flammable component or whose fire resistance grade is4 ;
3 Open storage yard where the neighborhood has cotton, grain and other inflammable and explosive articles;
4 Places which easily accumulate combustible dust, combustible fiber, dust or conductive dust and have a strong impact on safe operation of the transformer.
1 General Provisions 2 Selection of Substation Location 3 Electrical Part 3.1 General Requirement 3.2 Main Circuit Connection 3.3 Transformer 3.4 Power Supply 3.5 Operational Power Supply 3.6 Preassembled Substation 4 Layout of Switchgear and Transformer 4.1 Type and Layout 5 Shunt Capacitor 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Electrical Circuit Connection and Accessory 5.3 Layout 6 Requirements on Relevant Specialties 6.1 Fire Protection 6.2 Building 6.3 Heating and Ventilation 6.4 The Others Explanation of Wording in the Code List of Quoted Standards