is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization — Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document replaces GB/T 23799-2009 Methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles. In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 23799-2009:
a) The regulations on dyes in footnote a of the appearance in Table 1 have been modified (see Table 1; Table 1 in 2009 edition);
b) The item of methanol + multi-carbon alcohols (C2 ~ C8) (volume fraction) has been modified to methanol (volume fraction) with an indicator of 82% ~ 86%, and the test method ASTM D7920 has been added (see Table 1; Table 1 in 2009 edition);
c) The item of hydrocarbon compounds + aliphatic ethers in the 2009 edition has been deleted (see Table 1 in the 2009 edition);
d) The vapor pressure from November 1 to April 30 has been modified from not more than 78 kPa to 45 kPa ~ 78 kPa, and that from May 1 to October 31 has been modified from not more than 68 kPa to 40 kPa ~ 65 kPa (see Table 1; Table 1 in 2009 edition);
e) The sulfur content has been modified from not more than 80 mg/kg to not more than 5 mg/kg; the detection method GB/T 34100 has been added; and the arbitration method has been modified to GB/T 34100 (see Table 1; Table 1 in 2009 edition);
f) The item of multi-carbon alcohols (C2 ~ C8) in the 2009 edition has been deleted (see Table 1 for the 2009 edition);
g) The test method for determination of inorganic chloride ASTM D7328 has been added (see Table 1);
h) The test method for determination of water ASTM D7923 has been added (see Table 1);
I) The manganese content has been modified from not more than 2.9 mg/L to not more than 2 mg/L (see Table 1; Table 1 in 2009 edition);
j) The item of corrosiveness to copper with index of no more than Grade 1 by test method GB/T 5096 has been added (see Table 1);
k) Annex B "Method for determination of hydrocarbon compounds and aliphatic ethers in methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles" in the 2009 edition has been deleted;
l) Annex B "Method for determination of inorganic chloride in methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles" hereof has been modified (see Annex B; Annex C in 2009 edition);
m) Annex D in 2009 edition has been deleted.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by National Technical Committee on Petroleum Products and Lubricants of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 280).
This document was firstly issued in 2009, and this edition is the first revision.
Methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles
Warning — If proper preventive measures are not observed, the products covered by this document may be in danger during production, storage, transportation and use. This document is not intended to suggest all safety issues related to this product. Before using this document, users are responsible for establishing appropriate safety and preventive measures and determining the applicability of relevant regulations and restrictions.
1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and safety of methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles blended from 82% ~ 86% (volume fraction) of methanol, motor gasoline and additives for improving service performance.
This document is applicable to the fuel for vehicles equipped with ignition engine using methanol gasoline (M85).
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB 190 Packing symbol of dangerous goods
GB/T 511 Petroleum, petroleum products and additives — Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GB/T 4756 Method for manual sampling of petroleum liquids
GB/T 5096 Test method for corrosiveness to copper from petroleum products by copper strip test
GB/T 6283 Chemical products — Determination of water Karl·Fischer method (general method)
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
GB/T 8019 Standard test method for gum content in fuels — By jet evaporation
GB/T 8020 Determination of lead in gasoline — Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 9725 Chemical reagent — General rule for potentiometric titration
GB/T 11140 Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum products by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB 12268 List of dangerous goods
GB 13690 General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals
GB/T 17476 Standard test method for determination of additive elements, wear metals, and contaminants in used lubricanting oils and determination of selected elements in base oils by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)
GB/T 17519 Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheet for chemical products
GB 17930 Gasoline for motor vehicles
GB/T 18612 Determination of organic chloride content in crude oil
GB 19592 Detergent additive for motor gasoline
GB 30000.7 Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals — Part 7: Flammable liquids
GB/T 34100 Test method for determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons, spark ignition engine fuel, diesel engine fuel, and engine oil — Ultraviolet fluorescence method
NB/SH/T 0164 Petroleum and related products packaging, storage, transportation and acceptance of delivery rules
NB/SH/T 0711 Standard test method for manganese in gasoline by atomic absorption spectroscopy
SH/T 0253 Determination method for total sulfur content in light petroleum products (coulometric method)
SH/T 0689 Standard test method for determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons, motor fuels and oils by ultraviolet fluorescence
SH/T 0794 Standard test method for vapor pressure of petroleum products (mini method)
ASTM D512 Standard test methods for chloride ion in water
ASTM D1613 Standard test method for acidity in volatile solvents and chemical intermediates used in paint, varnish, lacquer, and related products
ASTM D4626 Standard practice for calculation of gas chromatographic response factors
ASTM D5059 Standard test methods for lead and manganese in gasoline by X-ray spectroscopy
ASTM D7328 Standard test method for determination of existent and potential inorganic sulfate and total inorganic chloride in fuel ethanol by ion chromatography using aqueous sample injection
ASTM D7920 Standard test method for determination of fuel methanol (M99) and methanol fuel blends (M10 to M99) by gas chromatography
ASTM D7923 Standard test method for water in ethanol and hydrocarbon blends by Karl·Fischer titration
ASTM E203 Standard test method for water using volumetric Karl·Fischer titration
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles
product made of methanol, motor gasoline conforming to GB 17930 and additives improving the service performance
Note: The amount of methanol added is 82% ~ 86% (volume fraction)
low-volume connector
special device connecting two pipelines with inner diameters of 1.6 mm and smaller
Note: It also known as zero dead volume connecting device.
