is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
All technical contents of this part are compulsory.
GB 15322 consists of the following parts under the general title Combustible gas detectors:
——Part 1: Point-type combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use;
——Part 2: Household combustible gas detectors;
——Part 3: Portable combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use;
——Part 4: Line-type optical beam combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use.
This is Part 1 of GB 15322.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB 15322.1-2003 Combustible gas detectors - Part 1: Point type detectors for 0~100% LEL combustible gas and GB 15322.4-2003 Combustible gas detectors - Part 4: Point type detectors for combustible man-made gas. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 15322.1-2003 and GB 15322.4-2003:
——The contents of GB 15322.1-2003 and GB 15322.4-2003 are merged into one part;
——According to the measurement range, the detectors are classified into three types: detectors with a measurement range between 3%LEL and 100%LEL, detectors with a measurement range below 3%LEL, and detectors with a measurement range above 100%LEL. According to the working mode, the detectors are classified into two types: system type detectors and alarm type detectors. According to the sampling method, the detectors are classified into three types: diffusion detectors, aspiration detectors and optical fiber sensing detectors (see Clause 3; Clause 4 of GB 15322.1-2003 and that of GB 15322.4-2003).
——The requirements for alarm operation values of detectors under various test conditions are revised (see Clause 4; Clause 5 of GB 15322.1-2003 and that of GB 15322.4-2003).
——The sampling airflow variation test is added for aspiration detectors (see 4.3.8).
——The line transmission performance test and detector interchangeability test are added for system type detectors (see 4.3.9 and 4.3.10).
——The surge immunity test and immunity test for conducted disturbance induced by radio-frequency field are added to the electromagnetic compatibility test items (see 4.3.14).
——The poison resistance test is added (see 4.3.18).
——The low concentration operation test is added (see 4.3.20).
This part was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China.
The previous editions of this parts are as follows:
——GB 15322-1994;
——GB 15322.1-2003;
——GB 15322.4-2003.
Combustible gas detectors - Part 1: Point-type combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use
1 Scope
This part of GB 15322 specifies the classification, requirements, tests, test rules and markings of point-type combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use.
This part is applicable to point-type combustible gas detectors (hereinafter referred to as "detectors") which are installed and used in industrial and commercial places to detect hydrocarbons, ethers, esters, alcohols, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other combustible gases and vapors. This part is also applicable to detectors with special performance used in industrial and commercial places, except that special requirements shall be required separately by relevant standards.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 3836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment - General requirements
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB 12978 Rules for test of fire electronic products
GB/T 16838 Environmental test methods and severities for fire electronic products
GB/T 17626.2-2018 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
GB/T 17626.3-2016 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17626.4-2018 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB/T 17626.5-2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
GB/T 17626.6-2017 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
3 Classification
3.1 By measurement range:
a) Detectors with a measurement range between 3%LEL and 100%LEL;
b) Detectors with a measurement range below 3%LEL (including detectors detecting carbon monoxide);
c) Detectors with a measurement range above 100%LEL.
Note: The lower explosion limit (LEL) is the lowest explosion concentration of combustible gas or vapor in air.
3.2 By working mode:
a) System type detectors;
b) Alarm type detectors.
3.3 By sampling method:
a) Diffusion detectors;
b) Aspiration detectors;
c) Optical fiber sensing detectors.
3.4 By the service environment:
a) Indoor detectors;
b) Outdoor detectors.
4 Requirements
4.1 General
The detectors shall meet the relevant requirements of Clause 4, and shall be tested in accordance with Clause 5 to confirm whether the detectors meet the requirements of Clause 4.
4.2 Appearance requirements
4.2.1 The detectors shall be provided with the complete package when they are delivered, and the package shall contain the quality certificate and the instructions for use.
4.2.2 The detectors shall be free from corrosion, coating peeling, blistering, obvious mechanical damage such as scratches, cracks, burrs, etc., on their surfaces, and free from looseness in fastening parts.
