aging Materials and Their Products (GB/T 5009.156-2003).
Compared with GB/T 5009.156-2003, the main changes in this standard are as follows:
——the standard name is revised as "National Food Safety Standard - General Principle of Migration Test Pretreatment Method of Food Contact Materials and Articles";
——the terminologies and definitions are modified;
——the section of "General Provisions for Test" is added;
——the section of "Reagents and Materials" is added;
——the section of "Apparatus and Instruments" is added;
——the sampling and sample preparation methods are modified;
——the specimen contact area is modified;
——the ratio of specimen contact area to food simulant volume is added;
——the section of "Specimen Washing" is modified;
——the test method is modified;
——the requirements on migration determination are added;
——the requirements on expression of results are modified;
——the "Appendix A Sampling Methods of Food Packaging Materials" in former standard is canceled;
——the "Appendix B Soak Test Items and Test Conditions" in former standard is canceled;
——the Appendixes A, B, C and D are added.
GB 5009.156-2016
National Standard of Food Safety
General Principle of Migration Test Pretreatment Method of Food Contact Materials and Articles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general provisions for test, reagents and materials, apparatus and instruments, sampling and sample preparation methods, specimen contact area, ratio of specimen contact area to food simulant volume, specimen washing and special treatment, test method, migration determination requirements and requirements on expression of results of migration test pretreatment method of food contact materials and articles.
This standard is applicable to migration test pretreatment of food contact materials and articles.
2 Terminologies and Definitions
2.1 Migration testing pool
Device for installing and fixing to-be-tested specimen and injecting food simulant for migration test pretreatment.
2.2 Hollow product
Products in which the distance from the mouth along horizontal plane to the lowest internal plane is greater than 25mm.
2.3 Flat product
Products in which the distance from the mouth along horizontal plane to the lowest internal plane is less than or equal to 25mm.
3 General Provisions for Test
3.1 This standard is about the migration test pretreatment method of food contact materials and articles; the soak solution obtained from pretreatment shall be subject to migration determination according to those specified in relevant inspection method standard. If there are special requirements for migration test pretreatment in corresponding national standard of food safety, the special requirements of corresponding standard shall be satisfied.
3.2 As for food contact materials and articles, the migration test conditions and food simulant shall be in accordance with those specified in GB 31604.1 and standards of relevant products.
3.3 The determination object in migration test is the surface possibly contacting the foods directly under reasonable expected application conditions.
4 Reagents and Materials
Unless otherwise specified, analytically-pure reagents and Grade I water (defined in GB/T 6682) are adopted for the purposes of this method.
4.1 Reagents
4.1.1 Glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH).
4.1.2 Absolute alcohol (C2H5OH).
4.1.3 Isooctane (C8H18).
4.1.4 N-heptane (C7H16).
4.1.5 N-hexane (C6H14).
4.1.6 95% ethanol (C2H5OH).
4.1.7 Vegetable oil (olive oil, corn oil) see Table A.1 in Appendix A.
4.1.8 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
4.1.9 Nitric acid (HNO3): guaranteed reagent.
4.1.10 Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).
4.1.11 Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O).
4.1.12 Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2·2H2O).
4.1.13 Citric acid monohydrate (C6H8O7·H2O).
4.1.14 Sodium chloride(NaCl).
4.1.15 Potassium carbonate (K2CO3).
4.1.16 Sodium nitrite (NaNO2).
4.1.17 Hydrochloric acid (HCl).
4.2 Reagent preparation
4.2.1 4% acetic acid solution (volume fraction): take 20.0 mL of glacial acetic acid (4.1.1), add 480 mL of water and mix them uniformly.
4.2.2 10% ethanol solution (volume fraction): take 50.0 mL of absolute alcohol (4.1.2), add 450 mL of water and mix them uniformly.
4.2.3 20% ethanol solution (volume fraction): take 100.0 mL of absolute alcohol (4.1.2), add 400 mL of water and mix them uniformly.