split ratio
ratio of the total flow rate of carrier gas at the sample injection port to the flow rate of carrier gas entering the capillary column, in a capillary gas chromatography apparatus
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.
TCEP 1,2,3-tris-2-cyanoethoxypropane
WCOT wall-coated open tubular
4 Requirements and test methods
4.1 The technical requirements and test methods for methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles shall comply with those specified in Table 1.
4.2 Motor gasoline used for blending methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles shall comply with GB 17930.
4.3 Additives used in methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles shall be used without recognized harmful effects and according to the recommended appropriate dosage. The methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles shall not contain any additives and pollutants that may cause vehicles to fail to run normally. Dimethoxymethane, aniline, halogens and compounds containing phosphorus, iron and silicon shall not be artificially added to methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles.
Table 1 Technical requirements and test methods for methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles
Item Unit Quality indicator Test method
Appearance a — Orange-red transparent liquid, non-layered, free of suspended and settled mechanical impurities Visual inspection
Methanol b (volume fraction) % 82 ~ 86 Annex A
Vapor pressure c
November 1 to April 30
May 1 to October 31 kPa 45 ~ 78
40 ~ 65 d SH/T 0794
Lead content e g/L ≤ 0.0025 GB/T 8020
Sulfur content f mg/kg ≤ 5 GB/T 34100
Acidity (calculated according to that of acetic acid) mg/kg ≤ 50 ASTM D1613
Solvent washed gum mg/100 ml ≤ 5 GB/T 8019
Unwashed gum mg/100 ml ≤ 20 GB/T 8019
Content of organic chloride mg/kg ≤ 2 GB/T 18612
Content of inorganic chloride g (calculated based on Cl–) mg/kg ≤ 1 Annex B
Effective metal corrosion inhibitors and motor gasoline detergent additive conforming to GB 19592 shall be added.
a The sample injected into a 100 mL glass measuring cylinder shall be orange-red transparent liquid without suspended and settled mechanical impurities. In case of any dispute, the determination results by GB/T 511 method shall prevail; The orange-red color is the result of adding dye to methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles. 8 mg/kg ~ 10 mg/kg of solvent red (alias Sudan IV) with index No. of C.I. SolventRed 24 (26105), if selected as dye, shall be added. Other suitable dyes are also applicable.
b The method in ASTM D7920 may also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the determination result by the method of Annex A shall prevail.
c Before new coming season, the gas station is allowed to have a replacement period of 15 days.
d Guangdong and Hainan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region shall implement this requirement throughout the year.
e The method in ASTM D5059 may also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the determination result by the method in GB/T 8020 shall prevail. In the case of the test method in ASTM D5059, methanol (analytical pure reagent) is required to be used as solvent to prepare calibration solution, so as to prevent errors caused by significant difference in hydrocarbon ratio. Additives containing lead shall not be artificially added to methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles.
f The methods in SH/T 0689, GB/T 11140 and SH/T 0253 may also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the method in GB/T 34100 shall prevail.
g The methods in ASTM D7328 and ASTM D512 (Method C) may also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the determination result by the method of Annex B shall prevail.
h The methods in GB/T 6283, ASTM D7923 may also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the determination result by the method in ASTM E203 shall prevail.
i Additives containing manganese shall not be artificially added to methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection and items
The inspection of methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles is the end-of-manufacturing inspection covering all items specified in Table 1.