4.3 Performance
4.3.1 General requirements The operation under energized conditions such as zeroing, calibrating and changing parameters of the detector shall not change the integrity of its housing. The system type detectors shall be powered by DC voltage of 36V and below, and the alarm type detectors shall be powered by AC voltage of 220V. The detectors powered by DC voltage shall be protected against polarity reverse connection. The diffusion detectors and the aspiration detectors shall have independent indicating lights to indicate their normal monitoring, fault and alarm operating state respectively. If the field detection components of the optical fiber sensing detector do not have independent operating state indicating lights, the control and indication equipment connected with them shall have independent indicating lights to indicate their operating state, where the green indicates normal monitoring state, the yellow indicates fault state and the red indicates alarm state respectively. The lower limit and higher limit alarm state indications shall be clearly distinguished. The indicating lights shall have their functions noted in Chinese. Under 5lx~500lx illumination and at 5m in front of the detector, the indicator light shall be clearly visible.
Note: Normal monitoring state refers to that the detector operates normally in an energized state, without alarm signal or fault signal. When the concentration of combustible gas in the monitored area reaches the alarm set point, the detector shall be able to send out an alarm signal. Then the detector is put in a normal environment, and it shall be able to automatically (or manually) return to the normal monitoring state within 30s. The alarm type detectors shall have an alarm output interface. The type and capacity of the alarm output interface shall match with those of the adapting products or executive components specified by the manufacturer, and shall be indicated in the instructions for use. If the alarm output interface of the detector has a delay function, the maximum delay time shall not exceed 30s. The system type detectors shall be able to output signals corresponding to their concentration measured and the operating state. Information such as signal types and parameters shall be indicated in the instructions for use. The alarm type detectors have a concentration display function. Under 5lx~500lx illumination and at 1m in front of the detector, the displayed information shall be clearly visible. The range and alarm set point of detectors are specified as follows:
a) For detectors with a measurement range between 3%LEL~100%LEL, the upper range limit shall be 100%LEL, the lower limit alarm set point shall be in the range of 5%LEL~25%LEL, and if there is a high limit alarm set point, it shall be 50%LEL. If the lower limit alarm set point is adjustable, it shall be adjustable in the range of 5%LEL~25%LEL.
b) For detectors detecting carbon monoxide, the lower limit alarm set point shall be in the range of 150×10-6 (volume fraction)~300×10-6 (volume fraction), and if there is a high limit alarm set point, it shall be 500×10-6 (volume fraction). If the low limit alarm set point is adjustable, it shall be adjustable in the range of 150×10-6 (volume fraction)~300×10-6 (volume fraction).
c) For detectors with a measurement range below 3%LEL and those with a measurement range above 100%LEL, their range and alarm set point shall be specified by the manufacturer.
d) Parameters such as range and alarm set point shall be indicated in the instructions for use of the detector. When a detector uses a plug-in gas sensor, it shall be protected against structural detachment. When the gas sensor is detached, the detector shall be able to send out a fault signal within 30s. When the sampling pipeline of an aspiration detector is blocked or broken, the detector shall be able to send out a fault signal and indicate the fault type. The detectors shall be of explosion-proof type meeting the requirements of GB 3836.1-2010. The model preparation of detectors shall be in accordance with those specified in Annex A. The instructions for use of detectors shall meet the relevant requirements of GB/T 9969, indicating the service life of the gas sensor.
Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Classification 4 Requirements 4.1 General 4.2 Appearance requirements 4.3 Performance 4.4 Response performance for detecting gases other than methane, propane and carbon monoxide 5 Tests 5.1 Test outline 5.2 Basic performance test 5.3 Alarm operation value test 5.4 Range indication deviation test 5.5 Response time test 5.6 Orientation test 5.7 Alarm repeatability test 5.8 High speed airflow test 5.9 Sampling airflow variation test (only applicable to aspirated specimens) 5.10 Line transmission performance test (only applicable to systematic specimens) 5.11 Detector interchangeability test (only applicable to systematic specimens) 5.12 Voltage fluctuation test 5.13 Insulation resistance test 5.14 Electrical strength test 5.15 Electrostatic discharge immunity test 5.16 Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test 5.17 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test 5.18 Surge (impact) immunity test 5.19 Immunity test for conducted disturbance induced by radio-frequency field 5.20 High temperature (operation) test 5.21 Low temperature (operation) test 5.22 Steady-state damp-heat (operation) test 5.23 Vibration (sinusoidal) (operation) test 5.24 Vibration (sinusoidal) (durability) test 5.25 Drop test 5.26 Gas interference resistance test (not applicable to the specimens with a measurement range below 3%LEL) 5.27 Poison resistance test 5.28 High-concentration gas impact resistance test 5.29 Low concentration operation test 5.30 Long-term stability test 6 Inspection rules 6.1 End-of-manufacturing inspection 6.2 Type inspection 7 Marking 7.1 General 7.2 Product marking 7.3 Quality inspection marking Annex A (Normative) Product model preparation of detectors Annex B (Normative) Test equipment for combustible gas detectors
可燃气体探测器 第1部分:工业及商业用途点型可燃 气体探测器 1 范围 GB 15322的本部分规定了工业及商业用途点型可燃气体探测器的分类、要求、试验、检验规则和标志。 本部分适用于工业及商业场所安装使用的用于探测烃类、醚类、酯类、醇类、一氧化碳、氢气及其他可燃性气体、蒸气的点型可燃气体探测器(以下简称“探测器”)。工业及商业场所中使用的具有特殊性能的点型可燃气体探测器,除特殊要求由有关标准另行规定外,亦可执行本部分。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 3836.1—2010 爆炸性环境 第1部分:设备 通用要求 GB/T 9969 工业产品使用说明书 总则 GB 12978 消防电子产品检验规则 GB/T 16838 消防电子产品 环境试验方法及严酷等级 GB/T 17626.2—2018 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 静电放电抗扰度试验 GB/T 17626.3—2016 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验 GB/T 17626.4—2018 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验 GB/T 17626.5—2008 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验 GB/T 17626.6—2017 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度 3 分类 3.1 按测量范围分为: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器; b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器(包括探测一氧化碳的探测器); c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器。 注:爆炸下限(LEL)为可燃气体或蒸气在空气中的最低爆炸浓度。 3.2 按工作方式分为: a) 系统式探测器; b) 独立式探测器。 3.3 按采样方式分为: a) 自由扩散式探测器; b) 吸气式探测器; c) 光纤传感式探测器。 3.4 按使用环境条件分为: a) 室内使用型探测器; b) 室外使用型探测器。 4 要求 4.1 总则 探测器应满足第4章的相关要求,并按第5 章的规定进行试验,以确认探测器对第4 章要求的符合性。 4.2 外观要求 4.2.1 探测器应具备产品出厂时的完整包装,包装中应包含质量检验合格标志和使用说明书。 4.2.2 探测器表面应无腐蚀、涂覆层脱落和起泡现象,无明显划伤、裂痕、毛刺等机械损伤,紧固部位无松动。 4.3 性能 4.3.1 一般要求 对探测器进行调零、标定、更改参数等通电条件下的操作不应改变其外壳的完整性。 系统式探测器应采用36V 及以下的直流电压供电,独立式探测器应采用220V 交流电压供电。采用直流电压供电的探测器应具有防止极性反接的保护措施。 自由扩散式和吸气式探测器应具有独立的工作状态指示灯,分别指示其正常监视、故障、报警工作状态。光纤传感式探测器的现场探测部件如不具备独立的工作状态指示灯,则与其连接的控制及指示设备应具有独立的工作状态指示灯,分别指示每个探测部件的工作状态。正常监视状态指示应为绿色,故障状态指示应为黄色,报警状态指示应为红色,低限和高限报警状态指示应能明确区分。