GB/T 33193 consists of the following two parts under the general title Air conditioning for main line rolling stock:
——Part 1: Comfort parameters;
——Part 2: Type tests.
This is Part 1 of GB/T 33193.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Drafting organizations of this part: Qingdao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Institute Co., Ltd., CSR Qingdao Sifang Co. Ltd., CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., CNR Tangshan Railway Vehicle Co., Ltd. and Shijiazhuang King Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters of this part: Ouyang Zhongzhi, Mao Hongmei, Chen Ping, Ren Guangqiang, Liu Wenbo, Ouyang Lizhi and Yan Yinghua.
Air conditioning for main line rolling stock - Part 1: Comfort parameters
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 33193 specifies comfort parameters for cars or compartments and performance requirements for air conditioning installation of main line rolling stocks (single-decker or double-decker). These comfort parameters apply in a similar way to the areas reserved for train staff, with the exception of the catering service areas.
This part is applicable to main line rolling stock and EMU which carry passengers with the exception of suburban vehicles, metros, tramway vehicles and driving cabs.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 12816 The limiting value and measurement method for the interior noise in the railway passenger coach
GB/T 12817 General technical specification for railway passenger car
GB/T 33193.2-2016 Air conditioning for main line rolling stock - Part 2: Type tests
GB 50019 Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of industrial buildings
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
agreeable sensation perceived by a person concerning his climatic environment (temperature, humidity, air speed, etc.)
air conditioning installation
equipment intended for ventilation and/or heating and/or cooling and/or filtration
forced air ventilation
air circulation generated by a mechanical action
process which enables the interior temperature to be raised without the presence of passengers
process which enables the interior temperature to be lowered without the presence of passengers
process which enables the interior temperature to be raised or maintained
process which enables the interior temperature to be lowered or maintained
comfort envelope
seat areas or compartment areas normally occupied by passengers
mean interior temperature
arithmetic mean of the interior temperatures measured 1.1m above the floor in comfort envelope
mean exterior temperature
arithmetic mean of the exterior temperatures
catering service area
space or compartment reserved for staff specializing in the preparation and/or the sale of food
heat transfer coefficient
ratio between the density of the heat flow rate per area unit and the difference in mean interior temperature (Tim) across the relevant insulated walls of the vehicle and mean exterior temperature (Tem)
Note: the coefficient K takes account of the efficiency of the insulation of the exterior insulated walls and the effect of the infiltration of air caused by the non-airtightness of the vehicle in motion (doors, windows, various openings) and is applicable to all or part of the vehicle.
4 Comfort parameters
Except the precooling and preheating phases, comfort shall be assessed on the basis of the following environmental parameters such as:
a) air temperature according to Annex A;
b) air speed according to Annex B;
c) relative humidity according to Annex C;
d) temperature of the walls;
e) heat emitted by a passenger seated and wearing normal clothing according to Annex D;
f) external climatic conditions which have an indirect effect;
g) the operation of catering equipment shall not disturb the comfort parameters in the comfort envelopes.
5 External conditions
5.1 Normal external operating conditions
The comfort conditions shall meet those specified in Clause 6 within the limits of the external conditions given in E.1 and E.2, Annex E.
5.2 Extreme external operating conditions
The installations shall be able to operate at extreme temperatures:
a) 5K below the minimum values and 5K above the maximum values specified in Annex E;
b) if they are placed under the underframe, 10K above the maximum values specified in Annex E.
For extreme conditions, the compliance of comfort conditions specified in Clause 6 may be determined through negotiation of the supplier and the demander.
6 Comfort conditions to be respected
6.1 Temperatures in comfort envelope
6.1.1 Interior temperature setting (Tic)
It shall be within the limit range (exterior temperature >15℃) and above the solid line (exterior temperature ≤15℃) of the regulation curve shown in Annex A.
6.1.2 Change range of mean interior temperature (Tim)
Based on the mean interior temperature (Tim) with respect to interior temperature setting (Tic), the change range of temperature shall not be greater than ±2K.
6.1.3 Maximum interior air temperature difference in a horizontal section
It shall not be greater than 3K measured 1.1m from the floor and for the sleeping berth areas of sleeping cars and couchette cars.
6.1.4 Maximum interior air temperature difference in a vertical section
The maximum interior air temperature difference in a vertical section measured 0.1m~1.7m from the floor shall not be greater than 3K according to GB/T 33193.2-2016.
6.2 Temperatures in auxiliary areas
6.2.1 Mean temperature in corridor
According to GB/T 33193.2-2016, the arithmetic mean of the temperatures measured 1.7m from the floor shall meet the following requirements:
a) in heating, this temperature shall not be less than 6K below the interior temperature setting (Tic) of the comfort envelope;
b) in cooling, this temperature shall not be more than 5K above the interior temperature setting (Tic) of the comfort envelope.
6.2.2 Mean temperature in vestibules
According to GB/T 33193.2-2016, the arithmetic mean of the temperatures measured 1.7m from the floor shall meet the following requirements:
a) in heating, this temperature should lie between 10℃ and the interior temperature setting (Tic) of the comfort envelope;
b) in cooling, this temperature should not be more than 9K above the interior temperature setting (Tic) of the comfort envelope nor greater than +35℃.
In addition, the mean temperature shall not be less than 4℃ at 0.1m above the floor in heating.
6.2.3 Interior temperature in washrooms, WC’s, telephone areas
The temperature measured at a point situated on the vertical geometric center of the floor of these locations at a height of 1.1m shall:
a) not be less than 14℃ in heating;
b) not be more than 6K above the interior setting temperature (Tic) of the comfort envelopes in cooling.
6.2.4 Interior temperature in nursery
The temperature measured at a point situated on the vertical geometric center above the floor at a height of 1.1m shall:
a) not be less than the mean interior temperature (Tim) of the comfort envelopes in heating;
b) not be more than 4K above the interior temperature setting (Tic) of the comfort envelopes in cooling.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Comfort parameters 5 External conditions 5.1 Normal external operating conditions 5.2 Extreme external operating conditions 6 Comfort conditions to be respected 6.1 Temperatures in comfort envelope 6.2 Temperatures in auxiliary areas 6.3 Relative humidity of air 6.4 Temperatures of surfaces surrounding comfort envelope (applicable to stationary vehicles) 6.5 Temperature at supply air outlet 6.6 Air speed 6.7 Air quantities 7 Control device 8 Performance of heating and cooling installations 8.1 Preheating 8.2 Heating 8.3 Precooling 8.4 Cooling 9 Complementary requirements 9.1 Heat transfer coefficient (applicable to stationary vehicles) 9.2 Heat transfer coefficient of window 9.3 Particular filtration of the air 9.4 Noise 9.5 Safety devices 9.6 Interior pressure and pressure wave 9.7 Sealing against water, snow and dust 9.8 Reliability and maintainability 10 Judging indicators Annex A (Normative) Regulation curve for interior temperature setting (Tic) Annex B (Normative) Permissible interior air speed Annex C (Normative) Relative humidity of air in comfort envelope Annex D (Normative) Heat emitted by a man seated and wearing normal clothing Annex E (Normative) Climatic zone Annex F (Normative) Fresh air flow rate as a function of the exterior temperature (Te)