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Technical standard for anti-corrosion engineering of steel petroleum storage tanks 1 General provisions 1.0.1 This standard is formulated to standardize the design, construction, acceptance, operation, maintenance and management of the anti-corrosion engineering of steel petroleum storage tanks (hereinafter referred to as "storage tanks") so as to ensure safety, environmental protection and economic rationality. 1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the anti-corrosion engineering of steel petroleum storage tanks. 1.0.3 In addition to this standard, the anti-corrosion engineering of steel petroleum storage tanks shall also comply with those stipulated in the relevant current national standards. 2 Terms 2.0.1 steel petroleum storage tanks steel containers used for storing petroleum and petroleum products, i.e., the vertical cylindrical welded storage tanks in this standard 2.0.2 corrosion conditions conditions causing corrosion of metal components of storage tanks 2.0.3 atmospheric corrosion corrosion mainly caused by corrosive medium in the ambient atmosphere 2.0.4 immersed corrosion corrosion mainly caused by medium in storage tank 2.0.5 owner end user or user of the storage tank 2.0.6 designer the organization completing the anti-corrosion design documents for storage tanks 2.0.7 constructor the organization carrying out anti-corrosion construction of storage tanks 2.0.8 supplier the organization providing materials necessary for anti-corrosion engineering of storage tanks 2.0.9 documents for anti-corrosion design a generic term for documents of all processes such as confirmation of corrosion conditions, classification of corrosion grades, anti-corrosion measures, etc. for each part of the storage tank (hereinafter referred to as "design documents") 2.0.10 anti-corrosion engineering a generic term for works such as anti-corrosion design, construction, quality inspection and acceptance of storage tanks 2.0.11 substrate the surface of the base material to be coated 2.0.12 surface preparation measures such as removing the attachments and oxides on the substrate surface or other measures for improving the surface roughness before coating 2.0.13 blasting a method for cleaning and roughening the workpiece surface by the continuous impact of high-speed solid particle flow 2.0.14 abrasive solid particles in the blasting medium 2.0.15 hydro-jet cleaning a method for removing the attachments on the cleaned surface by continuous impact of high pressure water with outlet pressure of 70-170MPa or ultra-high pressure water with outlet pressure of more than 170MPa 2.0.16 mill scale oxide film formed on the surface of steel during manufacturing or heat treatment 2.0.17 coating protective layer coated on the metal surface to isolate the metal surface from the surrounding environment for anti-corrosion or decoration purpose 2.0.18 wet film thickness; WFT thickness of uncured coating on the coated surface 2.0.19 dry film thickness; DFT thickness of cured coating on the coated surface 2.0.20 volatile organic compound; VOC any organic liquid or solid that may volatilize naturally at the atmospheric temperature and pressure 2.0.21 static conductive anticorrosion coating anticorrosion coating having a surface resistivity within the range of 1×108~1×1011Ω 2.0.22 waterborne coating coating with water as solvent or dispersion medium 2.0.23 solventfree coating coating with the mass percentage of volatile solvent less than or equal to 2% 2.0.24 holiday pinhole or holiday point on the surface of coating 2.0.25 surface resistivity surface resistance per unit area, Ω 2.0.26 cathodic protection method for controlling electrochemical corrosion by cathodic polarization, including sacrificial anode method and impressed current method 2.0.27 sacrificial anode the electrode providing cathodic