1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to improving the application level of cementitious grout and realizing technical advancement, safety applicability, economic feasibility and guaranteed quality.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to inspection of cementitious grout as well as design, construction and acceptance of grouting work.
1.0.3 The application of cementitious grout shall comply with not only the requirements stipulated in this code, but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
2 Terminologies
2.0.1 Cementitious grout
Materials made by mixing such raw materials as cement, aggregate, additive and mineral admixture in proportion at specialized chemical plant and used for bolt anchoring grouting, structure strengthening grouting and prestressed duct grouting which shall be mixed by adding water or matching ingredients according to proportion at using location.
2.0.2 Truncated cone fluidity
Arithmetic average of the maximum diffusion diameter to its diameter in vertical direction when pouring the mixed grout into standard cement jumping table truncated cone test mold and then letting it freely flow until stop under gravity action after lifting it up.
2.0.3 Flow cone fluidity
Time for grout slurry flowing through calibrated standard flow cone when it freely flows out.
2.0.4 Filling degree
The piping filling satiation degree with cementitious grout slurry used for prestressed duct.
2.0.5 Baseplate grouting
Grouting process for filling between bottom surface of bottom plate of equipment or steel structure column base and concrete foundation surface in order to meet the requirements of close contact with bottom plate and uniformly transmitting load after completing the anchor grouting for foundation bolt.
2.0.6 Self-leveling grouting
Method for meeting the grouting requirements by making use of the good flowability of cementitious grout through self-flowing under self-gravity in the process of grouting.2.0.7 High-level funnel grouting
Method for meeting the grouting requirements by improving potential-energy difference with high-level funnel in the process of grouting with cementitious grout.
2.0.8 Pressure grouting
Method for meeting the grouting requirements by adopting grouting pressurized equipment in the process of grouting with cementitious grout.
3 Basic Requirements
3.0.1 Cementitious grout may be used for foundation bolt anchoring, grouting of equipment foundation or steel-structure column-base plate, reinforcement/reconstruction of concrete structure as well as prestressed concrete structure duct grouting and insert-type column base grouting.
3.0.2 Cementitious grout shall be selected according to such factors as strength requirements, equipment operation environment, grout layer thickness, clear spacing between foundation bolt surface and hole wall and construction environment; the manufacturer shall provide working environment temperature, construction environment temperature and corresponding performance indexes.
3.0.3 Grout used for prestressed duct shall be selected according to such factors as prestressed duct section shape and size as well as duct length and height difference.
3.0.4 During construction, the cementitious grout shall be mixed according to the water consumption required by the product, and it is not allowed to improve flowability by increasing water consumption.
3.0.5 During application process of cementitious grout, the operation personnel shall be prevented from inhaling dust and environment pollution shall be avoided.
Foreword i 1 General Provisions 2 Terminologies 3 Basic Requirements 4 Materials 4.1 Cementitious Grout 4.2 Test Method 5 Design 5.1 Foundation Bolts Anchoring 5.2 Baseplate Grouting 5.3 Renovation and Reinforcement of Concrete Structure 5.4 Precast Reinforced Concrete Column or Embedded Column Base Grouting 6 Materials Approach 6.1 Site Inspection 6.2 Inspection Lot and Sampling 7 Construction 7.1 Preparation for Construction 7.2 Blending 7.3 Foundation Bolt Anchor Grouting 7.4 Baseplate Grouting 7.5 Concrete Structure Renovation and Grouting Reinforcement 7.6 Prestressed Duct Grouting 7.7 Winter and High-temperature Construction 7.8 Curing 8 Acceptance Appendix A Test Method of Cementitious Grout Basic Performance Explanation of Wording in the Code List of Quoted Standards