This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, acceptance rules, safety rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of boom-type bucket wheel stacker reclaimer (hereinafter referred to as "stacker reclaimer").
This standard is applicable to boom-type bucket wheel stacker reclaimers, boom-type bucket wheel reclaimers and boom stackers, and serves as the basis for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, acceptance and use of stacker reclaimers. It may be referred to by other types of stacker reclaimers.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document applies.
GB 150 Steel pressure vessels
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780:1997, MOD)
GB/T 985.1 Recommended joint preparation for gas welding, manual metal arc welding, gas-shield arc welding and beam welding (GB/T 985.1-2008, ISO 9692-1:2003, MOD)
GB/T 985.2 Recommended joint preparation for submerged arc welding (GB/T 985.2-2008, ISO 9692-2:1998, MOD)
GB/T 1031-2009 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Surface roughness parameters and their values
GB/T 1048 Pipework components - Definition and selection of PN (GB/T 1048-2005, ISO/CD 7268:1996, MOD)
GB/T 1184-1996 Geometrical tolerancing - Geometrical tolerance for features without individual tolerance indications (eqv ISO 2768-2:1989)
GB/T 1228 High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures (GB/T 1228-2006, ISO 7412:1984, NEQ)
GB/T 1229 High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures (GB/T 1229-2006, ISO 4775:1984, NEQ)
GB/T 1230 High strength plain washers for steel structures (GB/T 1230-2006, ISO 7416:1984, NEQ)
GB/T 1231 Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head, large hexagon nuts, plain washers for steel structures
GB/T 1801-2009 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Selection of tolerance zones and fits (ISO 1829:1975, MOD)
GB 2893.1 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas (GB 2893.1-2004, ISO 3864-1:2002, MOD)
GB/T 3323-2005 Radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metallic materials (EN 1435:1997, MOD)
GB/T 3766 Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems (GB/T 3766-2001, eqv ISO 4413:1998)
GB/T 3767-1996 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (eqv ISO 3744:1994)
GB 4053.1 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 1: Steel vertical ladders
GB 4053.2 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 2: Steel inclined ladders
GB 4053.3 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 3: Industrial guardrails and steel platform
GB/T 4323 Pin coupling with elastic sleeve
GB/T 4879 Rustproof packaging
GB/T 4892 Dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages
GB/T 5014 Elastic pin coupling
GB/T 5015 Gear coupling with pin elastomer
GB 5083 General rules for designing the production facilities in accordance with safety and health requirements
GB/T 5272 Coupling with elastic spider
GB/T 5972 Cranes - Wire ropes - Care, maintenance, installation, examination and discard (GB/T 5972-2009, ISO 4309:2004, IDT)
GB/T 6069 Roller chain coupling
GB 6946 Aluminium-alloy swaged ferrules for steel wire rope
GB 8918 Steel wire ropes for important purposes (GB 8918-2006, ISO 3154:1988, MOD)
GB/T 8923 Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before application of paints and related products (GB/T 8923-1988, eqv ISO 8501-1:1988)
GB/T 9286 Paints and varnishes - Cross cut test for films (GB/T 9286-1998, eqv ISO 2409:1992)
GB/T 10595-2009 Belt conveyors
GB/T 11345-1989 Method for manual ultrasonic testing and classification of testing results for ferritic steel welds
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 14365 Acoustics - Measurements of sound pressure level emitted by stationary road vehicles (GB/T 14365-1993, neq ISO 5130:1982)
GB/T 14695 Bucket wheel stacker reclaimer - Type and basic parameters
GB/T 20118 Steel wire ropes for general purpose (GB/T 20118-2006, ISO/DIS 2408:2002, MOD)
GB 20426 Emission standard of pollutants for coal industry
GB 50150 Electric equipment installation engineering - Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment
GB 50231 General code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering
GB 50254 Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus - Electric equipment installation engineering
GB 50255 Code for construction and acceptance of power conversion equipment - Electric equipment installation engineering
GBJ 147 Erection works of electrical installations - Code for construction and acceptance of high voltage appliance
GBJ 149 Erection works of electrical installations - Code for construction and acceptance of bus-bar device
GBZ 1 Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises
JB/T 5000.8 Heavy mechanical general techniques and standards - Part 8: Forging
JB/T 6406 Electro-hydraulic drum brakes
JB/T 6502 NGW planetary gear units
JB/T 7021 Drum brake connecting dimensions
JB/T 8849 Mobile equipment for continuous handling of bulk materials - Rules for the design of steel structures (JB/T 8849-2005, ISO 5049-1:1994, MOD)
JGJ 82 Code for design, construction and acceptance of high strength bolt connections of steel structures
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Basic requirements
The design, manufacture and use of stacker reclaimers shall meet the following requirements:
a) Safe and reliable operation and use;
b) Low cost of use;
c) Adaptable to continuous operation;
d) Meet the service life requirements;
Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Basic requirements 3.2 Safety 3.3 Main technical parameters 3.4 Parts and components 3.5 Assembly and installation 3.6 Painting 3.7 Dust-proof measure 4 Test methods 4.1 Noise test 4.2 Determination of oil contamination degree 4.3 Coating test 4.4 Ferrules of steel wire rope 4.5 Test for the reducer 4.6 Subdivision commissioning 4.7 Overall commissioning 4.8 Continuity of commissioning 5 Inspection rules 5.1 End-of-manufacturing inspection items for single machine 5.2 Type test rules 5.3 Type test items 5.4 Sampling inspection rules 6 Acceptance 6.1 Equipment acceptance 6.2 Integrity acceptance 6.3 End-of-manufacturing acceptance of single machine 6.4 Site installation acceptance 6.5 Completion acceptance 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage 7.1 Marking 7.2 Packaging 7.3 Transportation 7.4 Storage 8 Safety rules 8.1 Design and manufacturing 8.2 Installation and maintenance 8.3 Operation and use 8.4 Inspection and management Annex A (Normative) Tension and correction value adopted for span measurement Annex B (Normative) Accuracy of track for boom-type bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Annex C (Informative) Requirements of boom-type bucket wheel stacker reclaimer on traveling tracks Annex D (Normative) Acceptance reports for bucket wheel stacker reclaimers Table D.1 Acceptance report for mechanical system Table D.2 Acceptance report for electrical system Table D.3 Inspection report for inspection devices Table D.4 Inspection report for noise Table D.5 Inspection report for dust Table D.6 Grounding force determination table of steel rope winch pitching system Table D.7 Pressure determination table of hydraulic pitching cylinder Table D.8 Acceptance form for welding of site-installed main steel structures Table D.9 Acceptance table for high strength bolt connections of site-installed steel structures