This standard supersedes the corresponding indexes in "Hygienic Standard of Ceramics for Food Containers" (GB 13121-1991), "Standard Permissible Limits of Release of Lead or Cadmium from Ceramic Packaging Vessel in Contact with Food" (GB 14147-1993), "Standard Permissible Limits and Testing Method for Release of Lead or Cadmium from Ceramic Cookware" (GB 8058-2003) and "Standard Permissible Limits of Lead and Cadmium Release from Ceramic Ware in Contact with Food" (GB 12651-2003).
Compared with the above-mentioned standards, the main changes in this standard are as follows:
- Standard name is revised as "National Food Safety Standard - Ceramic Ware";
- Description of scope is modified;
- Terms and definitions are added;
- Sensory requirements are modified;
- Physical and chemical indexes are modified;
- Basic requirements of migration test are added and migration test conditions are modified;
- Label identification is added.
National Food Safety Standard Ceramic Ware
食品安全国家标准 陶瓷制品
1 Scope
This standard is applicable to food contact ceramic ware.
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 Flat products
Products in which the distance from the mouth along horizontal plane to the lowest internal plane is less than or equal to 25mm.
2.2 Storage tank
Hollow products with volume larger than or equal to 3L.
2.3 Hollow products
Products in which the distance from the mouth along horizontal plane to the lowest internal plane is greater than 25mm.
2.4 Large hollow products
Hollow products with volume larger than or equal to 1.1L and less than 3L.
2.5 Small hollow products (excluding cups)
Hollow products with volume less than 1.1L.
2.6 Cups
Hollow products daily used for holding water or drinks.
2.7 Cooking ware
Products used for heating and preparing foods.
3 Basic Requirements
The food contact ceramic ware shall meet the requirements specified in GB 4806.1.
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Raw material requirements
The raw material of ceramic ware shall meet the requirements specified in GB 4806.1.
4.2 Sensory requirements
The glazed products shall be uniform in glaze and colors and the decoration shall be free from shedding.
4.3 Physical and chemical indexes
Physical and chemical indexes shall meet those specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Physical and Chemical Indexes
Item Index Inspection method
Flat products /(mg/dm2) Storage tank/(mg/L) Large hollow products /
(mg/L) Small hollow products (excluding cups)/(mg/L) Cups/