is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard replaces GB/T 20941-2007 Good manufacturing practice for fish products processing factory and GB/T 23871-2009 Code of hygienic practice for fish and fishery products processing establishment.
The following main changes have been made with respect to GB/T 20941-2007 and GB/T 23871-2009:
——Standard name is revised as National food safety standard - Hygienic practice of aquatic products;
——Standard structure is modified;
——Standard scope is modified;
——Terms and Definitions are modified;
——Requirements of the food safety control in the whole production process of aquatic products such as material, processing, product storage and transportation are emphasized, and major measures to control biological, chemical and physical contamination are established;
——Annex A "Guidelines for microbe monitoring program for processing of aquatic products” is added.
National food safety standard
Hygienic practice of aquatic products
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements and management guidelines for sites, facilities and personnel for material purchasing, accepting, processing, packaging, storage and transportation in the production process of aquatic products.
This standard is applicable to the production of aquatic products.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the terms and definitions specified in GB 14881-2013 apply.
2.1 aquatic products
foods processed from fish, shrimps, crabs, cephalopods, shellfish, echinoderms, coelentera, algae and other edible aquatic organisms
2.2 temporary breeding
process of breeding live aquatic products in clean water for a period of time
2.3 shellfish purification
process of breeding live shellfish caught in areas meeting fishery water quality standards in natural or artificially cleaned seawater for a period of time to reduce the number of microorganisms in the body
3 Site selection and plant environment
3.1 Site selection
Site selection shall meet the requirements of 3.1, GB 14881-2013.
3.2 Plant environment
3.2.1 Plant environment shall meet the requirements of 3.2, GB 14881-2013.
3.2.2 Animals not concerned with production and processing shall not be bred in the area.
4 Plant room and workshop
They shall meet the relevant requirements of Clause 4, GB 14881-2013.
5 Facilities and equipment
5.1 Facilities
5.1.1 Water supply facilities Water supply facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.1, GB 14881-2013. The processing water shall be equipped with water purification or disinfection facilities according to the local water quality characteristics and product requirements. If necessary, water storage facilities shall be arranged in non-contaminated areas and these facilities shall be made of non-toxic, odorless, anti-corrosive and non-shedding materials, which are convenient for regular cleaning and disinfection, and they shall be sealed and properly protected to ensure the safety and hygiene of processing water.
5.1.2 Drainage facilities
Drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.2, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.3 Cleaning and disinfection facilities
Cleaning and disinfection facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.3, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.4 Waste storage facilities Waste storage facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.4, GB 14881-2013. Waste containers shall be waterproof, corrosion resistant and leak proof. If pipes are used to transport wastes, the installation, maintenance and use of pipes shall not contaminate the product.
5.1.5 Personal sanitary facilities
Personal sanitary facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.5, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.6 Ventilation facilities
Ventilation facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.6, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.7 Lighting facilities
Lighting facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.7, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.8 Storage facilities
Storage facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.8, GB 14881-2013.
5.1.9 Temperature control facilities
Temperature control facilities shall meet the requirements of 5.1.9, GB 14881-2013.
5.2 Equipment
5.2.1 Production equipment General requirements
General requirements shall meet the requirements of, GB 14881-2013. Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of, GB 14881-2013. Design The design shall meet the requirements of, GB 14881-2013. The design and manufacture of equipment, containers and utensils being in contact with aquatic products shall be easy to drain, clean, disinfect and maintain. Equipment and tools shall be smooth to avoid obvious internal corners, humps, gaps or cracks so as to prevent material or dust from sticking.
5.2.2 Monitoring equipment
Monitoring equipment shall meet the requirements of 5.2.2, GB 14881-2013.
5.2.3 Equipment maintenance and repair Equipment maintenance and repair shall meet the requirements of 5.2.3, GB 14881-2013. The equipment maintenance shall not contaminate the product; after maintenance, the maintenance area shall be cleaned and disinfected; the raw material pretreatment equipment shall be kept free from rust.
6 Hygiene management
6.1 Hygiene management system
6.1.1 Hygiene management system shall meet the requirements of 6.1, GB 14881-2013.
6.1.2 Special containers shall be clearly marked, and material containers at different processing stages shall not be mixed with each other.
6.2 Hygiene management for plant and facilities
They shall meet the requirements of 6.2, GB 14881-1913.
6.3 Health management and hygienic requirements for aquatic products processing personnel
They shall be in accordance with the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations.
6.4 Pest control
Pest control shall meet the requirements of 6.4, GB 14881-2013.
6.5 Disposal of waste
6.5.1 The storage and disposal system of discarded raw materials and packaging materials and wastes such as parasites, shells, sea urchin shells, shrimp guts, sea cucumber calcareous mouths, etc., which are sorted out during processing, shall be formulated and these wastes shall be disposed in a timely and effective manner so as not to contaminate the aquatic products, aquatic products contact surfaces, water supply and the ground.
6.5.2 Waste location outside the workshop shall be isolated from food processing site to prevent contamination; objectionable odor like stinking smell shall be prevented from escaping and insect pest shall be prevented from breeding.
6.6 Management of work clothes
6.6.1 Management of work clothes shall meet the requirements of 6.6, GB 14881-2013.
6.6.2 Special waterproof work clothes such as gloves, sleeves, aprons, shoes and boots shall be provided.
7 Raw materials, food additives and food related products
7.1 General requirements
General requirements shall meet the requirements of 7.1, GB 14881-2013.
7.2 Raw materials
7.2.1 Raw materials shall meet the requirements of 7.2, GB 14881-2013.
7.2.2 All raw materials shall be from waters meeting the requirements of relevant national standards.
7.2.3 The water quality for temporary breeding and transportation of seawater aquatic products and freshwater aquatic products shall meet the requirements of the relevant national standards.
7.2.4 The raw materials of animal aquatic products shall meet the requirements of GB 2733, and the raw materials of algae products shall meet the requirements of GB 19643.
7.2.5 If non-muscle tissues such as viscera, eggs, skin, fins, scales, bones, shells, etc. of aquatic animals are used as raw materials of aquatic products, they shall meet the requirements of GB 2733.
7.2.6 Dead jaundice, mantis shrimp, river crab and shellfish shall not be used as raw materials for production and processing.
7.2.7 If necessary, bivalve molluscs shall be subjected to shellfish purification.
7.2.8 Toxin detection shall be carried out for raw materials of aquatic products with biotoxins such as bivalve molluscs and puffer fish, and these raw materials shall be accepted and treated according to relevant regulations to ensure safety.
7.2.9 Raw materials for raw aquatic products shall be subjected to pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites and eggs inspection.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Terms and definitions 3 Site selection and plant environment 4 Plant room and workshop 5 Facilities and equipment 6 Hygiene management 7 Raw materials, food additives and food related products 8 Food safety control in production process 9 Inspection 10 Storage and transportation of aquatic products 11 Product recall management 12 Training 13 Management system and personnel 14 Record and document management Annex A Guidelines for microbe monitoring program for processing of aquatic products