This standard specifies the test method of peeled off strength value for various garments used adhesive interlining.
This standard is applicable to the test of peeled off strength value for various garments used adhesive interlining. This standard is also applicable to the test of peeled off strength value for cut pieces and small samples.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding amending errors in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documents referred to applies.
GB 6529 Standard Atmospheres for Textiles Conditioning and Testing
GB/T 8170 Rules for Rounding off of Numberical Values
3 Principles
Sample is clamped between two jaws of tension tester along clamping lines; as two clamps of tensile machine are draw apart gradually, each adhesive point in latitudinal or longitudinal direction of samples starts to be stressed successively; the stress is transmitted along the peeled off line gradually, separated and cracked until the sample is peeled off.
4 Test Equipment
4.1 Constant rate of extension type or constant rate of traverse type tension tester is adopted and the accuracy is ± 1.0% .
4.2 Clamp: the center point of two clamps of tension tester shall be on the same plumb line; the jaw line of clamp shall be vertical to plumb line and thereof clamp lines and sample shall be on the same plane. Clamp shall be able to clamp sample and make it not slide; and sample cannot be damaged obviously. The clamp width of clamp shall not be less than 30mm and the clamp face shall be flat and smooth.
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Principles 4 Test Equipment 5 Sampling 6 Sample Preparation 7 Operation Program 8 Calculation 9 Test Report