This standard specifies the detailed compilation rules of 16 parts in SDS, the format and writing requirements of SDS and the measurement unit requirements.
This standard is applicable to SDS compilation.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 3100~3102 Quantities and Units
GB 4839 Chinese Common Name for Pesticides
GB/T 11651 Code of Practice for Selection of Personal Protective Equipment
GB 12268 List of Dangerous Goods
GB 15258 General Rules for Preparation of Precautionary Label for Chemicals
GB/T 16483 Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products-Content and Order of Sections
GB/T 18664 Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment
GB 20576 Safety Rules for Classification Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Explosives
GB 20577 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Flammable Gases
GB 20578 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Flammable Aerosols
GB 20579 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Oxidizing Gases
GB 20580 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Pyrophoric Liquids
GB 20581 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Flammable Liquids
GB 20582 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Flammable Solids
GB 20583 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Self-reactive Substances
GB 20584 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Self-heating Substances
GB 20585 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Pyrophoric Liquids
GB 20586 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Pyrophoric Solids
GB 20587 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Substances Which in Contact with Water Emit Flammable Gases
GB 20588 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Corrosive to Metals
GB 20589 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Oxidizing Liquids
GB 20590 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Oxidizing Solids
GB 20591 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Organic Peroxides
GB 20592 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Acute Toxicity
GB 20593 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Skin Corrosion/Irritation
GB 20594 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation
GB 20595 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Respiratory or Skin Sensitization
GB 20596 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Germ Cell Mutagenicity
GB 20597 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Carcinogenicity
GB 20598 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Reproductive Toxicity
GB 20599 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Specific Target Organ Systemic Toxicity - Single Exposure
GB 20601 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Specific Target Organ Systemic Toxicity - Repeated Exposure
GB 20602 Safety Rules for Classification, Precautionary Labelling and Precautionary Statements of Chemicals - Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment
GBZ 2.1 Occupational Exposure Limits for Hazardous Agents in the Workplace - Part 1: Chemical Hazardous Agents
GBZ/T 195 The Usage Criterion of Personal Protective Equipment Against Occupational Diseases in the Organic Solvents Workplace
ISO 1750 Pesticides and Other Agrochemicals - Common Names
UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations (United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods)
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (International Maritime Organization)
3 Compilation Points
3.1 Identifications of chemical products and enterprises
3.1.1 Identification of chemical products
Identification of chemical products shall be filled in according to the following principles:
a) Indicate the Chinese name and English name of chemical product. The Chinese name and English name shall be consistent with those on label. For substance chemical product, fill in its chemical name or popular name (trivial name); for mixture chemical product, fill in its trade name or mixture name; for pesticide chemical product, fill in its common name. It is suggested to simultaneously indicate the product code compiled for this chemical product by the supplier.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Compilation Points 4 Format 5 Writing Requirements 6 Measurement Unit Annex A (Informative) Sample of Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products Annex B (Informative) Reference Data Source for Compilation of Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products Bibliography