5.2 Batching rules
Under the condition that raw material and process keep unchanged, the products of a tank (or kettle) form a batch.
5.3 Sampling
5.3.1 Sampling is carried out according to GB/T 4756, and 2 L of sample shall be taken for inspection and sample retention.
5.3.2 Brown glass containers shall be used for sampling. A metal container, if used, shall not be welded. Because the solder will corrode and dissolve into methanol fuel, causing polluted sample. Plastic containers is not allowed.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 4 Requirements and test methods 5 Inspection rules 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage 7 Safety Annex A (Normative) Determination of methanol content in methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles Annex B (Normative) Method for determination of inorganic chlorine content in methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles Bibliography
车用甲醇汽油(M85) 警示——如果不遵守适当的防范措施,本文件所属产品在生产,储运和使用等过程中可能存在危险。本文件无意对与本产品有关的所有安全问题提出建议。用户在使用本文件之前,有责任建立适当的安全和健康措施,并确定相关规章限制的适用性。 1 范围 本文件规定了由82%~86%(体积分数)的甲醇、车用汽油以及改善使用性能的添加剂调合而成的车用甲醇汽油(M85)的要求和试验方法,检验规则,标志,包装、运输和储存及安全。 本文件适用于车用甲醇汽油(M85)点燃式发动机汽车使用的燃料。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 190 危险货物包装标志 GB/T 511 石油和石油产品及添加剂机械杂质测定法 GB/T 4756 石油液体手工取样法 GB/T 5096 石油产品铜片腐蚀试验法 GB/T 6283 化工产品中水分含量的测定 卡尔·费休法(通用方法) GB/T 6682 分析试验室用水规格和试验方法 GB/T 8019 燃料胶质含量的测定 喷射蒸发法 GB/T 8020 汽油中铅含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 GB/T 9725 化学试剂 电位滴定法通则 GB/T 11140 石油产品硫含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法 GB 12268 危险货物品名表 GB 13690 化学品分类和危险性公示 通则 GB/T 17476 使用过的润滑油中添加剂元素、磨损金属和污染物以及基础油中某些元素测定法(电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法) GB/T 17519 化学品安全技术说明书编写指南 GB 17930 车用汽油 GB/T 18612 原油有机氯含量的测定 GB 19592 车用汽油清净剂 GB 30000.7 化学品分类和标签规范 第7部分:易燃液体 GB/T 34100 轻质经及发动机燃料和其他油品中总硫含量的测定 紫外荧光法 NB/SH/T 0164 石油及相关产品包装、储运及交货验收规则 NB/SH/T 0711 汽油中锰含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 SH/T 0253 轻质石油产品中总硫含量测定法(电量法) SH/T 0689 轻质烃及发动机燃料和其他油品的总硫含量测定法(紫外荧光法) SH/T 0794 石油产品蒸气压的测定 微量法 ASTM D512 水中氯离子含量的试验方法(Standard