protection current to the protected object by its own corrosion 2.0.28 auxiliary anode electrode directly connected to the anode of an external power supply under the impressed current cathodic protection to provide cathodic protection current to the protected object 2.0.29 linear anode auxiliary anode of which the anode core material is pre-packaged with carbon powder and forms an integrated linear structure with it 2.0.30 grid-anode auxiliary anode formed by vertical cross welding of mixed metallic oxide titanium and titanium connecting piece, which is embedded in the bottom of the storage tank in a grid shape 2.0.31 reference electrode electrode having a stable open circuit potential and used as a reference when measuring a potential 2.0.32 backfill material packed around the buried electrode to improve its working conditions 2.0.33 protective potential potential necessary for the metal to reach effective protection 2.0.34 protective current density current density necessary for the metal to reach effective protection 2.0.35 IR drop voltage drop generated by the current on the electrolyte between the reference electrode and the protected facility 2.0.36 polarized potential potential of storage tank to electrolyte measured without IR drop 2.0.37 on potential potential of storage tank to electrolyte measured when powering on 2.0.38 instant-off potential potential of storage tank to electrolyte measured upon power failure 2.0.39 open circuit potential potential measured when the metal reaches a stable corrosion state without external current 2.0.40 test post device arranged near the storage tank for measuring cathodic protection parameters 2.0.41 anti-corrosion construction plan specific operation documents prepared for the anti-corrosion engineering construction according to the design requirements of the anti-corrosion construction organization, including the requirements of construction technology, resources, construction period, HSE and quality (hereinafter referred to as "construction plan") 2.0.42 anti-corrosion construction documents a generic term for documents used to guide the engineering construction management and construction operations, such as the design, construction plan and construction operation instructions of the anti-corrosion construction organization (hereinafter referred to as "construction documents") 2.0.43 concealed work part covered by the following procedure or procedure covered by the following operation 2.0.44 design life expected safe service life of anti-corrosion engineering under set conditions, also known as expected durability 3 Basic requirements 3.1 Responsibilities 3.1.1 The owner shall provide the designer and the constructor with relevant data of the main engineering such as the structural size of the storage tank, storage medium and its components, and also provide the atmospheric data of the area where the storage tank is installed and the design life requirements of the anti-corrosion engineering of the storage tank. 3.1.2 The designer shall, determine the corrosion conditions and grades of each part of the storage tank according to the data provided by the owner, and complete the design documents of the storage tank on this basis. When data provided by the owner are incomplete, the designer shall communicate with the owner to obtain relevant data or form relevant documents according to the requirements of relevant standards, but the formed ones must be confirmed by the owner. 3.1.3 The constructor shall, according to the requirements of the design documents, prepare relevant construction documents and organize the implementation of the anti-corrosion engineering to ensure that the quality of the anti-corrosion engineering meets the requirements of the design documents. 3.1.4 The supplier shall, according to the requirements of the design documents, provide qualified materials and detailed construction instructions for the materials. 