Anticorrosion lubricating grease for unbonded tendons
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of anticorrosion lubricating greases for unbonded tendons.
This standard is applicable to anticorrosion lubricating greases for unbonded tendons made of base oil thickened and deeply refined with fatty acid soap and added with additives, which are used at an ambient temperature of -40℃ ~ 70℃.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 264 Petroleum products - Determination of acid number
GB/T 269 Lubricating grease and petrolatum - Determination of cone penetration
GB/T 512 Determination of water content in lubricating greases
GB/T 514 Specification for liquid-in-glass thermometers for
testing of petroleum products
GB/T 1040.1 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 1: General principles
GB/T 1040.2 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics
GB/T 2361 Rust preventing oils and greases - Test method of wet heat
GB/T 4929 Lubricating grease - Determination of dropping point
GB/T 7325 Petroleum products - Lubricating greases and oils - Determination of evaporation loss
NB/SH/T 0324 Determination of oil separation of lubricating greases
SH/T 0081 Salt spray test for rustproof greases
SH 0164 Rules for packaging, storage, transportation and delivery of petroleum products
SH/T 0229 Sampling methods of solid and semisolid petroleum products
SH/T 0325 Determination of oxidation stability of lubricating greases
SH/T 0327 Lubricating grease - Determination of ash content
SH/T 0331 Corrosion test of lubricating greases
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
lubricating grease
stable semi-fluid to solid product formed by dispersing a thickener in a liquid lubricant, which can be added with additives and fillers intended to improve the relevant properties
worked cone penetration
depth of the standard cone penetrating the lubricating grease sample measured in the test that the grease sample is kept at a constant temperature of 25℃ and worked for 60 times in a standard lubricating grease instrument, and then the standard cone is dropped vertically for 5s, which is an index of lubricating grease consistency
Note: it is expressed in 0.1mm.
dropping point
temperature at which the lubricating grease drops first from the lubricating grease cup and reaches the bottom of the test tube in the specified standard conditions, which indicates the thermal stability of the lubricating grease
oil separation
mass percentage of liquid lubricant precipitated through the steel mesh from the lubricating grease in the specified standard conditions, which indicates the colloidal stability of the lubricating grease
water content
content of water in the lubricating grease, expressed in mass fraction
corrosion of the lubricating grease to the metal, which compliance is judged by the color change of the metal test piece when it is immersed in the lubricating grease in the specified standard conditions
evaporation loss
mass percentage of lubricating grease loss after evaporation in the specified standard conditions
performance at low-temperature
flexibility of the lubricating grease and adhesion ability to metal surfaces at low temperature
humid heat test
method for evaluating the anti-rust property of the lubricating grease on metals using a damp heat test chamber, which is described as: in the specified standard conditions, place the metal test piece coated with lubricating grease in a test chamber with the specified temperature and humidity, observe the corrosion of the test piece after placing it for a specified time, to judge the anti-rust property of the lubricating grease on the metal by the corrosion level of the test piece
salt-spray test
method for evaluating the anti-rust property of the lubricating grease on metals using a salt spray test chamber, which is described as: in the specified standard conditions, place the metal test piece coated with the lubricating grease in sodium chloride salt spray for a specified time, and then observe the corrosion of the test piece, to judge the anti-rust property of the grease on the metal by the corrosion level of the test piece
oxidation stability
ability of the lubricating grease to resist oxidation, which is represented by the oxygen pressure drop and the acid value after oxidation (oxidized in an oxygen atmosphere) of the lubricating grease in the specified standard conditions, indicating the chemical stability of the lubricating grease
property that the lubricating grease will not cause a significant change to the properties of the sheath material when the lubricating grease comes into contact with the sheath. It is determined by the oil absorption rate and tensile strength change rate of the test piece after the standard test piece of the sheath material is immersed in the lubricating grease sample at the specified temperature for a specified time. The index of compatibility between the lubricating grease and the sheath referred to in this standard is obtained according to the results the test with high density polyethylene
ash content
content (by mass percentage) of the inorganic matter obtained from the remaining residue calcined after the sample is burned in the specified standard conditions
ambient temperature
temperature of the surrounding environment when the anticorrosion lubricating grease for unbonded tendons plays an anti-corrosion role on tendons during the grease coating, plastic coating, packaging, transportation, storage and after tensioning of the unbonded tendons
4 Classification
By worked cone penetration, anticorrosion lubricating greases for unbonded tendons are classified into #1, #2 and #3.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification 5 Requirements 6 Test method 7 Inspection rules 8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage Annex A (Normative) Test method for performance at low temperature of lubricating greases Annex B (Normative) Test method for compatibility of lubricating grease and sheath
ICS 93.020 P 27 JG 中华人民共和国建筑工业行业标准 JG/T 430—2014 代替JG/T 3007—1993
无粘结预应力筋用防腐润滑脂 Anticorrosion lubricating grease for unbonded tendons