1.0.1 To further specify concrete test method, improve test accuracy and test level, as well as to have a uniform concrete mechanical properties test method in checking/controlling the quality of concrete work or precast concrete unit, this national standard is hereby established.
1.0.2 This national standard is applicable to mechanical properties test for ordinary concrete of common construction of both industrial and civilian construction purpose, including compression test, test of axial compressive strength, test for static modulus of elasticity in compression, tensile splitting strength test and flexural strength.
1.0.3 Test report or test data sheet for tests according to this standard method shall include the following items:
1. Content submitted by the client:
(1) Name of the client company;
(2) Name of construction works and construction part;
(3) Name of the required test items;
(4) Other matters required
2. Content submitted by test specimen manufacturer
1) Serial number of the test specimen;
2) Manufacturing date of the test specimen;
3) Strength level of the concrete;
4) Shape and dimension of the test specimen;
5) Classification, specification and country of origin of the raw materials as well as the proportioning of concrete;
6) Curing condition;
7) Test age;
8) Other matters required;
3. Items submitted by checking organization;
1) Date of receiving the test specimen;
2) Shape and dimension of the test specimen;
3) Test SN;
4) date of test;
5) Name, type and serial number of the instrument and equipment;
6) Temperature of the laboratory;
7) Curing condition and test age;
8) Concrete strength level;
9) Test result;
10) Other matters required
1.0.4 Except for the specification of this national standard, Test Method of Mechanical Properties on Ordinary Concrete shall also be in compliance with relevant regulations of the current national mandatory standard.
Contents 1. General Provisions 2. Sampling 3. Dimension, shape and tolerance of test specimen 3.1 Dimension of t test specimen 3.2 Shape of the test specimen 3.3 Dimensional tolerance 4.1 Die set 4.2 Vibrostand 4.3 compression testing machine 4.4 Micro-deformation meter 4.5 Cushion block, packing strip and bracket 4.6 Steel pallet 4.7 Other measuring implements and instruments 5. Fabrications and curing of test specimen 5.1 Fabrication of test specimen 5.2 Curing of the test specimen 5.3 Test data sheet 6 Compressive strength tests 7 Test of axial compressive strength 8 Test for static modulus of elasticity in compression 9 Tensile splitting strength tests 10 Flexural strength test Annex A: Fabrication and curing of the cylinder specimen Annex B Cylinder crushing strength test Annex C Test for static modulus of elasticity in compression of cylinder specimen Annex D Cylinder specimen tensile splitting strength test