The requirements in this standard apply to all toys, i.e. any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children under 14 years of age. They are applicable to a toy as it is initially received by the consumer and, in addition, they apply after a toy is subjected to reasonably foreseeable conditions of normal use and abuse unless specifically noted otherwise.
This standard is not applicable to the toys which is not intended to children and is required for adult supervision or meets special conditions.
The mechanical and physical properties (4.1) and Annex A of this standard is not applicable to the following products:
--bicycles, those having a maximum saddle height of 435 mm;
-- slingshots(catapult);
-- darts with metal points;
--home and public playground equipment;
--compressed air and gas operated guns and pistols;
-- kites (except for the electric resistance of their strings, which is included);
-- model kits, hobby and craft items in which the finished item is not primarily of play value;
--sporting goods and equipment, camping goods, athletic equipment, musical instruments and furniture; however, toys that are their counterparts are included;
-- models of aircraft, rockets, boats and land vehicles powered by combustion engines; however, toys that are, their counterparts are included;
--- collectible products not intended for children under 14 years of age;
---holiday decorations
---aquatic equipment intended to be used in deep water;
---toys installed in public places (e.g. arcades and shopping centres);
--- puzzles having more than 500 pieces or without a picture, for specialists;
--- fireworks including percussion caps, except percussion caps specifically designed for toys;
--- products containing heating elements intended for use under the supervision of an adult in a teaching context;
---steam engines;
---video toys that can be connected to a video screen and operated at a nominal voltage greater than 24 V;
-- babies’ pacifiers (dummies);
-- faithful reproduction of firearms;
--electric ovens, irons or other functional products operated at a nominal voltage greater than 24 V;
--- bows for archery with an overall relaxed length exceeding 120 cm;
--- fashion jewellery for children.
The materials and parts of toys applies to the combustion performance (4.2) and Annex B in this standard:
--are clothes worn by the child(disguise costumes), especially where capes, flowing dresses and similar articles are include
--a child could enter, such as play tents and play houses
--a child cuddles(filled soft toys)
--are worn but take the form of masks, wigs, etc.
Toys materials and parts applied to the migration of the given elements (4.3) and Annex C in this standard:
--Coatings of paints, varnishes, lacquers, printing links, polymers and similar coatings.
--Polymeric and similar materials, including laminates, whether textile-reinforced or not, but excluding other textiles.
--Paper and paper board, up to a maximum mass per unit area of 400 g/m2.
--Nature or synthetic textiles;
--Glass/ceramic/metallic materials, excepting lead solder when used for electrical connections.
--Other material, whether mass-coloured or not (e.g. wood, fibreboard, hardboard, bone and leather);
--Materials intended to leave a trace(e.g. the graphite materials in pencils and liquid ink in pens)
--Pliable modeling materials, including modeling clays, and gels;
--Paints, including finger paints, varnishes, lacquers, glazing powders and similar materials in solid or liquid form.
1. Scope 2 Normative References 3 General 4. Technical Requirements 4.1 Mechanical and physical properties 4.2.1 Technical requirements 5 Inspection 5.1 Inspection of similar simulation weapon toys 5.2 Inspection of operating instructions of the toys 5.3 Inspection beyond 5.1 and 5.2 6 Implementation and Supervision 6.1 Production, sales and import 6.2 Prosecution, appeal and complaint 6.3 Supervision and inspection 6.4 Safety certificate 6.5 Production license 7 Legal liabilities 8 Others Annex A A.1 Scope A.2 Normative Reference A.3 Terms and definitions A.4 Requirements A.4.1 Normal use (see Chapter A.E.2) A.4.2 Reasonably foreseeable abuse (see Chapter A.E.3) A.4.3 Material A.4.4 Small parts (see Chapter A.E.6) A.4.5 Shape, size and strength of certain toys (see Chapter A.E.7) A.4.6 Edges (see Chapter A.E.11) A.4.7 Points (see Chapter A.E.12) A.4.8 Projections (see Chapter A.E.13) A.4.9 Metal wires and rods (see Chapter A.E.14) A.4.10 Plastic film or plastic bags in packaging and in toys (see Chapter A.E.15) A.4.11 Cords and elastics (see Chapter A.E.16) A.4.12 Folding mechanisms A.4.13 Holes, clearances and accessibility of mechanisms A.4.14 Springs (see Chapter A.E.25) A.4.15 Stability and overload requirements A.4.16 Enclosures (see Chapter A.E.30) A.4.17 Simulated protective equipment, such as helmets, hats and goggles (see Chapter A.E.31) A.4.18 Projectile toys (see Chapter A.E.32) A.4.19 Aquatic toys (see Chapter A.E.33) A.4.20 Braking (see Chapter A.E.34) A.4.21 Toy bicycles (see ChapterA.4.13.3 and Chapter A.E.35) A.4.22 Speed limitation of electrically driven ride-on toys (see Chapter A.E.36) A.4.23 Toys containing a heat source A.4.24 Liquid-filled toys (see Chapter A.E.37) A.4.25 Mouth-actuated