is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
According to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO [2013] No.169 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China - “Notice on Printing and Distributing the ‘Development and Revision Plan on Engineering Construction Standards and Codes in 2014’”, the drafting group of standard has revised this standard through the extensive investigation and study, careful summarization of practical experience and reference to relevant international and foreign advanced standards and on the basis of widely soliciting for opinions.
The main technical contents of this standard are: 1. General Provisions; 2. Terms; 3. Basic Requirements; 4. Organization Structure and Kernal Positions; 5. Resources Management; 6. Bidding and Contract Management; 7. Procurement and Field Management of Materials and Technical Equipment; 8. Subcontracting Management; 9. Process Management; 10. Supervision of Quality Management; 11. Evaluation and Improvement of Quality Management System.
The main technical contents in the revision of this standard are: 1. The planning requirements for quality management system are added; 2. The content and implementation requirements of quality policy and objectives are supplemented and improved; 3.The internal audit and management review requirements of the quality management system are added; 4. The record and archive management requirements are added; 5. The responsibilities and authorities of the supreme manager and project leader are defined; 6. The quality responsibilities of the project leader are supplemented; 7. The qualifications of quality-affecting positions are added; 8. The content of knowledge management is added; 9. The content of bidding and contract management is added; 10. The content of procurement and management of materials and technical equipment is added; 11. The project planning and process control requirements of geotechnical investigation products are added; 12. The realization process and related record requirements of geotechnical investigation products are defined; 13. The content of development of geotechnical investigation products is added; 14. The risk prevention requirements for the whole process of quality management are added; 15. The content of quality monitoring is added, and the handling of quality problems is supplemented; 16. The evaluation and improvement requirements of quality management system are defined.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this standard, and BGI Engineering Consultants LTD is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of implementing this standard, you are kindly requested to send your opinions and advice to BGI Engineering Consultants LTD (Address: No.15, Yangfangdian Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100038, China).
Chief development organization of this standard:
BGI Engineering Consultants LTD
Co-development organizations of this standard:
AVIC Institute of Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd.
China Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigations and Design Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Geotechnical Investigations and Design Institute Co., Ltd.
CIGIS (China) Limited
Fujian Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
Beijing ZhongShe Certification Services Co., Ltd.
China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation & Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Kunming Exploration Design Research Institute
Zhejiang Engineering Investigation Institute
Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping
Chief drafters of this standard:
Shen Xiaoke, Xu Hongsheng, Tang Jianhua, Wang Duli, Wen Jing, Zheng Jianguo, Xu Liping, Zhang Chongwu, Li Yaogang, Wu Mingbing, Kang Jingwen, Xu Yangqing, Liu Wenlian, Jiang Jianliang, Jia Guangjun, Zhang Shuxian, Liu Chengwei and Fang Jihong.
Chief examiners of this standard:
Zhou Wenlian, Liang Jinguo, Qiu Jianjin, Hua Jianxin, Li Jun, He Ping, Zhou Yuming, Guan Shanyou, Gao Wenxin, Ye Chao and Su Li.
1 General Provisions 1
2 Terms 2
3 Basic Requirements 3
3.1 General Requirements 3
3.2 Quality Policy and Objectives 3
3.3 Quality Management System 4
3.4 Document Management 5
3.5 Record Management 5
3.6 Archive Management 5
4 Organization Structure and Kernal Positions 7
4.1 General Requirements 7
4.2 Organization Structure 7
4.3 Kernal Positions 7
4.4 Responsibilities and Authorities 7
5 Resources Management 9
5.1 General Requirements 9
5.2 Human Resource Management 9
5.3 Infrastructure Management 9
5.4 Management of the Environment for Operation of the Processes 10
5.5 Knowledge Management 10
6 Bidding and Contract Management 12
6.1 General Requirements 12
6.2 Bidding Management 12
6.3 Contract Management 12
7 Procurement and Field Management of Materials and Technical Equipment 14
7.1 General Requirements 14
7.2 Selection of Suppliers 14
7.3 Acceptance of Materials and Technical Equipment 14
7.4 Field Management of Materials and Technical Equipment 15
8 Subcontracting Management 16
8. 1 General Requirements 16
8.2 Evaluation and Selection of Subcontractors 16
8.3 Control of Subcontracting Process 16
9 Process Management 18
9.1 General Requirements 18
9.2 Project Planning 18
9.3 Process Control 19
9.4 Process Documents and Records 20
9.5 Product Development 20
10 Supervision of Quality Management 23
10.1 General Requirements 23
10.2 Quality Inspection 23
10.3 Nonconformity Control 24
11 Evaluation and Improvement of Quality Management System 25
11.1 General Requirements 25
11.2 Collection and Analysis of Quality Information 25
11.3 Inspection and Evaluation of Quality Management System 25
11.4 Improvement of Quality Management System 26
Appendix A Process Documents and Records of Geotechnical Investigation Products 27
Explanation of Wording in This Standard 30
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to strengthening the quality management of geotechnical investigation enterprises, standardizing the quality management behavior of investigation enterprises, and improving the quality management level of investigation enterprises.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the quality management activities of geotechnical investigation enterprises.