test methods for chloride ion in water) ASTM D1613 色漆、清漆、喷漆和有关产品中挥发性溶剂及化学中间体酸度的试验方法(Standard test method for acidity in volatile solvents and chemical intermediates used in paint,var-nish,lacquer,and related products) ASTM D4626 气相色谱响应因子计算规程(Standard practice for calculation of gas chromato-graphic response factors) ASTM D5059 用X射线光谱学测定汽油中铅的试验方法(Standard test methods for lead and manganese in gasoline by x-ray spectroscopy) ASTM D7328 通过使用含水试样注入的离子色谱分析法测定燃料乙醇中现存潜在无机硫酸盐和总无机氯化物的试验方法(Standard test method for determination of existent and potential inorganic sulfate and total inorganic chloride in fuel ethanol by ion chromatography using aqueous sample injec-tion) ASTM D7920 用气相色谱法测定燃料甲醇(M99)和甲醇燃料混合物(M10至M99)的试验方法(Standard test method for determination of fuel methanol (M99) and methanol fuel blends (M10 toM99) by gas chromatography) ASTM D7923 用卡尔·费歇尔滴定法测定乙醇和经类混合物中水分的试验方法(Standard test method for water in ethanol and hydrocarbon blends by Karl Fischer titration) ASTM E203 用卡尔·费休滴定法测定水分的试验方法(Standard test method for water using volumetric Karl Fischer titration) 3 术语和定义、缩略语 3.1 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1.1 车用甲醇汽油(M85) methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles 由甲醇、符合GB 17930要求的车用汽油以及改善使用性能的添加剂调合而成的产品。 注:甲醇加入量为82%~86%(体积分数)。 3.1.2 小死体积连接器 low-volume connector 连接两个内径 1.6 mm和更细管线的特殊器件。 注:也称为零死体积连接器件。 3.1.3 分流比 split ratio 在毛细管气相色谱仪中,样品进样口载气的总流量与进入毛细管柱的载气流量之比。 3.2 缩略语 下列缩略语适用于本文件。 TCEP 1,2,3-三-(2-氰基乙氧基)丙烷(1,2,3-tris-2-cyanoethoxypropane) WCOT 内壁涂层的毛细管柱(wall-coated open tubular) 4 要求和试验方法 4.1 车用甲醇汽油(M85)的技术要求和试验方法应符合表1的要求。 4.2 用于调合车用甲醇汽油(M85)的车用汽油应符合GB 17930。 4.3 车用甲醇汽油(M85)中所使用的添加剂应无公认的有害作用,并按推荐的适宜用量使用。车用甲醇汽油(M85)中不应含有任何可导致车辆无法正常运行的添加剂和污染物。车用甲醇汽油(M85)中不得人为加入甲缩醛﹑苯胺类、卤素以及含磷、含铁、含硅等化合物。 表1 车用甲醇汽油(M85)的技术要求和试验方法 项目 单位 质量指标 试验方法 外观a — 橘红色透明液体,不分层,不含悬浮和沉降的机械杂质 目测 甲醇b(体积分数) % 82~86 附录A 蒸气压c 11月1日至4月30日 5月1日至10月31日 kPa 45~78 40~65d SH/T 0794 铅含量e g/L ≤0.0025 GB/T 8020 硫含量f mg/kg ≤5 GB/T 34100 酸度(按乙酸计算) mg/kg ≤50 ASTM D1613 溶剂洗胶质 mg/100 ml ≤5 GB/T 8019 未洗胶质 mg/100 ml ≤20 GB/T 8019 有机氯含量 mg/kg ≤2 GB/T 18612 无机氯含量g(以Cl-计) mg/kg ≤1 附录B 钠含量 mg/kg ≤2 GB/T 17476 水分h(质量分数) % ≤0.5 ASTM E203 锰含量i mg/L ≤2 NB/SH/T 0711 铜片腐蚀(50℃,3 h) 级 ≤1 GB/T 5096 应加入有效的金属腐蚀抑制剂和有效的符合GB 19592的车用汽油清净剂。 