1.0.1 This Code is formulated with a view to prevent/decrease the damages from fires in tall civil buildings (hereinafter referred to as “tall buildings”) and to protect human and property safety.
1.0.2 The fire protection design in tall buildings shall follow principles of prevention first and combination of prevention and distinguishing, aim at the characteristics of fires in tall buildings and base on self-prevention and self-saving to adopt reliable fire prevention measures, as a result, to realize objectives of security, appliance, state-of-the-art technology and economic effectiveness.
1.0.3 This Code is applicable for newly-built, extended and rebuilt tall buildings and their skirt buildings. It is also applicable for residential buildings of 10 floors or higher (including the residential buildings with the first floor installing commercial serving cubbies). It is applicable for public service buildings higher than 24m.
1.0.4 This Code is inapplicable for gymnasia, halls and showplaces with the monolayer main body higher than 24m as well as the civil air defense basement in tall buildings.
1.0.5 In case that the tall buildings are higher than 250m, then the special fire protection measures adopted in building design shall be submitted to national fire protection departments for monographic study and argumentation.
1.0.6 The fire protection design of buildings shall be in accordance with not only the provisions of this Code but also the provisions of the related current standards and codes of the nation.
1. General Principles 2. Terms 3. Classification and Fire Resistance Class of Buildings 4. Overall Plane Layout and Arrangement 4.1 General Principles 4.2 Fire Break 4.3 Fire-fighting Vehicle Lane 5. Fire Prevention/Smoke Control Zoning and Building Structure 5.1 Fire Prevention and Smoke Control Zoning 5.2 Fire Wall, Partition and Floor Slab 5.3 Elevator Shaft and Piping Shaft 5.4 Fire Door, Fire Window and Fire-prevention Rolling Screen 5.5 Roof Metal Supporting Members and Deformation Joints 6. Safe Evacuations and Fire Protection Elevator 6.1 General Principles 6.2 Evacuation Staircases and Staircases 6.3 Fire Protection Elevator 7. Fire Water Supply and Fire-fighting Equipment 7.1 General Principles 7.2 Fire Water Consumption 7.3 Outdoor Fire Water Supply Pipelines, Fire-water Ponds and Outdoor Fire Hydrants 7.4 Indoor Fire Supply Pipelines, Indoor Fire Hydrants and Fire Water Tank 7.5 Fire Pump Rooms and Fire Pumps 7.6 Fire-fighting Equipment 8. Smoke Control, Smoke Exhaust, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 8.1 General Principles 8.2 Natural Smoke-discharge 8.3 Machinery Smoke Control 8.4 Mechanical Smoke Discharge 8.5 Ventilation and Air Conditioning 9. Electricity 9.1 Fire Protection Power Supply and Distribution 9.2 Fire Emergency Lighting and Evacuation Signs 9.3 Light Fixtures 9.4 Automatic Fire Alarm System, Fire Emergency Broadcasting and Fire Control Room 9.5 Power Creepage fire alarm system Appendix A Combustion Performance and Fire Endurance of Building Components Appendix B Explanations of Wording in This Code Epexegesis