1.0.3 In addition to this standard, the quality management activities of investigation enterprises shall also comply with those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms
2.0.1 geotechnical investigation enterprise
a unit that holds an geotechnical investigation qualification certificate and engages in geotechnical investigation business, which is called investigation enterprise for short
2.0.2 quality policy
the quality purpose and direction of the enterprise formulated and issued by the supreme manager of the enterprise
2.0.3 quality objective
the purpose pursued by an investigation enterprise in terms of quality
2.0.4 quality management
the activities of an investigation enterprise to implement and control the quality
2.0.5 quality management system
the management system of an investigation enterprise to direct and control the quality
2.0.6 process
a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transform inputs into outputs
2.0.7 procedure
specified way to carry out an activity or a process
2.0.8 record
document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed
2.0.9 supreme manager
a person or a group of people at the highest level who direct and control an investigation enterprise
2.0.10 knowledge
cognition, judgment, or skill acquired through learning, practicing, or exploring
2.0.11 geotechnical investigation products
results of the processes such as geotechnical investigation, hydrogeological investigation, geotechnical design, geotechnical test and water quality analysis, geotechnical inspection, geotechnical monitoring, geotechnical geophysical prospecting, and engineering survey
2.0.12 quality inspection
an activity of inspecting and evaluating the quality
2.0.13 nonconformity
behavior, process, or product that does not meet the requirements
2.0.14 corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 An investigation enterprise shall establish a quality management system in combination with the characteristics and quality management needs of the enterprise upon identification and analysis of the environment in which it is located, form the relevant documents, and then implement this system, maintain its effectiveness and continuously improve it.
3.1.2 An investigation enterprise shall formulate its quality policy and objectives.
3.1.3 An investigation enterprise shall plan the activities in its quality management system, implement quality management activities according to the planning results, and also inspect, analyze and improve the process and results thereof.
3.2 Quality Policy and Objectives
3.2.1 The quality policy shall meet the following requirements:
1 It shall adapt to the enterprise environment, reflect the enterprise purpose, and be consistent with the enterprise strategy;
2 It shall comply with national laws and regulations and meet the customers’ quality requirements;
3 It shall include an commitment to continuously improve the quality management system;
4 It shall provide a framework for the development of quality objectives.
3.2.2 The implementation of the quality policy shall meet the following requirements:
1 An investigation enterprise shall publicize its quality policy internally and have it understood and implemented by all employees;
2 The supreme manager shall organize periodic review of the quality policy according to the technical capabilities and quality management status of the enterprise, the environmental changes, etc., and revise the quality policy according to the needs of continuous improvement.
