Foreword is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard supersedes "National Food Safety Standard—Food Microbiological Examination—Aerobic Plant Count" (GB 4789.2-2010).
GB 4789.2-2016
National Food Safety Standard—
Food Microbiological Examination—
Aerobic Plate Count
食品微生物学检验 菌落总数测定
1 Scope
This standard specifies the method for determination of aerobic plate count in foods.
This standard is applicable to the determination of aerobic plate count in foods.
2 Terms and Definitions
Aerobic plate count
After treatment of food examined sample, the aerobic plate count in 1g (mL) examined sample is obtained after cultivation under specific conditions (e.g. culture medium, temperature and time).
3 Apparatus and Materials
In addition to the apparatus for conventional sterilization and cultivation in microbiological laboratory, other apparatus and materials are as follows:
3.1 Constant temperature incubator: 36℃±1℃, 30℃±1℃.
3.2 Refrigerator: 2℃~5℃.
3.3 Thermostatic water bath: 46℃±1℃.
3.4 Balance: with sensibility of 0.1g.
3.5 Homogenizer.
3.6 Oscillator.
3.7 Aseptic pipette: 1mL (with scale division of 0.01mL), 10mL (with scale division of 0.1mL) or micropipettor and pipette tips.
3.8 Aseptic conical flask: 250mL and 500mL.
3.9 Aseptic culture dish: 90mm in diameter.
3.10 pH meter or pH colorimetric tube or precise pH paper.
3.11 Magnifier or/and colony counter.
4 Media and Reagents
4.1 Plate count agar culture medium: see A.1.
4.2 Phosphate buffer: see A.2.
4.3 Aseptic normal saline: see A.3.
5 Examination Procedures
See Figure 1 for examination procedures of aerobic plate count.
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Terms and Definitions
3 Apparatus and Materials
4 Media and Reagents
5 Examination Procedures
6 Operation Steps
7 Result and Report
Appendix A Media and Reagents