指示灯应有中文功能注释。在5lx~500lx光照条件下、正前方5m 处,指示灯的状态应清晰可见。 注: 正常监视状态指探测器接通电源正常工作,且未发出报警信号或故障信号时的状态。 探测器在被监测区域内的可燃气体浓度达到报警设定值时,应能发出报警信号。再将探测器置于正常环境中,30s内应能自动(或手动)恢复到正常监视状态。 独立式探测器应具有报警输出接口。探测器的报警输出接口的类型和容量应与制造商规定的配接产品或执行部件相匹配,且应在使用说明书中注明。如探测器的报警输出接口具有延时功能,其最大延时时间不应超过30s。 系统式探测器应能够输出与其测量浓度和工作状态相对应的信号。信号的类型、参数等信息应在使用说明书中注明。 独立式探测器应具有浓度显示功能。在5lx~500lx光照条件下、正前方1m 处,显示信息应清晰可见。 探测器的量程和报警设定值应符合以下规定: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其量程上限应为100%LEL,低限报警设定值应在5%LEL~25%LEL 范围,如具有高限报警设定值,应为50%LEL。低限报警设定值如可调,应在5%LEL~25%LEL 范围内可调。 b) 探测一氧化碳的探测器,其低限报警设定值应在150×10-6(体积分数)~300×10-6(体积分数)范围,如具有高限报警设定值,应为500×10-6(体积分数)。低限报警设定值如可调,应在150×10-6(体积分数)~300×10-6(体积分数)范围内可调。 c) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器和测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器应由制造商规定其量程和报警设定值。 d) 探测器使用说明书中应注明量程和报警设定值等参数。 探测器采用插拔结构气体传感器时,应具有结构性的防脱落措施。气体传感器发生脱落时,探测器应能在30s内发出故障信号。 吸气式探测器的采样管路发生堵塞或破漏时,探测器应能发出故障信号并指示出故障类型。 探测器应采用满足GB 3836.1—2010要求的防爆型式。 探测器的型号编制应符合附录A 的规定。 探测器使用说明书应满足GB/T 9969的相关要求,并应注明气体传感器的使用期限。 4.3.2 报警动作值 在本部分规定的试验项目中,测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值不应低于5%LEL,探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值不应低于50×10-6(体积分数)。 探测器的报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程和50×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于50×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程。 4.3.3 量程指示偏差 在探测器量程内选取若干试验点作为基准值,使被监测区域内的可燃气体浓度分别达到对应的基准值。探测器的显示值与基准值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其试验点上的可燃气体浓度显示值与基准值之差的绝对值不应大于5%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其试验点上的可燃气体浓度显示值与基准值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程和80×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其浓度显示值与基准值之差的绝对值不应大于80×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其试验点上的可燃气体浓度显示值与基准值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程。 4.3.4 响应时间 向探测器通入流量为500mL/min,浓度为满量程的60%的试验气体,保持60s,记录探测器的显示值作为基准值。显示值达到基准值的90%所需的时间为探测器的响应时间。探测一氧化碳的探测器的响应时间不应大于60s,其他气体探测器的响应时间不应大于30s。 4.3.5 方位 探测器在制造商规定的安装平面内顺时针旋转,每次旋转45°,分别测量探测器的报警动作值,报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程和50×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于50×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程。 4.3.6 报警重复性 对同一只探测器重复测量报警动作值6次,报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程和50×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于50×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程。 4.3.7 高速气流 在试验气流速率为6m/s±0.2m/s的条件下,测量探测器的报警动作值,报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程和80×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于80×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程。 4.3.8 采样气流变化(仅适用于吸气式探测器) 使探测器在下述采样气流条件下工作,测量探测器的报警动作值: a) 如探测器的采样流量可调,将采样流量分别调至最大和最小流量; b) 如探测器的采样流量不可调,使采样流量为正常流量的50%。 探测器的报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程和80×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于80×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于5%量程。 4.3.9 线路传输性能(仅适用于系统式探测器) 探测器和配接的可燃气体报警控制器之间的通信线路使用长度为1000 m、截面积为1 mm2 的多股铜导线连接,在可燃气体报警控制器满负载条件下测量探测器的报警动作值(总线制可燃气体报警控制器至少一个回路按设计容量连接真实负载,其他回路连接等效负载),报警动作值与报警设定值之差应满足以下要求: a) 测量范围在3%LEL~100%LEL 之间的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%LEL。 b) 测量范围在3%LEL 以下的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程和50×10-6(体积分数)之中的较大值。探测一氧化碳的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于50×10-6(体积分数)。 c) 测量范围在100%LEL 以上的探测器,其报警动作值与报警设定值之差的绝对值不应大于3%量程。