is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by National General Standardization Group for Green Product Assessment.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 195 Technical Committee on Light Building Materials for Finishing and Decoration of Standardization Administration of China.
Green Product Assessment -
Waterproof Materials and Sealants
1 Scope
This standard specifies terms and definitions, assessment requirements and assessment methods of waterproof materials and sealants used for green buildings.
This standard is applicable to the assessment on green products of building waterproof sheets, waterproof coatings and sealants.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 4507 Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen - Ring-and-ball Apparatus
GB 8624 Classification for Burning Behavior of Building Materials and Products
GB 12952 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Sheets for Waterproofing
GB/T 13477.13 Test Method for Building Sealants - Part 13: Determination of Adhesion/Cohesion Properties at Variable Temperatures
GB/T 13477.19 Test Method for Building Sealants - Part 19: Determination of Change in Mass and Volume
GB/T 14683 Silicone and Modified Silicone Sealants for Building
GB/T 15432 Ambient Air - Determination of Total Suspended Particulates - Gravimetric Method
GB/T 16422.2 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc Sources
GB 16776 Structural Silicon Sealants for Building
GB/T 16777 Test Methods for Building Waterproofing Coatings
GB/T 18173.1 Polymer Water-proof Materials - Part 1: Water-proof Sheet
JC/T 881 Sealants for Building Joint of Concrete Construction
JC/T 882 Sealants for Joint Glass Curtain Wall
JC/T 884 Building Sealants for Metal Plates
JC/T 885 Anti-mildew Sealants for Building
JC/T 914 Hot Melt Butyl Sealant for Insulating Glass
JC/T 974 Modified Bituminous Waterproofing Sheets for Concrete Bridge Decks and Other Concrete Surfaces Trafficable by Vehicles
JC/T 975 Waterproofing Coating for Concrete Bridge and Road Surface
JC/T 976 Jointing Sealants for Concrete Bridge and Other Concrete Trafficable by Vehicles
JC 1066 Limit of Harmful Substances of Building Waterproof Coatings
JC/T 1067 Waterproof Materials for Pitched Roof Underlayments of Polymer Modified Bituminous
JC/T 1068 Waterproof Materials for Pitched Roof Underlayments of Self-adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous
JC/T 1075 Root Penetration Resistance of Waterproof Sheets for Green Roof System
JC/T 2251 Polymethyl Methacrylate Coating for Waterproofing
JGJ 63 Standard of Water for Concrete
JG/T 375 Acrylic Waterproof Coating for Metal Roof
JG/T 471 Elastic Sealants for Insulating Glass Units of Windows and Curtain Walls in Building
JG/T 475 Structural Silicon Sealants for Building Curtain Wall
Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, No. 682)
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 33761 and the following apply.
building waterproof sheet
flexible waterproof material that can be rolled into coil
building waterproof coating
liquid material painted on the base course, which is flexible waterproof material capable of forming continuous waterproof layer with certain thickness
building sealant
material which is embedded into the joint in non-formed state and, after solidification, seals the joint by bonding the building joint surface
[Definition in GB/T14682-2006]
4 Assessment Requirements
4.1 Product classification
4.1.1 Waterproof building materials to be subjected to green product assessment are classified into waterproof sheets and waterproof coatings; thereinto, waterproof sheets wre classified into bituminous waterproof sheet and polymer waterproof sheet, and waterproof coatings are classified into waterbased waterproof coating and waterproof coating with high solid content.
4.1.2 Building sealant to be subjected to green product assessment is classified by main component into silicone (SR), modified polysiloxane (MS), polyurethane (PU), polysulfide (PS), acrylic acid (AC) and butyl (BU).
4.2 Basic requirements
4.2.1 Basic requirements for manufacturing enterprise The requirements of such environmental protection laws and regulations as Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection, system of environmental impact assessment, "Three Simultaneous" system of environmental protection and pollutant discharge permit system shall be met; enterprise pollutant discharge shall meet the requirements of national and local standards for pollutant discharge and total pollutant discharge amount control; there shall be no major environmental pollution accident within the last 3 years. Collection, storage and disposal of general solid wastes shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 18599; the storage of hazardous wastes shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 18597, and the hazardous wastes shall be delivered to organizations holding hazardous waste business certificate for disposal later. Safety production management shall meet the requirements of GB/T 33000, with assessment level reaching Level III and without major safety accident within the last 3 years. Energy measuring instrument shall be equipped according to the requirements of GB/T 24851. Energy consumption equipment shall meet the energy-saving requirements specified in relevant energy efficiency standards. Occupational exposure limit for hazardous agents in the workplace shall meet the requirements of GBZ 2.1 and GBZ 2.2. Advanced technology and process advocated by the nation shall be adopted, and obsolete and prohibited technology, process, equipment or materials publicized by the nation or relevant departments shall not be used. The entire production process of waterproof coatings and sealants shall be closed without opening process. Environmental management system, quality management system and occupational health and safety management system shall be established and operated in accordance with the provisions specified in GB/T 24001, GB/T 19001 and GB/T 28001; waterproof sheet manufacturing enterprises shall also establish energy management system in accordance with those specified in GB/T 23331.
4.2.2 Basic requirements for products For waterproof materials and sealants to be subjected to green product assessment, the quality level shall meet all the requirements of the current product standards; if the grades/levels are specified in the relevant current national and professional product standards, the highest grade/level shall be reached; see Annex A for details. For waterproof products with exposure operating requirements, the combustion performance shall meet the requirements of Level B2 (E) specified in GB 8624. Hazardous substances not allowed to be artificially added into the products are detailed in Table 1.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Assessment Requirements 5 Assessment Method Annex A (Normative) Product Standards and Specific Requirements Corresponding to Relevant Products Annex B (Normative) Inspection and Calculation Methods for Assessment Indexes of Waterproof Materials and Sealants Annex C (Informative) Calculation Methods for Comprehensive Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Polymer Waterproof Sheets, Waterproof Coatings and Sealants Bibliography