3.2.3 An investigation enterprise shall establish quality objectives in the processes required for the relevant functions, levels and management systems, which shall meet the following requirements:
1 The quality objectives shall be developed within the framework of the quality policy and shall be consistent with the quality policy;
2 The quality objectives shall meet the content required by the product requirements;
3 The quality objectives shall be measurable, checkable and assessable.
3.2.4 The implementation of quality objectives shall meet the following requirements:
1 The supreme manager shall take action to ensure that the quality objectives are decomposed and implemented in the processes required for the relevant functions, levels and management systems;
2 An investigation enterprise shall formulate a quality objective implementation plan, which shall include the work content, required resources, responsible persons and completion time;
3 An investigation enterprise shall formulate assessment methods and regularly check and assess the completion of quality objectives;
4 An investigation enterprise shall review the realization degree of quality objectives.
3.3 Quality Management System
3.3.1 An investigation enterprise shall plan the quality management system, including:
1 Identification of external and internal factors that affect the expected results of the quality management system;
2 Identification of the parties related to the quality management system and their requirements;
3 Identification of risks and opportunities and determination of countermeasures to be taken;
4 Identification of the products, processes and activities covered by the quality management system;
5 Determination of the order and relationship of quality activities by the process method;
6 Allocation of the resources required for quality activities;
7 Establishment of quality management rules;
8 Continuous improvement of quality activities.
3.3.2 An investigation enterprise shall determine the quality management content according to the scope of the quality management system, which shall include the following:
1 Quality policy and objectives;
2 Organization structure and responsibilities;
3 Resources management;
4 Bidding and contract management;
5 Management of materials and technical equipment;
6 Subcontracting management;
7 Product realization process;
8 Supervision of quality management;
9 Evaluation and improvement of quality management system.
3.3.3 The quality management system documents shall include the following:
1 Quality policy and objectives;
2 Scope of quality management system;
3 Quality management rules;
4 Supporting documents for the quality management rules;
5 Quality management record.
3.3.4 An investigation enterprise shall determine the internal and external communication mechanisms related to the quality management system, including the timing, object, content, method and responsible person of communication, and shall verify the communication effect.
3.3.5 To change the quality management system, the investigation enterprise shall re-plan according to the requirements of 3.3.1, and shall identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities of the change to maintain the continuity and integrity of the quality management system.
3.4 Document Management
3.4.1 An investigation enterprise shall manage the documents related to quality activities, for which the scope of management, position responsibilities, and work process shall be defined.
3.4.2 The document management for quality management system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The quality management system documents shall be approved before being released, and the revised system documents shall be re-approved;
2 The applicability of documents shall be reviewed and modified according to the needs of continuous improvement;
3 The laws, regulations and standards applicable to quality management activities shall be obtained in a timely manner;
4 Applicable documents shall be available in a timely manner when needed, and obsolete documents shall be withdrawn or identified in a timely manner.
3.4.3 An investigation enterprise shall manage the foreign documents related to products and services. The foreign document management shall include the following:
1 Identification of the applicability of foreign documents, and registration of the date of receipt, the source of the documents, etc.;
2 Control of the use and distribution of applicable standards and purchased computer applications.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirements 3.1 General Requirements 3.2 Quality Policy and Objectives 3.3 Quality Management System 3.4 Document Management 3.5 Record Management 3.6 Archive Management 4 Organization Structure and Kernal Positions 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Organization Structure 4.3 Kernal Positions 4.4 Responsibilities and Authorities 5 Resources Management 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Human Resource Management 5.3 Infrastructure Management 5.4 Management of the Environment for Operation of the Processes 5.5 Knowledge Management 6 Bidding and Contract Management 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Bidding Management 6.3 Contract Management 7 Procurement and Field Management of Materials and Technical Equipment 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Selection of Suppliers 7.3 Acceptance of Materials and Technical Equipment 7.4 Field Management of Materials and Technical Equipment 8 Subcontracting Management 8. 1 General Requirements 8.2 Evaluation and Selection of Subcontractors 8.3 Control of Subcontracting Process 9 Process Management 9.1 General Requirements 9.2 Project Planning 9.3 Process Control 9.4 Process Documents and Records 9.5 Product Development 10 Supervision of Quality Management 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Quality Inspection 10.3 Nonconformity Control 11 Evaluation and Improvement of Quality Management System 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Collection and Analysis of Quality Information 11.3 Inspection and Evaluation of Quality Management System 11.4 Improvement of Quality Management System Appendix A Process Documents and Records of Geotechnical Investigation Products Explanation of Wording in This Standard Explanation of Provisions