Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1.0.1 Since the subway stray current (leakage current) has significant corrosive action on urban architecture and subway itself, this Regulation is formulated in order to effectively limit subway stray current, reduce and eliminate its adverse effect and to ensure favorable social and economic benefits for subway.
Article 1.0.2 This Regulation is applicable to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of such subway system as adopts the modes of DC power traction and running rail return-flow; It mainly includes:
I. Measures for the limitation and reduction of stray current value in subway DC traction power supply system;
II. Subway structures and equipments which may receive stray current corrosion or affect its escape;
III. Anti-corrosive measures in subway system.
This Regulation is not applicable to the temporary measures taken during subway construction.
Article 1.0.3 The engineering design of shall includes the contents of protection against stray current corrosion (measures for active protection and passive protection).
Article 1.0.4 During subway construction, it must take all measures for limiting stray current and complete corrosive protection and monitoring facilities for subway structures according to the requirements of engineering design; and those measures and facilities shall receive engineering acceptance. During the construction, the construction quality shall be timely inspected section by section so as to reach the technical index.
Article 1.0.5 As for the perennial subway lines under normal operation, the stray current value shall be reduced in operating modes. The subway lines and their upper structures shall be frequently at clean, dry and well-insulated state.
Article 1.0.6 The protection against subway stray current corrosion shall not only meet the requirements of this Regulation, but also comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Basic Principles
Chapter III Hazard Indicators of Exposing Subway Structures and Equipments to Stray Current Corrosion
Chapter IV Limitation on Subway Stray Current Value
Section I Subway Traction Power Supply System
Section II Subway Running Rail Return-flow System
Chapter V Protection of Metallic Pipeline Structures along the Subway
Section I Major Structure of Subway
Section II Structures of Cables and Pipelines
Section III Structures and Facilities of Subway and Depot
Chapter VI Protection and Monitoring
Section I General Requirements
Section II Monitoring Point and Measurement Room
Chapter VII Acceptance and Inspection Tests
Appendix 1 Explanation of Terms in This Regulation
Appendix 2 Experimental Measurement of Protection against Subway Stray Current Corrosion and the Applied Instrument
Appendix 3 Explanation of Wording in this Regulation
Additional Explanations