is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
All technical contents of this standard are mandatory.
This standard was drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 19592-2004 Detergent Additive for Vehicular Gasoline. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 19592-2004:
-The Scope of the standard is modified (see Chapter 1);
-The normative references are modified (see Chapter 2);
-The definition of base fuel is modified (see 3.1);
-The definition of detergent additive for vehicular gasoline is modified (see 3.2);
-The definition of intake system is deleted (see 3.3 in 2004);
-The definition of intake valve deposits is modified (see 3.3);
-The definition of total combustion deposits is modified (see 3.4);
-The contents of the notes in the previous edition are modified into those in 4.1 (see 4.1, and Table 1 in 2004 edition);
-The pour point index is changed from “not higher than -15℃” to “not higher than -20℃” (see Table 1);
-The flash point index is changed from “not less than 45℃” to “not less than 60℃” (see table 1);
-The technical requirements for sulfur content and chlorine content are increased (see Table 1);
-The expression of technical requirements for anti-rust property is modified from “not larger than 5%” to “not larger than moderate rust” (see Table 1);
-The expression of the cleanliness of fuel nozzle is deleted and replaced by the loss rate of nozzle mass flow (see Table 1);
-The requirement for the reduction rate of the intake system deposits is deleted (see Table 1 in 2004);
-The reduction rate of simulated intake valve deposits is changed to the mass of simulated intake valve deposits, from "as reported" to “not larger than 2.0 mg”, and the test method is changed to that in GB/T 37322-2019 (see Table 1);
-The technical index of the average intake valve deposit mass is changed, i.e. in Method 1, it is changed from “not larger than 70 mg” to “not larger than 30 mg”; in Method 2, it is changed from “not larger than 130 mg” to “not larger than 50 mg” (see Table 1).
-The total combustion deposit increase is changed to the total combustion deposit increase rate, and the technical index is changed from “not larger than 40%” to “not larger than 30%” (see Table 1);
-Some part of footnote B in the previous version is changed to footnote E (see Table 1), and the other part is put in Annex A (see Table A.1, and Table 1 in the 2004 version);
-Footnote f is added to Table 1 (see Table 1);
-The inspection rules are changed (see chapter 5);
-The contents of “Plates” are deleted (see Chapter 6 of the 2004 edition);
-The chapter “Safety” is added (see Chapter 7);
-Annex A “Base Fuel” is modified (see Annex A);
-Annex B Simulation Test Method for Intake Valve Deposits of Gasoline Engine in the previous edition is deleted (see Annex B of the 2004 edition).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Energy Administration.
The previous version replaced by this standard is as follow:
——GB 19592-2004.
Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Warning - if proper preventive measures are not observed, the products covered by this standard may be in danger during production, storage, transportation and use. This standard is not intended to suggest all safety issues related to this product. Before using this standard, users are responsible for establishing appropriate safety and preventive measures and determining the applicability of relevant regulations and restrictions.
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirements and test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation, storage and safety of detergent additive for motor gasoline.
This standard is applicable to the detergent additives used in motor gasoline and ethanol gasoline.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 190 Packing symbol of dangerous goods
GB/T 261 Determination of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method
GB/T 511 Petroleum, petroleum products and additives—Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GB/T 3535 Petroleum products—Determination of pour point
GB/T 4756 Method for manual sampling of petroleum liquids
GB/T 11140 Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum products by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB 17930 Gasoline for motor vehicles
GB/T 19230.1 Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent in use—Part 1: Test method for rust-preventing characteristics of gasoline detergent
GB/T 19230.2 Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent in use—Part 2: Test method for demulsibility of gasoline detergent
GB/T 19230.3 Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent in use—Part 3: Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent produced effect for electronic port fuel injector(PFI) fouling
GB/T 19230.5 Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent in use—Part 5: Engine dynamometer test method for influence of intake valve and combustion chamber deposit tendencies of gasoline detergent (Ford 2.3L method)
GB/T 19230.6 Test method for evaluating gasoline detergent in use—Part 6: Engine dynamometer test method for influence of intake valve and combustion chamber deposit tendencies of gasoline detergent (M111 method)
GB 30000.7-2013 Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals—Part 7: Flammable liquids
GB/T 37322-2019 Test method for evaluating gasoline cleanliness—Simulation test of intake valve deposit (IVD) of gasoline engine
SH/T 0164 Petroleum products - Rules for packaging, handling, delivery and acceptance
SH/T 0224 Determination of nitrogen content in petroleum additives (Kjeldahl Method)
SH/T 0253 Determination of total sulfur content in light petroleum products (coulometric method)
SH/T 0689 Standard test method for determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons motor fuels and oils by ultraviolet fluorescence
NB/SH/T 0704 Standard test method for nitrogen in petroleum and petroleum products by boat-inlet chemiluminescence
NB/SH/T 0842 Standard test method for sulfur in gasoline and diesel fuel by monochromatic wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
NB/SH/T 0967 Packaged lubricant identification general rule
SH/T 1757 Aromatic hydrocarbons for industrial use -Determination of organic chloride - Microcoulometric method
ASTM D7536 Standard Test Method for Chlorine in Aromatics by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
base fuel
the fuel used in the test to study the certain performance of the additive and having good discrimination, free from additives that can improve the performance.
