is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 2589-2008 General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption, and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 2589-2008:
——The definitions of "energy calorific value", "energy source equivalent value", "comprehensive energy consumption", "comprehensive energy consumption for unit output value" and "comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product” are modified (see 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 ~ 3.8 of this standard; 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 ~ 3.8 of Edition 2008), and the definition of "standard coal coefficient" is added (see 3.9);
——The “boundary division” is added (see Clause 5);
——The "Energy types and scope for comprehensive energy consumption calculation" is modified and included in the "Calculation principle" and "Calculation scope” respectively (see Clauses 4 and 6 of this standard; Clause 4 of Edition 2008);
——The “Principles for various kinds of energy to convert into standard coal” is changed to “Requirements for converting into standard coal” (see Clause 8 of this standard; Clause 6 of Edition 2008);
——The Annexes A and B are modified (see Annexes A and B of this standard; Annexes A and B of Edition 2008);
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 20 on Energy Foundation and Management Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 20).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——GB/T 2589-1981, GB/T 2589-1990 and GB/T 2589-2008.
General rules for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption
1 Scope
This standard specifies the calculation principle, boundary division, calculation scope, calculation method and requirements for converting into standard coal.
This standard is applicable to the calculation of energy consumption indexes of energy consumption units (including secondary energy consumption units or their components).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3102.4 Quantities and units of heat
GB/T 3484 The general principles for energy balance of enterprise
GB 17167 General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in organization of energy using
GB/T 28749 The method of drawing energy balance network diagram for enterprises
GB/T 28751 The method of editing energy balance table for enterprises
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
energy-consumed medium
consumed working substances that are not used as raw materials, nor enter into products in the process of production, and need to directly consume energy in production or preparation
energy calorific value
equivalent amount for different forms of energy converting to each other. According to joule, the legal unit of measurement of energy, the conversion coefficients of different forms of energy, such as heat energy, electric energy and mechanical energy, are all 1
energy source equivalent value
amount of primary energy converted from the energy consumed to produce secondary energy in unit quantity or various kinds of energy consumed by energy-consumed medium, expressed in standard coal
energy consumption unit
energy consuming unit with a defined boundary
comprehensive energy consumption
sum of all kinds of energy actually consumed in the production of a certain product or the provision of a certain service during the statistical reporting period, which are converted according to the required calculation methods and units
Note to entry 1: For manufacturers, comprehensive energy consumption refers to the total energy consumption of the primary production system, subsidiary production system and auxiliary production system within the statistical reporting period.
Note to entry 2: The units of comprehensive energy consumption are usually gce, kgce and tce.
comprehensive energy consumption for unit output value
ratio of comprehensive energy consumption to the gross output value or added value (comparable value) of energy consumption unit within the statistical reporting period
Note to entry: The units of comprehensive energy consumption for unit output value are usually kgce/CNY x 104, tce/CNY x 104, etc.
comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product
ratio of the comprehensive energy consumption to the output (operational quantity, work quantity, and service quantity) of the qualified product within the statistical reporting period
Note to entry 1: Products refer to qualified final products or intermediate products.
Note to entry 2: The concept of comprehensive energy consumption per unit operational quantity of energy consumption units that take the operational quantity of raw materials processing as the energy consumption assessment object is also included in this definition.
Note to entry 3: The unit of comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product, according to different dimensions of product output (operational quantity, work quantity, and service quantity), may include: kgce/kg, kgce/m3, etc.
comparable comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product
comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product calculated by correcting the main factors affecting the energy consumption of the product in order to realize the comparability of the comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product of the same product in the same industry
Note to entry: The unit of comparable comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product, according to different dimensions of product output (operational quantity, work quantity, and service quantity), may include: kgce/kg, kgce/m3, etc.
standard coal coefficient
quantity of standard coal converted from the physical quantity of energy unit or that of energy consumed by the energy-consumed medium of production unit
Note to entry: According to different physical quantities of energy, the unit of standard coal coefficient may include: kgce/kg, kgce/m3, kgce/(kW·h), kgce/MJ, etc.
4 Calculation principles
4.1 Compliance. The types of energy included in the comprehensive energy consumption calculation shall meet the requirements of national energy statistics.
4.2 Integrity. Comprehensive energy consumption calculation shall include all energy and energy-consumed medium actually consumed in the production process, and shall not be omitted or recalculated.
4.3 Accuracy. The calculation of comprehensive energy consumption shall accurately reflect the real, measurable and verifiable energy consumption of energy consumption units.
4.4 Consistency. In case of calculating the comprehensive energy consumption within the statistical reporting period, the boundary division, calculation methods, etc. shall be consistent.
