1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to standardizing the applications of concrete admixtures, improving the concrete performance, satisfying the requirements of design and construction, guaranteeing the quality of concrete works, and accomplishing advanced technology, safety and reliability, economy and rationality, energy conservation and environmental protection.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the application of normal water reducing admixture, superplasticizer, polycarboxylate superplasticizer, air entraining admixture, air entraining and water reducing admixture, accelerating admixture, set retarding admixture, pumping aid, anti-freezing admixture, quick setting admixture, expansive admixture, water-repellent admixture and corrosion-inhibition admixture in concrete works.
1.0.3 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this code, the application of concrete admixtures in concrete works also shall comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Shrinkage-reducing type polycarboxylate superplasticizer
The polycarboxylate superplasticizer of which the 28d shrinkage ratio is not larger than 90%.
2.1.2 Compatibility between water reducing admixtures and other concrete raw materials
The liquidity of the mixture and its time-dependent change degree when the concrete admixture containing water reducing components is mixed with cementing material, aggregates and other admixtures.
2.2 Symbols
E- the elasticity modulus restricting the steel bars, MPa;
h0- the initial reading of specimen height, mm;
ht- the height reading of specimen at age of t, mm;
h- the reference height of specimen, mm;
L- the measured value of initial length, mm;
L0- the reference length of specimen, mm;
Lt- the measured value of the length of specimen at the tested age, mm;
σ- the expansion or shrinkage stress, MPa;
ε- the restrained expansion rate at the tested age, %;
εt- the vertical expansion rate, %;
μ- the reinforcement ratio, %.
3 Basic Requirement
3.1 Selection of Chemical Admixtures
3.1.1 The variety of admixture shall be selected according to the design and construction requirements as well as the main functions of admixture.
3.1.2 Where the admixtures from different suppliers and of different varieties are used simultaneously, they shall pass experimental verification and shall be used after ensuring that the concrete performance meets the design and construction requirements.
3.1.3 Concrete admixtures containing such components as hexavalent chromium salt, nitrite and thiocyanate must not be used for the concrete of drinking water engineering directly contacting the drinking water after completion.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic Requirement 3.1 Selection of Chemical Admixtures 3.2 Dosage of Chemical Admixtures 3.3 Quality Control of Chemical Admixtures 4 Normal Water Reducing Agent 4.1 Classification 4.2 Scope for Application 4.3 Acceptance for Quality 4.4 Construction 5 Superplasticizer 5.1 Classification 5.2 Scope for Application 5.3 Acceptance for Quality 5.4 Construction 6 Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer 6.1 Classification 6.2 Scope for Application 6.3 Acceptance for Quality 6.4 Construction 7 Air Entraining Admixture and Air Entraining and Water Reducing Admixture 7.1 Classification 7.2 Scope for Application 7.3 Technical Requirements 7.4 Acceptance for Quality 7.5 Construction 8 Accelerating Admixture 8.1 Classification 8.2 Scope for Application 8.3 Acceptance for Quality 8.4 Construction 9 Set Retarding Admixture 9.1 Classification 9.2 Scope for Application 9.3 Acceptance for Quality 9.4 Construction 10 Pumping Aid 10.1 Classification 10.2 Scope of Application 10.3 Technical Requirements 10.4 Acceptance for Quality 10.5 Construction 11 Anti-freezing Admixture 11.1 Classification 11.2 Scope for Application 11.3 Acceptance for Quality 11.4 Construction 12 Quick-setting Admixture 12.1 Classification 12.2 Scope for Application 12.3 Acceptance for Quality 12.4 Construction 13 Expansive Admixture 13.1 Classification 13.2 Scope for Application 13.3 Technical Requirements 13.4 Acceptance for Quality 13.5 Construction 14 Water-repellent Admixture 14.1 Classification 14.2 Scope for Application 14.3 Acceptance for Quality 14.4 Construction 15 Corrosion-inhibition Admixture 15.1 Classification 15.2 Scope for Application 15.3 Acceptance for Quality 15.4 Construction Appendix A Quick Test Method for Compatibility of Concrete Admixture Appendix B Test Method of Expansion Rate of Shrinkage-compensating Concrete under Restrained Condition Appendix C Test Method of Vertical Expansion Rate of Grouting Mortar Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards