This standard specifies the methods for measurement of sizes and dimensions of main parts of garments.
This standard is applicable to the measurement of sizes and dimensions of main parts of garments. Garments of special styles shall be in accordance with relevant product standards.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 16160 Location and method of anthropometric surveys for garments
3 Instrument
Tapes or rulers with a minimum scale of 1 mm.
4 Measurement Process
4.1 Generally, the dimensions of finished product shall be measured by lighting with illuminance not less than 600 lx, if possible, with north sky light lighting.
4.2 The finished product shall be measured after laying flat, and buckle up the buttons (or close the zipper), skirt hooks and trousers hooks. For the finished product that cannot be spread, folding measurement, edge measurement and other methods may be used. For the finished product with the requirements of pulling size, it shall be measured by stretching to the maximum under the condition that the stitches are not damaged and the fabric is not deformed.
4.3 Use the measuring instrument specified in Clause 3 and make each measurement to the nearest 1 mm.
4.4 The location and method of anthropometric surveys for garments as specified in GB/T 16160.
5 Methods for Measuring of Dimensions
5.1 Top length
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Instrument 4 Measurement Process 5 Methods for Measuring of Dimensions Annex A (Informative) Other Methods for Measuring of Dimensions