3.2 Design life of anti-corrosion engineering 3.2.1 The design life of the anti-corrosion engineering shall be specified by the owner in the contract. 3.2.2 Where not specified in the contract by the owner, the design life shall be determined according to the following principles, but shall be confirmed by the owner in writing: 1 the design life of parts not easy to be overhauled should be consistent with that of the main engineering; 2 the design life under immersed corrosion conditions shall not be lower than the overhaul period of the main engineering; 3 the design life of the coating, where used for protection, should not be less than 10 years; 4 the design life under atmospheric corrosion conditions may be considered as three grades, i.e., low (L), medium (M) and high (H); low (L) refers to a design life of 2-5 years, medium (M) refers to a design life of 5-15 years, and high (H) refers to a design life of more than 15 years; 5 the design life of impressed current cathodic protection should not be less than 20 years, while that of the sacrificial anode in tank should not be less than 10 years. 3.3 Corrosion grades 3.3.1 The atmospheric corrosion may be divided into four grades according to the uniform corrosion rate v1(mm/a) of the tank metal in the first year of exposure to atmospheric environment, which shall conform to the requirements of Table 3.3.1. Table 3.3.1 Atmospheric corrosion grades Corrosion grade Uniform corrosion rate v1(mm/a) Corrosion degree I v1<0.025 No corrosion II 0.025≤v1<0.050 Light corrosion III 0.050≤v1<0.200 Moderate corrosion IV v1≥0.200 Strong corrosion 3.3.2 The immersed corrosion may be divided into four grades according to the uniform corrosion rate v1(mm/a) and pitting corrosion rate v2(mm/a) of the tank metal by medium, which shall conform to the requirements of Table 3.3.2. Table 3.3.2 Immersed corrosion grades Corrosion grade Uniform corrosion rate v1(mm/a) Pitting corrosion rate v2(mm/a) Corrosion degree I v1<0.025 v2<0.130 No corrosion II 0.025≤v1<0.130 0.130≤v2<0.200 Light corrosion III 0.130≤v1<0.250 0.200≤v2<0.380 Moderate corrosion IV v1≥0.250 v2≥0.380 Strong corrosion Note: the degree and grade of corrosion shall be determined based on the v1 or v2, which is worse. 3.4 Other requirements 3.4.1 The anti-corrosion engineering of storage tank shall be designed, constructed and put into service simultaneously with the main engineering. 3.4.2 In addition to the requirements of this standard, the construction of anti-corrosion engineering shall also meet the requirements of the design documents. Any design change or material substitution, if necessary, shall be confirmed in writing by the designer. 3.4.3 Materials adopted for anti-corrosion engineering shall be provided with product quality certification documents. The quality certification documents shall at least cover the following contents: 1 product quality certificate and material testing report; 2 technical indexes and testing method of quality. 3.4.4 The anti-corrosion engineering of storage tanks shall be accepted, and may only be put into service upon the expiration of curing period. Necessary protective measures should be taken for storage tanks when not used. 3.4.5 Relevant industrial hygiene, safety, labor protection and environmental protection involved in the anti-corrosion engineering shall conform to the current national standards GB 50160 Fire prevention code of petrochemical enterprise design, GB 7692 Safety code for painting - Safety, ventilation and air clean-up for pretreatment process of painting, GB 6514 Safety code for painting - Safety, ventilation and air clean-up for painting process, GBZ 1 Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises, GB 50058 Code for design of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres and GB 7691 Safety code for painting - Safety management general rule. 4 Design 4.1 General requirements 4.1.1 The coating plan or the plan of combining coating and cathodic protection may be adopted as the anti-corrosion plan. Coating plan includes paint coating and metal coating. 