is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by China National Light Industry Council.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Household Electric Appliances of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 46).
This standard is issued for the first time.
Requirement and evaluation method of test chamber for air cleaner
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirement and evaluation method, etc. of the test chamber for air cleaner.
This standard is applicable to the test chamber (particulate matter and gaseous pollutants) for air cleaner performance test (referred to as "test chamber").
Note: Ozone test in GB 4706.45 and microbiological test in GB 21551.3 are not applicable to this standard.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4706.45 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances
GB/T 18801 Air cleaner
GB/T 18883 Indoor air quality standard
GB 21551.3 Antibacterial and cleaning function for household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements of air cleaner
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following term and definition applies.
test chamber
test environment device for evaluating and testing the ability of air cleaners to remove target pollutants in the air
background concentration
concentration of target pollutants in the no-load test chamber
air exchange rate
ratio of the total amount of outside air entering the chamber to the total amount of air in the chamber per unit time
mixing level
mixing degree of air pollutants in the test chamber
recovery rate
ratio of the mass of the target pollutant in the test chamber measured over a given period of time to that of the corresponding pollutant entering the test chamber
4 Requirements
4.1 Basic requirements
4.1.1 The test chamber includes chamber body, clean air supply system, temperature and humidity regulation and monitoring system, as shown in Annex A.
4.1.2 The external environment of the test chamber shall meet the physical, chemical and biological requirements in Table 1 of GB/T 18883. The sound pressure level noise of the operating test chamber shall not be greater than 65 dB (A).
4.1.3 Temperature and humidity
The temperature control deviation in the test chamber is ±2°C.
The relative humidity control deviation in the test chamber is ±5%.
During normal operation, bulkheads, air ducts, valves, sampling pipes, etc. in contact with the air in the chamber shall be free from condensation or dripping.
4.1.4 Power supply
The power supply voltage and frequency of the test prototype in the test chamber shall be stable within ±1% of the rated value.
4.1.5 Structural dimension
The structural dimension of the test chamber shall be as specified in Table 1. The volumetric deviation and the dimensional deviation shall be within ±2% and ±5 mm respectively. Meanwhile, the test chamber shall be reliably grounded.
Table 1 Dimension of test chamber
No. Total volume/m3 Dimension (length × width × height)/ m Main purpose
1 3 1.4×1.4×1.5 CCM loading test, CADR test
2 10 2×2×2.5 CCM loading test
3 30 3.4×3.5×2.5 CADR test
4 81 6×4.5×3 CADR test
Note: CADR is the abbreviation of clean air quantity, CCM is the abbreviation of cumulative cleaned quantity, and the test method is in accordance with GB/T 18801.
4.1.6 Material
The inner wall of the test chamber shall be made of sealed, inert, low release and low absorption materials, preferably stainless steel or glass.
The sealing material of the test chamber shall be easy to clean and replace.
4.2 Performance requirements
4.2.1 Background concentration
The background concentration of the test chamber shall be low enough not to interfere with the test results. The specific requirements are as follows:
a) For particulate matter test, the concentration of particles above 0.3 μ m shall be less than or equal to 1,000 pcs/L;
b) For gaseous pollutants, the concentrations of formaldehyde, toluene and TVOC shall be less than 50% of the corresponding limits in GB/T 18883, and the requirements of particulate matter test shall also be met;
c) For gaseous pollutants other than formaldehyde, toluene and TVOC, in addition to meeting the above two requirements, the background concentration of the corresponding target pollutants shall not be higher than 50% of the limit value in GB/T 18883.
4.2.2 Air tightness
The air exchange rate of the test chamber shall not be higher than 0.05 h-1.
4.2.3 Mixing level
The mixing level of the test chamber shall not be less than 80%.
4.2.4 Adsorption performance
The recovery rate of toluene, n-dodecane and tetraphenylcyclohexene is tested in the test chamber, and the recovery rate shall not be lower than 80%.
Note: The adsorption performance test is only applicable to the test chamber where gaseous pollutants are tested.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements 5 Evaluation method Annex A (Informative) Test chamber References
1-搅拌风扇;2-样品;3-空气过滤器;4-净化循环风机;5-废气排放;6-净化风道;7-污染物检测装置;8-污染物发生装置;9-采样口;10-试验舱门;11-混合度取样口;12-混合度送样口。 图A.2 3 m3试验舱示意图 A.2 试验舱维护保养 试验舱应定期清洗,若使用频繁,应至少每周清洗1次。另外,更换测试污染物的时候,应提前清洗试验舱。 试验舱可通过如下方式进行清洁:移除密封圈,用碱性清洁剂来清洗舱内的部件和墙壁,紧接着用清水来冲洗,然后通过空调系统升温将舱体吹干。 试验舱进行清洗后,应进行1次本底浓度测试。 参考文献 [1] GB/T 32443-2015 家具中挥发性有机物释放量的测定小型散发罩法 [2] GB/T 29899-2013 人造板及其制品中挥发性有机化合物释放量试验方法小型释放舱法 [3] HJ/T 400-2007 车内挥发性有机物和醛酮类物质采样测定方法 [4] LY/T 1612-2004 甲醛释放量检测用1m3气候箱 [5] LY/T 1980-2011 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)及甲醛释放量检测箱 [6] ISO 12219-5 Interior air of road vehicles-Part 5: Screening method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials—Static chamber method [7] ASTM Designation: D 6670-01 Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products