1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to implementing the national technical and economic policies, rationally using resources and saving energy, protecting environment, promoting application of advanced technologies, and ensuring healthy and comfortable working and living environment during design for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of constructed, renovated and extended civil buildings, not applicable to the design for the buildings and temporary buildings with special purposes or special purification and protection requirements.
1.0.3 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning design scheme shall be determined through economic and technical comparison according to service, function, application requirements, cooling/heating load features, environmental conditions and energy status of buildings, in combination with the national policies and guidelines with regard to safety, energy saving, environmental protection and hygiene. New technology, new process, new equipment and new material shall be adopted in priority during design.
1.0.4 Safety protection measures must be taken for the equipment and pipelines that may endanger human body during design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
1.0.5 Spaces necessary for installation, operation and maintenance of equipment, pipelines and accessories shall be provided during design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning system or holes for installation and maintenance shall be reserved during building design. Transportation and hoisting conditions shall be provided or transport channels and hoisting facilities shall be arranged for large equipment and pipelines.
1.0.6 During design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, shockproof or other protective measures shall be taken into consideration according to the current national seismic fortification grade requirements.
1.0.7 Construction, debugging and acceptance requirements shall be taken into consideration for the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Where there are special requirements in the design for construction, debugging and acceptance, they shall be stated in the design document.
1.0.8 Design for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings shall not only meet the requirements of this code but also comply with those stipulated in the current relevant ones of the nation.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Predicted mean vote (PMV)
PMV is one comprehensive evaluation index determined basing on the fundamental equation of thermal balance of human body and the grade of subjective thermal sensation in physiological psychology, in consideration of many relevant factors of the thermal comfort of human body. PMV means the average index number of votes of groups for 7 (+3~3) thermal sensation grades.
2.0.2 Predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD)
PPD index is the predicted average vote value of the groups in this thermal environment against the thermal environment. PPD index can be used to predict the percentage of people feeling too warm or too cool "according to votes on hot (+3), warm (+2), cool (-2) or cold (-3) among 7 thermal sensation grades".
2.0.3 Heating
A generic term for technology, equipment and service to manually supply heat to the room for keeping required living or working temperature by consuming certain energy. Heating system mainly consists of heating medium preparation (heating source), heating medium conveying and heating medium utilization (heat sink device).
2.0.4 Central heating
The heating system, also called central heating system, for supplying heat to several heat users from heating source, where heating source and heat sink device are arranged respectively and heating medium pipelines are connected.
2.0.5 Standby heating
The heating arranged for keeping the required minimum room temperature in the buildings during non-operating time or service interruption time.
2.0.6 Capillary mat radiant system
A kind of hot water radiant heating and cooling system whose radiant terminal is made of small pipe, machined into parallel mat, and directly laid on the floor, ceiling or wall surface.
2.0.7 Heat settlement site
The site where the heat supplier and the heat user make a trade settlement directly through the calorie value measured by the heat meter.
2.0.8 Displacement ventilation
A kind of mechanical ventilation mode in which low-velocity air with small temperature difference is sent to the lower part of personnel activity area and then lifts hot and turbid air to the top for exhaust under the combined action of air supply and updraft formed by indoor heating sources.
2.0.9 Hybrid ventilation system
The ventilation system with alternate or combined operation of natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation, provided that thermal comfort and indoor air quality are satisfied.
2.0.10 Air-conditioned zone
The air conditioning zone that keeps the air parameters within the setting range.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Indoor Air Design Conditions 4 Outdoor Design Conditions 4.1 Outdoor Air Design Conditions 4.2 Solar Irradiance in Summer 5 Heating 5.1 General Requirement 5.2 Heating Load Calculation 5.3 Radiator Heating 5.4 Hot Water Radiant Heating 5.5 Electric Heating 5.6 Gas-fired Infrared Heating 5.7 Unitary Gas Furnace Heating & Unitary Air Source Heat Pump Heating 5.8 Warm Air Curtain 5.9 Heating Pipeline Design and Hydraulic Calculation 5.10 Heat Metering and Temperature Control 6 Ventilation 6.1 General Requirement 6.2 Natural Ventilation 6.3 Mechanical Ventilation 6.4 Hybrid Ventilation 6.5 Equipment Selection and Layout 6.6 Duct Design 7 Air Conditioning 7.1 General Requirement 7.2 Cooling Load Calculation 7.3 Air Conditioning System 7.4 Space Air Diffusion 7.5 Air Handling 8 Heating & Cooling Source 8.1 General Requirement 8.2 Compression-type Water Chiller 8.3 Heat Pump 8.4 Lithium-bromide Absorption-type Water Chiller 8.5 Hot & Chilled Water System and Condensed Water System 8.6 Cooling Water System 8.7 Cold Storage and Thermal Storage 8.8 District Cooling 8.9 Combined Cool, Heat and Power 8.10 Chiller Plant Room 8.11 Boilers Room and Heat Transfer Machine Room 9 Monitor & Control 9.1 General Requirement 9.2 Transducer and Actuator 9.3 Monitor and Control of Heating and Ventilation System 9.4 Monitor and Control of Air Conditioning System 9.5 Monitor and Control of Heating & Cooling Source and Water System of Air Conditioning System 10 Noise Reduction and Vibration Isolation 10.1 General Requirement 10.2 Noise Reduction and Sound Insulation 10.3 Vibration Isolation 11 Heating Insulation and Corrosion Prevention 11.1 Heating Insulation 11.2 Corrosion Prevention Appendix A Outdoor Air Design Conditions Appendix B Simplified Statistic Methods for Outdoor Air Design Temperature Appendix C Global Solar Irradiance for Summer Appendix D Solar Irradiance Through Standard Window Glass for Summer Appendix E Distribution Map of Atmospheric Transparency for Summer Air Conditioning Appendix F Heat Loss for Heating Cold Air Infiltrated through Gaps of Doors and Windows Appendix G Orientation Correction Factor for Cold Air Infiltration Appendix H Calculation Coefficients for Simplified Calculation Method of Summer Air-conditioning Cooling Load Appendix J Capacity of Ice Storage Equipment and Standard Rating of Duplex Refrigerating Machine Appendix K Selection Table for Minimum Insulation Thickness of Equipment and Pipeline and Anti-condensation Thickness of Condensate Pipe Explanation of Wording in this Code List of Quoted Standards