4.1.2 For Grade I corrosion, the metal surface may not be protected against corrosion, while for corrosion of other grades, coating shall be protected against corrosion. 4.1.3 When the corrosion grade of the storage tank metal or the corrosion resistance of the anticorrosion coating cannot be determined, the anti-corrosion plan may be determined through test. 4.1.4 For the storage tanks in the area with strong soil corrosiveness or those of high importance, the external surface of the tank bottom should be subjected to the plan of combining coating and cathodic protection. 4.1.5 When the plan of combing sacrificial anode and coating is adopted, the surface resistivity of anticorrosion coating on the protected part shall not be less than 1×1013Ω. 4.1.6 The medium is flammable, explosive and prone to static charge accumulation during operation. In the absence of static conduction measures, light-color non-carbon static conductive anticorrosion coating with surface resistivity of 1×108~1×1011Ω shall be used for the anticorrosion coating exposed to the medium. 4.1.7 The anticorrosion coating applied inside the floating plate and buoyancy chamber shall be waterborne coating or solventfree coating. 4.1.8 When the plan of combining coating and cathodic protection is adopted, the cathodic disbonding resistance of the coating shall conform to the requirements of the current professional standard SY/T 0315 Technological standard of FBE external fusion bonded epoxy coating for steel pipeline. 4.1.9 The selection of anticorrosion coating shall: 1 be adapted to the surface material of the storage tank; 2 be adapted to the service environment and storage medium of the storage tank; 3 be adapted to the temperature of the metal surface of the storage tank; 4 be provided with good overcoatability and compatibility between each coating layers; 5 be provided with construction adaptability; 6 be safe, environmentally friendly and economically feasible. 4.2 Paint coating 4.2.1 The coating shall meet the following requirements: 1 solventfree, waterborne and high-solid coatings should be selected, in which the content of volatile organic compound (VOC) shall be less than 420g/L, and the performance of common coating shall meet the requirements of Annex A hereof; 2 the content of harmful heavy metals of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and mercury (Hg) shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB 30981 Limit of harmful substances of anticorrosion coatings for construction steel structure. 3 the primer, intermediate paint, finish paint, curing agent, diluent, etc. shall be compatible with each other. 4.2.2 The anticorrosion coatings may be divided into alkyd, phenolic epoxy, epoxy, polyurethane, fluorocarbon, polysiloxane, etc. according to the film-forming resin. 4.2.3 Alkyd, acrylic polyurethane, fluorocarbon, polysiloxane, epoxy, epoxy zinc-rich coatings and other coatings may be used according to different coating performance and application temperature ranges under atmospheric conditions. 4.2.4 The anti-corrosion plan under atmospheric conditions shall meet the following requirements: 1 the weather-resistant coating shall be adopted on the surface of storage tank directly exposed to sunlight; 2 the anticorrosion coating under the thermal insulation layer of the storage tank may not be weather-resistant; 3 the reflective thermal insulation paint should be adopted for an-corrosion of storage tanks storing light oil products or volatile organic solvent media, with the total dry film thickness not be less than 250μm. The performance indexes of reflective thermal insulation paint and coating shall meet the requirements of Table A.0.14 hereof; 4 the corrosion grade of storage tanks in closed spaces such as caves shall be one grade higher than that of the corresponding atmospheric environment; 5 the phenolic coating and alkyd coating should not be used in alkaline environment; 6 the common anti-corrosion plan under different corrosion grades shall meet the requirements of Annex B hereof. 