is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD).
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 454 on Building Components and Fittings of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 454).
Spherical Bearing for Steel Building Structure
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, grading, classification and designation, general requirements, requirements, test methods, inspection criteria as well marking, packaging, transportation and storage of spherical bearing for steel building structure (hereinafter referred to as "bearing").
This standard is applicable to spherical bearing for steel building structure, and may also be referred to for other spherical bearings for civil construction.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 985.1 Recommended Joint Preparation for Gas Welding Manual Metal Arc Welding Gas-shield Arc Welding and Beam Welding
GB/T 1033.1 Plastics - Methods for Determining the Density of Non-cellular Plastics - Part 1: Immersion Method Liquid Pyknometer Method and Titration Method
GB/T 1040.1 Plastics - Determination of Tensile Properties - Part 1: General Principles
GB/T 1040.3 Plastics - Determination of Tensile Properties - Part 3: Test Conditions for Films and Sheets
GB/T 1184-1996 Geometrical Tolerancing - Geometrical Tolerance for Features without Individual Tolerance Indications
GB/T 1228 High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head for Steel Structures
GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
GB/T 1804-2000 General Tolerances - Tolerances for Linear and Angular Dimensions without Individual Tolerance Indications
GB/T 3280 Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Plate Sheet and Strip
GB/T 3398.1 Plastics - Determination of Hardness - Part 1: Ball Indentation Method
GB/T 4956 Non-magnetic Coatings on Magnetic Substrates - Measurement of Coating Thickness - Magnetic Method
GB/T 7233.1 Steel Castings - Ultrasonic Examination - Part 1: Steel Castings for General Purposes
GB/T 7659 Steel Casting Suitable for Welded Structure
GB/T 11379 Metallic Coatings - Electroplated Coatings of Chromium for Engineering Purposes
GB/T 14436 General Principles of Industrial Product Guarantee Documents
GB/T 19844-2005 Leaf Spring
GB 50661-2011 Code for Welding of Steel Structures
HG/T 2502 5201 Silicone Grease
JB/T 5943 Engineering - Machinery General Technical Specifications for Weldments
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
spherical bearing for steel building structure
spherical bearing with certain elastic stiffness for steel building structure, which can rotate or produce displacement under the effect of vertical load and (or) horizontal load
normal bearing
spherical bearing for steel building structure without resilient component
resilient bearing
spherical bearing for steel building structure with resilient component
fixed bearing
normal bearing which is restrained in all directions on horizontal plane
single-directional motion bearing
bearing which is restrained in a direction on horizontal plane, including the normal bearing which can slide along the direction perpendicular to the restrained direction and the resilient bearings, of which the resilient components are arranged perpendicularly to the restrained direction
bi-directional motion bearing
bearing which can slide in two or more directions, including the normal bearing which can slide in any direction on horizontal plane and the resilient bearing of which the resilient components are arranged in two orthogonal directions on horizontal plane
4 Grading
4.1 Grading of vertical compressive bearing capacity
Grading of vertical compressive bearing capacity shall meet the following requirements:
a) the minimum vertical compressive bearing capacity is 200kN;
b) when vertical compressive bearing capacity is larger than 200kN but less than 2,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 100kN;
c) when vertical compressive bearing capacity is larger than 2,000kN but less than 5,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 200kN;
d) when vertical compressive bearing capacity is larger than 5,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 500kN.
4.2 Grading of vertical tensile bearing capacity
Grading of vertical tensile bearing capacity shall meet the following requirements:
a) the minimum vertical tensile bearing capacity is 200kN;
b) when vertical tensile bearing capacity is larger than 200kN but less than 1,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 100kN;
c) when vertical compressive bearing capacity is larger than 1,000kN but less than 3,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 200kN;
d) when vertical compressive bearing capacity is larger than 3,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 300kN.
4.3 Grading of horizontal bearing capacity
Grading of horizontal bearing capacity shall meet the following requirements:
a) the minimum horizontal bearing capacity is 200kN;
b) when horizontal bearing capacity is larger than 200kN but less than 1,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 100kN;
c) when horizontal bearing capacity is larger than 1,000kN but less than 3,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 200kN;
d) when horizontal bearing capacity is larger than 3,000kN, it is increased progressively with differential of 300kN.