toys (see Chapter A.E.38) A.4.26 Toy roller skates and toy skateboards A.4.27 Percussion caps (see Chapter A.E.39) A.5 Test methods A.5.1 General A.5.2 Small parts test (see A.4.3.2, A.4.4, A.4.18.2 and A.4.25) A.5.3 Test for shape and size of certain toys (see Chapter A.4.5.1) A.5.4 Small balls test (see A.4.5.2) A.5.5 Test for pompoms (see A.4.5.3) A.5.6 Test for preschool play figures (see A.4.5.4) A.5.7 Accessibility of a part or component (see A.4.6, A.4.7, A.4.13, A.4.14 and A.A.2.3) A.5.8 Sharp edge test (see A.4.6 and A.4.9) A.5.9 Sharp point test (see A.4.7 and A.4.9) A.5.10 Determination of thickness of plastic film and sheeting (see A.4.10) A.5.11 Test for cords A.5.12 Stability and overload tests (see A.4.15) A.5.13 Test for closures and toy chest lids (see A.4.16.2) A.5.14 Impact test for toys that cover the face (see A.4.17) A.5.15 Kinetic energy of projectiles, bows and arrows (see A.4.18) A.5.16 Free-wheeling facility and brake performance test A.5.17 Determination of speed of electrically driven ride-on toys (see A.4.22) A.5.18 Determination of temperature increases (see A.4.23) A.5.19 Leakage of liquid-filled toys (see A.4.24) A.5.20 Durability of mouth-actuated toys (see A.4.25) A.5.21 Expanding materials (see A.4.3.2) A.5.22 Folding or sliding mechanisms A.5.23 Washable toys (see A.4.1) A.5.24 Reasonably foreseeable abuse tests (see A.4.2) Annex A.A A.A.1 General A.A.2 Specific requirements A.A.2.3 Batteries For toys intended for children under 36 months A.A.2.4 Test of batteries of small parts A.A.2.5 Voltage of battery A.A.2.6 Use of battery A.A.2.7 Test of normal use and reasonably foreseeable abuse of Battery-operated toys A.A.2.8 Mechanical hardness of insulating parts A.A.2.9 Electrical contact requirements of circuit and battery A.A.2.10 Requirements of Battery Safety Use Introduction Annex A.B A.B.1 General A.B.2 Criteria for establishing age grades A.B.3 Resources for establishing age grades A.B.4 Safety considerations of age grading A.B.5 Descriptive age-labelling Annex A.C A.C.1 overview A.C.2 Safety-labelling guidelines A.C.3 Instructional literature A.C.4 Manufacturer’s markings Annex A.D A.D.1 General A.D.2 Guidelines Annex A.E A.E.1 Scope (see Chapter A.1) A.E.2 Normal use (see A.4.1) A.E.3 Reasonably foreseeable abuse (see A.4.2) A.E.4 Material quality (see A.4.3.1) A.E.5 Expanding materials (see A.4.3.2) A.E.6 Small parts (see A.4.4) A.E.7 Shape, size and strength of certain toys (see A.4.5) A.E.8 Pompoms (see A.4.5.3) A.E.9 Preschool play figures (see A.4.5.4) A.E.10 Balloons (see A.4.5.6) A.E.11 Edges (see A.4.6) A.E.12 Points (see A.4.7) A.E.13 Projections (see A.4.8) A.E.14 Metal wires and rod (see A.4.9) A.E.15 Plastic film or plastic bags in packaging and in toys (see A.4.10) A.E.16 Cords and elastics (see A.4.11) A.E.17 Toy pushchairs, perambulators and similar toys (see A.4.12.1) A.E.18 Other toys with folding mechanisms (see A.4.12.2) A.E.19 Hinge-line clearance (see A.4.12.3) A.E.20 Circular holes in rigid materials (see A.4.13.1) A.E.21 Accessible clearances for movable segments (see A.4.13.2) A.E.22 Chains or belts in ride-on toys (see A.4.13.3) A.E.23 Other driving mechanisms (see A.4.13.4) A.E.24 Winding keys (see A.4.13.5) A.E.25 Springs (see A.4.14) A.E.26 Sideways stability requirement (see A. and A. A.E.27 Fore and aft stability (see A. A.E.28 Overload requirements for ride-on toys and seats (see A.4.15.2) A.E.29 Stability of stationary floor toys (see A.4.15.3) A.E.30 Enclosures (see A.4.16) A.E.31 Simulated protective equipment such as helmets, hats and goggles (see A.4.17) A.E.32 Projectile toys (see A.4.18) A.E.33 Aquatic toys (see A.4.19) A.E.34 Braking (see A.4.20) A.E.35 Toy bicycles (see A.4.21) A.E.36 Speed limitation of electrically driven ride-on toys (see A.4.22) A.E.37 Liquid-filled toys (see A.4.24) A.E.38 Mouth-actuated toys (see A.4.25) A.E.39 Percussion caps specifically designed for use in toys (see A.4.27) Annex F A.F.1 Terms and definitions related to annex A.F A.F.2 Requirements (see EN 71-1:1998) A.F.3 Determination of emission sound pressure level (see A.F.2) A.F.4 Warnings and instructions for use [see A.F.2 f)] A.F.5 Rationale (see A.F.2) Bibliography Annex B B.1 Scope B.2 Normative references B.3 Terms and Definitions B.4 Requirements B.5 Test methods Annex C C.1 Scope C.2 Normative references C.3 Terms and Definitions C.4 Technical Requirements C.5 Principle C.6 Reagents and apparatus C.7 Selection of test portions C.8 Preparation and extraction of test portions C.9 Detection limits of quantitative elemental analysis C.10 Test report Annex C.A C.A.1 Reagents C.A.2 Test procedure C.A.3 Calculation Annex C.B Table C.B.1 - Sieve dimensions and tolerances Annex C.C Annex C.D C.D. 1 Introduction C.D.2 Scope C.D.3 Specific requirements (see C.4.1) C.D.4 Statistical Most chemical test procedure and interpretation of results (see C.4.2 ) C.D.5 Reagents (see C.6.1) C.D.6 Apparatus (see C.6.2) C.D.7 Selection of test portions (see Chapter C.7) C.D.8 Paper and paper board - Test portion preparation (see C.8.3.1) C.D.9 Natural or synthetic textiles - Test portion preparation (see C.8.4.1) C.D.10 Glass/ceramic/metallic materials - Test portion preparation (see C.8.5.1) Bibliography