4.2.5 Glass flake, epoxy, phenolic epoxy, inorganic zinc-rich coatings and other coatings may be used according to different coating performance and application temperature ranges under immersed corrosion conditions. Foreword i 1 General provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic requirements 3.1 Responsibilities 3.2 Design life of anti-corrosion engineering 3.3 Corrosion grades 3.4 Other requirements 4 Design 4.1 General requirements 4.2 Paint coating 4.3 Metallic coating 4.4 Annular plate protection 4.5 Cathodic protection 5 Construction 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Surface preparation 5.3 Paint coating 5.4 Metallic coating 5.5 Annular plate protection 5.6 Cathodic protection 5.7 Process inspection and construction quality control 6 Acceptance 7 Operation and maintenance 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Coating 7.3 Cathodic protection Annex A Performance index of common paint Annex B Common anti-corrosion plan under different grades Annex C Common anti-corrosion plan for petroleum storage tanks under immersion conditions Annex D Cathodic protection Annex E Test for cathodic protection potential Annex F Abrasive and surface preparation Annex G Dew temperature table Annex H Rules and methods of coating quality inspection Explanation of wording in this standard List of quoted standards 1 总则 1.0.1为了规范钢质石油储罐(以下简称“储罐”)防腐蚀工程的设计、施工、验收、运行维护与管理,做到安全环保、经济合理,制定本标准。 1.0.2本标准适用于钢质石油储罐的防腐蚀工程。 1.0.3钢质石油储罐防腐蚀工程除应符合本标准外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。 2 术 语 2.0.1钢质石油储罐 steel petroleum storage tanks 用于储存石油及石油产品的钢质容器,在本标准中指立式圆筒形焊接储罐。 2.0.2腐蚀环境 corrosion conditions 造成储罐金属构件腐蚀的环境。 2.0.3大气环境腐蚀 atmospheric corrosion 主要由环境大气中的腐蚀性介质引起的腐蚀。 2.0.4介质环境腐蚀 immersed corrosion 主要由储罐内介质引起的腐蚀。 2.0.5业主 owner 储罐的最终用户或使用者。 2.0.6设计方designer 完成储罐防腐蚀设计文件的单位。 2.0.7 施工方 constructor 实施储罐防腐蚀施工的单位。 2.0.8供应商 supplier 提供储罐防腐蚀工程所需材料的单位。 2.0.9防腐蚀设计文件documents for anti-corrosion design 储罐各部位的腐蚀环境确认、腐蚀等级划分、防腐措施等全过程文件的总称(以下简称“设计文件”)。 2.0.10 防腐蚀工程 anti-corrosion engineering 储罐防腐蚀设计、施工、质量检验、验收等工作的总称。 2.0.11基底 substrate 需要涂覆的基体材料表面。 2.0.12 表面处理 surface preparation 涂装前,除去基底表面附着物、氧化物或其他提高表面粗糙度的措施。 2.0.13喷射处理 blasting 利用高速固体颗粒流的连续冲击作用清理和粗化工件表面的方法。 2.0.14磨料 abrasive 喷射处理介质中的固体颗粒。 2.0.15水喷射hydro-jet cleaning 用出水压力在70MPa—170MPa的高压水或大于170MPa的超高压水连续不断地作用在被清洗表面,使其附着物脱落的方法。 2.0.16氧化皮 mill scale 钢材在制作或热处理过程中表面形成的氧化膜层。 2.0.17涂层 coating 为使金属表面与周围环境隔离,以达到防腐蚀或装饰的目的,涂敷在金属表面的保护层。 2.0.18 湿膜厚度 wet film thickness;WFT 涂层在被涂物表面未固化的涂膜厚度。 2.0.19 干膜厚度dry film thickness;DFT 涂层在被涂物表面固化后所形成的涂膜厚度。 2.0.20挥发性有机化合物 volatile organic compound;VOC 在所处的大气温度和压力下,可以自然挥发的任何有机液体或固体。 2.0.21导静电型防腐蚀涂料 static conductive anticorrosion coating 涂层的表面电阻率在1×108 Ω~1×1011 Ω范围内的防腐蚀涂料。 2.0.22水性涂料 waterborne coating 用水作溶剂或分散介质的涂料。 2.0.23无溶剂涂料 solventfree coating 挥发性溶剂的质量百分比小于或等于2%的涂料。 2.0.24漏点holiday 涂层表面的针孔或漏涂点。 2.0.25表面电阻率 surface resistivity。 单位面积内的表面电阻,Ω。 2.0.26阴极保护 cathodic protection 通过阴极极化控制电化学腐蚀的方法,包括牺牲阳极法和外加电流法。 2.0.27牺牲阳极 sacrificial anode 靠自身腐蚀为被保护体提供阴极保护电流的电极。 2.0.28辅助阳极 auxiliary anode 在外加电流阴极保护下,与外部电源正极直接相连,向被保护体提供阴极保护电流的电极。 2.0.29线性阳极linear anode 采用碳粉预包装阳极芯材,并与之成为一体化线性结构的辅助阳极。 2.0.30网状阳极 grid-anode 由混合金属氧化物钛与钛金属连接片垂直交叉焊接构成的辅助阳极,该阳极呈网格状埋设于储罐底部。 2.0.31参比电极 reference electrode 在测量电位时用以作为参照,具有稳定开路电位的电极。 2.0.32填充料 backfill 为改善埋地电极的工作条件,填塞在电极四周的材料。 2.0.33保护电位protective potential 金属达到有效保护所需要的电位。 2.0.34保护电流密度protective current density 金属达到有效保护所需要的电流密度。 2.0.35 IR降 IR drop 电流在参比电极与被保护设施之间电解质上产生的电压降。 