This national standard specifies the classification, terms and definitions, materials requirements, strength levels, technical specifications, test method, test rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage of moderate heat Portland cement, low heat Portland cements and low heat Portland slag cement.
This national standard is applicable to moderate heat Portland cement, low heat Portland cement and low heat Portland slag cement.
1 Scope 6 2. Standard Reference 6 3. Definitions and Code Number 7 3.1 Moderate heat Portland cement 7 3.2 Low heat Portland cement 7 3.3 Low heat Portland slag cement 7 4 Composition and Material 7 4.1 Composition 7 4.2 Portland cement clinker 8 4.2.1 Moderate heat Portland cement clinker 8 4.2.2 Low heat Portland cement clinker 8 4.2.3 Low heat Portland slag cement clinker 8 4.3 Granulated blast-furnace cinder, granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag and fly-ash 9 4.4 Gypsum 9 4.5 Grinding aids 9 5 Strength Level 9 6 Technical Specifications 9 6.1 Magnesium oxide 9 6.2 Alkali content 10 6.3 Sulfur trioxide 10 6.4 Loss on ignition 10 6.5 Specific surface 10 6.6 Setting time 10 6.7 Soundness 10 6.8 Strength 10 6.9 Hydration heat 11 6.10 28d hydration heat of low heat cement 11 7. Testing Method 12 7.1 calcium oxide (CaO), sulfur trioxide silicon dioxide (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3), magnesium oxide (MgO), sulfur trioxide (SO3), loss on ignition, free calcium oxide, sodium oxide (Na2O) and potassium oxide (K2O). 12 7.2 Specific surface 12 7.3 Setting time and soundness 12 7.4 Autoclave soundness 12 7.5 Strength 12 7.6 Hydration heat 12 8. Test Rules 12 8.1 Serial number and sampling 12 8.2 Test Classification 13 8.2.1 Factory inspection 13 8.2.2 Type-approval Test 13 8.3 Finished cement 13 8.4 Rejected product and unacceptable product 14 8.4.1 Rejected product 14 8.4.2 Unacceptable product 14 8.5 Test report 14 8.6 Delivery and acceptance 14 8.6.1 Delivery 14 8.6.2 Acceptance 14 9. Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage 15 9.1 Packing 15 9.2 Marking 15 9.3 Transportation and storage 16