is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 3903.2-2008 Footwear — Test Methods for Whole Shoe — Abrasion Resistance. The following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 3903.2-2008 (the previous edition):
— The standard name is modified;
— The application scope is modified;
— "Terms and Definitions" is deleted;
— The requirements of abrasion tester are modified;
— The requirements of sampling and environmental conditioning are modified;
— "Test Condition" is modified;
— "Test Procedure" is modified;
— "Test Result" is modified.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issue organization of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by China National Light Industry Council.
This standard was prepared by SAC/TC 305 (National Technical Committee 305 on Shoemaking of Standardization Administration of China).
The previous editions of the standard replaced by this standard are as follows:
— GB 3905-1983;
— GB/T 3903.2-1994, GB/T 3903.2-2008.
Footwear — Test Methods for Whole Shoe — Abrasion Resistance
1 Scope
This standard specifies a method for testing abrasion resistance of sole and sole (materials) of whole shoe.
This standard is applicable to whole shoe and sole (material).
This standard is not applicable to natural leather outsole and rubber soles.
2 Principle
The rotary grinding wheel is pressing vertical on the sample and abrasion test is carried out under specified conditions, the measured grinding crack length is applied to show the abrasion resistance of sample.
3 Apparatus and Material
3.1 Abrasion Tester
3.1.1 Grinding wheel is the T12 steel grinding wheel with φ(20±0.1)mm×(4±0.1)mm, hole diameter is (6±0.02)mm, and with 72 gears, gear angle is 90°±5°, gear point width is (0.2±0.05)mm, gear point roughness Ra is 3.2μm, hardness shall be larger than or equal to 55 HRC, coaxiality is 0.03mm. Laboratories shall set a reasonable calibration period according to the using frequency of equipment, check the grinding wheel with the standard sample of sole abrasion resistance or by other ways, and replace the grinding wheel at the proper time.
Note: standard samples are available at current market: GSB 16-3352 standard sample of sole abrasion resistance, the standard value of grinding crack length is (8.7±0.5)mm.
3.1.2 The rotation speed of grinding wheel is adjustable at 100 r/min to 300 r/min, rotating clockwise and running smoothly, and the radial runout shall not greater than 0.05 mm.
3.1.3 The position of grinding wheel is adjustable, which shall be able to apply a pressure force of 0 N to 19.6 N on the test sample.
3.1.4 The test machine shall have sample supporting devices (such as shoe last) and sample fixing device, so that the outsole surface of the sample is kept horizontal and no loosening and shifting will occur during the test.
3.1.5 It has the function of automatic shutdown according to the pre-set time or the number of revolutions. The preset time is accurate to 0.1min, and the number of revolutions is accurate to 1.
3.2 Vernier caliper shall be with an accuracy of 0.02 mm.
4 Sample
Each group of test sample shall not be less than a pair of whole shoes or soles.
5 Test Condition
5.1 The grinding wheel apply a pressure force of (4.9±0.1)N on the test sample (for specific requirements, it may be selected from 0N to 19.6N).
5.2 Rotation speed of grinding wheel is (191±5)r/min (for specific requirements, it may be selected in allowable range of tester).
5.3 Test duration is continuous 20min or the total number of revolutions is 3820 revolutions (for specific requirements, other parameters may be selected).
5.4 Carry out the test at room temperature.
6 Test Procedure
6.1 The test part shall be determined before the test. For the outsole in single-material, it can be tested at any flat part of the outsole. For the force-on-part of outsole contact the ground (such as half sole flex area and heel touch area of the wearer at standing posture) composed of two or more kinds of materials, the abrasion resistance of each material shall be tested.
6.2 The testing surface of sample shall be flat and smooth; if necessary, the sole pattern surface shall be polished with such a depth that the pattern is just removed.
6.3 The sample shall be placed at room temperature for 4h at least.
6.4 Each part of tester shall be adjusted normally, and grinding wheel shall be no-load running for 5min prior to test.
6.5 Fix the sample to the abrasion tester, with sole face upwards, and the worn part of the sole is adjusted to the level.
6.6 Adjust the position of the grinding wheel to make it aim at the worn part.
6.7 Adjust the pressure force of the grinding wheel apply on the sample to the specified value.
6.8 Adjust the test duration or total number of revolutions to the specified value.
6.9 The rotation speed of grinding wheel is adjusted to specified value, the time is set to zero, and then start the test.
6.10 After the tester is automatic shutdown according to the setup parameters, the length in both sides of grinding crack shall be measured by vernier caliper within 1h.
6.11 During the test, if the grinding wheel rod is pressed to the sample, the test shall be stopped, and the test duration and the grinding crack length shall be noted.
6.12 During the test, if the sticky worn parts or sticky wheels are found, the test shall be stopped immediately, and the pollutant grinding wheel shall be washed by organic solvent.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Principle 3 Apparatus and Material 4 Sample 5 Test Condition 6 Test Procedure 7 Test Result 8 Test Report