4.4 Displacement grading
The minimum horizontal displacement is ±15mm and it is increased progressively with differential of 10mm.
4.5 Rotation angle grading
The minimum rotation angle is 0.01rad and it is increased progressively with differential of 0.01rad.
4.6 Elastic stiffness grading
The minimum elastic stiffness is 1,000kN/m, and it is increased progressively with differential of 500kN/m.
5 Classification and Designation
5.1 Classification
5.1.1 Classification is carried out according to structure; see Annex A for the structural diagram of bearing structure types:
a) normal bearing: represented by P;
b) resilient bearing: represented by T.
5.1.2 Classification is carried out according to restrain:
a) fixed bearing: represented byGD;
b) single-directional motion bearing: represented by DX;
c) bi-directional movable bearing: represented by SX.
5.1.3 Classification is carried out according to the service temperature:
a) normal temperature bearing: the applicable temperature range for bearing is -20℃~60℃, represented by C;
b) cold-resistant bearing: the applicable temperature range for bearing is -40℃~60℃, represented by N.
5.2 Designation
5.2.1 Designation method
Designation is carried out according to the sequence of product code, structure classification, vertical bearing capacity, horizontal bearing capacity, restrain classification, displacement, rotation angle, stiffness of resilient component, and applicable temperature range of bearing.
5.2.2 Examples for designation
Example 1: For a normal spherical bearing for steel building structure with the vertical compressive bearing capacity of 5,000kN, the vertical tensile bearing capacity of 3,000kN, the horizontal bearing capacity along X direction of 4,000kN, the constrain type as single-directional motion, the Y-displacement of ±50mm, rotation angle of 0.04rad and no stiffness for resilient component at X direction and Y direction, and the service temperature as cold-resistant type, it should be marked as: JGQZ/P/(+5,000/-3,000)/(FX4,000)/DX/(EY±50)/(KX0/KY0)/θ0.04/N.
Example 2: For a spherical bearing of resilient steel building structure with the vertical compressive bearing capacity of 5,000kN, the constrain type as bi-directional motion, the X-displacement of ±50mm, Y-displacement of ±50mm, the rotation angle of 0.04rad, the stiffness of resilient component for X direction of 1,000kN/m, that for Y direction of 1,500kN/m, and the service temperature as cold-resistant type, it should be marked as: JGOZ/T/(+5,000)/SX/(EX±50/EY±50)/θ0.04/(KX1,000/KY1,500)/N
6 General Requirements
6.1 Steel components
6.1.1 When steel plate is adopted as bearing component, Q345 C hot-rolled steel plate should be selected for normal temperature bearing; Q345 D hot-rolled steel plate should be selected for cold-resistant bearing. The chemical composition and mechanical property of steel plate shall meet the requirements as specified in GB/T 1591.
6.1.2 When cast steel is adopted as bearing component, the cast steel ZG270-480H should be selected for normal temperature bearing and the chemical composition as well as mechanical property after heat treatment shall meet the relevant requirements as specified in GB/T 7659; the cast steel G20Mn5N or G20Mn5QT should be selected for cold-resistant bearing, the chemical composition shall meet those specified in Table 1 and the mechanical property after heat treatment shall meet those specified in Table 2. Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out for steel castings piece by piece, and the testing method and quality rating method shall be carried out according to the requirements as specified in GB/T 7233.1. The quality requirements of cast steel shall not be lower than Grade II.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Grading 5 Classification and Designation 6 General Requirements 7 Requirements 8 Test Methods 9 Inspection Rules 10 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage Annex A (Informative) Structural Diagram of Bearing Annex B (Normative) Test Method for Initial Static Friction Coefficient and Line Abrasion Ratio Annex C (Normative) Test Method for Friction Coefficient Annex D (Normative) Test Method for Vertical Compressive Bearing Capacity Annex E (Normative) Test Method for Rotation Property under Vertical Compressive Bearing Capacity Annex F (Normative) Test Method for Vertical Tensile Bearing Capacity Annex G (Normative) Test Method for Rotation Property under Vertical Tensile Bearing Capacity Annex H (Normative) Test Method for Horizontal Bearing Capacity Annex I (Normative) Test Method for Horizontal Rigidity