detergent additive for motor gasoline
substances added to motor gasoline or ethanol gasoline to prevent deposits from being generated in engine intake ports, intake valves, fuel injection nozzles, etc., or those can take deposits away, generally ashless organic substances containing some polymers.
intake valve deposits; IVDs
any substance deposited on the surface of the intake valve generated by fuel, lubricating oil and additives or sucked from the outside.
total combustion deposits; TCDs
any substance deposited on the combustion chamber (cylinder head and piston top) generated by fuel, lubricating oil and additives or sucked from the outside.
4 Requirements and Test Methods
4.1 No chemical substance that can generate ash shall be artificially added to the detergent additive for motor gasoline. The motor gasoline and ethanol gasoline after adding detergent additive for motor gasoline at the recommended dosage of the product shall meet the corresponding standards.
4.2 See Table 1 for the technical requirements and test methods of detergent additive for motor gasoline
Table 1 Technical Requirements and Test Methods of detergent additive for motor gasoline
Item Technical index Test method
Appearance Transparent, no suspended matter and settling impurity Visual observation a
Pour point/℃ Not higher than -20 GB/T 3535
Flash point (closed)/℃ Not lower than 60 GB/T 261
Nitrogen content b (mass fraction)/% As reported SH/T 0224
Sulfur content/(mg/kg) Not larger than 50 SH/T 0689 c
Chlorine content /(mg/kg) Not larger than 10 SH/T 1757 d
Anti-rust e/ degree of corrosion Not larger than Moderate corrosion GB/T 19230.1
Demulsification e/ grade
Interface Not larger than
Phase separation Not larger than
(2) GB/T 19230.2
Loss rate of nozzle mass flow. /%Not larger than 5 GB/T 19230.3
The deposit mass of the simulated intake valve e/mg Not larger than 2.0 GB/T 37322-2019 f
(Meet one of the following requirements)
Average intake valve deposit masse/mg
Method 1 Not larger than
Method 2 Not larger than
GB/T 19230.6
GB/T 19230.5
(Meet one of the following requirements)
Total combustion deposit mass increase rate e/%
Method 1 Not larger than
Method 2 Not larger than
GB/T 19230.6
GB/T 19230.5
a Inject the sample into a 100 mL glass measuring cylinder and observe it at the room temperature (20℃±5℃), it shall be transparent, free from turbidity, delamination, suspension and deposits. In case of any disagreement, the method in GB/T 511 shall prevail.
b The test method in NB/SH/T 0704 can also be adopted, and the specific index and test method shall be negotiated by the supplier and the demander.
c The methods in GB/T 11140, SH/T 0253 and NB/SH/T 0842 can also be adopted for testing. In case of any dispute, SH/T 0689 shall prevail.
d The method in ASTM D7536 can also be adopted. In case of any dispute, the method in SH/T 1757 shall prevail.
e Detergent additive for motor gasoline is added to the test fuel specified in Annex A at the recommended proportion for testing.
f This test method does not apply to motor ethanol gasoline.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection Classification and Inspection Items
5.1.1 End-of-manufacturing inspection
Factory batch inspection items include appearance, pour point, flash point (closed), nitrogen content, sulfur content, chlorine content, antirust property, demulsification property and simulated intake valve deposit mass.
When there is no change in raw materials and production process that may affect the product quality, the end-of-manufacturing periodic inspection items are nozzle mass, flow loss rate, average intake valve deposit mass and total combustion deposit mass increase rate, and the inspection shall be conducted once every three years for normal production.
5.1.2 Type inspection
Type inspection items include all the items specified in Table 1.
Type inspection shall be carried out under the following conditions:
a) When a new product is put into production or the product is finalized for identification;
b) When major changes in raw materials and production process may affect the product quality;
c) When production is resumed after continuous shutdown for more than two years.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Requirements and Test Methods 5 Inspection rules 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage 7 Safety Annex A (Normative) Base Fuel