2.0.36 极化电位polarized potential 不含IR降所实测的储罐对电解质的电位。 2.0.37通电电位 on potential 通电时测得的储罐对电解质电位。 2.0.38 断电电位 instant-off potential 断电瞬间时测得的储罐对电解质电位。 2.0.39 开路电位 open circuit potential 在无外加电流下金属达到稳定腐蚀状态时所测得的电位。 2.0.40测试桩test post 布置在储罐附近,用于测量阴极保护参数的装置。 2.0.41 防腐蚀施工技术方案 anti-corrision construction plan 依据防腐蚀施工组织设计要求,对防腐蚀工程施工编制的具体作业文件,包括施工工艺、资源、工期、HSE和质量等要求(以下简称“施工技术方案”)。 2.0.42 防腐蚀施工技术文件 anti-corrision construction documents 防腐蚀施工组织设计、施工技术方案、施工作业指导书等用以指导工程施工管理、施工作业的文件总称(以下简称“施工技术文件”)。 2.0.43隐蔽工程 concealed work 被后一工序覆盖的部位或被后续作业覆盖的工序。 2.0.44设计寿命design life 防腐蚀工程在设定的条件下预期可安全应用的年限,亦称预期耐久性。 3基本规定 3.1 职 责 3.1.1业主应向设计方和施工方提供储罐结构尺寸、储存介质及其组分等主体工程的有关资料,并提供储罐所安装地区的大气环境数据以及储罐防腐蚀工程的设计寿命要求。 3.1.2设计方应根据业主提供的资料,确定储罐各部位的腐蚀环境和等级,并在此基础上完成储罐的设计文件。当业主提供资料不全时,设计方应与业主沟通获得有关资料,或按有关标准的要求形成有关文件,但须得到业主的确认。 3.1.3施工方应根据设计文件的要求,编制相关的施工技术文件并组织防腐蚀工程的实施,确保防腐蚀工程质量满足设计文件的要求。 3.1.4供应商应根据设计文件的要求提供合格的材料,并提供该材料详细施工指导说明书。 3.2防腐蚀工程的设计寿命 3.2.1 防腐蚀工程的设计寿命应由业主在合同中进行说明。 3.2.2 当业主在合同中没有进行说明时,应按下列原则确定,但应得到业主的书面确认: 1 不易进行检修部位的设计寿命宜与主体工程一致; 2储存介质腐蚀环境下的设计寿命不应低于主体工程检修周期; 3 当采用金属涂层保护时,涂层的设计寿命不宜低于10年; 4大气腐蚀环境下的设计寿命可按低(L)、中(M)、高(H)三级考虑,低(L)指寿命2年~5年,中(M)指寿命5年~15年,高(H)指寿命15年以上; 5外加电流阴极保护的设计寿命不宜小于20年,罐内牺牲阳极设计寿命不宜小于10年。 3.3腐蚀等级 3.3.1 大气环境腐蚀等级可按储罐金属在大气环境下暴露第一年的均匀腐蚀速率v1(mm/a)分为四个等级,应符合表3.3.1的规定。 表3.3.1大气环境腐蚀等级 腐蚀等级 均匀腐蚀速率v1(mm/a) 腐蚀程度 I v1<0.025 无腐蚀 Ⅱ 0.025≤v1<0.050 轻腐蚀 Ⅲ 0.050≤v1<0.200 中腐蚀 Ⅳ v1≥0.200 强腐蚀 3.3.2 介质环境腐蚀等级可按介质对储罐金属的均匀腐蚀速率v1(mm/a)和点蚀腐蚀速率v2(mm/a)分为四个等级,应符合表3.3.2的规定。 表3.3.2介质环境腐蚀等级 腐蚀等级 均匀腐蚀速率 v1(mm/a) 点蚀腐蚀速率 v2(mm/a) 腐蚀程度 I v1<0.025 v2<0.130 无腐蚀 Ⅱ 0.025≤v1<0.130 0.130≤v2<0.200 轻腐蚀 Ⅲ 0.130≤v1<0.250 0.200≤v2<0.380 中腐蚀 Ⅳ v1≥0.250 v2≥0.380 强腐蚀 注:以v1和v2两者中的较严重结果确定腐蚀程度和腐蚀等级。 3.4 其 他 3.4.1 储罐的防腐蚀工程应与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投用。 3.4.2防腐蚀工程的施工除应符合本标准的规定外,尚应符合设计文件的规定,当需要变更设计或材料代用时,应征得设计方书面确认。 3.4.3防腐蚀工程所用材料应具有产品质量证明文件。产品质量证明文件应至少包括下列内容: 1产品质量合格证和材料检测报告; 2质量技术指标和检测方法。 3.4.4储罐防腐蚀工程应经验收,并在养护期满后方可投用。闲置期间宜采取必要的保护措施。 3.4.5 防腐蚀工程所涉及的有关工业卫生、安全、劳动保护和环境保护应符合现行国家标准《石油化工企业设计防火规范》GB 50160、《涂装作业安全规程涂漆前处理工艺安全及其通风净化》GB 7692、《涂装作业安全规程 涂漆工艺安全及其通风净化》GB 6514、《工业企业设计卫生标准》GBZ 1和《爆炸危险环境电力装置设计规范》GB 50058和《涂装作业安全规程 安全管理通则》GB 7691中的规定。 4设 计 4.1 一般规定 4.1.1储罐防腐蚀方案可采用涂层方案,或涂层和阴极保护联合方案。涂层方案包括涂料涂层和金属涂层两类。 4.1.2腐蚀等级为I级时,金属表面可不进行防腐蚀防护,其他腐蚀等级宜采用涂层进行防腐蚀防护。 4.1.3 当储罐金属腐蚀等级或防腐蚀涂料的耐腐蚀性能不能确定时,防腐蚀方案可通过试验确定。 4.1.4土壤腐蚀性较强区域的储罐、重要程度较高的储罐罐底外表面宜采用涂层和阴极保护联合方案。 4.1.5当采用牺牲阳极和涂层联合方案时,被保护部位的防腐蚀涂料表面电阻率不应低于1×1013Ω。 4.1.6介质为可燃易爆且在操作过程中易产生静电荷累积,在没有导静电措施时,与介质接触部位的防腐蚀涂层应采用表面电阻率为1×108Ω~1×1011Ω的浅色非碳系导静电型防腐蚀涂料。 4.1.7 浮盘浮舱内部涂装的防腐蚀涂料应采用水性或无溶剂涂料。 4.1.8 当采用涂层和阴极保护联合方案时,涂层的耐阴极剥离性能应符合现行行业标准《钢质管道熔结环氧粉末外涂层技术规范》SY/T 0315的规定。 4.1.9防腐蚀涂层的选用应符合下列规定: 1与储罐表面的材质相适应; 2与储罐的使用环境、储存介质相适应; 3与储罐金属表面温度相适应; 4各道涂层间具有良好的配套性和相容性; 5具备施工适应性; 6安全环保、经济合理。 4.2涂料涂层 4.2.1涂料应符合下列规定: 1宜选用无溶剂、水性涂料、高固体份涂料,涂料中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量应小于420g/L,常用涂料性能应符合本标准附录A的规定; 2有害重金属铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、六价铬(Cr6+)、汞(Hg)含量应符合现行国家标准《建筑钢结构防腐涂料中有害物质限量》GB 30981的规定; 3底漆、中间漆、面漆、固化剂、稀释剂等应互相匹配。 4.2.2防腐蚀涂料可按成膜树脂分为醇酸、酚醛环氧、环氧、聚氨酯、氟碳、聚硅氧烷等。 4.2.3大气腐蚀环境下按照涂料性能、使用温度范围的不同,可采用醇酸、丙烯酸聚氨酯、氟碳、聚硅氧烷、环氧、环氧富锌等涂料。 4.2.4 大气环境防腐蚀方案应符合下列规定: 1 直接受日光照射的储罐表面涂层应采用耐候型涂料; 2储罐保温层下的防腐蚀涂层可不采用耐候型涂料; 3储存轻质油品或易挥发有机溶剂介质储罐的防腐宜采用热反射隔热涂料,总干膜厚度不宜小于250μm,热反射隔热涂料和涂层性能指标应符合本标准附录表A.0.14的规定; 4洞穴等封闭空间内储罐的腐蚀等级应比相应的大气环境提高一级; 5在碱性环境中,不宜采用酚醛漆和醇酸漆涂料; 6不同腐蚀等级下常用防腐蚀方案应符合本标准附录B的规定。 4.2.5介质腐蚀环境下按照涂料性能、使用温度及耐介质性能的不同,可采用玻璃鳞片、环氧、酚醛环氧、无机富锌等涂料。 4.2.6介质环境防腐蚀方案应符合下列规定: 1宜采用高固体份、无溶剂、水性涂料; 2航空燃料类的储罐内表面应采用不含有锌、铜、镉成分的导静电涂料; 3有机溶剂类储罐防腐蚀涂层不应与介质相容; 4 中间产品储罐宜采用无溶剂环氧、酚醛环氧、水性环氧、无机富锌等涂料; 5不同腐蚀等级下常用防腐蚀方案应符合本标准附录B的规定; 6介质环境油品储罐常用防腐蚀方案应符合本标准附录C的规定。 4.2.7储罐加热器应根据用途、加热介质的温度、储罐内介质选择防腐蚀涂料。 4.2.8储罐底板外表面防腐蚀方案应符合表4.2.8的规定。 表4.2.8储罐底板外表面防腐蚀方案 涂料种类 使用温度 (℃) 腐蚀等级Ⅱ 腐蚀等级Ⅲ 腐蚀等级Ⅳ 干膜厚度(μm) /道数 干膜厚度(μm) /道数 干膜厚度(μm) /道数 环氧涂料 ≤80 ≥200/2~3 ≥250/2~4 ≥300/2~5 酚醛环氧涂料 ≤200 ≥200/2-3 ≥250/2~4 ≥300/2~5 4.3金属涂层 4.3.1储罐表面采用锌、铝及其合金等金属热喷涂层外加封闭涂层保护时,其设计应符合现行国家标准《热喷涂金属和其他无机覆盖层锌、铝及其合金》GB/T 9793的有关规定。 4.3.2金属涂层厚度不宜小于180μm,金属涂层应选择配套的封闭涂层,封闭涂层厚度不宜小于60μm。 