1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to ensuring railway transportation production and people's life and property safety, implementing the fire work policy "prevention first, together with fire-fighting" in railway engineering design, as well as preventing and reducing fire hazard.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the fire protection design of newly-built or re-built railway engineering.
This code is not applicable to the fire protection design of such special buildings and structures as underground station, underwater tunnel, underground tunnel in city as well as Categories A, B and C liquid and gas pipelines (with the working pressure greater than 1.6MPa) crossing the railway in railway engineering.
1.0.3 As for fire protection design of railway engineering, the national relevant laws, regulations, principles and policies must be complied with, the relationship between production and safety as well as between important issues and general issues shall be correctly treated, effective and advanced fire protection technique shall be actively adopted so as to realize safety, serviceability, economy and rationality.
1.0.4 The fire protection design of railway engineering shall comply with the relevant requirements of this code as well as the current standard of the nation.
2 Fire Hazard Classification and Fire Resistance Class
2.0.1 Fire hazard classification of such main production buildings as locomotive depot, depot, high-speed train depot (station), power feed section, comprehensive repair base (depot), large-scale maintenance machinery depot, luggage transportation base, transshipment depot and wheel-changing line (garage) of oil tank truck at port station as well as explosion and fire hazard environment zone classification of main production place shall be carried out in accordance with Annexes A and B of this code.
2.0.2 The fire resistance class of coach servicing depot and repair shed, high-speed train overhaul workshop (inspection workshop) and overhaul workshop for mechanical refrigerator wagon and ice-insulation vehicle shall not be inferior to Class II, and the fire resistance class of other buildings for production and living should not be inferior to Class II.
2.0.3 In case steel roof truss is adopted for paint-spraying store and paint store of locomotive depot and depot, station merchandise warehouse and transformer oil filter house of power feed section, fire protection shall be carried out for the part influenced by combustible gas or combustible liquid flame, and the fire resistance duration of such part shall not be less than 1.0h.
2.0.4 The fire resistance class of station platform canopy shall not be inferior to Class II; in case steel structure is adopted for platform column canopy, metal member without fire protection may be adopted, otherwise, metal member without fire protection may be adopted for the place more than 12m away from rail surface.
Foreword i 1 General Provisions 2 Fire Hazard Classification and Fire Resistance Class 3 Fire Separation Distance 3.1 Line 3.2 Locomotive and Rolling Stock Facilities 4 Combustible Liquid and Combustible Gas Pipelines Passing through Railway 4.1 Pipeline Passing through Line 4.2 Pipeline Passing through Bridges and Culverts 4.3 Pipeline Passing through Station and Yard 5 Fire Lane 5.1 Station Yard 5.2 Locomotive, Rolling Stock and High-speed Train Depots (Station) 6 Building Fire Compartment and Building Construction 6.1 Passenger Station 6.2 Buildings for Electrical Equipment 6.3 Factory Buildings (Warehouses) 6.4 Others 7 Fire Water Supply and Fire Extinguishing Equipment 7.1 Outdoor Fire Water Supply 7.2 Indoor Fire Water Supply 7.3 Fire Extinguishing Facilities 8 Ventilating, air conditioning, Smoke Control and Smoke Exhaust 8.1 Ventilating and Air Conditioning 8.2 Smoke Control and Smoke Exhaust 9 Electrical 9.1 Automatic Fire Alarm 9.2 Electric Wires and Cables 9.3 Lightning Protection and Explosion Prevention 10 Railway Tunnels Annex A Classification of Fire Hazards in Main Production Buildings Annex B Class Subareas for Hazardous Environment with Explosion and Fire Hazards in Main Production Places Annex C Starting Point of Fire Separation Distance Annex D Hazard Class Classification for Main Production Places with Fire Extinguishers Explanation of Wording in This Code