a 将试样注入100 mL玻璃量筒中观察,应当为橘红色透明液体,没有悬浮和沉降的机械杂质,在有异议时,以GB/T 511方法测定结果为准;橘红色是由于在车用甲醇汽油(M85)中加入了染料后形成的颜色;染料可选用烛红(别名苏丹四),如选用烛红时,添加量应为8 mg/kg~10 mg/kg,烛红燃料索引号为C. I. SolventRed 24(26105),也可选用其他适宜染料。 b 也可采用ASTM D7920进行测定,在有异议时,以附录A方法测定结果为准。 c 换季时,加油站允许有15天的置换期。 d 广东、广西、海南全年执行此项要求。 e 也可采用ASTM D5059进行测定,在有异议时,以 GB/T 8020方法测定结果为准。采用试验方法ASTM D5059时,需用甲醇(分析纯试剂)作为溶剂来制备校准溶液,以防止碳氢比较大的差异而引起误差。车用甲醇汽油(M85)中,不应人为加入含铅的添加剂。 f 也可采用SH/T 0689,GB/T 11140,SH/T 0253进行测定﹐在有异议时,以GB/T 34100方法方准。 g 也可采用ASTM D7328、ASTM D512(方法C)进行测定,在有异议时,以附录B方法测定结果为准。 h 也可采用GB/T 6283,ASTM D7923进行测定,在有异议时,以ASTM E203方法测定结果为准。 i 车用甲醇汽油(M85)中,不应人为加入含锰的添加剂。 5 检验规则 5.1 检验与检验项目 车用甲醇汽油(M85)产品的检验为出厂检验,出厂检验项目为表1规定的所有项目。 5.2 组批规则 在原材料、工艺不变的条件下,产品每生产一罐(或釜)为一批。 5.3 取样 5.3.1 取样按GB/T 4756进行,取2 L样品作为检验和留样用。 5.3.2 取样应采用棕色玻璃容器。如果采用金属容器,该容器不应该有焊接。因为焊料会腐蚀溶解到甲醇燃料中,导致样品被污染。不应使用塑料容器。 5.4 判定规则 出厂检验结果符合表1规定时,则判定该批产品合格。 5.5 复验规则 如出厂检验结果中有不符合表1技术要求的规定时,按GB/T 4756的规定重新抽取双倍样品进行复验,复验结果如仍有不符合表1技术要求的项目时,则判定该批产品为不合格。 6 标志、包装、运输和储存 6.1 车用甲醇汽油(M85)为易燃液体和有毒品,具有刺激性,其标志、包装、运输和储存及交货验收按NB/SH/T 0164、GB 12268,GB 13690,GB 30000.7和GB 190进行。 6.2 凡向用户销售的符合本文件的车用甲醇汽油(M85)所使用的加油机泵和容器上应标志“车用甲醇汽油(M85)”,并应根据GB 12268,GB 13690,GB 30000.7及GB 190标明易燃液体和有毒品标志,上述标志应标识在汽车驾驶员易看见的地方。 6.3 符合本文件的车用甲醇汽油(M85)在运输、储存过程中应使用专用的管道、容器和机泵。这些贮罐、泵、管线、计量器的密封件和材质应适应车用甲醇汽油(M85)的要求。在储存运输过程中,要保证整个系统干净和不含水,同时应严防外界水的吸入,对成品贮罐须安装带有干燥剂的呼吸阀。如果发生相分离,应进行专门处理。 6.4 在车用甲醇汽油(M85)的分配和计量系统中应避免使用未经防护的铝材料和没有衬里的丁腈橡胶分配软管。 注:车用甲醇汽油(M85)的分配和计量设备中使用未经保护的铝器件,会导致不溶性铝化合物进入燃料并造成汽车燃油滤网堵塞。而且,即使采用保护性铝器件,也会由于燃料与丁腈橡胶分配软管接触而增加了燃料的电导率,使这种腐蚀效应加剧。 7 安全 7.1 车用甲醇汽油(M85)的运输、储存﹑使用和事故处理等环节涉及安全方面的数据和信息,应包括在产品的“化学品安全技术说明书”中。生产商或供应商应提供根据GB/T 17519编写的其产品“化学品安全技术说明书”。 7.2 车用甲醇汽油(M85)中的甲醇蒸气对神经系统有刺激作用,吸入人体内,可引起失明和中毒。因此装卸与加油时,尽量减少车用甲醇汽油(M85)蒸气的挥发。口腔、眼睛、皮肤不应接触本品,避免吸入车用甲醇汽油(M85)蒸气。配制、装卸、加油人员应做相应防护措施,避免过量吸入有害蒸气。 7.3 车用甲醇汽油(M85)一旦溅到皮肤和眼睛里,应迅速用大量的清水冲洗,急速医疗。 7.4 不应用嘴吸车用甲醇汽油(M85),不应用车用甲醇汽油(M85)洗手、擦洗衣服、机件、灌注打火机和作喷灯燃料。 7.5 车用甲醇汽油(M85)着火时应用沙子、氟蛋白抗溶泡沫灭火剂、石棉布等灭火材料进行扑救。车用甲醇汽油(M85)溢出时,应进行专门处理。