5 Boundary division
5.1 The appropriate calculation boundary shall be specified according to the relevant laws, regulations and standards. For the purpose and actual situation of the comprehensive energy consumption calculation, the boundary may be the whole energy consumption unit, or a secondary energy consumption unit, or its components.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Calculation principles 5 Boundary division 6 Calculation scope 7 Calculation methods 8 Requirements for converting into standard coal Annex A (Informative) Standard coal coefficient (reference value) of various kinds of energy Annex B (Informative) Standard coal coefficient (reference value) of main energy-consumed medium (calculated by energy source equivalent value)
ICS 27.010 F 01 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 2589—2020 代替GB/T 2589—2008 综合能耗计算通则 General rules for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption 2020-09-29发布 2021-04-01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本标准代替GB/T 2589—2008《综合能耗计算通则》,与GB/T 2589—2008相比,主要技术变化如下: ——对“能量的当量值”“能源的等价值”“综合能耗”“单位产值综合能耗”“单位产品综合能耗”定义进行了修改(见3.2,3.3,3.5~3.8,2008年版的3.2,3.3,3.5~3.8),增加了定义“折标准煤系数”(见3.9); ——增加了“边界划分”(见第5章); ——将“综合能耗计算的能源种类和范围”进行了修改,分别纳入“计算原则”和“计算范围”(见第4章和第6章,2008年版的第4章); ——修改“各种能源折算标准煤原则”为“折算为标准煤的要求”(见第8章,2008年版的第6章); ——修改了附录A和附录B(见附录A和附录B,2008年版的附录A和附录B)。 本标准由全国能源基础与管理标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 20)提出并归口。 本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: ——GB/T 2589—1981、GB/T 2589—1990、GB/T 2589—2008。 综合能耗计算通则 1 范围 本标准规定了综合能耗计算原则、边界划分、计算范围、计算方法以及折算为标准煤的要求。 本标准适用于用能单位(含次级用能单位或其组成部分)的能源消耗指标的计算。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 3102.4热学的量和单位 GB/T 3484企业能量平衡通则 GB 17167用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理通则 GB/T 28749企业能量平衡网络图绘制方法 GB/T 28751企业能量平衡表编制方法 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 耗能工质 energy-consumed medium 在生产过程中所消耗的不作为原料使用、也不进入产品,在生产或制取时需要直接消耗能源的工作物质。 3.2 能量的当量值energy calorific value 当量值 energy calorific value 不同形式的能量相互转换时的相当量。按照能量的法定计量单位焦耳,热能、电能、机械能等不同形式的能量,其相互之间的换算系数均为1。 3.3 能源的等价值energy source equivalent value 等价值 energy source equivalent value 生产单位量的二次能源或耗能工质所消耗的各种能源折算成一次能源的数量,以标准煤表示。 3.4 用能单位 energy consumption unit 具有确定边界的耗能单位。 3.5 综合能耗 comprehensive energy consumption 在统计报告期内生产某种产品或提供某种服务实际消耗的各种能源实物量,按规定的计算方法和单位分别折算后的总和。 注1:对生产企业,综合能耗是指统计报告期内,主要生产系统、辅助生产系统和附属生产系统的能耗总和。 注2:综合能耗的单位通常为:克标准煤(gce)、千克标准煤(kgce)和吨标准煤(tce)等。 3.6 单位产值综合能耗 comprehensive energy consumption for unit output value 统计报告期内,综合能耗与用能单位总产值或增加值(可比价)的比值。 注:单位产值综合能耗单位通常为:千克标准煤每万元(kgce/万元)、吨标准煤每万元(tce/万元)等。 3.7 单位产品综合能耗 comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product 统计报告期内,综合能耗与合格产品产量(作业量、工作量、服务量)的比值。 注1:产品是指合格的最终产品或中间产品。 注2:对以原料加工等作业量为能耗考核对象的用能单位,其单位作业量综合能耗的概念也包括在本定义之内。 注3:单位产品综合能耗单位根据产品产量(作业量、工作量、服务量)量纲不同可包括:千克标准煤每千克(kgce/kg)、千克标准煤每立方米(kgce/m3)等。 3.8 单位产品可比综合能耗comparable comprehensive energy consumption for unit output of product 为在同行业中实现相同产品的单位产品综合能耗可比,对影响产品能耗的主要因素加以修正所计算出来的单位产品综合能耗。 注:单位产品可比综合能耗单位根据产品产量(作业量、工作量、服务量)量纲不同可包括:千克标准煤每千克(kgce/kg)、千克标准煤每立方米(kgce/m3)等。 3.9 折标准煤系数standard coal coefficient 折标系数 standard coal coefficient 能源单位实物量或者生产单位耗能工质所消耗能源的实物量,折算为标准煤的数量。 注:按照能源实物量不同,折标准煤系数的单位可包括:千克标准煤每千克(kgce/kg)、千克标准煤每立方米(kgce/m3)、千克标准煤每千瓦时[kgce/(kW·h)]、千克标准煤每兆焦(kgce/MJ)等。 4计算原则 4.1 合规性。综合能耗计算包括的能源种类等应符合国家能源统计等要求。 4.2完整性。综合能耗计算应包括生产过程中实际消耗的全部能源和耗能工质,不得漏计、重计。 4.3 准确性。综合能耗的计算应准确反映用能单位真实的、可计量和可核查的能源消耗量。 4.4一致性。在统计报告期内计算综合能耗时,边界划分、计算方法等应保持一致。 5边界划分 5.1 应依据相关法律、法规和标准划定合适的计算边界。针对综合能耗计算的目的和实际情况,边界可以是用能单位的整体,或者是次级用能单位,也可以是其组成部分。 5.2边界划分可采用不同形式,选择其中一种确定综合能耗计算的边界。边界一经确定,在综合能耗计算过程中不应改变。边界划分示意图见图1。 示例1:基于生产系统进行划分,边界内包括主要生产系统、辅助生产系统和附属生产系统,如图1 a)所示。 示例2:基于地理位置进行划分,边界内包括该地理位置所有建筑物内的用能系统、设施和设备,如图1 b)所示。 示例3:根据组织机构隶属关系进行划分,边界内包括所有组织机构隶属部门内的用能系统、设施和设备,如图1 c)所示。