This standard specifies the determination method of overall migration in food contact materials and articles.
This standard is applicable to the determination of overall migration in food contact materials and articles, instead of that in food simulants of vegetable oil type.
2 Theory
Soak the specimen with various food simulants, evaporate and dry the soak solution, and obtain the total amount of non-volatile matter migrated from the specimen to soak solution.
3 Reagents and Materials (Food Simulants)
Unless otherwise specified, all reactants adopted for this method are analytically pure and water is Grade 2 water as specified in GB/T 6682.
3.1 Reactants
3.1.1 Food simulants: operate according to GB 31604.1.
3.1.2 Trichloromethane (CHCl3).
3.2 Preparation of reagents
Preparation of food simulants: operate according to GB/T 5009.156.
4 Apparatuses
4.1 Balance: with a sensitivity of 0.1mg.
4.2 Electrothermal constant-temperature dry oven.
4.3 Glass evaporating dish: with a volume of 50mL.
5 Analytical Procedures
5.1 Sampling method
Operate according to the sampling method specified in GB/T 5009.156.
5.2 Specimen washing
Operate according to the specimen washing specified in GB/T 5009.156.
5.3 Selection of food simulants and simulation conditions of the specimen
Operate according to corresponding product standard.
5.4 Pretreatment method for specimen migration test
Operate according to the test method specified in GB/T 5009.156.
5.5 Determination of specimen
5.5.1 Determination of overall migration
Put 200mL of each food simulant test solution (in divided dose) into a 50mL glass evaporating dish which has been dried for 2h in the dry oven (100℃±5℃) in advance, evaporate it to dry on the water bath which has boiling temperature of soak solution, wipe off the water drops on the dish bottom, put it into the dry oven (100℃±5℃) and dry for 2h, take it out, cool it in a dryer for 0.5h, and weigh.
Conduct a blank test simultaneously.
5.5.2 Determination of trichloromethane extractive
This determination procedure is applicable to vegetable-fiber food container. When the overall migration of food simulant exceeds the specified limit, extract and filter the residue with trichloromethane, and then determine the residue content of trichloromethane extractive.
Add 50mL of trichloromethane into the residue obtained in 5.5.1, shake, filter with quantitative filter paper, collect the filtrate in a evaporating dish which is dried for 2h, and repeat the extraction of trichloromethane for three times. Flush the filter paper with trichloromethane and merge the filtrate into the evaporating dish, then place the obtained filtrate on water bath, evaporate until it's nearly dried, transfer the evaporating dish into the dry oven (105℃) to dry for 2h, then take it out, cool for 0.5h and weigh, and then obtain the residue of trichloromethane extractive.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Theory 3 Reagents and Materials (Food Simulants) 4 Apparatuses 5 Analytical Procedures 6 Expression of Analysis Results 7 Precision