4.4罐底板边缘防护 4.4.1储罐罐底板边缘宜进行防护,防护区域(图4.4.1)应包括以下部位:壁板底部向上150mm、边缘板罐外伸出部分、储罐基础上表面外露部分200mm或储罐基础上表面全部外露部分和储罐基础侧壁顶部100mm。 罐壁 罐底边缘板 储罐基础 边缘防护材料 图4.4.1储罐罐底板边缘防护区域示意图 4.4.2罐底板边缘防护结构应能有效防水,并应能抵抗储罐底板边缘与基础的变形不协调。 4.4.3排水斜坡斜度应大于1:10。 4.4.4边缘底板防护材料应符合下列规定: 1在高温和低温环境时应保持良好的防水、防紫外线、高粘接性、防腐蚀性能、耐候性、弹性和密封性能; 2使用温度范围内应能有效地阻止水、氧、微生物及腐蚀介质进入储罐底部边缘板与混凝土基础之间的缝隙,不渗透、不泄漏,并能长期保持密封性能; 3使用温度范围内应避免老化、固化产生的开裂、泄漏等造成的防水失效; 4应符合安全环保规定。 4.5阴极保护 4.5.1 阴极保护应符合下列规定: 1储罐内壁需采用阴极保护时,宜采用牺牲阳极保护; 2储罐罐底外壁宜采用外加电流阴极保护; 3多座储罐联合阴极保护或储罐与埋地管道联合阴极保护时,宜采用外加电流阴极保护; 4内径大于或等于30m的储罐宜设置独立的阴极保护系统; 5内径小于30m的储罐可采用联合阴极保护,每座储罐均宜安装可调节保护电流大小的装置或设施; 6被保护的储罐可根据需要设置绝缘装置,储罐底板采用近阳极外加电流保护时,储罐可不与连接管道电绝缘; 7阴极保护用材料、设备及计算还应符合本标准附录D的规定。 4.5.2储罐内部阴极保护电位(CSE)应在-1100mV~-850mV范围内。介质温度高于60℃或介质中H2S含量不小于50ppm时,阴极保护电位(CSE)应在-1100mV~-950mV范围内,阴极保护电位的测试应符合本标准附录E的规定。 4.5.3储罐内部阴极保护设计应考虑下列因素: 1储罐结构、液体进出口位置及尺寸、内部构件、储罐设计寿命及检修周期等; 2操作温度、介质收发频率、罐底沉降水液位及沉降水性质; 3 防腐蚀涂层结构、现状及预期状况; 4 阳极材质、布置、驱动电位、发生电流量、使用寿命、安装及更换。 4.5.4储罐内部阴极保护电流密度的选取应符合下列规定: 1储罐内部涂装防腐蚀涂层时,阴极保护电流密度宜取10mA/m2~30mA/m2; 2储罐内部无防腐蚀涂层时,阴极保护电流密度宜取50mA/m2~400mA/m2; 3介质中含有H2S、O2等去极化剂或操作温度较高时,应提高保护电流密度。 4.5.5储罐内部阴极保护宜采用铝合金牺牲阳极,牺牲阳极应符合本标准附录D.1的规定。 4.5.6储罐内部阴极保护设计计算应符合本标准附录D.6的规定。 4.5.7储罐内部牺牲阳极的设置应符合下列规定: 1阳极应均匀设置; 2 阳极下表面与罐底板上表面的距离宜为50mm~100mm; 3 阳极与罐底板可采用焊接连接或螺栓连接,采用焊接连接时应避开罐底板焊缝区,焊接部位应在焊后采取防腐蚀措施; 4在储罐周边及罐底排水口等腐蚀严重部位宜增加牺牲阳极数量。 4.5.8新建储罐如采用海水试压,罐内应采取临时性牺牲阳极保护措施,牺牲阳极可采用铝合金阳极或镁合金阳极,设计中阴极保护电流密度可取100mA/m2。 4.5.9 储罐外部阴极保护设计时,罐底外表面阴极保护电位(CSE)应在-1200mV~-850mV范围内,或者罐/地极化电位偏移不小于100mV。保护电位测试时,罐内介质的液位应超过储罐最高操作液位高度的一半。 4.5.10储罐罐底外表面阴极保护系统设计时,应根据下列条件选择合适的阴极保护方案: 1被保护储罐的规格及数量; 2所需保护电流; 3土壤电阻率、化学成分、含氧量、pH值等土壤地质条件; 4对邻近金属构筑物的干扰; 5罐区未来发展规划; 6阴极保护系统设备材料、安装、运行、维护等综合费用。 4.5.11 储罐罐底外表面阴极保护电流密度裸钢部分宜取10mA/m2~20mA/m2,有防腐蚀涂层部分应降低。当储罐的操作温度较高时,可提高阴极保护电流密度。 4.5.12储罐外部牺牲阳极阴极保护设计应符合下列规定: 1牺牲阳极宜采用镁阳极或锌阳极; 2镁阳极应采用标准镁合金材料或高电位镁合金材料,适用于土壤电阻率低于150Ω·m的环境; 3锌阳极应采用高纯锌或锌合金材料,适用于土壤电阻率低于15Ω·m且阳极敷设区域的土壤温度不超过49℃的环境;当土壤中含有碳酸盐、碳酸氢盐或硝酸盐时,则不宜选用锌阳极; 4牺牲阳极应均匀敷设在罐周或罐底,罐周边牺牲阳极应敷设在冻土层以下,避开接地极; 5储罐基础采取防渗结构时,牺牲阳极应敷设在罐底与防渗结构之间。 4.5.13储罐外部外加电流阴极保护设计应符合下列规定: 1 辅助阳极应依据土壤性质、阳极与环境的适应性和经济性等选择; 2大型储罐或储罐设置防渗结构时,辅助阳极宜采用近阳极地床,辅助阳极应敷设在罐底与防渗结构之间; 3地下岩层较浅时辅助阳极宜采用浅埋阳极地床,当土壤电阻率随着深度的增加而快速增加时,阳极地床宜水平敷设; 4多座储罐联合阴极保护或储罐与埋地管道联合阴极保护时,辅助阳极可采用深井阳极地床、浅埋阳极地床或其相结合的方式。 4.5.14采用外加电流阴极保护时,新建阴极保护系统应避免干扰已建阴极保护系统运行和对邻近构筑物产生杂散电流干扰。 4.5.15 当阴极保护系统运行对周围金属构筑物所造成的干扰影响超过+100mV时,应采取干扰防护措施,可重新布置阳极位置、改变阴极通电点或为被干扰物设置防护设施。 4.5.16外加电流阴极保护电源设备可选用恒电位仪或整流器。在爆炸危险环境内使用的电气设备应符合现行国家标准《爆炸危险环境电力装置设计规范》GB 50058的规定。电源设备直流输出电压不宜超过50V,输出电流宜留有30%~50%裕量。 4.5.17 阴极保护系统应设置测试设施,并应符合下列规定: 1 罐底中心点应埋设参比电极,罐底其他位置应根据储罐直径大小埋设参比电极; 2参比电极的位置应靠近罐底板,并远离阳极,不得接触阳极。 3参比电极宜采用长效硫酸铜电极和锌参比电极的双电极; 4罐周应设1个~4个测试装置。 4.5.18 储罐罐底外表面阴极保护设计计算应符合本标准附录D.6的规定。 5 施 工 5.1 一般规定 5.1.1 施工方应按业主提供的设计文件编制详细的施工技术文件,并应得到业主或其委托方的书面批准。 5.1.2储罐防腐蚀施工应具备下列条件: 1 防腐蚀施工企业应具有相应资质,并应具有健全的质量管理体系和责任制度; 2 防腐蚀施工技术文件应进行技术交底,作业人员应经过技术培训和安全教育; 3 防护设施应安全可靠,原材料、施工机具和施工设施应齐全,施工用水、电、气应能满足现场连续施工的要求。 5.1.3涂料应存放在通风、干燥的仓库内,应防止日光直射,并应隔离火源,远离热源。 5.1.4 在防腐蚀工程施工前应进行检查验收,并办理工序交接手续。 5.2表面处理 5.2.1储罐及其附件表面处理可采用喷射除锈、手动和动力工具除锈等方法。 5.2.2表面处理前应对待涂表面进行预检,清除待涂表面残留盐分、油脂、化学品和其他污染物等有害物。 5.2.3磨料应符合本标准附录F.1的规定。 5.2.4表面喷射处理后,应采用洁净的压缩空气吹扫或真空吸尘器清理所有待涂的表面,并应及时实施底漆涂装。 5.2.5 表面处理后至实施底漆涂装前,钢材表面温度应至少比露点温度高出3℃,露点温度宜按本标准附录G取值,储罐内空气相对湿度不宜高于80%。 5.2.6经处理后的表面应符合下列规定: 1采用喷射处理后的表面除锈等级应符合现行国家标准《涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第1部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全面清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级》GB/T 8923.1的规定,当采用涂料涂层时,表面除锈等级为Sa2 1/2级或Sa3级,当采用金属涂层时,表面除锈等级为Sa3级;手工或动力工具处理的局部钢表面应符合现行国家标准《涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第1部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全面清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级》GB/T 8923.1中St3级的要求; 2灰尘等级应符合现行国家标准《涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第3部分:涂覆涂料前钢材表面的灰尘评定(压敏粘带法)》GB/T 18570.3中2级或2级以上的要求; 3表面可溶性氯化物残留量不应高于5μg/cm2,其中罐内液体浸润的区域不宜高于3μg/cm2; 4表面粗糙度应满足设计文件和所用涂料的要求。 5.2.7表面清洁度和表面粗糙度应按本标准附录F.2的规定进行测定。 