4.2.4 50% ethanol solution (volume fraction): take 250.0 mL of absolute alcohol (4.1.2), add 250 mL of water and mix them uniformly.
4.2.5 65% ethanol solution (volume fraction): take 325.0 mL of absolute alcohol (4.1.2), add 175mL of water and mix them uniformly.
4.2.6 0.1 mol/L nitric acid solution: take 6.4 mL of nitric acid (4.1.9), add it into water and scale the volume to 1,000mL.
4.2.7 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution: weigh 1.0 g of sodium hydroxide (4.1.8) and put it into a polyethylene or polytetrafluoroethylene plastic beaker, dissolve it with water and dilute the solution to 250mL; cool it down, and transfer it to plastic (except PET) bottle for use.
4.2.8 5 g/L citric acid solution: weigh 5.47g of citric acid monohydrate (4.1.13), dissolve it with water and dilute the solution to 1,000mL.
4.2.9 1g/L citric acid solution: weigh 1.09g of citric acid monohydrate (4.1.13), dissolve it with water and dilute the solution to 1,000mL.
4.2.10 Artificial tap water stock solution: weigh 1.2g of sodium bicarbonate (4.1.10), 0.7 g of magnesium sulfate (4.1.11) and 1.2g of calcium chloride dihydrate (4.1.12), dissolve them with water and dilute the solution to 1,000mL.
4.2.11 Artificial tap water: take 500mL of artificial tap water stock solution (4.2.10), add water until the volume reaches 10 L, and mix it uniformly. Adjust the pH value to 7.5 with 0.1 mol/L nitric acid solution (4.2.6) or 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution (4.2.7), and mix the solution for 10 min. The concentrations of ions in the final artificial tap water are as follows (permissible error: ±20%): Ca2+, 16.4 mg/L; Mg2+, 3.3 mg/L; HCO3-, 44.0 mg/L; Cl-, 28.4 mg/L; SO42-, 13.0 mg/L; Na +, 16.0 mg/L. Store the solution in a closed container, with the retention period not exceeding 7d.
4.2.12 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution: take 9mL of hydrochloric acid (4.1.17), add it into water and scale the volume to 1,000mL.
4.2.13 Artificial saliva: dissolve 4.2g of sodium bicarbonate (4.1.10), 0.5g of sodium chloride (4.1.14), 0.2g of potassium carbonate (4.1.15) and 30 mg of sodium nitrite (4.1.16) with water and dilute the solution to 900mL. Adjust the pH value to 9.0; dropwise add 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution (4.2.12) or 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution (4.2.7), if necessary. Transfer the solution to 1,000mL volumetric flask, and dilute it to the scale with water.
5 Apparatus and Instruments
5.1 Balance
The sensibility is 1 mg.
5.2 Specimen support
The specimens shall be supportable with the specimen support, which will keep them separated and ensure them to completely contact with the simulants while the migration determination result is free from the influence of the support materials. Support shall be selected according to Figure B.1 and Figure B.2 in Appendix B, and other supports meeting the requirements may also be used.
Contents Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Terminologies and Definitions 3 General Provisions for Test 4 Reagents and Materials 5 Apparatus and Instruments 6 Sampling and Sample Preparation Methods 7 Specimen Contact Area 8 Ratio of Specimen Contact Area to Food Simulant Volume (S/V) 9 Specimen Washing and Special Treatment 10 Test Method 11 Migration Determination Requirements 12 Requirements on Expression of Results Appendix A Requirements of Oily or Fatty Food Simulant Appendix B Support and Migration Testing Pool Appendix C Errors of Temperature and Time of Migration Test Appendix D Examples for Area Determination Methods for Products in Special Shapes
表C.2迁移试验时间和误差 迁移试验时间和误差 30 min+1 min 60 min+1 min 90 min+3 min 120 min+5 min 180 min+7 min 210 min+8 min 240 min+9 min 270 min+10 min 300 min+12 min 360 min+15 min 24 h+0.5 h 48 h+0.5 h 240 h+5 h