5.2.8储罐表面只有在喷射处理无法到达的区域可采用动力或手工工具进行处理。 5.2.9干法喷射处理工艺应符合下列规定: 1压缩空气流应经过脱水脱油处理; 2喷砂枪气流的出口压力宜为0.5MPa~0.8MPa; 3循环使用的磨料宜设置专门回收装置。 5.3涂料涂层 5.3.1涂装作业环境应符合下列规定: 1 环境温度宜为5℃~45℃,待涂表面温度应在露点温度以上3℃,且待涂表面应干燥清洁; 2环境最大相对湿度不应超过80%; 3有特殊要求的产品,应满足涂料供应商要求; 4 当施工环境通风较差时,应采取强制通风; 5如在涂装过程中出现不利的天气条件,应停止施工。 5.3.2涂装前应按下列规定对涂装表面进行检查和清理: 1应全面检查待涂表面和焊缝处,如有不合格项应以适当的方式进行处理; 2可采用洁净的压缩空气吹扫,也可采用真空吸尘器清理待涂的钢表面; 3检查待涂表面的表面清洁度和表面粗糙度是否达到要求。 5.3.3涂料的配制和涂装施工应符合下列规定: 1金属表面处理后,宜在4h内涂底漆,当发现返锈或污染时,应重新进行表面处理; 2双组分或多组分涂料的配制应按涂料施工指导说明书进行,并配置专用搅拌器搅拌均匀; 3 涂装间隔时间应按涂料施工指导说明书的要求,在规定时间内涂敷底漆、中间漆和面漆; 4涂层厚度应均匀,不应漏涂或误涂; 5焊接接头和边角部位宜进行预涂装; 6应对每道涂层的厚度进行检测。 5.3.4涂装前应进行试涂,试涂合格后可进行正式涂装。 5.3.5辊涂或刷涂时,层间应纵横交错,每层宜往复进行。 5.3.6上道涂层受到污染时,应在污染面清理干净且涂层修复后进行下道施工。 5.3.7涂层完工后,应避免损伤涂层,如有损伤宜按原工艺修复。 5.3.8喷涂宜采用高压无气喷涂。 5.4金属涂层 5.4.1金属涂层施工应符合现行国家标准《热喷涂金属和其他无机覆盖层锌、铝及其合金》GB/T 9793的规定。 5.4.2当采用涂料涂层封闭施工时,应符合本标准第5.3节规定。 5.5边缘底板防护 5.5.1 施工环境应满足相应材料要求,充水试验合格后可进行施工。 5.5.2施工应符合下列规定: 1 防护范围内应干燥、洁净; 2 防护层表面应平整、无气泡,两层之间及搭接处无开裂; 3 防护层之间、防护层与金属间、防护层与基础间应粘贴牢固; 4防护层外表面应留有适当的坡度。 5.6阴极保护 5.6.1罐内牺牲阳极的施工应符合下列规定: 1 阳极宜在涂装之前安装,并应在涂装过程中采取可靠措施保护阳极; 2应按设计文件确定阳极分布的位置并划线; 3应采用双边连续焊。 5.6.2罐外牺牲阳极的施工应符合下列规定: 1 施工时应确保填包料混合均匀并完整的包覆阳极; 2电缆与储罐底板、电缆与牺牲阳极钢芯宜焊接连接,所有焊接处应防腐绝缘。 5.6.3外加电流阴极保护工程的施工应符合下列规定: 1辅助阳极施工过程中应确保阳极电缆及接头密封完整无破损; 2 电源设备的安装应满足所选设备的功能要求,不得将电源的正、负极接反; 3 电缆与储罐连接宜采用铜焊或铝热焊接,埋地电缆敷设时应留有余量; 4焊后应对焊点部位进行防腐。 5.6.4浅埋阳极地床的施工应符合下列规定: 1浅埋阳极施工前应对阳极进行检查,不应有损伤和裂纹,接头密封完整牢固,电缆应完整无损坏,每根阳极电缆长度均应满足安装位置尺寸的要求,并留有余量; 2每根阳极电缆宜直接引入接线箱; 3 阳极安装后,在保护系统断电状态下应测试阳极组的接地电阻,并做好测试记录; 4 阳极电缆宜敷设至接线箱处并通过套管引入箱内。 5.6.5深井阳极地床的施工应符合下列规定: 1 阳极井钻孔应竖直,表面光滑,存在井孔塌陷的情况下宜采用套管保护,保护套管安装应在阳极安装前进行; 2 阳极可采用地面组装整体吊装或采用井口分段组装的安装方式; 3 电缆导管或排气管的连接可采用粘接或热熔接方式; 4现场泵送碳填料前,填料宜在净水中预浸,也可使用润湿剂润湿;碳填料应由深井底部向上逐步填充; 5闭孔深阳极井口装置安装应留有通气孔防止气体聚集;开孔深阳极井口装置安装应防止地面流体进入。 5.6.6线性阳极地床的施工应符合下列规定: 1线性阳极施工前应进行外观、尺寸、电导通性检查; 2可采用同心圆环或蛇形敷设; 3线性阳极电缆引出线的长度应满足储罐底板的沉降要求; 4在砂垫层的回填密实处理过程中,不应使用振捣棒等容易造成线性阳极损坏的工具和措施; 5线性阳极通过水泥圈梁时应使用穿线管引出圈梁并至地下埋设。 5.6.7 网状阳极地床的施工应符合下列规定: 1 网状阳极施工前应对阳极带和连接片进行外观、尺寸、电导通性检查; 2 阳极带和连接片应采用相互垂直敷设焊接,组成阳极网; 3在敷设网状阳极时,阳极网应采用多点供入电流; 4在砂垫层的回填密实处理过程中,不应使用振捣棒等容易造成阳极网损坏的工具和措施; 5每个混合金属氧化物阳极带之间或阳极带与导电钛片之间的交叉点采用点焊时,点焊数不应少于3个; 6 阳极溃入点与导电钛片的点焊长度不应小于10cm,点焊数不应少于4个。 5.6.8 阴极保护电缆的安装应符合下列规定: 1 电缆与储罐的连接宜采用铜焊或铝热焊接方式连接; 2 电缆应进行及时有效标识,防止混乱; 3应在所有接线端子等位置对电缆挂牌或贴牌标识,所有标识应牢固、耐用、不褪色。 5.6.9参比电极的安装应符合下列规定: 1 铜/硫酸铜参比电极在安装前应用水浸泡; 2在后续施工中不得对参比电极造成损伤。 5.7过程检查与施工质量控制 5.7.1原材料的检查与控制应符合下列规定: 1原材料应具有产品质量合格证及检测报告等产品质量证明文件,其性能指标应符合设计文件和产品技术文件的规定; 2对原材料质量有疑义时,应现场见证取样,并提交复验。 5.7.2表面处理的检查与控制应符合下列规定: 1基底经表面处理后应全面检查,合格后方可办理隐蔽工程验收,经确认后方可进行施工; 2处理后的表面应符合本标准第5.2.6条的规定,检查方法应符合本标准附录F.2的规定; 3处理后的表面不符合规定时,应重新处理直至符合规定。 5.7.3涂装过程中的质量检查应符合下列规定: 1每道涂层的外观应平整、颜色一致,无漏涂、泛锈、气泡、流挂、皱皮、咬底、剥落、开裂等缺陷; 2每道湿膜厚度或金属涂层厚度应符合设计文件规定; 3涂装间隔时间应符合涂料施工指导说明书及设计文件的规定。 5.7.4涂装完成且漆膜实干后,涂装质量的检查除应符合本标准附录H的规定外,还应符合下列规定: 1外观应符合本标准第5.7.3条第1款的规定; 2涂层厚度检测应符合本标准附录H.3的规定; 3涂层应无漏点,绝缘型涂层检测时宜采用电火花检漏仪,当涂层厚度小于200μm,可采用低压检漏仪检测;导静电涂层应采用低压检漏仪检测; 4导静电型防腐蚀涂料涂层表面电阻率宜采用表面电阻测定仪进行检测。 5.7.5涂层最终质量检查应包括下列内容: 1涂层固化后,应及时检验外观、厚度、漏点和附着力; 2涂层应全部目测检查,表面应平整、光滑,不得有发黏、脱皮、气泡、斑痕等缺陷;如有缺陷,则根据缺陷情况进行修补或复涂,修补使用的涂料和厚度应与原涂层相同; 3涂层厚度检测应符合本标准附录H.3的规定; 4漏点检测应符合本标准第5.7.4条第3款的规定; 5不同的涂装方案的涂层附着力检测可采用附着力试板验证,附着力试板的制作、检测应符合本标准附录H.5的规定,当业主有要求时或对试板检测结果有异议时,可在实际涂层部位进行附着力检测,检验部位和数量由业主、施工方协商。 5.7.6金属涂层工程施工质量的检查应符合下列规定: 1 表面处理后表面除锈等级应符合本标准第5.2.6条的规定,表面清洁度和粗糙度应符合本标准附录F.2的规定; 2当表面处理不合格时,应对不合格区域重新预处理; 3金属涂层厚度应符合设计文件规定,厚度、附着力等检测应符合现行国家标准《热喷涂 金属和其他无机覆盖层 锌、铝及其合金》GB/T 9793的规定; 4 金属涂层外观应均匀一致,无起泡或底材裸露的斑点等缺陷。 5.7.7罐底板边缘防护施工质量的检查应符合下列规定: 1 储罐罐底板边缘防护区域应符合本标准第4.4.1条的规定; 2排水斜坡斜度应符合本标准第4.4.3条的规定。 5.7.8 阴极保护工程施工质量的检查应包括下列内容: 1罐内牺牲阳极的安装位置、焊接质量; 2罐外牺牲阳极的安装位置、接地电阻、断电电位、通电电位; 3罐外周边辅助阳极的安装位置、接地电阻、焦炭用量和通电电位; 4罐底辅助阳极的安装位置、接地电阻和通电电位,罐底网状辅助阳极馈入点之间的电连续性; 5罐底参比电极的安装位置; 6电缆连接电阻和标识。 5.7.9检查应有记录,记录应至少包括检查项目、检查方法、检查位置、检查结果、检查时间及检查人员等。 5.7.10检查发现的不合格项,应及时进行整改,整改前应制订相应的整改方案。整改方案应至少包括不合格项产生的原因、整改范围、工具(装)要求、安全作业注意事项、作业人员要求、具体整改工艺等内容;整改过程中应做好整改实施记录;整改后应进行检查并做好检查记录。 5.7.11施工工序应有记录,记录应至少包括施工内容、施工时间、气象条件、施工工具、作业人员、该工序需执行的作业指导书等内容。 |
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